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2 /* $Header: hxtpa.pkb 120.3 2005/12/23 15:48:45 mhanda noship $ */
3 l_hours_per_year  	NUMBER(22,5) := TO_NUMBER(fnd_profile.Value('HXT_HOURS_PER_YEAR'));
4 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
5 PROCEDURE transfer_timecards( o_err_buf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
6                               o_ret_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
7                               i_payroll_id IN NUMBER,
8                               i_time_period_id IN NUMBER)IS
9 l_retcode           NUMBER        DEFAULT 0;
10 l_error_text        VARCHAR2(240) DEFAULT NULL;
11 l_system_text       VARCHAR2(120) DEFAULT NULL;
12 l_location          VARCHAR2(120) DEFAULT NULL;
13 l_ewr_error         EXCEPTION;
14 l_non_ewr_error     EXCEPTION;
15 l_conc_error        EXCEPTION;
16 l_no_timecards      EXCEPTION;
17 l_no_details        EXCEPTION;
18 l_batch_state       EXCEPTION;
19 l_conc_error_flag   BOOLEAN       DEFAULT FALSE;
20 l_any_timecards     BOOLEAN       DEFAULT FALSE;
21 l_sum_start_date    hxt_sum_hours_worked_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
22 l_sum_end_date      hxt_sum_hours_worked_f.effective_end_date%TYPE;
23 l_sum_id            hxt_sum_hours_worked_f.id%TYPE;
26 --  Cursor to select each timecard within
27 --  the payroll/time-period requested
29 CURSOR l_timecard_cur(c_payroll_id NUMBER, c_time_period_id NUMBER)IS
30 SELECT tim.id,
31        tim.batch_id,
32        tim.time_period_id,
33        tim.rowid,
34        tim.effective_start_date,
35        tim.effective_end_date,
36        ptp.end_date,
37        ptpt.number_per_fiscal_year,
38        ppbh.batch_status,
39        ppf.employee_number
40     FROM hxt_timecards_x tim,
41          per_time_periods ptp,
42          per_time_period_types ptpt,
43          pay_batch_headers ppbh,
44          per_people_f ppf
45    WHERE tim.payroll_id = c_payroll_id
46      AND ptp.time_period_id BETWEEN NVL(c_time_period_id,1)
47                 AND NVL(c_time_period_id,999999999)
48      AND tim.time_period_id = ptp.time_period_id
49      AND ptp.period_type = ptpt.period_type
50      AND tim.batch_id = ppbh.batch_id
51      AND ppbh.batch_status <> 'U'
52      AND ppf.person_id = tim.for_person_id
53      AND ppf.effective_start_date =
54                (select MAX (ppf2.effective_start_date)  -- to handle mid pay period changes
55                 from per_people_f ppf2
56                 where ppf2.person_id = tim.for_person_id
57                 and ppf2.effective_end_date >= ptp.START_date
58                 and ppf2.effective_start_date <= ptp.END_date)
60                    FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_x det
61 		          WHERE det.tim_id = tim.id
62 		            AND det.pa_status = 'P');
63 --SIR420 START Don't skip rows with errors because errors are deleted in cursor below
65 --	               FROM hxt_errors_x err
66 --	              WHERE err.tim_id = tim.id
67 --                        AND err_type = 'ERR'              --HXT11i1
68 --	                AND err.hrw_id IS NOT NULL
69 --                    AND err.location NOT LIKE 'hxt_tran%'
70 --                    AND err.location NOT LIKE 'hxt_pa_user_exits.p_a_%');
71 --SIR420 END
74   g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
75   if g_debug then
76   	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',10);
77   end if;
79   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Selecting Cursor'); --DEBUG ONLY --HXT115
81   -- select each timecard within the payroll/time-period
83   FOR l_timecard_rec IN l_timecard_cur( i_payroll_id, i_time_period_id) LOOP
85     if g_debug then
86     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',20);
87     end if;
