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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  jbegum          25-Jun-2003     BUG#2930935
                                  Modified local function ENRP_CUR_CRITERIA
  KNAG.IN         12-APR-2001     Included enrollment credit point
                                  priority in timeslot allocation
                                  as per enh bug 1710227
  Nishikant       05AUG2002       Bug#2443771. The cursor cur_total_admted_stdnts got modified to select the students
                                  who enrolled directly in Student Enrollments. A new function calc_cum_gpa_person was
                                  written to calculate the Total GPA for a student ina provided LOAD or TEACHING calendar.
                                  also a new function acad_teach_rel_exist introduced in Spec and Body to be used in a cursor only.
  Nishikant       20DEC2002       Bug#2712493. The cursors cur_total_enrled_stdnts and cur_total_admted_stdnts got modified,
                                  in the function enrp_total_students, to select properly the students under 'Enrolled'
                              and 'Admitted' category.
  Nishikant       31MAR2003       The field full_name modified to last_name in the record
                                  type pdata_1 and pdata_2. Bug#2455364.
   smaddali   20-sep-2004       Modified enrp_total_students for cursor cur_total_enrled_stdnts bug#3918075
  ctyagi          13-Apr-2005     Modified cursor cur_total_admted_stdnts  bug#4297791
  ckasu           17-JAN-2006     Added igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(NULL) in enrp_assign_timeslot procedure as a part of bug#4958173.

plsql_empty plsql_table_1;
Line: 46

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_prg_type_gr_cd IN VARCHAR2,
p_stdnt_type IN VARCHAR2,
p_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
p_seq_num IN NUMBER)
plsql_1 plsql_table_1;
Line: 68

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

 p_prsnt_date DATE
  IF TO_CHAR(p_prsnt_date,'DY') NOT IN ('SAT','SUN') THEN
    -- if present day is working day return the same
    RETURN TRUNC(p_prsnt_date);
Line: 93

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_program_type_group_cd IN VARCHAR2,
p_student_type IN VARCHAR2,
p_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
p_seq_number IN NUMBER,
p_timeslot  IN VARCHAR2,
p_ts_start_dt IN DATE,
p_ts_end_dt IN DATE,
p_length_of_time IN VARCHAR2,
p_start_time  IN DATE,
p_end_time IN DATE,
p_total_num_students OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
p_num_ts_sessions OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) AS

  total_min_per_day NUMBER :=  0;
Line: 155

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_start_time IN DATE,
p_end_time IN DATE,
p_start_date IN DATE,
p_end_date IN DATE,
p_length_of_time IN NUMBER)
RETURN plsql_table_3 AS

  plsql_5 plsql_table_3;
Line: 195

Line: 226

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
  Who             When            What
  jbegum          25-Jun-2003     BUG#2930935
                                  Modified cursors cur_load_teach_prd,cur_enrolled_cp.
  KNAG.IN         12-APR-2001     Included enrollment credit point
                                  priority in timeslot allocation
                                  as per enh bug 1710227
  Nishikant       02AUG2002       Bug#2443771. Calculation of GPA for the student was missing.
                                  Created a local procedure calc_cum_gpa_person to calculate cumulative GPA
                                  for a student of all the program attempts.

p_plsql_1 IN OUT NOCOPY plsql_table_1,
p_priority_value IN VARCHAR2,
p_preference_code IN VARCHAR2,
p_preference_version IN NUMBER,
p_sequence_number IN NUMBER,
p_pointer IN NUMBER,
p_ts_stup_id IN NUMBER)
RETURN plsql_table_1 IS

CURSOR c_cal_type(p_ts_stup_id NUMBER) IS
  SELECT ets.cal_type, ets.sequence_number
  FROM   igs_en_timeslot_stup ets
  WHERE  igs_en_timeslot_stup_id = p_ts_stup_id;
Line: 258

  SELECT sca.person_id
  FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca,
       igs_ps_ver pv
  WHERE sca.person_id = p_person_id AND
        sca.course_cd = pv.course_cd AND
        sca.version_number = pv.version_number AND
        pv.course_type = p_course_type;
Line: 267

