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Line 2069: FROM igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints int

2065: CURSOR int_crseops_cur IS
2066: SELECT DISTINCT int.course,
2067: int.campus,
2068: int.optioncode
2069: FROM igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints int
2070: WHERE int.record_status = 'N';
2072: -- Cursor to return rows for a course,campus,optioncode combination
2073: -- which are to be deleted before inserting fresh records.

Line 2074: CURSOR old_crskwd_del_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,

2070: WHERE int.record_status = 'N';
2072: -- Cursor to return rows for a course,campus,optioncode combination
2073: -- which are to be deleted before inserting fresh records.
2074: CURSOR old_crskwd_del_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2075: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2076: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,
2077: p_system igs_uc_crse_keywrds.system_code%TYPE ) IS
2078: SELECT ucrvop.rowid, ucrvop.keyword

Line 2075: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,

2072: -- Cursor to return rows for a course,campus,optioncode combination
2073: -- which are to be deleted before inserting fresh records.
2074: CURSOR old_crskwd_del_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2075: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2076: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,
2077: p_system igs_uc_crse_keywrds.system_code%TYPE ) IS
2078: SELECT ucrvop.rowid, ucrvop.keyword
2079: FROM igs_uc_crse_keywrds ucrvop

Line 2076: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,

2072: -- Cursor to return rows for a course,campus,optioncode combination
2073: -- which are to be deleted before inserting fresh records.
2074: CURSOR old_crskwd_del_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2075: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2076: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,
2077: p_system igs_uc_crse_keywrds.system_code%TYPE ) IS
2078: SELECT ucrvop.rowid, ucrvop.keyword
2079: FROM igs_uc_crse_keywrds ucrvop
2080: WHERE ucrvop.ucas_program_code = p_course

Line 2088: CURSOR int_ucrsekwd_cur (cp_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,

2084: AND ucrvop.system_code = p_system;
2087: -- Get new interface records for the course, campus, optioncode
2088: CURSOR int_ucrsekwd_cur (cp_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2089: cp_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2090: cp_optioncd igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE) IS
2091: SELECT ucvi.rowid,
2092: ucvi.*

Line 2089: cp_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,

2087: -- Get new interface records for the course, campus, optioncode
2088: CURSOR int_ucrsekwd_cur (cp_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2089: cp_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2090: cp_optioncd igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE) IS
2091: SELECT ucvi.rowid,
2092: ucvi.*
2093: FROM igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints ucvi

Line 2090: cp_optioncd igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE) IS

2087: -- Get new interface records for the course, campus, optioncode
2088: CURSOR int_ucrsekwd_cur (cp_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2089: cp_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2090: cp_optioncd igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE) IS
2091: SELECT ucvi.rowid,
2092: ucvi.*
2093: FROM igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints ucvi
2094: WHERE ucvi.record_status = 'N'

Line 2093: FROM igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints ucvi

2089: cp_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2090: cp_optioncd igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE) IS
2091: SELECT ucvi.rowid,
2092: ucvi.*
2093: FROM igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints ucvi
2094: WHERE ucvi.record_status = 'N'
2095: AND ucvi.course = cp_course
2096: AND ucvi.campus = cp_campus
2097: AND ucvi.optioncode = cp_optioncd;

Line 2102: CURSOR old_crskwd_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,

2099: -- check whether corresponding record already exists.
2100: -- Currently since only FTUG is supported over Hercules and no course data for other systems come from UCAS,
2101: -- the system code has been hardcoded to U for 'FTUG'.
2102: CURSOR old_crskwd_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2103: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2104: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,
2105: p_keyword igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.keyword%TYPE,
2106: p_system igs_uc_crse_keywrds.system_code%TYPE ) IS

Line 2103: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,

2099: -- check whether corresponding record already exists.
2100: -- Currently since only FTUG is supported over Hercules and no course data for other systems come from UCAS,
2101: -- the system code has been hardcoded to U for 'FTUG'.
2102: CURSOR old_crskwd_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2103: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2104: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,
2105: p_keyword igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.keyword%TYPE,
2106: p_system igs_uc_crse_keywrds.system_code%TYPE ) IS
2107: SELECT ucrvop.rowid,

Line 2104: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,

2100: -- Currently since only FTUG is supported over Hercules and no course data for other systems come from UCAS,
2101: -- the system code has been hardcoded to U for 'FTUG'.
2102: CURSOR old_crskwd_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2103: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2104: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,
2105: p_keyword igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.keyword%TYPE,
2106: p_system igs_uc_crse_keywrds.system_code%TYPE ) IS
2107: SELECT ucrvop.rowid,
2108: ucrvop.*

Line 2105: p_keyword igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.keyword%TYPE,

2101: -- the system code has been hardcoded to U for 'FTUG'.
2102: CURSOR old_crskwd_cur (p_course igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.course%TYPE,
2103: p_campus igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.campus%TYPE,
2104: p_opt_code igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.optioncode%TYPE,
2105: p_keyword igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.keyword%TYPE,
2106: p_system igs_uc_crse_keywrds.system_code%TYPE ) IS
2107: SELECT ucrvop.rowid,
2108: ucrvop.*
2109: FROM igs_uc_crse_keywrds ucrvop

Line 2129: CURSOR validate_keyword_cur (p_keyword igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.keyword%TYPE) IS

2125: AND ucrdet.system_code = p_system;
2128: -- validate keyword value exists in IGS_UC_REF_KEYWORDS
2129: CURSOR validate_keyword_cur (p_keyword igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints.keyword%TYPE) IS
2130: SELECT rowid
2131: FROM igs_uc_ref_keywords
2132: WHERE keyword = p_keyword;

Line 2153: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints

2150: -- Setting Error code to NULL for 'N' status records.
2151: -- This is done to support the logic for processing as a combined set whereby the entire set is
2152: -- marked as error if atleast one rec in the set is invalid.
2153: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints
2154: SET error_code = NULL
2155: WHERE record_status = 'N';

Line 2331: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints

2328: -- set the flag to No if atleast one rec fails in a set.
2329: l_set_level_success := 'N';
2331: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints
2332: SET error_code = g_error_code
2333: WHERE rowid = new_ucrsekwd_rec.rowid;
2335: -- log error message/meaning.

Line 2369: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints SET error_code = '2002'

2365: -- for records which were successful but cant be processed as a set.
2366: -- The error code is NULL condition is used to select only success records
2367: -- for the current set in which they will be NULL. Earlier records if any would
2368: -- have got deleted or Error Code reset to NULL in the beginning of the keyword processing.
2369: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints SET error_code = '2002'
2370: WHERE record_status = 'N'
2371: AND course = int_crseops_rec.course
2372: AND campus = int_crseops_rec.campus
2373: AND optioncode = int_crseops_rec.optioncode

Line 2383: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints SET record_status = 'D' , error_code = NULL

2379: ELSE
2381: -- Indicates all records in the set are successful.
2382: -- update all INTS records for this set status 'D'.
2383: UPDATE igs_uc_ucrskwd_ints SET record_status = 'D' , error_code = NULL
2384: WHERE record_status = 'N'
2385: AND course = int_crseops_rec.course
2386: AND campus = int_crseops_rec.campus
2387: AND optioncode = int_crseops_rec.optioncode;