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1 PACKAGE BODY jtf_task_recurrences_pub AS
2 /* $Header: jtfptkub.pls 115.25 2002/12/06 02:00:23 sachoudh ship $ */
3     PROCEDURE create_task_recurrence (
4         p_api_version             IN       NUMBER,
5         p_init_msg_list           IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
6         p_commit                  IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
7         p_task_id                 IN       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
8         p_task_number             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
9         p_occurs_which            IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
10         p_template_flag           IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
11         p_day_of_week             IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
12         p_date_of_month           IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
13         p_occurs_month            IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
14         p_occurs_uom              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
15         p_occurs_every            IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
16         p_occurs_number           IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
17         p_start_date_active       IN       DATE DEFAULT NULL,
18         p_end_date_active         IN       DATE DEFAULT NULL,
19         x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
20         x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
21         x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
22         x_recurrence_rule_id      OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
23         x_task_rec                OUT NOCOPY      jtf_task_recurrences_pub.task_details_rec,
24         x_reccurences_generated   OUT NOCOPY      INTEGER,
25         p_attribute1              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
26         p_attribute2              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
27         p_attribute3              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
28         p_attribute4              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
29         p_attribute5              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
30         p_attribute6              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
31         p_attribute7              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
32         p_attribute8              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
33         p_attribute9              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
34         p_attribute10             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
35         p_attribute11             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
36         p_attribute12             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
37         p_attribute13             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
38         p_attribute14             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
39         p_attribute15             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
40         p_attribute_category      IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null ,
41         p_sunday                  IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
42         p_monday                  IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
43         p_tuesday                 IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
44         p_wednesday               IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
45         p_thursday                IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
46         p_friday                  IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
47         p_saturday                IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char
48         )
49     IS
50         l_api_version    CONSTANT NUMBER                                       := 1.0;
51         l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)                                 := 'CREATE_TASK_RECURRENCE';
52         l_task_id                 jtf_tasks_b.task_id%TYPE;
53         l_recurrence_rule_id      jtf_task_recur_rules.recurrence_rule_id%TYPE;
54         l_output_dates_tbl        jtf_task_recurrences_pub.output_dates_rec;
55         l_template_flag           CHAR                                         := p_template_flag;
56         l_output_dates_counter    NUMBER;
57         l_rowid                   ROWID;
58         x                         CHAR;
60         CURSOR c_jtf_task_recurrences (
61             l_rowid                   IN       ROWID
62         )
63         IS
64             SELECT 1
65               FROM jtf_task_recur_rules
66              WHERE ROWID = l_rowid;
67     BEGIN
68         SAVEPOINT create_task_recurrence_pub;
69         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
71         IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call (l_api_version, p_api_version, l_api_name, g_pkg_name)
72         THEN
73             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
74         END IF;
76         IF fnd_api.to_boolean (p_init_msg_list)
77         THEN
78             fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
79         END IF;
83         IF jtf_task_utl.to_boolean (l_template_flag)
84         THEN
85             jtf_task_utl.validate_task_template (
86                 x_return_status => x_return_status,
87                 p_task_id => p_task_id,
88                 p_task_number => p_task_number,
89                 x_task_id => l_task_id
90             );
92                 IF NOT (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
93                 THEN
94                     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
95                     RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
96                 END IF;
100         ELSE
101             jtf_task_utl.validate_task (
102                 x_return_status => x_return_status,
103                 p_task_id => p_task_id,
104                 p_task_number => p_task_number,
105                 x_task_id => l_task_id
106             );
108                 IF NOT (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
109                 THEN
110                     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
111                     RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
112                 END IF;
113         END IF;
115         IF l_task_id IS NULL
116         THEN
117             x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
118             fnd_message.set_name ('JTF', 'JTF_TASK_MISSING_TASK');
119             fnd_msg_pub.add;
120             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
121         END IF;
124         jtf_task_recurrences_pvt.create_task_recurrence (
125             p_api_version => 1.0,
126             p_init_msg_list => 'F',
127             p_commit => 'F',
128             p_task_id => p_task_id,
129             p_occurs_which => p_occurs_which,
130             p_day_of_week => p_day_of_week,
131             p_date_of_month => p_date_of_month,
132             p_occurs_month => p_occurs_month,
133             p_occurs_uom => p_occurs_uom,
134             p_occurs_every => p_occurs_every,
135             p_occurs_number => p_occurs_number,
136             p_start_date_active => p_start_date_active,
137             p_end_date_active => p_end_date_active,
138             p_template_flag   =>        p_template_flag ,
139             x_return_status => x_return_status,
140             x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
141             x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
142             x_recurrence_rule_id => x_recurrence_rule_id,
143             x_task_rec => x_task_rec,
144             x_output_dates_counter => x_reccurences_generated,
145             p_attribute1 => p_attribute1 ,
146             p_attribute2 => p_attribute2 ,
147             p_attribute3 => p_attribute3 ,
148             p_attribute4 => p_attribute4 ,
149             p_attribute5 => p_attribute5 ,
150             p_attribute6 => p_attribute6 ,
151             p_attribute7 => p_attribute7 ,
152             p_attribute8 => p_attribute8 ,
153             p_attribute9 => p_attribute9 ,
154             p_attribute10 => p_attribute10 ,
155             p_attribute11 => p_attribute11 ,
156             p_attribute12 => p_attribute12 ,
157             p_attribute13 => p_attribute13 ,
158             p_attribute14 => p_attribute14 ,
