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Line 26: FROM hr_all_organization_units org

22: rec_get_bg_id csr_get_bg_id%ROWTYPE;
23: CURSOR csr_get_org_id(c_business_group_id number) IS
24: SELECT org.organization_id
25: ,org.name
26: FROM hr_all_organization_units org
27: WHERE org.organization_id IN (SELECT pose.organization_id_child
28: FROM per_org_structure_elements pose
29: CONNECT BY pose.organization_id_parent = PRIOR pose.organization_id_child
30: AND pose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id

Line 40: FROM hr_all_organization_units org

36: AND p_org_structure_version_id IS NOT NULL
38: SELECT org.organization_id
39: ,org.name
40: FROM hr_all_organization_units org
41: WHERE org.organization_id = NVL(c_business_group_id,org.organization_id)
42: AND org.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
43: AND p_org_structure_version_id IS NULL;
44: rec_get_org_id csr_get_org_id%ROWTYPE;

Line 57: ,hr_all_organization_units org

53: FROM per_all_assignments_f assg
54: ,per_all_people_f people
55: ,hr_document_extra_info dei
56: ,hr_document_types_tl hdtl
57: ,hr_all_organization_units org
58: WHERE assg.person_id = people.person_id
59: AND (l_date) BETWEEN assg.effective_start_date
60: AND assg.effective_end_date
61: AND (l_date) BETWEEN people.effective_start_date

Line 404: FROM hr_all_organization_units org

400: rec_get_bg_id csr_get_bg_id%ROWTYPE;
401: CURSOR csr_get_org_id(c_business_group_id number) IS
402: SELECT org.organization_id
403: ,org.name
404: FROM hr_all_organization_units org
405: WHERE org.organization_id IN (SELECT pose.organization_id_child
406: FROM per_org_structure_elements pose
407: CONNECT BY pose.organization_id_parent = PRIOR pose.organization_id_child
408: AND pose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id

Line 418: FROM hr_all_organization_units org

414: AND p_org_structure_version_id IS NOT NULL
415: UNION
416: SELECT org.organization_id
417: ,org.name
418: FROM hr_all_organization_units org
419: WHERE org.organization_id = NVL(c_business_group_id,org.organization_id)
420: AND org.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
421: AND p_org_structure_version_id IS NULL;
422: rec_get_org_id csr_get_org_id%ROWTYPE;

Line 435: ,hr_all_organization_units org

431: FROM per_all_assignments_f assg
432: ,per_all_people_f people
433: ,hr_document_extra_info dei
434: ,hr_document_types_tl hdtl
435: ,hr_all_organization_units org
436: WHERE assg.person_id = people.person_id
437: AND (l_date) BETWEEN assg.effective_start_date
438: AND assg.effective_end_date
439: AND (l_date) BETWEEN people.effective_start_date

Line 829: FROM hr_all_organization_units org

825: rec_get_bg_id csr_get_bg_id%ROWTYPE;
826: CURSOR csr_get_org_id IS
827: SELECT org.organization_id
828: ,org.name
829: FROM hr_all_organization_units org
830: WHERE org.organization_id IN (SELECT pose.organization_id_child
831: FROM per_org_structure_elements pose
832: CONNECT BY pose.organization_id_parent = PRIOR pose.organization_id_child
833: AND pose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id

Line 843: FROM hr_all_organization_units org

839: AND p_org_structure_version_id IS NOT NULL
840: UNION
841: SELECT org.organization_id
842: ,org.name
843: FROM hr_all_organization_units org
844: WHERE org.organization_id = NVL(p_org_id,org.organization_id)
845: AND org.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
846: AND p_org_structure_version_id IS NULL;
847: rec_get_org_id csr_get_org_id%ROWTYPE;

Line 862: ,hr_all_organization_units org

858: ,per_all_people_f people
859: ,per_contracts cont
860: ,per_jobs job
861: ,per_periods_of_service period
862: ,hr_all_organization_units org
863: WHERE assg.person_id = people.person_id
864: AND (l_date) BETWEEN assg.effective_start_date
865: AND assg.effective_end_date
866: AND (l_date) BETWEEN people.effective_start_date