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1 package ad_apps_private as
2 /* $Header: adaprs.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 11:44:44 appldev noship $ */
4 --
5 -- Declare type for tables of objects given special treatment
6 -- These are usually the result of patches after the release goes
7 -- out.  In general, we don't want any of these at the start of a release
8 --
10 type TableNameType is table of varchar2(30)
11   index by binary_integer;
13 --
14 -- Global variables and common sql statements used multiple times
15 --
17 error_buf varchar2(32760);
18 is_mls boolean;
19 is_mc  boolean;
21 ign_select_part1 constant varchar2(100) :=
22    'select distinct decode(install_group_num,0,1,install_group_num) from ';
23 ign_select_part2 constant varchar2(200) :=
24    '.fnd_product_installations '||
25    'where db_status in ( ''I'' , ''S'' ) '||
26    'and not (install_group_num != 0 '||
27    'and exists ( '||
28    'select null from ';
29 ign_select_part3 constant varchar2(200) :=
30    '.fnd_product_installations '||
31    'where install_group_num > 0)) '||
32    'order by decode(install_group_num,0,1,install_group_num)';
34 ign_schema_select_part1 constant varchar2(100) :=
35    'select distinct ou.oracle_username from ';
36 ign_schema_select_part2 constant varchar2(100) :=
37    '.fnd_oracle_userid ou, ';
38 -- note the final where condition is missing.  This differs and is added later
39 ign_schema_select_part3 constant varchar2(200) :=
40    '.fnd_product_installations pi '||
41    'where ou.oracle_id = pi.oracle_id '||
42    'and pi.db_status in ( ''I'' , ''S'' ) '||
43    'and pi.install_group_num ';
45 --
46 -- These PL/SQL tables together logically implement a PL/SQL
47 -- table of records that tracks information on objects we need to treat
48 -- specially.  So far, we only refer to this information in the
49 -- create_grants_and_synonyms() procedure, and in advrfapp.sql
50 --
51 -- I probably should really implement this as a table of records...
52 --
54 -- The logical columns for the exception objects list
56 prod_short_name    TableNameType;
57 base_name          TableNameType;
58 base_type          TableNameType;
59 exception_type     TableNameType;
60 trigger_obj_schema TableNameType;
61 trigger_obj_type   TableNameType;
62 trigger_obj_name   TableNameType;
63 apps_name          TableNameType;
64 apps_type          TableNameType;
65 points_to_schema   TableNameType;
66 points_to_name     TableNameType;
68 -- The number of elements in the exception objects list
70 list_count number;
72 --
73 -- Array used to check to see if we have already done the following check:
74 -- Some programs that use ad_ddl call it hundreds of times and we don't need to
75 -- do the check if we've already done it. The check will be done in
76 -- check_for_apps_ddl
77 --
78 type schema_check_table is table of dba_objects.owner%type index by binary_integer;
79 schema_check schema_check_table;
80 --
82 --
83 -- Procedures dealing with APPS_DDL and APPS_ARRAY_DDL
84 --
86 procedure do_apps_ddl (schema_name in varchar2,
87 		       ddl_text    in varchar2);
89 procedure do_apps_ddl (schema_name in varchar2,
90 		       ddl_text    in varchar2,
91                        abbrev_stmt in varchar2);
92   --
93   -- Purpose
94   --   Execute the SQL statement  in the schema <username>
95   --   This is done by creating the following pl/sql block:
96   --		begin <username>.apps_ddl.apps_ddl(:<ddl_text>); end;
97   -- Arguments
98   --   schema_name	The schema in which to run the statement
99   --   ddl_text		The SQL statement to run
100   --   abbrev_stmt	Replace ddl_text with '$statement$' in stack trace?