  SELECT sca.person_id
  FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca,
       igs_ps_ver pv
  WHERE sca.person_id = p_person_id AND
        sca.course_cd = pv.course_cd AND
        sca.version_number = pv.version_number AND
        pv.responsible_org_unit_cd = p_org_unit_cd;
Line: 276

  SELECT sca.person_id
  FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca
  WHERE sca.person_id = p_person_id AND
        sca.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
        sca.version_number = p_version_number;
Line: 283

  SELECT pgm.person_id
  FROM igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem pgm,
       igs_pe_persid_group pg
  WHERE pgm.person_id = p_person_id AND
        pgm.group_id = pg.group_id AND
        pg.group_cd = p_group_cd
        AND nvl( pgm.END_DATE,SYSDATE)>= SYSDATE;
Line: 293

  SELECT sca.person_id
  FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca,
       igs_ps_stage ps
  WHERE sca.person_id = p_person_id AND
        sca.course_cd = ps.course_cd AND
        sca.version_number = ps.version_number AND
        ps.course_stage_type = p_course_stage_type;
Line: 302

  SELECT sca.course_cd
  FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca
  WHERE sca.person_id = p_person_id     and
        sca.course_attempt_status = 'ENROLLED';
Line: 310

  SELECT sua.unit_cd,sua.version_number,sua.override_enrolled_cp,sua.uoo_id
  FROM igs_en_su_attempt sua,
       igs_ca_inst_rel carel
  WHERE sua.person_id = p_person_id     and
        sua.unit_attempt_status = 'ENROLLED' and
        ((sua.cal_type = p_cal_type and
         sua.ci_sequence_number = p_sequence_number)OR
        (sua.cal_type = carel.sub_cal_type and
         sua.ci_sequence_number = carel.sub_ci_sequence_number and
         carel.sup_cal_type = p_cal_type and
         carel.sup_ci_sequence_number = p_sequence_number));
Line: 323

  SELECT NVL(cps.enrolled_credit_points,uv.enrolled_credit_points) enrolled_credit_points
  FROM igs_ps_unit_ver uv ,
       igs_ps_usec_cps cps ,
       igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo
       uoo.uoo_id = cps.uoo_id(+) AND
       uoo.unit_cd = uv.unit_cd AND
       uoo.version_number = uv.version_number AND
       uoo.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
Line: 366

SELECT s_cal_cat
FROM   igs_ca_type
WHERE  cal_type = p_cal_type;
Line: 372

SELECT load_cal_type, load_ci_sequence_number
FROM   igs_ca_teach_to_load_v
WHERE  teach_cal_type  = p_cal_type
AND    teach_ci_sequence_number = p_seq_num
ORDER BY load_start_dt DESC;
Line: 381

SELECT course_cd, version_number, cal_type
WHERE  person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 702

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_plsql_3 IN OUT NOCOPY plsql_table_1,
p_surname_alpha VARCHAR2)
RETURN plsql_table_1 IS
   -- record of plsql_table_1
   plsql_tmp_rec pdata_1;
Line: 753

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_plsql_3 IN OUT NOCOPY plsql_table_1,
p_surname_alpha VARCHAR2)
RETURN plsql_table_1 IS
   -- record of plsql_table_1
   plsql_tmp_rec pdata_1;
Line: 820

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_plsql_3 IN OUT NOCOPY plsql_table_1,
p_surname_alpha VARCHAR2)
RETURN plsql_table_1 IS
   -- record of plsql_table_1
   plsql_tmp_rec pdata_1;
Line: 889

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  KNAG.IN         12-APR-2001     Included enrollment credit point
                                  priority in timeslot allocation
                                  as per enh bug 1710227
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_plsql_3 IN OUT NOCOPY plsql_table_1,
p_surname_alpha VARCHAR2)
RETURN plsql_table_1 IS
   -- record of plsql_table_1
   plsql_tmp_rec pdata_1;
Line: 960

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  KNAG.IN         12-APR-2001     Included enrollment credit point
                                  priority in timeslot allocation
                                  as per enh bug 1710227
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_plsql_2 IN OUT NOCOPY plsql_table_1,
p_surname_alpha IN VARCHAR2,
p_pointer NUMBER) IS
  plsql_3 plsql_table_1;
Line: 1440