89     g_err_effective_start := l_timecard_rec.effective_start_date;
90     g_err_effective_end := l_timecard_rec.effective_end_date;
91     g_batch_err_id := l_timecard_rec.batch_id;
93     BEGIN --timecard error block
95       if g_debug then
96       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',30);
97       end if;
99       l_any_timecards := TRUE;
101    -- set id's related to each timecard for error messaging
102       g_timecard_err_id := l_timecard_rec.id;
103       g_time_period_err_id := l_timecard_rec.time_period_id;
105       if g_debug then
106       	    hr_utility.trace('l_timecard_rec.id = ' || TO_CHAR(l_timecard_rec.id));
107             hr_utility.trace('l_timecard_rec.batch_id = ' || TO_CHAR(l_timecard_rec.batch_id));
108             hr_utility.trace('l_timecard_rec.time_period_id = ' || TO_CHAR(l_timecard_rec.time_period_id));
109             hr_utility.trace('l_timecard_rec.end_date = ' || TO_CHAR(l_timecard_rec.end_date));
110       end if;
112       HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('.'); --DEBUG ONLY
113       HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('l_timecard_rec.id = ' ||
114                         TO_CHAR(l_timecard_rec.id)); --DEBUG ONLY
115       HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('l_timecard_rec.batch_id = '
116                   || TO_CHAR(l_timecard_rec.batch_id)); --DEBUG ONLY
117       HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('l_timecard_rec.time_period_id = '
118                    || TO_CHAR(l_timecard_rec.time_period_id)); --DEBUG ONLY
119       HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('l_timecard_rec.end_date = '
120                   || fnd_date.date_to_chardate(l_timecard_rec.end_date)); --DEBUG ONLY
122    -- Clean up existing transfer to PA errors for this payroll/period
123       DELETE
124         FROM hxt_errors_f errf
125        WHERE errf.tim_id = l_timecard_rec.id
126          AND (errf.location LIKE 'hxt_tran%'
127             OR errf.location LIKE 'hxt_pa_user_exits.p_a_%');
128       COMMIT;
130       /*************************************************
131       -- Effective Wage Rate Not Currently Implemented
132       --
133       --  Call the logic to calculate effective
134       --  wage and transfer effective wage time
135       --  details to Project Accounting.
136       --
137       --  g_sum_hours_err_id := NULL;
138       --  l_retcode := hxt_ewr_pa.calc_effective_wage_rate(l_timecard_rec.id,
139       --                                                  l_timecard_rec.end_date,
140       --                                                  l_timecard_rec.number_per_fiscal_year,
141       --                                                 'Y',
142       --                                                  l_timecard_rec.employee_number,
143       --                                                  l_sum_start_date,
144       --                                                  l_sum_end_date,
145       --                                                  l_sum_id,
146       --                                                  l_location,
147       --                                                  l_error_text,
148       --                                                  l_system_text);
149       -- Report any errors for EWR and ROLLBACK
150       -- IF l_retcode = 1 THEN
151       --   g_err_effective_start := l_sum_start_date;
152       --   g_err_effective_end := l_sum_end_date;
153       --   g_sum_hours_err_id := l_sum_id;
154       --   RAISE l_ewr_error;
155       -- END IF;
156       ****************************************************/
158       -- Call the logic to transfer time
159       -- details to Project Accounting that
160       -- were not included in Effective
161       -- Wage Rate processing.
