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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_credits_api_pub AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI54B.pls 120.5 2005/07/27 13:00:04 appldev ship $ */
5 /*Change History
7 Who         When        What
8 pmarada    26-JUL-2005  Enh 3392095, modifed as per tution waiver build, passing p_api_version
9                         parameter value as 2.1 to the igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit call
10 svuppala   9-JUN-2005    Enh 4213629 - The automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
11                          Added a new procedure, create_credit with all the parameters of existing procedure
12                          and additional OUT parameter, x_credit_number
13 vvutukur   16-Jun-2003   Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build.Modified procedure create_credit.
14 schodava   11-Jun-2003   Enh # 2831587. Added 3 new parameters to the Public API
15 vvutukur   04-Apr-2003   Enh#2831554. Internal Credits API Build. Rewritten the code by placing a call to igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit and
16                          removing earlier the code.
17 vvutukur   11-Dec-2002   Enh#2584741.Removed parameter p_validation_level and Added 3 new parameters p_v_check_number,
18                          p_v_source_tran_type,p_v_source_tran_ref_number in create_credit procedure.Modified
19                          validate_credit_type,created local functions validate_unique_enrdeposit, validate_dep_crtype
20                          and changes as specified in TD.
21 vvutukur   23-Nov-2002  Enh#2584986.Added local function validate_gl_date.Modifications done in create_credit.
22                         Removed local procedure get_local_curr and modified validate_cur.
23 vvutukur   07-Oct-2002  Enh#2562745.Reassess Balances Build. Modifications done in create_credit
24                         procedure and validate_lkp function.
25 smvk       16-Sep-2002  Removed the parameter subaccount_id and the associated code as a part of Bug # 2564643.
26                         Removed the default used in this api to overcome gscc warnings.
27 smadathi   03-Jul-2002   Bug 2443082. Modified create_credit procedure call.
28 vchappid    13-Jun-2002 Bug#2411529, Incorrectly used message name has been modified
29 vvutukur    27-02-2002  removed local function validate_person and called generic function
30                         igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person in create_credit procedure.as part of bug:2238362
31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33   PROCEDURE create_credit(p_api_version                 IN               NUMBER,
34                           p_init_msg_list               IN               VARCHAR2,
35                           p_commit                      IN               VARCHAR2,
36                           p_credit_number               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_number%TYPE,
37                           p_credit_status               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.status%TYPE ,
38                           p_credit_source               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_source%TYPE,
39                           p_party_id                    IN               igs_fi_credits_all.party_id%TYPE,
40                           p_credit_type_id              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_type_id%TYPE,
41                           p_credit_instrument           IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_instrument%TYPE,
42                           p_description                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.description%TYPE,
43                           p_amount                      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.amount%TYPE,
44                           p_currency_cd                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.currency_cd%TYPE,
45                           p_exchange_rate               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.exchange_rate%TYPE,
46                           p_transaction_date            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.transaction_date%TYPE,
47                           p_effective_date              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.effective_date%TYPE,
48                           p_source_transaction_id       IN               igs_fi_credits_all.source_transaction_id%TYPE,
49                         /* Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
50                           p_receipt_lockbox_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.receipt_lockbox_number%TYPE,
51                           p_credit_card_code            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_code%TYPE,
52                           p_credit_card_holder_name     IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_holder_name%TYPE,
53                           p_credit_card_number          IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_number%TYPE,
54                           p_credit_card_expiration_date IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_expiration_date%TYPE,
55                           p_credit_card_approval_code   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_approval_code%TYPE,
56                           p_attribute_record            IN               attribute_rec_type,
57                           p_invoice_id                  IN               igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,--bug:2195715
58                         /* Parameters added as part of bug:2191470 - sfcr020 */
59                           p_awd_yr_cal_type             IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_cal_type%TYPE,
60                           p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
61                           p_fee_cal_type                IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
62                           p_fee_ci_sequence_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
63                           p_d_gl_date                   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.gl_date%TYPE,
64                           /* Parameters added as part of bug:2191470 - sfcr020 */
65                           x_credit_id                  OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_credits_all.credit_id%TYPE,
66                           x_credit_activity_id         OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_cr_activities.credit_activity_id%TYPE,
67                           x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
68                           x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER,
69                           x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
70                           p_v_check_number             IN                VARCHAR2,
71                           p_v_source_tran_type         IN                VARCHAR2,
72                           p_v_source_tran_ref_number   IN                VARCHAR2,
73 			  p_v_credit_card_payee_cd     IN                VARCHAR2,
74 			  p_v_credit_card_status_code  IN                VARCHAR2,
75 			  p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd  IN                VARCHAR2,
76                           p_lockbox_interface_id       IN                igs_fi_credits_all.lockbox_interface_id%TYPE,
77                           p_batch_name                 IN                igs_fi_credits_all.batch_name%TYPE,
78                           p_deposit_date               IN                igs_fi_credits_all.deposit_date%TYPE
79                           )AS
80 /***********************************************************************************************