101   -- Example
102   --   none
104 procedure do_apps_array_ddl (schema_name in varchar2,
105                              lb          in integer,
106                              ub          in integer);
108 procedure do_apps_array_ddl (schema_name in varchar2,
109                              lb          in integer,
110                              ub          in integer,
111                              add_newline in varchar2);
112   -- Purpose
113   --   Execute a array of sql statement in the schema <username>
114   --   This array should be already built in do_array_assignment
115   -- Arguments
116   --   schema_name	The schema in which to run the statement
117   --   ddl_text		dummy variable, for future use
118   --   lb, ub           the upper and lower bound of the array
119   --   add_newline      Should we add a newline after each line of input
120   --                      text?  Don't want this for long views, but
121   --                      probably do want this for packages.
122   -- Example
123   --   none
124   -- Notes
125   --   1. Requires that create_apps_ddl, and do_array_assignment,
126   --   2. This procedure requires that execute on sys.dbms_sys_sql be
127   --      granted to username before calling.
128   --   3. Before calling this function, one should call
129   --      do_array_assignment to build the array.
131 procedure do_array_assignment (schema_name in varchar2,
132                                ddl_text    in varchar2,
133                                rowcount    in integer);
134   -- Build an array of sqlcode in a global variable glprogtext
135   -- in package APPS_ARRAY_DDL in schema username
136   -- Argument
137   --   username, schema
138   --   ddl_text, one line of plsql code.
139   --   rowcount, the line number
141 procedure check_for_apps_ddl (schema_name in varchar2);
143   -- Verify that APPS_DDL and APPS_ARRAY_DDL exist and are valid
144   --   in "schema_name"
145   -- Fail if not there or not valid
147 --
148 -- Procedures dealing with Oracle Schemas
149 --
151 function check_if_schema_exists (schema_name in varchar2)
152          return boolean;
153   --
154   -- Purpose
155   --   Check for existance of username in dba_users
156   -- Arguments
157   --   username	The oracle user name to check
158   -- Output
159   --   boolean		- TRUE if user exists, else FALSE
160   -- Example
161   --   none
162   -- Notes
163   --   1. none
164   --
166 --
167 -- Utility functions
168 --
170 procedure create_grants_and_synonyms
171            (install_group_num in number,
172             from_schema       in varchar2,
173             aol_schema        in varchar2,
174             apps_schema       in varchar2);
176 procedure create_grants_and_synonyms
177            (install_group_num in number,
178             from_schema       in varchar2,
179             aol_schema        in varchar2,
180             apps_schema       in varchar2,
181             force             in varchar2);
183    --
184    -- Purpose
185    --   Create grants from base schema sequences and tables to the
186    --   APPS schema(s), and create synonyms in the APPS schema(s)
187    --   corresponding to the base schema objects.
188    -- Arguments
189    --   install_group_num  Install Group Number
190    --   from_schema     Schema that contains the sequences and tables
191    --	aol_schema	Schema that contains AOL tables
192    --   apps_schema	Name of the regular APPS schema
193    --   force           Drop and re-create synonyms in this APPS schema
194    --                    for objects in this base schema?
195    -- Example
196    --   none
197    -- Notes
198    --   1. none
199    --
201 procedure get_apps_schema_name (ign                in  number,
202 				aol_or_apps_schema in  varchar2,
203 				apps_schema        out nocopy varchar2,
204 				apps_mls_schema    out nocopy varchar2);
205    --
206    -- Purpose
207    --   Create name for appsuser accounts (regular and MLS versions)
208    -- Arguments
209    --   ign		Install Group Number
210    --	aol_schema	Schema that contains AOL tables
211    --   apps_schema	Name of the regular schema
212    --   apps_mls_schema Name of the MLS schema
213    -- Example
214    --   none
215    -- Notes
216    --   1. none
217    --
219 procedure drop_object (target_schema in varchar2,
220  		       object_name   in varchar2,
221 		       object_type   in varchar2);
222   --   Drop the object_name from the target_schema handling most
223   --   OK Oracle Errors (i.e. object does not exist)
224   -- Arguments
225   --   target_schema	The schema which owns the object
226   --   object_name	The name of the object to drop
227   --   object_type	The type of object to drop
228   -- Example
229   --   none
230   -- Notes
231   --   none
232   --
234 procedure copy_view (view_name   in varchar2,
235 		     from_schema in varchar2,
236 		     to_schema   in varchar2);
237    --
238    -- Purpose
239    --   The procedure copies a view from one schema to another.