163       if g_debug then
164       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',40);
165       end if;
167       l_retcode := non_eff_wage_rate_transfer(l_timecard_rec.id,
168                                               l_timecard_rec.end_date,
169                                               l_timecard_rec.number_per_fiscal_year,
170                                               l_timecard_rec.employee_number,
171                                               l_location,
172                                               l_error_text,
173                                               l_system_text);
175       -- Report any errors for non-EWR and ROLLBACK
176       IF l_retcode = 1 THEN
177         if g_debug then
178               hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',50);
179         end if;
180         RAISE l_non_ewr_error;
181       END IF;
182       if g_debug then
183       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',60);
184       end if;
185       COMMIT; -- commit data for this timecard
187       EXCEPTION
188         -- Effective Wage Rate Errors
189         WHEN l_ewr_error THEN
190           if g_debug then
191           	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',70);
192           end if;
193           ROLLBACK;
194           l_retcode := log_transfer_errors(l_location, l_error_text, l_system_text);
195           l_conc_error_flag := TRUE;
196         -- Non Effective Wage Rate Errors
197         WHEN l_non_ewr_error THEN
198           if g_debug then
199           	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',80);
200           end if;
201           ROLLBACK;
202           l_retcode := log_transfer_errors(l_location, l_error_text, l_system_text);
203           l_conc_error_flag := TRUE;
204         -- Other errors
205         WHEN OTHERS THEN
206           if g_debug then
207           	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',90);
208           end if;
209           ROLLBACK;
210           l_location := 'hxt_tran_pa.transfer_timecards';
211           FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('HXT','HXT_39454_PA_XFER_ERROR');
212           l_error_text := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
213           FND_MESSAGE.CLEAR;
214           l_system_text := SQLERRM;
215           l_retcode := log_transfer_errors(l_location, l_error_text, l_system_text);
216           l_conc_error_flag := TRUE;
217     END; -- timecard error block
218     if g_debug then
219     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',100);
220     end if;
221   END LOOP; -- timecard loop
223   -- Return an error if any timecards had a problem
224   IF l_conc_error_flag = TRUE THEN
225     if g_debug then
226     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',110);
227     end if;
228     RAISE l_conc_error;
229   END IF;
231   -- Return an error if NO timecards exist for this payroll/period
232   IF l_any_timecards = FALSE THEN
233     if g_debug then
234     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',120);
235     end if;
236     RAISE l_no_timecards;
237   END IF;
238   o_ret_code := 0;
240   o_err_buf := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
242   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Time details successfully transferred!');
244   WHEN l_conc_error THEN
245     if g_debug then
246     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',130);
247     end if;
249     o_err_buf := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
251     o_ret_code := 2;
252     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Check timecards for errors or run timecard report.');
253     RETURN;
254   WHEN l_no_timecards THEN
255     if g_debug then
256     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',140);
257     end if;
258 --HXT111    o_err_buf := 'No timecards located for payroll/period';
260     o_err_buf := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
262     o_ret_code := 2;
263     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('No timecards located for this payroll');
264     RETURN;
265   WHEN l_no_details THEN
266     if g_debug then
267     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',150);
268     end if;
269 --HXT111    o_err_buf := 'No timecard details transferable';
271     o_err_buf := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
273     o_ret_code := 0;
274     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('No timecard details transferable');
275     RETURN;
276   WHEN g_error_log_error THEN
277     if g_debug then
278     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',160);
279     end if;
281     o_err_buf := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
283     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Error in hxt_tran_pa.log_transfer_errors.');
284     o_ret_code := 2;
285     RETURN;
287     if g_debug then
288     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.transfer_timecards',170);
289     end if;
290     l_location := 'hxt_tran_pa';
292     l_error_text := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
294     l_system_text := SQLERRM;
295     l_retcode := log_transfer_errors(l_location, l_error_text, l_system_text);
296     o_ret_code := 2;
298     o_err_buf := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
300     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Error processing timecard for PA Transfer');
301     RETURN;
302 END transfer_timecards;
304 /***********************************************************************************
305   non_eff_wage_rate_transfer()
306   Processing of transfer to Project Accounting for all Time details not
307   processed as a part of the Effective Wage Rate Logic.
308 ************************************************************************************/
309 FUNCTION non_eff_wage_rate_transfer(i_timecard_id IN NUMBER,
310 			  	   i_ending_date IN DATE,
311 				   i_annual_pay_periods IN NUMBER,
312                                    i_employee_number IN VARCHAR2,
313 				   o_location OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
314 				   o_error_text OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
315 				   o_system_text OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)RETURN NUMBER IS
316 /********************************************************************
317     Cursor to select all detail rows associated with the timecard
318     that are not associated with Effective Wage Rate calculations.
