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APPS.IGS_AD_IMP_006 dependencies on IGS_AD_EMP_DTL_PKG

Line 519: --signature of Igs_Ad_Emp_Dtl_Pkg is changed and columns branch,military rank,served,station are obsoleted

515: -- Validate the values of PERSON_EMP_REC.
516: validate_emp_dtls(PERSON_EMP_REC,l_employer_party_id,l_error_code);
518: IF l_error_code IS NULL THEN
519: --signature of Igs_Ad_Emp_Dtl_Pkg is changed and columns branch,military rank,served,station are obsoleted
520: Igs_Ad_Emp_Dtl_Pkg.INSERT_ROW (
521: X_ROWID => l_RowId,
522: x_employment_history_id => l_Employment_History_Id,
523: x_PERSON_ID => PERSON_EMP_REC.person_id,

Line 520: Igs_Ad_Emp_Dtl_Pkg.INSERT_ROW (

516: validate_emp_dtls(PERSON_EMP_REC,l_employer_party_id,l_error_code);
518: IF l_error_code IS NULL THEN
519: --signature of Igs_Ad_Emp_Dtl_Pkg is changed and columns branch,military rank,served,station are obsoleted
520: Igs_Ad_Emp_Dtl_Pkg.INSERT_ROW (
521: X_ROWID => l_RowId,
522: x_employment_history_id => l_Employment_History_Id,
523: x_PERSON_ID => PERSON_EMP_REC.person_id,
524: x_START_DT => PERSON_EMP_REC.Start_Date,

Line 760: igs_ad_emp_dtl_pkg.update_row (

756: BEGIN
757: -- Validate the values of person_emp_rec.
758: validate_emp_dtls(PERSON_EMP_REC,l_employer_party_id,l_error_code);
759: IF l_error_code IS NULL THEN -- nsidana Bug 3541735 : Corrected the check from not null --> null.
760: igs_ad_emp_dtl_pkg.update_row (
761: x_rowid => dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.row_id,
762: x_employment_history_id => dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.employment_history_id,
763: x_person_id => NVL(person_emp_rec.person_id,dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.person_id),
764: x_start_dt => NVL(person_emp_rec.start_date,dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.start_dt),

Line 863: igs_ad_emp_dtl_pkg.update_row (

859: BEGIN
860: -- Validate the values of person_emp_rec.
861: validate_emp_dtls(PERSON_EMP_REC,l_employer_party_id,l_error_code);
862: IF l_error_code IS NULL THEN -- nsidana Bug 3541735 : Corrected the check from not null --> null.
863: igs_ad_emp_dtl_pkg.update_row (
864: x_rowid => dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.row_id,
865: x_employment_history_id => dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.employment_history_id,
866: x_person_id => NVL(person_emp_rec.person_id,dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.person_id),
867: x_start_dt => NVL(person_emp_rec.start_date,dup_emp_dtlsc_rec.start_dt),