240    -- Arguments
241    --   view_name	View to be copied
242    --   from_schema	Schema to copy from
243    --   to_schema	Schema to copy to
244    -- Example
245    --   none
246    -- Notes
247    --   This is actually a wrapper routine that calls copy_view_internal
248    --   and handles "deadlock when recompiling dependent object" errors
249    --   that can occur when creating a view.
250    --
252 procedure copy_huge_view(view_name  in varchar2,
253                          fromschema in varchar2,
254                          toschema   in varchar2);
255    --
256    -- Purpose
257    --   Copy a view with source text > 32 K
258    --   Can also copy smaller views, but is probably slower than
259    --    the normal copy_view routine
260    -- Arguments
261    --   view_name               The name of the view to copy
262    --   fromschema		The source schema
263    --	toschema		The destination schema
264    -- Example
265    --   none
266    -- Notes
267    --   1. none
268    --
270 procedure compare_view_text(view_name  in  varchar2,
271                             fromschema in  varchar2,
272                             toschema   in  varchar2,
273                             from_len   in  number,
274                             to_len     in  number,
275                             equal      out nocopy varchar2);
276    --
277    -- Purpose
278    --   Compare the text of two views, and determine whether
279    --   they are identical
280    -- Arguments
281    --   view_name               The name of the view to copy
282    --   fromschema		The source schema
283    --	toschema		The destination schema
284    --   from_len                View length in the source schema
285    --   to_len                  View length in the destination schema
286    --   equal                   Are the views equal?
287    -- Example
288    --   none
289    -- Notes
290    --   If the views are equal, the equal parameter is set to 'TRUE'
291    --   Otherwise, the equal parameter is set to 'FALSE'
292    --
294 procedure copy_code (object_name in varchar2,
295 		     object_type in varchar2,
296 		     from_schema in varchar2,
297 		     to_schema   in varchar2);
298    --
299    -- Purpose
300    --   The procedure copies a code object (package spec, package body,
301    --   procedure, function) from one schema to another
302    -- Arguments
303    --   object_name	code object to be copied
304    --   object_type	type of object to be copied
305    --		one of ak_org _private.g_package_spec
306    --		       ak_org _private.g_package_body
307    --		       ak_org _private.g_procedure
308    --		       ak_org _private.g_function
309    --   from_schema	Schema to copy from
310    --   to_schema	Schema to copy to
311    -- Example
312    --   none
313    -- Notes
314    --   1. none
315    --
317 procedure compare_code (object_name in  varchar2,
318 		        object_type in  varchar2,
319 		        from_schema in  varchar2,
320 		        to_schema   in  varchar2,
321                         comp_level  in  varchar2,
322                         equal       out nocopy varchar2);
323    --
324    -- Purpose
325    --   The procedure compares a code object (package spec, package body,
326    --   procedure, function) from one schema with the same object
327    --   in a different schema.
328    -- Arguments
329    --   object_name	code object to be copied
330    --   object_type	type of object to be copied
331    --   from_schema	Schema to copy from
332    --   to_schema	Schema to copy to
333    --   comp_level      Level of comparison (see notes)
334    --   equal           are the two objects equal?
335    -- Example
336    --   none
337    -- Notes
338    --   sets equal to TRUE if the two objects are identical
339    --   sets equal to FALSE if the objects are not identical
340    --
341    --   comp_level valid values, and what they mean:
342    --
343    --     none   : return "equal" without comparing objects
344    --
345    --     lines  : compare number of source lines in each object
346    --              return "equal" if same number of source lines
347    --
348    --     chars  : compare number of source lines and number of
349    --              source chars in each object
350    --              return "equal" if same number of source lines and chars
351    --
352    --     full   : compare number of source lines in each object,
353    --              then compare actual source text
354    --              return "equal" only if exactly equal
355    --
357 procedure create_base_gs (base_schema in varchar2,
358                           apps_schema in varchar2);
360 procedure create_base_gs (base_schema in varchar2,
361 			  apps_schema in varchar2,
362                           force       in varchar2);
363    --
364    -- Purpose
365    --   The procedure creates grants from all base schema tables and
366    --   sequences to the APPS schema; and also (re-)creates all missing
367    --   or incorrect synonyms in APPS.