319     Each hourly detail row will be passed to Project Accounting.
320 *********************************************************************/
321 CURSOR l_non_cur(c_timecard_id NUMBER)IS
322 SELECT    NVL(pro.proposed_salary_N,0) proposed_salary,
323           ppb.pay_basis,
324           fcl2.meaning emp_cat_description,
325           payd.hxt_earning_category,
326           payd.hxt_premium_type,
327           NVL(payd.hxt_premium_amount,0) hxt_premium_amount,
328           shw.id sum_id,
329           shw.effective_start_date,
330           shw.effective_end_date,
331           det.id,
332           det.hours,
333           det.amount,
334           det.date_worked,
335           det.effective_start_date det_effective_start,
336           det.effective_end_date det_effective_end,
337           det.hourly_rate,
338           det.rate_multiple,
339           det.tas_id,
340           det.ffv_cost_center_id,
341           det.job_id,
342           prj.project_id,
343           prj.name project_name,
344           prj.segment1,
345           task.task_number,
346           task.task_name,
347           org.name,
348           payt.element_name,
349           asg.organization_id,
350           det.element_type_id,
351           asg.assignment_id,
352           asg.assignment_number
353      FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_x det,
354           hxt_sum_hours_worked_x shw,
355           per_assignments_f asg,
356           per_pay_bases ppb,
360           hr_lookups fcl2,
357           per_pay_proposals pro,
358           hr_organization_units_v org,
359           hr_lookups fcl,
361           pay_element_types_f pay,
362           pay_element_types_f_tl payt,
363           hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v payd,
364           pa_projects_all prj,
365           pa_tasks task
366     WHERE det.tim_id = c_timecard_id
367       AND det.parent_id = shw.id
368       AND det.pa_status = 'P'
369       AND det.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
370       AND det.date_worked BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
371       AND asg.pay_basis_id = ppb.pay_basis_id
372       AND asg.organization_id = org.organization_id
373       AND pro.assignment_id = det.assignment_id
374       AND pro.approved = 'Y'
375       AND pro.change_date = (SELECT MAX(pro2.change_date)
376                             FROM per_pay_proposals pro2
377                            WHERE pro2.assignment_id = det.assignment_id
378                              AND pro2.approved = 'Y'
379                              AND det.date_worked >= pro2.change_date)
380       AND det.element_type_id = pay.element_type_id
381       AND payt.element_type_id = pay.element_type_id
382       AND payt.language = userenv('LANG')
383       AND pay.element_type_id = payd.element_type_id
384       AND det.date_worked BETWEEN pay.effective_start_date
385                               AND pay.effective_end_date
386       AND det.date_worked BETWEEN payd.effective_start_date
387                               AND payd.effective_end_date
388       AND payd.hxt_earning_category = fcl.lookup_code
389       AND fcl.lookup_type = 'HXT_EARNING_CATEGORY'
390       AND fcl.application_id = 808
391       AND asg.employment_category = fcl2.lookup_code
392       AND fcl2.lookup_type = 'EMP_CAT'
393       AND fcl2.application_id = 800
394       AND det.project_id = prj.project_id
395       AND det.tas_id = task.task_id(+);
396 --TA36 not needed. declared in FOR loop.l_non_rec l_non_cur%ROWTYPE;
398 l_retcode	      NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
399 l_premium_amount      NUMBER(22,5) DEFAULT 0.00000;
400 l_rate		      NUMBER(22,5) DEFAULT 0.00000;
401 l_standard_rate       NUMBER(22,5) DEFAULT 0.00000;
402 l_premium_hours	      NUMBER(22,5) DEFAULT NULL;
403 l_transfer_error      EXCEPTION;
406   g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
407   if g_debug then
408   	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',10);
409   end if;
410   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Processing NON-EWR time');
412 --Process all eligible time detail rows for this timecard
413   FOR l_non_rec IN l_non_cur(i_timecard_id) LOOP
414     if g_debug then
415     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',20);
416     end if;
417     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('  in the loop');
418     g_err_effective_start := l_non_rec.effective_start_date;
419     g_err_effective_end := l_non_rec.effective_end_date;
420     g_sum_hours_err_id := l_non_rec.sum_id;
422     if g_debug then
423        	  hr_utility.trace('l_non_rec.sum_id = ' || TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.sum_id));
424     	  hr_utility.trace('l_non_rec.effective_start_date = '||fnd_date.date_to_chardate(l_non_rec.effective_start_date));
425     	  hr_utility.trace('l_non_rec.effective_end_date = '||fnd_date.date_to_chardate(l_non_rec.effective_end_date));
426     end if;
427     -- Calculate an houly rate for the salary basis
428     IF l_non_rec.pay_basis = 'ANNUAL' THEN
429       if g_debug then
430       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',30);
431       end if;
432       l_rate := l_non_rec.proposed_salary / l_hours_per_year;
433     ELSIF l_non_rec.pay_basis = 'MONTHLY' THEN
434       if g_debug then
435       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',40);
436       end if;
437       l_rate := (l_non_rec.proposed_salary * 12) / l_hours_per_year;
438     ELSIF l_non_rec.pay_basis = 'PERIOD' THEN
439       if g_debug then
440       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',50);