159             p_attribute15 => p_attribute15,
160             p_attribute_category => p_attribute_category,
161             p_sunday => p_sunday,
162             p_monday   =>  p_monday,
163             p_tuesday  =>   p_tuesday,
164             p_wednesday  =>  p_wednesday,
165             p_thursday   =>  p_thursday,
166             p_friday     =>  p_friday,
167             p_saturday   =>  p_saturday
168             );
170         IF (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error)
171         THEN
172             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
173         ELSIF (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error)
174         THEN
175             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
176         END IF;
178         IF fnd_api.to_boolean (p_commit)
179         THEN
180             COMMIT WORK;
181         END IF;
183         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
185         WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error
186         THEN
187             ROLLBACK TO create_task_recurrence_pub;
188             x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
189             fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
190         WHEN OTHERS
191         THEN
194             ROLLBACK TO create_task_recurrence_pub;
195             x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
196             fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
197     END;
199     PROCEDURE update_task_recurrence (
200         p_api_version            IN       NUMBER,
201         p_init_msg_list          IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
202         p_commit                 IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
203         p_task_id                IN       NUMBER,
204         p_recurrence_rule_id     IN       NUMBER,
205         p_occurs_which           IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
206         p_day_of_week            IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
207         p_date_of_month          IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
208         p_occurs_month           IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
209         p_occurs_uom             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
210         p_occurs_every           IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
211         p_occurs_number          IN       INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
212         p_start_date_active      IN       DATE DEFAULT NULL,
213         p_end_date_active        IN       DATE DEFAULT NULL,
214         p_template_flag          IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
215         p_attribute1             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
216         p_attribute2             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
217         p_attribute3             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
218         p_attribute4             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
219         p_attribute5             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
220         p_attribute6             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
221         p_attribute7             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
222         p_attribute8             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
223         p_attribute9             IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
224         p_attribute10            IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
225         p_attribute11            IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
226         p_attribute12            IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
227         p_attribute13            IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
228         p_attribute14            IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
229         p_attribute15            IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
230         p_attribute_category     IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
231         p_sunday                 IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
232         p_monday                 IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
233         p_tuesday                IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
234         p_wednesday              IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
235         p_thursday               IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
236         p_friday                 IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
237         p_saturday               IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT jtf_task_utl.g_no_char,
238         x_new_recurrence_rule_id OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
239         x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
240         x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
241         x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
242     )
243     IS
244     BEGIN
245         SAVEPOINT update_task_recurrence_pub;
247         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
249         IF fnd_api.to_boolean (p_init_msg_list)
250         THEN
251             fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
252         END IF;
254         jtf_task_recurrences_pvt.update_task_recurrence (
255             p_api_version            => 1.0,
256             p_init_msg_list          => fnd_api.g_false,
257             p_commit                 => fnd_api.g_false,
258             p_task_id                => p_task_id,
259             p_recurrence_rule_id     => p_recurrence_rule_id,
260             p_occurs_which           => p_occurs_which,
261             p_day_of_week            => p_day_of_week,
262             p_date_of_month          => p_date_of_month,
263             p_occurs_month           => p_occurs_month,
264             p_occurs_uom             => p_occurs_uom,
265             p_occurs_every           => p_occurs_every,
266             p_occurs_number          => p_occurs_number,
267             p_start_date_active      => p_start_date_active,
268             p_end_date_active        => p_end_date_active,
269             p_template_flag          => p_template_flag,
270             p_attribute1             => p_attribute1,
271             p_attribute2             => p_attribute2,
272             p_attribute3             => p_attribute3,
273             p_attribute4             => p_attribute4,
274             p_attribute5             => p_attribute5,
275             p_attribute6             => p_attribute6,
276             p_attribute7             => p_attribute7,
277             p_attribute8             => p_attribute8,
278             p_attribute9             => p_attribute9,
279             p_attribute10            => p_attribute10,
280             p_attribute11            => p_attribute11,
281             p_attribute12            => p_attribute12,
282             p_attribute13            => p_attribute13,
283             p_attribute14            => p_attribute14,
284             p_attribute15            => p_attribute15,
285             p_attribute_category     => p_attribute_category,
286             p_sunday                 => p_sunday,
287             p_monday                 => p_monday,
288             p_tuesday                => p_tuesday,
289             p_wednesday              => p_wednesday,
290             p_thursday               => p_thursday,
291             p_friday                 => p_friday,
292             p_saturday               => p_saturday,
293             x_new_recurrence_rule_id => x_new_recurrence_rule_id,
294             x_return_status          => x_return_status,
295             x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
296             x_msg_data               => x_msg_data
297         );
299         IF fnd_api.to_boolean (p_commit)
300         THEN
301             COMMIT WORK;
302         END IF;
304         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
306         WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error
307         THEN
308             ROLLBACK TO update_task_recurrence_pub;
309             x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
310             fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
311         WHEN OTHERS
312         THEN
313             ROLLBACK TO update_task_recurrence_pub;
314             x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
315             fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
316     END update_task_recurrence;
318 END;