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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 96

         l_sql_stmt := 'SELECT ' ||
                          'B.TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID ORDER_TYPE_ID, ' ||
                          'UPPER(B.ORDER_CATEGORY_CODE) ORDER_CATEGORY_CODE, ' ||
                          'UPPER(T.NAME) NAME ' ||
                       'FROM ' ||
                          'OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL' || g_dblink || ' T, ' ||
                          'OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_ALL' || g_dblink || ' B '||
                       'WHERE ' ||
                          'B.TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID = T.TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID AND ' ||
                          'B.Transaction_type_code = ''ORDER'' AND ' ||
                          'nvl(B.SALES_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE,''O'') <> ''B'' AND ' ||
                          'T.LANGUAGE = userenv(''LANG'') ';
Line: 307

                      series_id = p_series_id
                  AND series_type = 1;
Line: 622

       * This procedure inserts dummy rows into the sales staging tables for new items
      			errbuf				OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      			retcode				OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      			p_dest_table                    IN	   VARCHAR2,
      			p_sr_instance_id		IN         NUMBER)

         /*** CURSORS ***/

            CURSOR c_check_new_items
               SELECT 1
                  FROM dual
                  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1
                                   FROM msd_dem_new_items
                                   WHERE  sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
                                      AND process_flag = 2);
Line: 649

         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Entering msd_dem_collect_history_data.insert_dummy_rows - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 670

               errbuf := 'Unable to get the query for inserting dummy rows for new items into sales staging table';
Line: 671

               msd_dem_common_utilities.log_message ('Warning(1): msd_dem_collect_history_data.insert_dummy_rows');
Line: 686

            UPDATE msd_dem_new_items
               SET process_flag = 1
               WHERE  sr_instance_id = p_sr_instance_id
                  AND process_flag = 2;
Line: 695

         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Exiting msd_dem_collect_history_data.insert_dummy_rows - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 701

	    msd_dem_common_utilities.log_message ('Exception: msd_dem_collect_history_data.insert_dummy_rows - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 704

Line: 826

         SELECT owner
         FROM dba_objects
         WHERE  owner = owner
            AND object_type = 'TABLE'
            AND object_name = 'MDP_MATRIX'
         ORDER BY created desc;
Line: 858

         /* Atleast one parameter must be selected */
         IF (    p_bh_bi_bd = G_NO
             AND p_bh_bi_rd = G_NO
             AND p_bh_ri_bd = G_NO
             AND p_bh_ri_rd = G_NO
             AND p_sh_si_sd = G_NO
             AND p_sh_si_rd = G_NO
             AND p_sh_ri_sd = G_NO
             AND p_sh_ri_rd = G_NO)
            retcode := -1;
Line: 869

            errbuf  := 'No series selected for collection';
Line: 896

            x_errbuf  := 'The ''Date From'' and ''Date To'' fields are ignored if ''Rolling'' date range type is selected.';
Line: 908

            x_errbuf  := 'The ''History Collection Window'' field is ignored if ''Absolute'' date range type is selected.';
Line: 920

            errbuf  := 'The ''History Collection Window'' field cannot be NULL, if ''Rolling'' date range type is selected.';
Line: 934

            errbuf  := 'The ''Date From'' and ''Date To'' fields cannot be NULL, if ''Absolute'' date range type is selected.';
Line: 1069

         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Begin delete from sales staging table - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1077

	 x_sql := 'DELETE FROM '|| x_dest_table || ' where sales_date between ''' || x_from_date || ''' AND ''' || x_to_date || '''';
Line: 1082

         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('End delete from sales staging table - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1084

         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_message ('Begin Delete data from ERR table - ' || x_dest_table ||'_err');
Line: 1091

         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('End delete from ERR table - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1124

         /* Collect each series selected by the user */

         /* Booking History - Booked Items - Booked Date */
         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Begin collect Booking History - Booked Items - Booked Date - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1385

