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1 PACKAGE pay_events_wrapper AUTHID DEFINER AS
2 /* $Header: pyevtwrp.pkh 115.10 2003/07/08 05:41:58 exjones noship $ */
3 /*
4     +======================================================================+
5     |               Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation UK               |
6     |                    Thames Valley Park, Reading, UK                   |
7     |                        All rights reserved.                          |
8     +======================================================================+
9     File Name   : pyevtwrp.pkh
11     Description : A wrapper on top of the Payroll Events Model interpreter
12                   for use with the summarisation collection programs which
13                   are used to increase the performance of the Daily Business
14                   Intelligence portlet queries.
16     Change History
17     --------------
18     Name           Date        Version Bug     Text
19     -------------- ----------- ------- ------- -----------------------------
20     Ed Jones       31-May-2002 115.0           Initial (stub) version
21     Ed Jones       31-May-2002 115.1           Added dbdrv lines
22     Ed Jones       31-May-2002 115.2           Corrected invalid dbdrv lines
23     Ed Jones       14-Jun-2002 115.3           Replaced stubs with proper
24                                                code
25     Ed Jones       02-Jul-2002 115.4           Added refresh period start
26                                                and end dates to the
27                                                get_refresh_periods routine
28     Ed Jones       23-Jul-2002 115.5           Add debugging mode and allow
29                                                messages to be sent to conc.
30                                                manager log file
31     Ed Jones       12-Aug-2002 115.6           Add new exception for when no
32                                                supervisor changes are found
33     Ed Jones       27-Mar-2003 115.7   2870801 Changes to cater for date
34                                                track updates to supervisor
35                                                as well as corrections
36     Ed Jones       02-Jun-2003 115.8   2984406 Removed event group name as
37                                                a parameter to internal modules.
38 					       Global ID is used instead.
39     Ed Jones       07-Jul-2003 115.9           Move various cursors to be visible
40                                                at package level, for use by
41 					       diagnostics routines.
42 					       Made dt update SQL building function
43 					       accesible for this reason too.
44 				       3033981 Add element_entry_id as parameter
45 					       to get_event_details and to
46 					       assignment table type.
47     Ed Jones       07-Jul-2003 115.10          Remove 'show errors' for gscc
48     ========================================================================
49 */
50     --
51     -- < CONSTANTS > ---------------------------------------------------------
52     --
53     -- Global constant so that the supervisor_id which indicates
54     -- "all supervisors" can be referenced consistently
55     c_ALL_SUPERVISORS_ID    CONSTANT NUMBER(15)     := -1;
56     c_BLANK_LOCATION_ID     CONSTANT NUMBER(15)     := -1;
57     --
58     -- < CUSTOM TYPE DEFINITIONS > -------------------------------------------
59     --
60     -- Table of records to return the time periods, by supervisor, which need
61     -- refreshing
62     TYPE t_summary_refresh_tab_rec IS RECORD(
63         supervisor_id           per_all_assignments_f.supervisor_id%type,
64         effective_start_date    DATE,
65         effective_end_date      DATE,
66         location_id             per_all_assignments_f.location_id%type
67     );
68     TYPE t_summary_refresh_tab_type IS
69         TABLE OF t_summary_refresh_tab_rec
71     --
72     -- Simple table to record a list of assignment ID and effective dates
73     TYPE t_assignment_id_tab_rec IS RECORD(
74         assignment_id           per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE,
75 	element_entry_id        pay_element_entries_f.element_entry_id%TYPE,
76         effective_start_date    DATE,
77         effective_end_date      DATE
78     );
79     --
80     TYPE t_assignment_id_tab_type IS
81         TABLE OF t_assignment_id_tab_rec
83     --
84     -- < CURSORS > -----------------------------------------------------------
85     --
86     -- Return types for packaged cursors and references
87     TYPE csr_return IS RECORD (
88         assignment_or_supervisor_id    NUMBER(9),
89 	table_or_location_id           NUMBER(9),
90 	generic_surrogate_key          VARCHAR2(2000),
