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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

    select SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID, name
    from ak_customizations_tl ac, irc_search_criteria isc
    where region_code = 'IRC_APPL_JOB_SEARCH_TBL'
    and region_application_id = 800
    and ac.customization_code = isc.search_name
    and isc.SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID between p_start_pkid
                               and p_end_pkid;
Line: 31

  ** update the search_name.
  for c_cust in csr_ak_customizations loop

    ** Set language for iteration....
    l_current_id := c_cust.SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID;
Line: 42

    ** Update the Search Criteria
        update irc_search_criteria
        set SEARCH_NAME = l_current_name
        where SEARCH_CRITERIA_ID = l_current_id;
Line: 74

    select inp.PERSON_ID inp_person_id,
    pad.town_or_city city,
    pad.address_type addtype
    from irc_notification_preferences inp,
    per_addresses pad
    inp.person_id = pad.person_id(+)
    and pad.ADDRESS_TYPE(+) ='REC'
    and inp.person_id between p_start_pkid
                               and p_end_pkid
    order by inp_person_id,addtype ;
Line: 87

    select null
    from irc_search_criteria isc
    where isc.object_id = p_person_id
    and isc.object_type in ('WORK','WPREF');
Line: 101

  ** insert a record in IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA.
  for c_notifs in csr_irc_notifications loop
    **The cursor will return the personid.If there are two addresttype for person
    ** then first the REC addresstype will be selected and then the null
    ** addresstype will be selected in cursor.This is achieved by the order by
    ** clause.So only the first record will be inserted and second record is
    ** restricted.
    open csr_work_choices(c_notifs.inp_person_id);
Line: 117

      ** insert the work preferences in Search Criteria
      irc_search_criteria_api.create_work_choices (
      p_effective_date                    => trunc(sysdate)
      ,p_person_id                         => c_notifs.inp_person_id
      ,p_employee                         => 'Y'
      ,p_contractor                       => 'Y'
      ,p_employment_category              => 'FULLTIME'
      ,p_match_competence                 => 'Y'
      ,p_match_qualification              => 'Y'
      ,p_salary_period                    => 'ANNUAL'
      ,p_work_at_home                     => null
      ,p_location                         => c_notifs.city
      ,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn_number
      ,p_search_criteria_id               => l_search_criteria_id