82 Created By:         Amit Gairola
84 Date Created By:    05-05-2001
86 Purpose:            This procedure is the main api call.
88 Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
90 Change History
92 Who         When           What
93 svuppala   9-JUN-2005    Enh 4213629 - The automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
94                          Removed all the logic and  called new create_credit procedure with added x_credit_number.
95 vvutukur   16-Jun-2003   Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build. Added 3 new parameters lockbox_interface_id,batch_name,deposit_date.
96 schodava   11-Jun-2003   Enh# 2831587. Added 3 new parameters to the Public API
97 vvutukur   04-Apr-2003   Enh#2831554. Internal Credits API Build. Rewritten the code by placing a call to igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit and
98                          removing earlier the code.
99 vvutukur   11-Dec-2002   Enh#2584741.Removed parameter p_validation_level. Added 3 new parameters p_v_check_number,
100                          p_v_source_tran_type,p_v_source_tran_ref_number.
101 vvutukur   23-Nov-2002   Enh#2584986.Added new parameter p_d_gl_date and validated.Passed p_d_gl_date to the call to
102                          igs_fi_credits_pkg.insert_row,and p_d_gl_date,gl_posted_date,posting_control_id to the call
103                          to igs_fi_crd_activities_pkg.insert_row. Modified the logic of validation of currency_cd
104                          and calculation of exchange_rate as exchange has been made mandatory if currency passed is
105                          other than local currency specified in System Options Form. If currency is passed is same
106                          as the one that is specified in System Options form, exchange rate is non-mandatory
107                          and even if it is passed with some value, it will be ignored and has been considered as 1.
108 vvutukur   07-Oct-2002   Enh#2562745.1)Added two validations to error out NOCOPY of credits api a)if this procedure
109                          is called while holds conversion process is running b)if no active balance rule
110                          exists for HOLDS.2)Added code to call Update_balances procedure to update/create
111                          Holds balance in igs_fi_balances table real time whenever a credit gets created
112                          (just like STANDARD balance real time updation).
113 smvk       16-Sep-2002   Removed the parameter p_subaccount_id as a part of Bug # 2564643
114                          Removed the local paramter l_psa.
115 smadathi   03-Jul-2002   Bug 2443082. Modified update_balances procedure call. Modified to pass transaction date
116                          instead of system date.
117 vchappid   13-Jun-2002   Bug#2411529, Incorrectly used message name has been modified
118 SYKRISHN   19-APR-2002   Bug 2324088 - Introduced Desc Flex Field Validations.
119 vvutukur   27-02-2002    placed call to igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person instead of calling local function
120                          validate_person.for bug:2238362
121 jbegum     12-Feb-2001   As part of Enh bug # 2201081
122                          Added call to IGS_FI_GEN_005.validate_psa and IGS_FI_PARTY_SA_PKG.insert_row
123 sykrishn   4-FEB-2002    Added the new IN parameters p_awd_yr_cal_type,p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number,p_fee_cal_type,p_fee_ci_sequence_number
124                          These parameters are mandatory when  the Credit Class is Of Internal or External Financial Aid
125                          Changes realted to credit source- refer DLD - sfcr020
126                         Validations for Fee Period - LCI relation
127                         IGS_LOOKUPS -check for credit source
129 vvutukur   31-Jan-2002   Added new parameter p_invoice_id and logic,if accounting method is ACCRUAL,
130                          the default clearing account defined for the Adjustment Credit type gets
131                          overridden by the revenue account of the charge being adjusted.