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  KNAG.IN         12-APR-2001     Included enrollment credit point
                                  priority in timeslot allocation
                                  as per enh bug 1710227
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
  Nishikant       23JUL2002       Bug#2443771. The cursor cur_max_prty_ord and cur_prty got modified.
                                  Also the value assigned to the variabke max_prty_ord from the cursor
                                  cur_max_prty_ord before using it down the line.
  svanukur        08jul2003       checking for NVL of max_prty_ord as part of bug 3039661

  p_plsql_2 IN OUT NOCOPY plsql_table_1,
  p_surname_alpha IN VARCHAR2,
  p_ts_stup_id IN NUMBER,
  p_pointer IN NUMBER
)  IS

CURSOR cur_max_prty_ord IS
  SELECT MAX(priority_order)
  FROM igs_en_timeslot_prty prt
  WHERE prt.igs_en_timeslot_stup_id = p_ts_stup_id; -- Added the where condition by Nishikant - 23JUL2002 - bug#2443771
Line: 1466

  SELECT prt.priority_value,prf.preference_code,prf.preference_version,prf.sequence_number
  FROM igs_en_timeslot_prty prt,
       igs_en_timeslot_pref prf
        prt.priority_order = p_order AND
        prt.igs_en_timeslot_prty_id = prf.igs_en_timeslot_prty_id
        order by prt.priority_order, prf.preference_order;
Line: 1475

  SELECT priority_value
  FROM igs_en_timeslot_prty  prt
  WHERE priority_order = p_order
  AND   prt.igs_en_timeslot_stup_id = p_ts_stup_id; -- Added the AND condition by Nishikant - 23JUL2002 - bug#2443771
Line: 1542

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_plsql_4 IN plsql_table_2,
p_plsql_5 IN plsql_table_3,
p_max_head_count IN NUMBER,
p_igs_en_timeslot_para_id IN NUMBER,
p_length_of_time IN NUMBER) AS

  cnt_4 NUMBER :=   0;
Line: 1564

          Igs_En_Timeslot_Rslt_Pkg.insert_row ( x_rowid => l_rowid,
                                                x_igs_en_timeslot_rslt_id => l_igs_en_timeslot_rslt_id,
                                                x_igs_en_timeslot_para_id => p_igs_en_timeslot_para_id,
                                                x_person_id => p_plsql_4(i).person_id,
                                                x_start_dt_time => p_plsql_5(1).start_dt_time,
                                                x_end_dt_time => p_plsql_5(1).end_dt_time,
                                                x_mode => 'R');
Line: 1577

          Igs_En_Timeslot_Rslt_Pkg.insert_row ( x_rowid => l_rowid,
                                                x_igs_en_timeslot_rslt_id => l_igs_en_timeslot_rslt_id,
                                                x_igs_en_timeslot_para_id => p_igs_en_timeslot_para_id,
                                                x_person_id => p_plsql_4(cnt_4).person_id,
                                                x_start_dt_time => p_plsql_5(i).start_dt_time,
                                                x_end_dt_time => p_plsql_5(i).end_dt_time,
                                                x_mode => 'R');
Line: 1596

          Igs_En_Timeslot_Rslt_Pkg.insert_row ( x_rowid => l_rowid,
                                                x_igs_en_timeslot_rslt_id => l_igs_en_timeslot_rslt_id,
                                                x_igs_en_timeslot_para_id => p_igs_en_timeslot_para_id,
                                                x_person_id => p_plsql_4(i).person_id,
                                                x_start_dt_time => NULL,
                                                x_end_dt_time => NULL,
                                                x_mode => 'R');
Line: 1620

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  KNAG.IN         12-APR-2001     Included enrollment credit point
                                  priority in timeslot allocation
                                  as per enh bug 1710227
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
  Nishikant       23JUL2002       Bug#2443771. The cursor cur_max_prty_ord got modified to include the where condition.
                                  The cursor cur_assign_ran_alpha got modified to select surname_alphabet also. The cursor cur_alpha
                                  which was existing for selecting the surname_alphabet got removed.
  svanukur        08jul2003       modified the check for variable max_prty_ord ,if it is null instead of
                                  checking if the cur_max_prty_ord cursor is not found since an aggregate function is used.
                                  as part of bug 3039661
  ckasu           17-JAN-2006     Added igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(NULL); as a prt of bug#4958173.
Line: 1655