441       end if;
442       l_rate := (l_non_rec.proposed_salary * i_annual_pay_periods) / l_hours_per_year;
443     ELSE -- 'HOURLY'
444       if g_debug then
445       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',60);
446       end if;
447       l_rate := l_non_rec.proposed_salary;
448     END IF;
449     l_standard_rate := l_rate;
451     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Employee '||i_employee_number|| --HXT115
452                          ' timecard '||TO_CHAR(i_timecard_id) ||' assignment id of '||
453                          TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.assignment_id));
454     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Normal Hourly Rate for '||i_employee_number||' is: '
455                    ||TO_CHAR(l_rate));
456     -- Take the override rate when one exists
457     IF l_non_rec.hourly_rate IS NOT NULL THEN
458       if g_debug then
459       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',70);
460       end if;
461       l_rate := l_non_rec.hourly_rate;
462       HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Using Override Hourly Rate of '||TO_CHAR(l_rate));
463     END IF;
465     -- Process Base Hours
466     IF l_non_rec.hxt_earning_category IN ('ABS','OVT','REG') THEN
467       if g_debug then
468       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',80);
469       end if;
470    -- Handle Flat Amounts on Base Hours Types
471       IF l_non_rec.amount IS NOT NULL THEN
472         if g_debug then
476         HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Premium Flat amount entered on timecard, amount:'
473               hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',90);
474         end if;
475         l_premium_amount := l_non_rec.amount;
477                ||TO_CHAR(l_premium_amount)||
478              ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
479       ELSE
480         if g_debug then
481               hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',100);
482         end if;
483         l_premium_amount := NULL;
484      -- Calculate rate per hour for overtime using the available premium types
485         IF l_non_rec.hxt_earning_category = 'OVT' THEN
486           if g_debug then
487           	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',110);
488           end if;
489           IF l_non_rec.hxt_premium_type = 'FACTOR' THEN
490              if g_debug then
491              	   hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',120);
492              end if;
493             -- Use the manually entered multiple when one exists
494             -- else, use the multiple from the element descriptive flex
495             IF l_non_rec.rate_multiple IS NOT NULL THEN
496               if g_debug then
497               	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',130);
498               end if;
499               l_rate := l_rate * l_non_rec.rate_multiple;
500               HXT_UTIL.DEBUG(TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.rate_multiple)
501                ||'Sending Overtime FACTOR/manual multiple rate:'|| TO_CHAR(l_rate)
502                ||' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
503             ELSE
504               if g_debug then
505               	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',140);
506               end if;
507               l_rate := l_rate * l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount;
508               HXT_UTIL.DEBUG(TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount)
509                             ||'Sending Overtime FACTOR/element premium rate:'||
510                             TO_CHAR(l_rate)||' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'
511                             ||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
512             END IF;
513           ELSIF l_non_rec.hxt_premium_type = 'RATE' THEN
514             if g_debug then
515             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',150);
516             end if;
517             l_rate := l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount;
518             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Overtime RATE/element premium rate:'||TO_CHAR(l_rate)||
519                    ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
520           ELSE -- FIXED amount per day
521             if g_debug then
522             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',160);
523             end if;
524             l_rate := l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount / l_non_rec.hours;
525             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Overtime Flat/element premium rate:'||TO_CHAR(l_rate)||
526                       ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
527           END IF;
528         ELSIF l_non_rec.hxt_earning_category = 'ABS' THEN
529            if g_debug then
530            	 hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',170);
531            end if;
532            HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Time at: rate:'||TO_CHAR(l_rate)||
533              ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
534         ELSE
535            if g_debug then
536            	 hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',180);
537            end if;
538            HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Time at: rate:'||TO_CHAR(l_rate)|| --HXT115
539              ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
540         END IF;
541       END IF; --End Amount NULL? SIR#5
543       if g_debug then