132 sarakshi   18-dec-2001   Removed the parameters p_source_date,p_fee_type,p_credit_type_id from
133                          the call to procedure Update_Balances and added parameter p_source_id
134                          as a part of Enh. bug:2124001
135 sarakshi   8-oct-2001    Replaced procedure igs_fi_prc_balances.calculate_balances with
136                          igs_fi_prc_balances.update_balances also removed balance_flag parameter
137                          from call to insert row of credits table.bug no:2030448
138 msrinivi  13 Aug,2001    Call to build process to populate rev/rec ccid/code before
139                          inserting intoigs_fi_activities table
140 ********************************************************************************************** */
142   l_credit_number                igs_fi_credits_all.credit_number%TYPE;
144   BEGIN
146    create_credit(  p_api_version                     =>   p_api_version,
147                    p_init_msg_list                   =>	  p_init_msg_list,
148                    p_commit                          =>   p_commit ,
149                    p_credit_status                   =>	  p_credit_status  ,
150                    p_credit_source                   =>	  p_credit_source   ,
151                    p_party_id                        =>   p_party_id    ,
152                    p_credit_type_id                  =>   p_credit_type_id   ,
153                    p_credit_instrument               =>   p_credit_instrument ,
154                    p_description                     =>   p_description       ,
155                    p_amount                          =>   p_amount            ,
156                    p_currency_cd		     =>   p_currency_cd       ,
157                    p_exchange_rate                   =>	  p_exchange_rate     ,
158                    p_transaction_date                =>   p_transaction_date  ,
159                    p_effective_date                  =>   p_effective_date    ,
160                    p_source_transaction_id           =>   p_source_transaction_id  ,
161                    p_receipt_lockbox_number          =>   p_receipt_lockbox_number ,
162                    p_credit_card_code                =>   p_credit_card_code       ,
163                    p_credit_card_holder_name         =>   p_credit_card_holder_name,
164                    p_credit_card_number              =>   p_credit_card_number     ,
165                    p_credit_card_expiration_date     =>   p_credit_card_expiration_date ,
166                    p_credit_card_approval_code       =>   p_credit_card_approval_code   ,
167                    p_attribute_record                =>   p_attribute_record            ,
168                    p_invoice_id              	     =>   p_invoice_id                  ,
169                    p_awd_yr_cal_type                 =>   p_awd_yr_cal_type             ,
170                    p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number       =>   p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number   ,
171                    p_fee_cal_type                    =>   p_fee_cal_type                ,
172                    p_fee_ci_sequence_number          =>   p_fee_ci_sequence_number      ,
173                    p_d_gl_date             	     =>   p_d_gl_date                   ,
174                    x_credit_id             	     =>   x_credit_id                   ,
175                    x_credit_activity_id        	     =>   x_credit_activity_id          ,
176                    x_return_status             	     =>   x_return_status               ,
177                    x_msg_count             	     =>   x_msg_count                   ,
178                    x_msg_data              	     =>   x_msg_data                    ,
179                    p_v_check_number            	     =>   p_v_check_number              ,
180                    p_v_source_tran_type        	     =>   p_v_source_tran_type          ,
181                    p_v_source_tran_ref_number  	     =>   p_v_source_tran_ref_number    ,
182                    p_v_credit_card_payee_cd          =>   p_v_credit_card_payee_cd      ,
183                    p_v_credit_card_status_code       =>   p_v_credit_card_status_code   ,
184                    p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd       =>   p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd   ,
185                    p_lockbox_interface_id      	     =>   p_lockbox_interface_id        ,
186                    p_batch_name                      =>   p_batch_name                  ,
187                    p_deposit_date              	     =>   p_deposit_date                ,
188                    x_credit_number             	     =>   l_credit_number
189                    );
191   END create_credit;
194   PROCEDURE create_credit(p_api_version                 IN               NUMBER,
195                           p_init_msg_list               IN               VARCHAR2,
196                           p_commit                      IN               VARCHAR2,
197                           p_credit_status               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.status%TYPE ,
198                           p_credit_source               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_source%TYPE,
199                           p_party_id                    IN               igs_fi_credits_all.party_id%TYPE,