91 	effective_start_date           DATE,
92 	effective_end_date             DATE
93     );
94     TYPE csr_dyn_ref IS REF CURSOR;
95     --
96     CURSOR csr_inserts_deletes(p_evt IN NUMBER,p_st IN DATE,p_en IN DATE) RETURN csr_return;
97     CURSOR csr_dt_corrections(p_evt IN NUMBER,p_st IN DATE,p_en IN DATE) RETURN csr_return;
98     CURSOR csr_supv_corrections(cp_evt IN NUMBER,cp_st IN DATE,cp_en IN DATE,cp_str IN VARCHAR2) RETURN csr_return;
99     CURSOR csr_table_list(p_evt IN NUMBER) RETURN csr_return;
100     --
101     -- < EXCEPTIONS > --------------------------------------------------------
102     --
103     -- User defined exception to indicate various fatal errors
104     feature_not_supported           EXCEPTION;
105     mismatch_when_summarizing       EXCEPTION;
106     event_group_not_found           EXCEPTION;
107     no_assignments_supplied         EXCEPTION;
108     dated_table_cache_miss          EXCEPTION;
109     dated_table_cache_empty         EXCEPTION;
110     no_assignment_events_found      EXCEPTION;
111     missing_dates_in_all_record     EXCEPTION;
112     missing_dates_for_specific      EXCEPTION;
113     no_supervisor_corrections       EXCEPTION;
114     --
115     -- < MAIN TOP LEVEL PROCEDURE > -------------------------------------------
116     --
117     -- This is the procedure that normal developers should call.
118     -- =========================================================
119     -- Pass in the event group name, the start and end date of the desired
120     -- refresh period (in real-time, not effective dates, e.g. the date the
121     -- last refresh was run and the current system date)
122     --
123     -- It will pass back a list of supervisors and the date range across which
124     -- each of those supervisors should be refreshed.
125     --
126     -- If there is a record passed back with a supervisor_id set to
127     -- c_ALL_SUPERVISORS_ID then you should refresh your summary for all
128     -- supervisors between the dates specified in that record.
129     --
130     -- A record like this will be passed back when some event occurrs on a
131     -- table from which we cannot get back to a supervisor_id, e.g. the
132     -- Workforce Measurement Value base metric (or whatever it's called these
133     -- days), and it indicates that something's happened in this date range
134     -- which affects the summary data values for all supervisors.
135     --
136     -- You can safely run through all records and process them discretely
137     -- since any overlaps of specific supervisors with this "refresh all"
138     -- time period will be removed before the summary refresh details are
139     -- passed back.
140     PROCEDURE get_summaries_affected(
141         p_event_group     IN     VARCHAR2,
142         p_start_date      IN     DATE,
143         p_end_date        IN     DATE,
144         p_summary_refresh IN OUT NOCOPY t_summary_refresh_tab_type,
145         p_location_stripe IN     BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
146         p_raise_no_data   IN     BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
147     );
148     --
149     -- < FUNCTIONS > ---------------------------------------------------------
150     --
151     -- Return the "all supervisors" id, for use in SQL statements
152     FUNCTION all_supervisors_id RETURN NUMBER;
153     PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(all_supervisors_id,WNDS,RNDS);
154     --
155     -- Return the "blank location" id, for use in SQL statements
156     FUNCTION blank_location_id RETURN NUMBER;
157     PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(blank_location_id,WNDS,RNDS);
158     --
159     -- Get the event group ID based on its name
160     FUNCTION get_event_group_id(p_event_group_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
161     --
162     -- Return the ID of the element entries table
163     FUNCTION get_element_entry_table_id RETURN NUMBER;
164     --
165     -- Build the SQL statement to get date track update information
166     FUNCTION build_csr_dt_updates(p_dtid IN NUMBER,p_dtname IN VARCHAR2,p_eeid IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
167     --
168     -- Initialise the event group cache
169     PROCEDURE init_event_group_cache(p_event_group_name IN VARCHAR2);
170     --
171     -- Get the elapsed time of the last run, in seconds to the nearest 100th
172     FUNCTION get_elapsed_time RETURN NUMBER;
173     FUNCTION get_elapsed_time_text RETURN VARCHAR2;
174     --
175     -- Functions to simplify looping over the last returned table of refresh records
176     FUNCTION next_record RETURN BOOLEAN;
177     FUNCTION current_record RETURN NUMBER;
178     --
179     -- < PROCEDURES > --------------------------------------------------------
180     --
181     -- Switch on or off client debugging.
