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Line 2126: v_bill_sequence_id bom_bill_of_materials.bill_sequence_id%type ;

2122: from cz_atp_requests where configurator_session_key = c_session_key ;
2123: x_msg_count number ;
2124: x_msg_data varchar2(2000) ;
2125: l_stmt_num number ;
2126: v_bill_sequence_id bom_bill_of_materials.bill_sequence_id%type ;
2127: v_component_code_tbl CZ_ATP_CALLBACK_UTIL.char30_arr ;
2128: l_validation_org number ;
2129: v_config_item_id number ;
2130: v_top_config_item_id number ;

Line 2346: from bom_bill_of_materials

2343: l_stmt_num := 42 ;
2344: select common_bill_sequence_id
2345: into v_bill_sequence_id
2346: from bom_bill_of_materials
2347: where assembly_item_id = g_requests_tab( nvl( g_requests_tab(j).parent_location, j ) ).inventory_item_id
2348: AND organization_id = l_validation_org ;

Line 4970: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,

4966: select bic.check_atp
4967: , bic.wip_supply_type
4968: into p_atp_bom.atp_check(i)
4969: , p_atp_bom.wip_supply_type(i)
4970: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,
4971: bom_inventory_components bic
4972: where bbom.assembly_item_id = g_cto_sparse_shipset(l_link_id).Inventory_Item_Id
4973: and bbom.organization_id = g_cto_sparse_shipset(l_link_id).Sourcing_Org
4974: and bbom.alternate_bom_designator is NULL

Line 5223: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,

5219: bic.effectivity_date eff_date,
5220: bic.disable_date disable_date,
5221: bic.check_atp check_atp,
5222: bic.wip_supply_type
5223: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,
5224: bom_inventory_components bic
5225: where bbom.assembly_item_id = g_cto_sparse_shipset(p_index).Inventory_Item_Id
5226: and bbom.organization_id = g_cto_sparse_shipset(p_index).Sourcing_Org
5227: and bbom.alternate_bom_designator is NULL

Line 5286: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,

5283: lStmtNum := 112;
5284: select bic.wip_supply_type
5285: into l_wip_supply_type
5286: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,
5287: bom_inventory_components bic
5288: where bbom.assembly_item_id = g_cto_sparse_shipset(l_link_line_id).Inventory_Item_Id
5289: and bbom.organization_id = g_cto_sparse_shipset(l_link_line_id).Sourcing_Org
5290: and bbom.alternate_bom_designator is NULL

Line 6848: bom_bill_of_materials bom,

6845: cursor inven_comp is
6846: SELECT component_item_id,component_quantity
6847: FROM bom_inventory_components bic,
6848: bom_bill_of_materials bom,
6849: mtl_system_items mtl
6850: WHERE bom.assembly_item_id = p_item_id
6851: AND bom.organization_id = x_source_org
6852: AND bom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id

Line 7014: bom_bill_of_materials bom,

7010: null, -- Program_application_id
7011: sysdate
7012: From
7013: bom_inventory_components bic,
7014: bom_bill_of_materials bom,
7015: mtl_system_items mtl
7016: where bom.assembly_item_id = p_item_id
7017: and bom.organization_id = p_org_id
7018: and bom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id

Line 7063: bom_bill_of_materials bom,

7059: gloginid, -- Last_update_login
7060: null, -- Program_application_id
7061: sysdate
7062: from bom_inventory_components bic,
7063: bom_bill_of_materials bom,
7064: mtl_system_items mtl
7065: where bom.assembly_item_id = p_item_id
7066: and bom.organization_id = p_org_id
7067: and bom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id

Line 7072: from bom_bill_of_materials bom1,

7068: and bic.bom_item_type = 4
7069: and bic.component_item_id in (
7070: select
7071: bic2.component_item_id
7072: from bom_bill_of_materials bom1,
7073: bom_bill_of_materials bom2,
7074: bom_inventory_components bic1,
7075: bom_inventory_components bic2
7076: where bom1.assembly_item_id = p_item_id

Line 7073: bom_bill_of_materials bom2,

7069: and bic.component_item_id in (
7070: select
7071: bic2.component_item_id
7072: from bom_bill_of_materials bom1,
7073: bom_bill_of_materials bom2,
7074: bom_inventory_components bic1,
7075: bom_inventory_components bic2
7076: where bom1.assembly_item_id = p_item_id
7077: and bom1.organization_id = p_org_id

Line 7107: from bom_bill_of_materials bom,

7103: x_msg_data out varchar2) is
7105: cursor atoitem is
7106: select component_item_id
7107: from bom_bill_of_materials bom,
7108: bom_inventory_components bic,
7109: mtl_system_items mtl
7110: where bom.assembly_item_id = p_item_id
7111: and bom.organization_id = p_org_id