200                           p_credit_type_id              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_type_id%TYPE,
201                           p_credit_instrument           IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_instrument%TYPE,
202                           p_description                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.description%TYPE,
203                           p_amount                      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.amount%TYPE,
204                           p_currency_cd                 IN               igs_fi_credits_all.currency_cd%TYPE,
205                           p_exchange_rate               IN               igs_fi_credits_all.exchange_rate%TYPE,
206                           p_transaction_date            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.transaction_date%TYPE,
207                           p_effective_date              IN               igs_fi_credits_all.effective_date%TYPE,
208                           p_source_transaction_id       IN               igs_fi_credits_all.source_transaction_id%TYPE,
209                           p_receipt_lockbox_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.receipt_lockbox_number%TYPE,
210                           p_credit_card_code            IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_code%TYPE,
211                           p_credit_card_holder_name     IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_holder_name%TYPE,
212                           p_credit_card_number          IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_number%TYPE,
213                           p_credit_card_expiration_date IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_expiration_date%TYPE,
214                           p_credit_card_approval_code   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_approval_code%TYPE,
215                           p_attribute_record            IN               attribute_rec_type,
216                           p_invoice_id                  IN               igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
217                           p_awd_yr_cal_type             IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_cal_type%TYPE,
218                           p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.awd_yr_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
219                           p_fee_cal_type                IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
220                           p_fee_ci_sequence_number      IN               igs_fi_credits_all.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
221                           p_d_gl_date                   IN               igs_fi_credits_all.gl_date%TYPE,
222                           x_credit_id                  OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_credits_all.credit_id%TYPE,
223                           x_credit_activity_id         OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_cr_activities.credit_activity_id%TYPE,
224                           x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
225                           x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY        NUMBER,
226                           x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY        VARCHAR2,
227                           p_v_check_number             IN                VARCHAR2,
228                           p_v_source_tran_type         IN                VARCHAR2,
229                           p_v_source_tran_ref_number   IN                VARCHAR2,
230 			  p_v_credit_card_payee_cd     IN                VARCHAR2,
231 			  p_v_credit_card_status_code  IN                VARCHAR2,
232 			  p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd  IN                VARCHAR2,
233                           p_lockbox_interface_id       IN                igs_fi_credits_all.lockbox_interface_id%TYPE,
234                           p_batch_name                 IN                igs_fi_credits_all.batch_name%TYPE,
235                           p_deposit_date               IN                igs_fi_credits_all.deposit_date%TYPE,
236                           x_credit_number              OUT NOCOPY        igs_fi_credits_all.credit_number%TYPE
237                           )AS
239 /***********************************************************************************************
241 Created By:         Sunil Vuppala
243 Date Created By:    10-06-2005
245 Purpose:            This procedure is the modified api call.
246                     Enh 4213629 - The automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
248 Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
250 Change History
252 Who         When           What
254 ********************************************************************************************** */
256 l_pkg_name           CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30) := 'IGS_FI_CREDITS_API_PUB';
257 l_api_name           CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30) := 'create_credit';
258 l_api_version        CONSTANT    NUMBER       := 1.3;
260 l_credit_rec         igs_fi_credit_pvt.credit_rec_type;
261 l_attribute_rec_type attribute_rec_type;
264   BEGIN
266     SAVEPOINT create_credit_pub;
268     --Check for the Compatible API call.
