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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 111

      p_login_id             IN              igc_cc_headers.last_update_login%TYPE,
      x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
      x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
      x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
      x_release_num          OUT NOCOPY      igc_cc_headers.cc_num%TYPE
      l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)        := 'create_releases';
Line: 158

         SELECT *
           FROM igc_cc_headers cc
          WHERE cc.cc_header_id = p_cover_cc_header_id
            AND cc.org_id = p_org_id
            AND cc.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id;
Line: 166

         SELECT *
           FROM igc_cc_acct_lines ccal
          WHERE ccal.cc_header_id = p_cc_header_id;
Line: 172

         SELECT *
           FROM igc_cc_det_pf ccdpf
          WHERE ccdpf.cc_acct_line_id = p_cc_acct_line_id;
Line: 178

         SELECT *
           FROM ap_invoices_all ap
          WHERE ap.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id
            AND ap.org_id = p_org_id
            AND ap.invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 307

            SELECT user_id
              INTO l_user_id
              FROM fnd_user
             WHERE user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 330

            SELECT login_id
              INTO l_login_id
              FROM fnd_logins
             WHERE login_id = p_login_id;
Line: 356

            SELECT ap.invoice_currency_code, ap.exchange_rate
              INTO l_ap_currency_code, l_ap_conversion_rate
              FROM ap_invoices_all ap
             WHERE ap.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
               AND ap.org_id = p_org_id
               AND ap.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id;
Line: 377

            SELECT cc.currency_code
              INTO l_cc_currency_code
              FROM igc_cc_headers cc
             WHERE cc.cc_header_id = p_cover_cc_header_id;
Line: 396

            SELECT NVL (ccal.cc_acct_func_amt, 0)
              INTO l_cc_acct_func_amt
              FROM igc_cc_acct_lines ccal
             WHERE ccal.cc_header_id = p_cover_cc_header_id;
Line: 415

            SELECT SUM (NVL (ccal.cc_acct_func_amt, 0))
              INTO l_cc_rel_func_total_amt
              FROM igc_cc_acct_lines ccal, igc_cc_headers cchd
             WHERE ccal.parent_header_id = p_cover_cc_header_id
               AND ccal.cc_header_id = cchd.cc_header_id;
Line: 474

         SELECT ccnm.cc_num_method, ccnm.cc_num_datatype
           INTO l_cc_num_method, l_cc_num_datatype
           FROM  igc_cc_system_options_all ccnm  /*igc_cc_number_methods */
          WHERE ccnm.org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 550