         /* Bug# 5869314 - Insert dummy rows in the staging table for new items */
         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Begin Insert dummy rows for new items into the staging table - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1387

         insert_dummy_rows (
Line: 1398

            msd_dem_common_utilities.log_message ('Error while inserting dummy rows into the sales staging table for new items. ');
Line: 1400

         msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('End Insert dummy rows for new items into the staging table - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1452

	 	l_sql := 'select id, table_name, from_date, until_date from '|| g_schema || '.transfer_query where query_name = ''Purge History Data''';
Line: 1466

         	/* Calling API to modify the data profile to purge selected series */
               msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Calling API_MODIFY_INTEG_SERIES_ATTR - ' || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 1473

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id  from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''ebs_bh_book_qty_bd''';
Line: 1482

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id  from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''ebs_bh_book_qty_rd''';
Line: 1491

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''ebs_bh_req_qty_bd''';
Line: 1500

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''ebs_bh_req_qty_rd''';
Line: 1509

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id  from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''ebs_sh_ship_qty_sd''';
Line: 1518

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id  from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''ebs_sh_ship_qty_rd''';
Line: 1527

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id  from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''sales''';
Line: 1536

               		l_sql := 'select forecast_type_id from '|| g_schema || '.computed_fields where computed_name = ''ebs_sh_req_qty_rd''';
Line: 1548

                l_sql := 'select datet from '|| g_schema ||'.inputs where datet >= '''||x_from_date||''' and rownum = 1 order by datet asc';
Line: 1551

                l_sql := 'select datet from '|| g_schema ||'.inputs where datet <= '''||x_to_date||''' and rownum = 1 order by datet desc';
Line: 1558

                msd_dem_common_utilities.log_message ('For the selected series, the old data will be purged from ''' || x_from_date ||''' to '''||x_to_date ||'''');
Line: 1573

         	l_sql := 'insert into '|| g_schema ||'.'||l_table_name||'(sdate, level1)'||
		 	'select '''||x_from_date||''',  teo.organization from '||g_schema||'.t_ep_organization teo '||
		 	'where teo.organization in
		       	       (SELECT  mtp.organization_code
                   		FROM 	msc_instance_orgs mio,
                       	   		msc_trading_partners mtp
                  		WHERE 	mio.sr_instance_id = '||p_sr_instance_id||
                       		' AND 	nvl(mio.org_group, ''-888'') = decode('''||p_collection_group||''', ''-999'', nvl(mio.org_group, ''-888''), '''||p_collection_group||''')'||
                       		' AND 	nvl(mio.dp_enabled_flag, mio.enabled_flag) = 1 '||
                       		' AND 	mtp.sr_tp_id = mio.organization_id '||
                       		' AND 	mtp.partner_type = 3) ';
Line: 1682

		l_sql := 'select user_id from ' ||msd_dem_common_utilities.get_lookup_value('MSD_DEM_TABLES', 'DCM_PRODUCTS') || ' where product_name = ''' || msd_dem_common_utilities.get_lookup_value('MSD_DEM_COMPONENTS', 'DEMAND_MANAGEMENT') || '''';
Line: 1687

		    l_sql := 'select user_name, password from '||dem_schema||'.user_id where user_id = '||l_user_id;
Line: 1691

		     l_sql :=  'select user_id from ' ||msd_dem_common_utilities.get_lookup_value('MSD_DEM_TABLES', 'DCM_PRODUCTS') || ' where product_name = ''' || msd_dem_common_utilities.get_lookup_value('MSD_DEM_COMPONENTS', 'SOP') || '''';
Line: 1696

		      	   l_sql := 'select user_name, password from '||dem_schema||'.user_id where user_id = '||l_user_id;
Line: 1708

			l_sql := 'SELECT
			                 utl_http.request('''||l_url||'/WorkflowServer?action=run_proc&user='||l_user_name||'&password='||l_password||'&schema=EBS%20Full%20Download&sync=no'') FROM  dual';