544       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',190);
545       end if;
546       l_retcode := hxt_pa_user_exits.p_a_interface
547 			       (l_non_rec.hours,
548 				l_rate,
549                                 l_premium_amount,
550 				l_non_rec.hxt_earning_category||l_non_rec.hxt_premium_type,
551 				i_ending_date,
552                                 i_employee_number,
553 				l_non_rec.emp_cat_description,
554 				l_non_rec.element_type_id,
555 				l_non_rec.name,
556                                 l_non_rec.organization_id,
557 				l_non_rec.date_worked,
558 				l_non_rec.det_effective_start,
559 				l_non_rec.det_effective_end,
560 				l_non_rec.element_name,
561 				l_non_rec.pay_basis,
562 				l_non_rec.id,
563 			        l_non_rec.hxt_earning_category,
564 				FALSE,
565                                 l_standard_rate,
566 				l_non_rec.project_id,
567 				l_non_rec.tas_id,
568                                 l_non_rec.segment1,
569                                 l_non_rec.task_number,
570                                 l_non_rec.project_name,
571                                 l_non_rec.task_name,
572 				l_non_rec.assignment_id,
573                                 l_non_rec.ffv_cost_center_id,
574                                 l_non_rec.job_id,
575 				o_location,
576 				o_error_text,
577 				o_system_text);
578         IF l_retcode = 1 THEN
579           if g_debug then
580           	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',200);
581           end if;
582           RAISE l_transfer_error;
586         if g_debug then
583         END IF;
584     -- End Base Hours Processing
585     ELSE
587               hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',210);
588         end if;
589         IF l_non_rec.hxt_premium_type = 'FACTOR' THEN
590           if g_debug then
591           	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',220);
592           end if;
593        -- Use the manually entered multiple when one exists
594        -- else, use the multiple from the element descriptive flex
595           IF l_non_rec.rate_multiple IS NOT NULL THEN
596             if g_debug then
597             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',230);
598             end if;
599             l_rate := l_rate * l_non_rec.rate_multiple;
600             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG(TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.rate_multiple)
601                             ||'Sending Premium FACTOR/manual multiple rate:'||
602                                  TO_CHAR(l_rate)||' '||l_non_rec.element_name
603                             ||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
604           ELSE
605             if g_debug then
606                	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',240);
607             end if;
608          -- When the element flex value is used,
609          -- Factor premiums are calculated by multiplying the (rate x (premium - 1) x hours)
610             l_rate := l_rate * (l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount - 1);
611             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG(TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount)||
612                            'Sending Premium FACTOR/element premium rate:'||
613                             TO_CHAR(l_rate)||' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'
614                             ||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
615           END IF;
616         -- Rate per hour premiums are the (rate x hours)
617         ELSIF l_non_rec.hxt_premium_type = 'RATE' THEN
618             if g_debug then
619             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',250);
620             end if;
621          -- Use the Hourly Rate(override rate) entered by the user, if one has been entered
622           IF l_non_rec.hourly_rate IS NOT NULL THEN
623             if g_debug then
624             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',260);
625             end if;
626             l_rate := l_non_rec.hourly_rate;
627             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Premium RATE/element premium rate:'||TO_CHAR(l_rate)||
628                       ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
629           -- Use the rate entered on the Pay Element flex segment
630           ELSE
631             if g_debug then
632             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',270);
633             end if;
634             l_rate := l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount;
635             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Premium Flat/element premium rate:'||TO_CHAR(l_rate)||
636                       ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
637           END IF;
638         -- FIXED amount premium
639         ELSE
640             if g_debug then
641             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',280);
642             end if;
643           -- If no amount was entered, Assign the premium attached to the Pay Element
644           IF l_non_rec.amount IS NULL THEN
645             if g_debug then
646             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',290);
647             end if;
648             l_premium_amount := l_non_rec.hxt_premium_amount;
649             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Premium Flat/element premium amount:'||TO_CHAR(l_premium_amount)
650                            || ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
651           -- Else, take the override premium amount entered on the timecard
