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Line 399: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.

396: RETURN(x_function_value);
397: ELSE
398: ---** Bug#2934909 converting execute immediate into dbms_sql to bind input variables
399: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.
400: bind_var_tab.extend;
401: bind_ctr := bind_ctr+1;
402: l_string := pdf_rec.function_name || '('||pdf_rec.parameter_name||
403: '=> '||':'||bind_ctr;

Line 431: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.

427: -- return T or F
428: IF l_string IS NOT NULL THEN
429: func_string := 'begin '||l_string||' end;';
430: ---** Bug#2934909 converting execute immediate into dbms_sql to bind input variables
431: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.
432: BEGIN
433: bind_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
434: dbms_sql.parse(bind_cur, func_string, dbms_sql.native);
435: dbms_sql.bind_variable(bind_cur,'retval','A');

Line 788: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.

784: rel_op := '<>';
785: ELSE rel_op := cnl_rec.relational_operator;
786: END IF;
787: ---** Bug#2934909 converting execute immediate into dbms_sql to bind input variables
788: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.
789: bind_var_tab.extend;
790: bind_ctr := bind_ctr+1;
791: l_string := l_string || cnl_rec.left_parenthesis;
792: l_string :=l_string||':'||bind_ctr||rel_op;

Line 837: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.

833: l_previous_counter_val:= get_last_counter_reading(
834: p_cnh_id,
835: cnl_rec.acn_id);
836: ---** Bug#2934909 converting execute immediate into dbms_sql to bind input variables
837: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.
838: l_string :=evaluate_counter_condition(
839: cnl_rec.id ,
840: l_previous_counter_val,
841: get_attribute_value('COUNTER_READING',p_msg_tab));

Line 876: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.

872: CLOSE cnl_cur;
873: IF l_string is not null THEN
874: l_string := 'BEGIN select ''X'' INTO :v_result from dual where '||l_string||'; END;';
875: ---** Bug#2934909 converting execute immediate into dbms_sql to bind input variables
876: -- ** as per new coding standards to avoid data security problems.
877: BEGIN
878: b := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
879: dbms_sql.parse(b, l_string, dbms_sql.native);
880: dbms_sql.bind_variable(b,':v_result',v_result,20);

Line 2076: -- look at standard evaluator for usage of l_k_id

2073: /* --Added by suma
2074: --get contract id
2075: -- commented out for now as this is not relevent for Rel Plan actions
2076: -- look at standard evaluator for usage of l_k_id
2077: l_k_id := get_attribute_value('K_ID',p_msg_tab);
2078: */
2080: OPEN cnh_cur;

Line 2222: -- standard condition evaluator used for counter update

2219: END evaluate_condition;
2222: -- standard condition evaluator used for counter update
2223: -- and other asynchronous actions. Invoked from DEQUEUE_EVENT
2224: -- This procedure acts as a wrapper for other APIs in the package.
2225: -- This procedure first calls evaluate_condition_lines and gets back a table
2226: -- of TRUE condition header ids. This header id table and message table