368    --
369    -- Arguments
370    --   base_schema     the base applications schema
371    --   apps_schema     the APPS schema
372    --   force           drop, then recreate all synonyms in APPS
373    --                     corresponding to objects in this base schema
374    --
375    -- Example
376    --   none
377    -- Notes
378    --   1. uses apps_ddl
379    --
381 procedure create_gs (object_owner_schema in varchar2,
382                      to_schema           in varchar2,
383                      object_name         in varchar2,
384                      with_option         in boolean,
385                      privs               in varchar2,
386                      grant_from_schema   in varchar2 default null);
387    --
388    -- Purpose
389    --   Create a grant/synonym for object in <fromuser> to object in
390    --   <touser> with 'all' privileges on object <object_name>, optionally
391    --   'with grant option'
392    -- Arguments
393    --   fromuser	Schema in which object exists
394    --   touser		Schema in which to create synonym and grant to
395    --	object_name	Name of object to create synonym for
396    --	with_option	TRUE - grant is created 'with grant option'
397    --			FALSE - grant is created without grant option
398    -- Example
399    --   none
400    -- Notes
401    --   1. This implementation uses 'apps_ddl'.  So 'apps_ddl' must exist.
402    --
405 --
406 -- Procedures used to create an APPS/MLS schema
407 --
409 procedure create_synonyms (from_schema       in varchar2,
410                            to_schema         in varchar2,
411                            grant_from_schema in varchar2 default null);
412    --
413    -- Purpose
414    --   Copy synonyms from one schema to another
415    -- Arguments
416    --   from_schema	Schema to copy from
417    --	to_schema	Schema to copy to
421    --   1. none
418    -- Example
419    --   none
420    -- Notes
422    --
424 procedure copy_odd_synonyms (fromschema in varchar2,
425                              toschema   in varchar2);
426    --
427    -- Purpose
428    --   Copy odd synonyms (those that have a different name than base table)
429    -- Arguments
430    --   fromschema	Schema to copy from
431    --	toschema	Schema to copy to
432    -- Example
433    --   none
434    -- Notes
435    --   1. none
436    --
438 procedure create_special_views (install_group_num in number,
439                                 aol_schema        in varchar2,
440                                 apps_schema       in varchar2,
441                                 create_mls_views  in boolean);
442    --
443    -- Purpose
444    --   Create mls views in the appsuser account.
445    --   For each table listed in <aoluser>.ak_translated_columns an
446    --   mls view is created in the <appsuser> account.
447    -- Example
448    --   none
449    -- Notes
450    --   1. none
451    --
453 procedure copy_views (aoluser    in varchar2,
454                       fromschema in varchar2,
455                       toschema   in varchar2);
456    --
457    -- Purpose
458    --   Copy views from schema <fromschema> to schema <toschema>
459    -- Arguments
460    --   aoluser		Schema for AOL objects
461    --   fromschema	Schema to copy views from
462    --	toschema	Schema to copy views to
463    -- Example
464    --   none
465    -- Notes
466    --   1. none
467    --
469 procedure copy_stored_progs
470            (fromschema    in varchar2,
471             toschema      in varchar2,
472             p_object_type in varchar2,
473             p_subset      in varchar2,
474             compare_level in varchar2);
475    --
476    -- Purpose
477    --   Copy stored programs from schema <fromschema> to schema <toschema>
478    -- Arguments
479    --   fromschema	Schema to copy from
480    --	toschema	Schema to copy to
481    --   p_object_type   'A' - All, 'B' Bodies, 'S' Specs, ...