652           ELSE
653             if g_debug then
654             	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',300);
655             end if;
656             l_premium_amount := l_non_rec.amount;
657             HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Sending Premium Flat amount entered on timecard, amount:'
658                            ||TO_CHAR(l_premium_amount)||
659                         ' '||l_non_rec.element_name||','||' hours:'||TO_CHAR(l_non_rec.hours));
660           END IF;
661           if g_debug then
662           	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',310);
663           end if;
664         END IF; -- premium calculations
666       if g_debug then
667       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',320);
668       end if;
669       l_retcode := hxt_pa_user_exits.p_a_interface
670 			       (l_non_rec.hours,
671 				l_rate,
672 				l_premium_amount,
673 				l_non_rec.hxt_earning_category||l_non_rec.hxt_premium_type,
674 				i_ending_date,
675                                 i_employee_number,
676 				l_non_rec.emp_cat_description,
677 				l_non_rec.element_type_id, --SIR162
678 				l_non_rec.name,
679                                 l_non_rec.organization_id,
680 				l_non_rec.date_worked,
681 				l_non_rec.det_effective_start,
682 				l_non_rec.det_effective_end,
683 				l_non_rec.element_name,
684 				l_non_rec.pay_basis,
685 				l_non_rec.id,
686 		                l_non_rec.hxt_earning_category,
687 				FALSE,
688                                 l_standard_rate,
689 				l_non_rec.project_id,
690 				l_non_rec.tas_id,
691                                 l_non_rec.segment1,
692                                 l_non_rec.task_number,
693                                 l_non_rec.project_name,
694                                 l_non_rec.task_name,
695 				l_non_rec.assignment_id,
696                                 l_non_rec.ffv_cost_center_id,
697                                 l_non_rec.job_id,
698 				o_location,
699 				o_error_text,
700 				o_system_text);
702        IF l_retcode = 1 THEN
703          if g_debug then
704          	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',330);
705          end if;
706          RAISE l_transfer_error;
707        END IF;
711     if g_debug then
708     END IF; -- end premium hours transfer
710  -- Update the detail rows to a completed status
712     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',340);
713     end if;
714     UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f detf
715        SET detf.pa_status = 'C'
716      WHERE detf.rowid = (SELECT det2.rowid
717 			   FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_x det2
718 			  WHERE l_non_rec.id = det2.id);
719   END LOOP;
720   if g_debug then
721   	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',350);
722   end if;
723   RETURN 0;
725   WHEN l_transfer_error THEN
726     if g_debug then
727     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',360);
728     end if;
729     RETURN 1;
731     if g_debug then
732     	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer',370);
733     end if;
734     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('exception in non_eff_wage: '||SQLERRM);
735     o_location := 'hxt_tran_pa.non_eff_wage_rate_transfer';
736     o_error_text := NULL;
737     o_system_text := SQLERRM;
738     RETURN 1;
739 END non_eff_wage_rate_transfer;
740 /****************************************************
741   log_transfer_errors()
742   Errors are posted to HXT_ERRORS table.
743 ****************************************************/
744 FUNCTION log_transfer_errors(i_location IN VARCHAR2,
745                              i_error_text IN VARCHAR2,
746                              i_system_text IN VARCHAR2)RETURN NUMBER IS
748   g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
749   if g_debug then
750   	hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.log_transfer_errors',10);
751   end if;
752   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('g_batch_err_id = ' || TO_CHAR(g_batch_err_id)); --DEBUG ONLY
753   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('g_timecard_err_id = ' || TO_CHAR(g_timecard_err_id)); --DEBUG ONLY
754   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('g_sum_hours_err_id = ' || g_sum_hours_err_id); --DEBUG ONLY
755   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('g_time_period_err_id = ' || TO_CHAR(g_time_period_err_id)); --DEBUG ONLY
756   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('i_location = ' || i_location); --DEBUG ONLY
757   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('i_error_text = ' || i_error_text); --DEBUG ONLY
758   HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('i_system_text = ' || i_system_text); --DEBUG ONLY
759   hxt_util.Gen_Error(g_batch_err_id,
760                     g_timecard_err_id,
761                     g_sum_hours_err_id,
762                     g_time_period_err_id,
763                     i_error_text,
764                     i_location,
765                     i_system_text,
766                     g_err_effective_start,
767                     g_err_effective_end,
768                     'ERR');                     --HXT11i1
769    COMMIT;
770    if g_debug then
771    	 hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.log_transfer_errors',20);
772    end if;
774 RETURN 0;
777       if g_debug then
778       	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_TRAN_PA.log_transfer_errors',30);
779       end if;
780       RAISE g_error_log_error;
781 END log_transfer_errors;
783 --begin