269     IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call( l_api_version,
270                                         p_api_version,
271                                         l_api_name,
272                                         l_pkg_name) THEN
273       --if the versions of the API and the version passed are different then raise the unexpected error message.
274       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
275     END IF;
277     --If the calling program has passed the parameter for initializing the message list.
278     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list) THEN
279       --then call the Initialize program of the fnd_msg_pub package.
280       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
281     END IF;
283     l_credit_rec.p_credit_status              := p_credit_status;
284     l_credit_rec.p_credit_source              := p_credit_source;
285     l_credit_rec.p_party_id                   := p_party_id;
286     l_credit_rec.p_credit_type_id             := p_credit_type_id;
287     l_credit_rec.p_credit_instrument          := p_credit_instrument;
288     l_credit_rec.p_description                := p_description;
289     l_credit_rec.p_amount                     := p_amount;
290     l_credit_rec.p_currency_cd                := p_currency_cd;
291     l_credit_rec.p_exchange_rate              := p_exchange_rate;
292     l_credit_rec.p_transaction_date           := p_transaction_date;
293     l_credit_rec.p_effective_date             := p_effective_date;
294     l_credit_rec.p_source_transaction_id      := p_source_transaction_id;
295     l_credit_rec.p_receipt_lockbox_number     := p_receipt_lockbox_number;
296     l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_code           := p_credit_card_code;
297     l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_holder_name    := p_credit_card_holder_name;
298     l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_number         := p_credit_card_number;
299     l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_expiration_date:= p_credit_card_expiration_date;
300     l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_approval_code  := p_credit_card_approval_code;
301     l_credit_rec.p_invoice_id                 := p_invoice_id;
302     l_credit_rec.p_awd_yr_cal_type            := p_awd_yr_cal_type;
303     l_credit_rec.p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number  := p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number;
304     l_credit_rec.p_fee_cal_type               := p_fee_cal_type;
305     l_credit_rec.p_fee_ci_sequence_number     := p_fee_ci_sequence_number;
306     l_credit_rec.p_check_number               := p_v_check_number;
307     l_credit_rec.p_source_tran_type           := p_v_source_tran_type;
308     l_credit_rec.p_source_tran_ref_number     := p_v_source_tran_ref_number;
309     l_credit_rec.p_gl_date                    := p_d_gl_date;
310     l_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_payee_cd     := p_v_credit_card_payee_cd;
311     l_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_status_code  := p_v_credit_card_status_code;
312     l_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd  := p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd;
313     l_credit_rec.p_lockbox_interface_id       := p_lockbox_interface_id;
314     l_credit_rec.p_batch_name                 := p_batch_name;
315     l_credit_rec.p_deposit_date               := p_deposit_date;
317     l_attribute_rec_type := p_attribute_record;
319     --Call the private api with full validation_level.
320     igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit( p_api_version            => 2.1,
321                                      p_init_msg_list          => p_init_msg_list,
322                                      p_commit                 => p_commit,
323                                      p_validation_level       => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
324                                      x_return_status          => x_return_status,
325                                      x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
326                                      x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
327                                      p_credit_rec             => l_credit_rec,
328                                      p_attribute_record       => l_attribute_rec_type,
329                                      x_credit_id              => x_credit_id,
330                                      x_credit_activity_id     => x_credit_activity_id,
331                                      x_credit_number          => x_credit_number
332                                     );
334     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
335       ROLLBACK TO create_credit_pub;
336       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
337       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
338                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
340     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
341       ROLLBACK TO create_credit_pub;
342       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
343       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
344                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
347       ROLLBACK TO create_credit_pub;
348       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
349       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
350         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(l_pkg_name,
351                                 l_api_name);
352       END IF;
353       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
354                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
355   END create_credit;
358 END igs_fi_credits_api_pub;