               (p_api_version              => 1.0,
                p_init_msg_list            => fnd_api.g_false,
                p_commit                   => fnd_api.g_false,
                p_validation_level         => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
                x_return_status            => l_return_status,
                x_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
                x_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
                p_rowid                    => l_row_id,
                p_cc_header_id             => l_release_cc_header_id,
                p_parent_header_id         => p_cover_cc_header_id,
                p_org_id                   => p_org_id,
                p_cc_type                  => 'R',
                p_cc_num                   => l_release_cc_num,
                p_cc_version_num           => 0,
                p_cc_state                 => 'CM',
                p_cc_ctrl_status           => 'O',
                p_cc_encmbrnc_status       => 'C',
                p_cc_apprvl_status         => 'AP',
                p_vendor_id                => l_ap_invoice_lines_rec.vendor_id,
                p_vendor_site_id           => l_ap_invoice_lines_rec.vendor_site_id,
                p_vendor_contact_id        => NULL,
                p_term_id                  => l_ap_invoice_lines_rec.terms_id,
                p_location_id              => l_cc_headers_rec.location_id,
                p_set_of_books_id          => l_cc_headers_rec.set_of_books_id,
                p_cc_acct_date             => l_cc_headers_rec.cc_acct_date,
                p_cc_desc                  => NULL,
                p_cc_start_date            => l_cc_headers_rec.cc_start_date,
                p_cc_end_date              => l_cc_headers_rec.cc_end_date,
                p_cc_owner_user_id         => l_cc_headers_rec.cc_owner_user_id,
                p_cc_preparer_user_id      => p_user_id,
                p_currency_code            => l_ap_invoice_lines_rec.invoice_currency_code,
                p_conversion_type          => l_ap_invoice_lines_rec.exchange_rate_type,
                p_conversion_date          => l_ap_invoice_lines_rec.exchange_date,
                p_conversion_rate          => l_ap_invoice_lines_rec.exchange_rate,
                p_last_update_date         => SYSDATE,
                p_last_updated_by          => p_user_id,
                p_last_update_login        => p_login_id,
                p_created_by               => p_user_id,
                p_creation_date            => SYSDATE,
                p_wf_item_type             => NULL,
                p_wf_item_key              => NULL,
                p_cc_current_user_id       => p_user_id,
                p_attribute1               => NULL,
                p_attribute2               => NULL,
                p_attribute3               => NULL,
                p_attribute4               => NULL,
                p_attribute5               => NULL,
                p_attribute6               => NULL,
                p_attribute7               => NULL,
                p_attribute8               => NULL,
                p_attribute9               => NULL,
                p_attribute10              => NULL,
                p_attribute11              => NULL,
                p_attribute12              => NULL,
                p_attribute13              => NULL,
                p_attribute14              => NULL,
                p_attribute15              => NULL,
                p_context                  => NULL,
                p_cc_guarantee_flag        => l_cc_headers_rec.cc_guarantee_flag,
                g_flag                     => l_version_flag
Line: 634

                     (p_api_version                  => 1.0,
                      p_init_msg_list                => fnd_api.g_false,
                      p_commit                       => fnd_api.g_false,
                      p_validation_level             => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
                      x_return_status                => l_return_status,
                      x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count,
                      x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data,
                      p_rowid                        => l_row_id,
                      p_cc_acct_line_id              => l_release_cc_acct_line_id,
                      p_cc_header_id                 => l_release_cc_header_id,
                      p_parent_header_id             => p_cover_cc_header_id,
                      p_parent_acct_line_id          => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_acct_line_id,
                      p_cc_charge_code_comb_id       => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_charge_code_combination_id,
                      p_cc_acct_line_num             => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_acct_line_num,
                      p_cc_budget_code_comb_id       => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_budget_code_combination_id,
                      p_cc_acct_entered_amt          => p_invoice_amount,
                      p_cc_acct_func_amt             =>   p_invoice_amount
                                                        * NVL
                      p_cc_acct_desc                 => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_acct_desc,
                      p_cc_acct_billed_amt           => NULL,
                      p_cc_acct_unbilled_amt         => NULL,
                      p_cc_acct_taxable_flag         => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_acct_taxable_flag,
                      p_tax_id                       => NULL,-- modified for Ebtax uptake for CC (Bug No-6472296)
                      p_cc_acct_encmbrnc_amt         =>   p_invoice_amount
                                                        * NVL
                      p_cc_acct_encmbrnc_date        => l_cc_headers_rec.cc_acct_date,
                      p_cc_acct_encmbrnc_status      => 'C',
                      p_project_id                   => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.project_id,
                      p_task_id                      => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.task_id,
                      p_expenditure_type             => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.expenditure_type,
                      p_expenditure_org_id           => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.expenditure_org_id,
                      p_expenditure_item_date        => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.expenditure_item_date,
                      p_last_update_date             => SYSDATE,
                      p_last_updated_by              => p_user_id,
                      p_last_update_login            => p_login_id,
                      p_creation_date                => SYSDATE,
                      p_created_by                   => p_user_id,
                      p_attribute1                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute2                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute3                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute4                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute5                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute6                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute7                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute8                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute9                   => NULL,
                      p_attribute10                  => NULL,
                      p_attribute11                  => NULL,
                      p_attribute12                  => NULL,
                      p_attribute13                  => NULL,
                      p_attribute14                  => NULL,
                      p_attribute15                  => NULL,
                      p_context                      => NULL,
                      p_cc_func_withheld_amt         => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_func_withheld_amt,
                      p_cc_ent_withheld_amt          => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.cc_ent_withheld_amt,
                      g_flag                         => l_version_flag,
		      p_tax_classif_code	     => l_cc_acct_lines_rec.tax_classif_code -- modified for Ebtax uptake (Bug No-6472296)
Line: 724