182     -- !! Stubbed out, since client debugging (i.e. dbms_output) isn't allowed !!
183     PROCEDURE set_client_debugging(p_on IN BOOLEAN);
184     --
185     -- Replacement for the above - allow logging to concurrent manager log
186     -- files (else hr_utility.trace) and switch debugging messages on
187     PROCEDURE set_concurrent_logging(p_on IN BOOLEAN);
188     PROCEDURE set_debugging(p_on IN BOOLEAN);
189     --
190     -- Write out a message, either by fnd_file.put_line, or hr_utility.trace
191     -- depending on what's passed to set_concurrent_logging, dbg only writes
192     -- a message if you've passed TRUE to set_debugging
193     PROCEDURE msg(p_text IN VARCHAR2);
194     PROCEDURE dbg(p_text IN VARCHAR2);
195     --
196     -- Get a list of the assignments that have events recorded for them.
197     -- * See note 1
198     PROCEDURE get_assignments_affected(
199         p_start_date        IN      DATE,
200         p_end_date          IN      DATE,
201         p_assignments       IN OUT NOCOPY t_assignment_id_tab_type
202     );
203     --
204     -- Get the refresh summary data based on a list of assignment IDs
205     -- * See note 1
206     PROCEDURE get_refresh_periods(
207         p_assignments       IN OUT NOCOPY t_assignment_id_tab_type,
208         p_summary_refresh   IN OUT NOCOPY t_summary_refresh_tab_type,
209         p_start_date        IN      DATE,
210         p_end_date          IN      DATE,
211         p_location_stripe   IN      BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
212     );
213     --
214     -- Remove specific supervisor refresh records (or the portions of them)
215     -- that overlap the "all" refresh period
216     -- * See note 1
217     PROCEDURE de_dupe_refresh_periods(
218         p_summary_refresh_temp  IN OUT NOCOPY t_summary_refresh_tab_type,
219         p_summary_refresh       IN OUT NOCOPY t_summary_refresh_tab_type,
220         p_all_supv              IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
221         p_out_num               IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
222         p_all_start             IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
223         p_all_end               IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
224         p_want_location         IN     BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
225     );
226     --
227     -- Get the payroll event details based on an assignment ID
228     -- * See note 1
229     PROCEDURE get_event_details(
230         p_start_date        IN      DATE,
231         p_end_date          IN      DATE,
232         p_assignment_id     IN      NUMBER,
233 	p_element_entry_id  IN      NUMBER,
234         p_detailed_output   IN OUT  NOCOPY pay_interpreter_pkg.t_detailed_output_table_type,
235         p_proration_dates   IN OUT  NOCOPY pay_interpreter_pkg.t_proration_dates_table_type
236     );
237     --
241         p_detailed_output   IN      pay_interpreter_pkg.t_detailed_output_table_type,
238     -- Process the detailed information that get_event_details returned
239     -- * See note 1
240     PROCEDURE process_event_details(
242         p_proration_dates   IN      pay_interpreter_pkg.t_proration_dates_table_type,
243         p_summary_refresh   IN OUT  NOCOPY t_summary_refresh_tab_type,
244         p_location_stripe   IN      BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
245     );
246     --
247     -- < NOTES > -------------------------------------------------------------
248     --
249     -- Note 1:
250     -- These are really a internal procedures and shouldn't be called by a
251     -- normal developer. They're exposed here for debugging purposes and in
252     -- case anyone needs to get more detailed information about the events
253     --
254 END pay_events_wrapper;