  SELECT MAX(priority_order)
  FROM igs_en_timeslot_prty prt
  WHERE prt.igs_en_timeslot_stup_id = p_igs_en_timeslot_stup_id; -- Added the where condition by Nishikant - 23JUL2002 - bug#2443771
Line: 1660

    FROM igs_en_timeslot_stup ets
    WHERE ets.PROGRAM_TYPE_GROUP_CD = p_prg_type_gr_cd AND
          ets.CAL_TYPE = p_cal_type AND
          ets.SEQUENCE_NUMBER = p_seq_num AND
          ets.STUDENT_TYPE = p_stud_type;
Line: 1668

  SELECT prt.priority_value,prf.preference_code,prf.preference_version,prf.sequence_number
    FROM igs_en_timeslot_prty prt,
         igs_en_timeslot_pref prf
          prt.priority_order = p_order AND
          prt.igs_en_timeslot_prty_id = prf.igs_en_timeslot_prty_id
          order by prf.preference_order;
Line: 1677

    FROM igs_en_timeslot_stup ets
    WHERE ets.PROGRAM_TYPE_GROUP_CD = p_prg_type_gr_cd AND
          ets.CAL_TYPE = p_cal_type AND
          ets.SEQUENCE_NUMBER = p_seq_num AND
          ets.STUDENT_TYPE = p_stud_type;
Line: 1685

  SELECT etp.ROWID,etp.igs_en_timeslot_para_id,etp.ts_mode
  FROM igs_en_timeslot_para etp
  WHERE etp.program_type_group_cd = p_prg_type_gr_cd  AND
        etp.student_type = p_stud_type AND
        etp.cal_type = p_cal_type AND
        etp.sequence_number = p_seq_num AND
        etp.timeslot_calendar = p_timeslot;
Line: 1694

    SELECT tsr.ROWID row_id
    FROM Igs_En_Timeslot_Rslt tsr
    WHERE tsr.igs_en_timeslot_para_id = p_igs_en_timeslot_para_id;
Line: 1809

      Igs_En_Timeslot_Rslt_Pkg.delete_row(x_rowid => cur_rslt_rec.row_id);
Line: 1811

    Igs_En_Timeslot_Para_Pkg.delete_row(x_rowid => l_rowid);
Line: 1821

  Igs_En_Timeslot_Para_Pkg.insert_row(x_rowid => l_rowid,
    x_igs_en_timeslot_para_id => l_igs_en_timeslot_para_id,
    x_program_type_group_cd => p_prg_type_gr_cd,
    x_cal_type => p_cal_type,
    x_sequence_number => p_seq_num,
    x_student_type => p_stud_type,
    x_timeslot_calendar => p_timeslot,
    x_timeslot_st_time => p_start_time,
    x_timeslot_end_time => p_end_time,
    x_ts_mode => p_mode,
    x_max_head_count => p_max_headcount,
    x_length_of_time => p_length_of_time,
    x_mode  => 'R',
    x_org_id => p_orgid);
Line: 1870

       SELECT 'x' FROM  igs_ca_inst_rel cir2
       WHERE  cir2.sup_cal_type = p_acad_cal_type
       AND    cir2.sub_cal_type = p_teach_cal_type
       AND    cir2.sub_ci_sequence_number = p_teach_seq_num;
Line: 1890

  Purpose : To set the column values before inserting.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  Nishikant       20DEC2002       Bug#2712493. The cursors cur_total_enrled_stdnts and cur_total_admted_stdnts got
                                  modified to select properly the students under 'Enrolled' and 'Admitted' category.
  Nishikant       23JUL2002       The cursor cur_total_admted_stdnts got modified to consider the students
                                  enrolled directly through the Student Enrollments form.
 rnirwani   13-Sep-2004    changed cursor cur_total_enrled_stdnts to not consider logically deleted records. Bug# 3885804
 smaddali   20-sep-2004   Modified for cursor cur_total_enrled_stdnts bug#3918075, to add outer join between intermissions and program attempts
 stutta     17-Feb-2006   Modified cursor cur_total_admted_stdnts for perf bug#5042384
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

p_prg_type_gr_cd IN VARCHAR2,
p_stdnt_type IN VARCHAR2,
p_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
p_seq_num IN NUMBER)
RETURN plsql_table_1 AS

