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Line 591: -- must be obtained from CST_QUANTITY_LAYERS at the cost group level.

587: -- cost_type_id(+) = 1 filter condition instead of using just the
588: -- nvl (cost_type_id, 1) = 1 condition.
589: --
590: -- For layered costing organization, the item cost
591: -- must be obtained from CST_QUANTITY_LAYERS at the cost group level.
592: --
593: --
594: -- Due to presence of expense items and the fact that CQL only has
595: -- records for items in layered costing organizations, the joins to

Line 773: cst_quantity_layers cql,

769: mtl_system_items_b msi,
770: eni_oltp_item_star items,
771: mtl_parameters mp,
772: cst_item_costs cic,
773: cst_quantity_layers cql,
774: mtl_secondary_inventories subs
775: WHERE exp_qty.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
776: AND exp_qty.organization_id = msi.organization_id
777: AND exp_qty.inventory_item_id = items.inventory_item_id