482    --	p_subset	Only copy objects like 'subset%'
483    --   compare_level   How precisely we compare objects
484    --                   (to determine whether to copy from src to dst)
485    -- Example
486    --   none
487    -- Notes
488    --
489    -- In general, we want to only re-copy from src to dest if the object
490    -- in src is different from the object in dest.
491    --
492    -- Comparison algorithm:
493    --
494    -- We use the following logic to compare code objects in src schema
495    -- with code objects in destination schema.
496    --
497    -- First check: if object not in dest schema, copy to dest schema
498    --  If object in dest schema, go to next check.
499    --
500    -- Second check: if object in src schema does not have revision
501    --  information, do a full text comparison between the object in src
502    --  and the object in dest schemas.  This full compare always happens
503    --  for objects without revision information (ie, the compare_level
504    --  argument is ignored here).  If objects different,
505    --  copy from src to dest.  If objects same, don't copy.
506    --  If object in src schema has revision information, go to next check.
507    --
508    -- Third check: if object in dest schema does not have revision
509    --  information, copy src to dest.  If dest schema object has revision
510    --  info, go to next check.
511    --
512    -- Fourth check: compare revisions between src and dest object.
513    --  If different, copy src to dest.  If same, continue to next check.
514    --  Note: we compare the whole header string, not just the revision number
515    --
516    -- Fifth check: we know that src and dest object have same revisions.
517    --  Do object comparison according to the compare_level argument to
518    --  see if the objects are identical.  If identical (as far as we checked)
519    --  do not copy src to dest.  If not identical, copy src to dest.
520    --
521    --  compare_level possible values and meanings:
522    --
523    --    none: identical revisions means identical objects.
524    --
525    --    lines: verify that objects have same number of source lines
526    --
527    --    chars: verify that objects have same number of source lines
528    --           and same number of source characters
529    --
530    --    full: verify that objects have same number of source lines,
531    --          then compare actual source text.
532    --
534 procedure exact_synonym_match (syn_own_schema  in  varchar2,
535                                syn_name        in  varchar2,
536                                tab_owner       in  varchar2,
537                                tab_name        in  varchar2,
538                                exact_match     out nocopy boolean,
539                                is_obj_w_name   out nocopy boolean,
540                                typ_exist_obj   out nocopy varchar2);
541    --
542    -- Purpose
543    --   Check to see if the specified schema contains a synonym that is
544    --   defined exactly as would be created with the statement:
545    --   'CREATE SYNONYM syn_own_schema.syn_name FOR tab_owner.tab_name;'
549    --   If does not find exact match, checks to see if syn_own_schema contains
546    --
547    --   If finds exact match, returns exact_match = TRUE
548    --
550    --   any object named syn_name.  If it finds such an object, it returns
551    --   is_obj_w_name = TRUE and typ_exist_obj = <type of object found>
552    --
553    --   Types returned are standard object types (as found in dba_objects),
554    --   except for the case where there is both a PACKAGE and a PACKAGE BODY
555    --   named syn_name in the schema.  In this case, we return
556    --   typ_exist_obj = 'PKG_S_AND_B'.
557    --
558    -- Arguments
559    --   syn_own_schema  The schema in which we look for the specified synonym
560    --   syn_name        The name of the synonym
561    --   tab_owner       The schema containing the object that the synonym
562    --                     points to
563    --   tab_name        The name of the object that the synonym points to
564    --   exact_match     Did we find an exact match for the specified synonym?
565    --   is_obj_w_name   Is there any object in the schema named syn_name?
566    --   typ_exist_obj   The type of the existing object (if any object exists)
567    -- Example
568    --   none
569    -- Notes
570    --   see comments above
571    --
573 procedure recomp_referenced_objs (object_name      in varchar2,
574                                   object_type      in varchar2,
575                                   obj_list_schema  in varchar2,
576                                   recompile_schema in varchar2);
577    --
578    -- Purpose
579    --   Recompile all objects referenced by a given object.
580    --   Used mainly in case where we get a deadlock trying to create a view.