--Bug#2712493. The below cursor got modified to select students in "Enrolled" category as below
--Entered through Student Enrollments, having program attempt of status ENROLLED.
--And students having program status INACTIVE and have at least one unit attempt(of any status).
--And students having program attempts of INTERMIT status where the end date of the intermission should
--  be before the start date of the calendar instance provided.
-- smaddali modified for bug#3918075, to move intermissions join to a subquery
CURSOR cur_total_enrled_stdnts(p_start_dt DATE )  IS
SELECT DISTINCT (pe.person_id) person_id ,pe.last_name
FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_att sca,
       igs_pe_person_base_v pe,
       igs_ps_ver pv,
       igs_ps_type pt
WHERE  pe.person_id = sca.person_id AND
       pv.course_cd = sca.course_cd AND
       pv.course_type = pt.course_type AND
       pt.course_type_group_cd = p_prg_type_gr_cd AND
       ( sca.course_attempt_status = 'ENROLLED'
         ( sca.course_attempt_status = 'INTERMIT' AND
           EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM   igs_en_stdnt_ps_intm sci,  igs_en_intm_types eit  WHERE
           sci.end_dt    < p_start_dt AND
           sci.logical_delete_date = TO_DATE('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY') AND
           sca.person_id  = sci.person_id AND
           sca.course_cd  = sci.course_cd AND
           sci.approved  = eit.appr_reqd_ind AND
           eit.intermission_type = sci.intermission_type )
         ( sca.course_attempt_status = 'INACTIVE'
           AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'X'
                        FROM   IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT
                        WHERE  person_id = sca.person_id
                        AND    course_cd = sca.course_cd
Line: 1955

SELECT sca.person_id person_id ,(select person_last_name from hz_parties where party_id = sca.person_id) last_name
          igs_ps_ver_all pv,
          igs_ps_type_all pt,
	  IGS_AD_PS_APPL_INST_all acai,
	  IGS_AD_APPL_all aav,
    WHERE pv.course_cd = sca.course_cd AND
          pv.version_number = sca.version_number AND
          sca.course_attempt_status IN ('INACTIVE','UNCONFIRM') AND
          pv.course_type = pt.course_type AND
          pt.course_type_group_cd =  p_prg_type_gr_cd  AND
	  acai.person_id = sca.person_id AND
	  sca.course_cd  = acai.course_cd AND
          sca.version_number  = acai.crv_version_number AND
	  aav.person_id = acai.person_id  AND
          aav.admission_appl_number =  acai.admission_appl_number AND
	  aav.adm_cal_type =  cir.SUB_CAL_TYPE  AND
          aav.adm_ci_sequence_number = cir.SUB_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER AND
	  ((cir.sup_cal_type = cp_cal_type AND
          cir.sup_ci_sequence_number = cp_seq_num) OR
	     (cir.sup_cal_type,cir.sup_ci_sequence_number) IN
                                ( SELECT  teach_cal_type,teach_ci_sequence_number
                                    FROM  igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
                                   WHERE  load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
                                     AND  load_ci_sequence_number = cp_seq_num

SELECT sca2.person_id person_id ,(select person_last_name from hz_parties where party_id = sca2.person_id) last_name
       FROM     igs_ps_ver_all pv2,
                igs_ps_type_all pt2,
                IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT_ALL sca2
       WHERE    pt2.course_type_group_cd = p_prg_type_gr_cd AND
                pv2.course_type = pt2.course_type AND
                pv2.course_cd = sca2.course_cd AND
                pv2.version_number = sca2.version_number AND
                sca2.course_attempt_status = 'INACTIVE' AND
                (SELECT 'x' FROM  igs_en_su_attempt_all sua
                            WHERE sua.person_id = sca2.person_id AND
                                  sua.course_cd = sca2.course_cd AND
                                  sua.course_cd = pv2.course_cd) AND
               igs_en_timeslots.acad_teach_rel_exist(sca2.cal_type,cp_cal_type,cp_seq_num) = 'TRUE' ;
Line: 2007

     SELECT start_dt
     FROM igs_ca_inst
     WHERE cal_type = p_cal_type AND