                           (p_api_version                    => 1.0,
                            p_init_msg_list                  => fnd_api.g_false,
                            p_commit                         => fnd_api.g_false,
                            p_validation_level               => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
                            x_return_status                  => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count                      => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data                       => l_msg_data,
                            p_rowid                          => l_row_id,
                            p_cc_det_pf_line_id              => l_release_cc_det_pf_line_id,
                            p_cc_det_pf_line_num             => l_cc_det_pf_lines_rec.cc_det_pf_line_num,
                            p_cc_acct_line_id                => l_release_cc_acct_line_id,
                            p_parent_acct_line_id            => l_cc_det_pf_lines_rec.cc_acct_line_id,
                            p_parent_det_pf_line_id          => l_cc_det_pf_lines_rec.cc_det_pf_line_id,
                            p_cc_det_pf_entered_amt          => p_invoice_amount,
                            p_cc_det_pf_func_amt             =>   p_invoice_amount
                                                                * NVL
                            p_cc_det_pf_date                 => l_cc_det_pf_lines_rec.cc_det_pf_date,
                            p_cc_det_pf_billed_amt           => NULL,
                            p_cc_det_pf_unbilled_amt         => NULL,
                            p_cc_det_pf_encmbrnc_amt         =>   p_invoice_amount
                                                                * NVL
                            p_cc_det_pf_encmbrnc_date        => l_cc_det_pf_lines_rec.cc_det_pf_date,
                            p_cc_det_pf_encmbrnc_status      => 'C',
                            p_last_update_date               => SYSDATE,
                            p_last_updated_by                => p_user_id,
                            p_last_update_login              => p_login_id,
                            p_creation_date                  => SYSDATE,
                            p_created_by                     => p_user_id,
                            p_attribute1                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute2                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute3                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute4                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute5                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute6                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute7                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute8                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute9                     => NULL,
                            p_attribute10                    => NULL,
                            p_attribute11                    => NULL,
                            p_attribute12                    => NULL,
                            p_attribute13                    => NULL,
                            p_attribute14                    => NULL,
                            p_attribute15                    => NULL,
                            p_context                        => NULL,
                            g_flag                           => l_version_flag
Line: 805

                                       (p_api_version           => 1.0,
                                        p_init_msg_list         => fnd_api.g_false,
                                        p_commit                => fnd_api.g_false,
                                        p_validation_level      => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
                                        x_return_status         => l_return_status,
                                        x_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
                                        x_msg_data              => l_msg_data,
                                        p_cc_header_id          => l_release_cc_header_id
Line: 1007

         SELECT (ccnm.cc_next_num + 1)
           INTO x_release_cc_num
           FROM igc_cc_system_options_all ccnm
          WHERE ccnm.org_id = p_org_id AND ccnm.cc_num_method IN ('A', 'M');
Line: 1020

            UPDATE igc_cc_system_options_all ccnm
               SET ccnm.cc_next_num = x_release_cc_num
             WHERE ccnm.org_id = p_org_id AND ccnm.cc_num_method IN
                                                                   ('A', 'M');
Line: 1072

         SELECT igc_cc_headers_s.NEXTVAL
           INTO x_release_cc_header_id
           FROM DUAL;
Line: 1122

         SELECT igc_cc_acct_lines_s.NEXTVAL
           INTO x_release_cc_acct_line_id
           FROM DUAL;
Line: 1172

         SELECT igc_cc_det_pf_s.NEXTVAL
           INTO x_release_cc_det_pf_line_id
           FROM DUAL;