581    --   (See RDBMS bugs 547700 and 481974; fixed in RDBMS v8.1.4)
582    --   This can occur when copying a view from the APPS schema to the MRC
583    --   schema.  The algorithm is:
584    --    - get list of objects the view depends on from the APPS schema
585    --    - recompile this set of objects in the MRC schema if they exist
586    --      and are not already valid in the MRC schema.
587    --      (ignore all errors during recompile)
588    --
589    -- Arguments
590    --   object_name       Name of the object for which we compile dependent
591    --                       objects
592    --   object_type       Type of the object <object name>
593    --   obj_list_schema   Schema we search to find all of the dependent
594    --                       objects
595    --   recompile_schema  Schema in which we do the actual object recompile
596    --
597    -- Example
598    --   none
599    -- Notes
600    --   Making this a public procedure in case it's useful elsewhere
601    --
603 --
604 -- Other Misc procedures
605 --
607 procedure build_view_columns (from_schema     in  varchar2,
608                               view_name       in  varchar2,
609                               out_column_text out nocopy varchar2);
610    --
611    -- Purpose
612    --   The procedure builds the column name list for a view
613    -- Arguments
614    --   from_schema	Schema view exists in
615    --   view_name	Name of the view
616    --   out_column_text output
617    -- Example
618    --   none
619    -- Notes
620    --   1. none
621    --
623 procedure show_exception_list;
624    --
625    -- Purpose
626    --   Displays list of exception objects
627    --   Must 'set serverout on' in Sql*Plus in order to see the output
628    -- Arguments
629    --   None
631 procedure load_exception_list;
632    --
633    -- Purpose
634    --   Loads the global list of exception objects
635    --
636    -- Arguments
637    --   none
638    --
639    -- Example
640    --   none
641    --
643 function matching_exception_object (base_schema_name in  varchar2,
644                                     base_object_name in  varchar2,
645                                     base_object_type in  varchar2,
646                                     except_type      in  varchar2,
647                                     apps_schema_name in  varchar2,
648                                     found_cust_obj   out nocopy varchar2,
649                                     cust_obj_correct out nocopy varchar2,
650                                     index_to_object  out nocopy number)
651 return boolean;
652    --
653    -- Purpose
654    --   Determine if the specified object is one of the exception objects
655    --   AND we need to treat it as an exception (ie, the patch which creates
656    --   the exception has been applied).
657    --
658    -- Arguments
659    --   base_schema_name   Name of the base schema
660    --   base_object_name   Name of object in base schema
661    --   base_object_type   Type of object in base schema
662    --   except_type        Type of exception
663    --   apps_schema_name   Name of the APPS schema
664    --   found_cust_obj     Did we find the customized object?
665    --                        Valid values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
666    --   cust_obj_correct   Was the customized object correct?
667    --                        Valid values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
668    --                        If we found the customized object, this will
669    --                          always be TRUE, except maybe for synonyms.
673    --
670    --   index_to_object    The index to this object on the exception objects
671    --                        list.  Useful if customized object not correct
672    --                        or missing.
674    -- Example
675    --   none
676    --
677    -- Notes
678    --   correct_in_apps and index_to_object should not be used if the
679    --   function returns FALSE, as their values will not be meaningful.
680    --
682 procedure initialize (aol_schema in varchar2);
683    --
684    -- Purpose
685    --   Initialize variables is_mc and is_mls
686    --   This cannot be done in the initialization section of the package
687    --   because it requires the aol_schema.  Therefore this procedure
691    --
688    --   must be called by every public procedure.
689    -- Argument
690    --   aol_schema, AOL schema name
694 function compare_releases(release_1 in varchar2, release_2 in varchar2)
695 return boolean;
696   --
697   --
698   -- Purpose
699   --
700   -- Bug 3258312 : Check if we are on a release >= 11.5.10.
701   -- If we are, then, mrc is obsoleted. This function helps
702   -- us do the comparison.
703   --
704   --
707 end ad_apps_private;