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Line 57: -- the where clause to check that the organization's primary cost method is not standard.

53: and mmt.organization_id = nvl(l_org_id, mmt.organization_id);
55: -- Bug 6690548: Removed the table mtl_item_flexfields from the FROM clause
56: -- of the following query as it was causing performance issues. And also added
57: -- the where clause to check that the organization's primary cost method is not standard.
58: cursor c_cstgrp is
59: SELECT DISTINCT moqd.inventory_item_id,mp.organization_id, mp.default_cost_group_id
60: FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd,
61: mtl_parameters mp

Line 340: -- Bug 6690548: Added the where clause to check that the organization's primary cost method is not standard.

336: sqltxt :=sqltxt||' and mp.organization_id = '||l_org_id;
337: end if;
338: dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, 'Organization Default Cost Group Id ');
340: -- Bug 6690548: Added the where clause to check that the organization's primary cost method is not standard.
341: sqltxt :='SELECT mp.organization_code|| '' (''||moqd.organization_id ||'')'' "Organization|Code (Id)" '||
342: ',mif.item_number|| '' (''||moqd.inventory_item_id||'')'' "Item (Id)" '||
343: ',moqd.cost_group_id "Cost group Id" '||
344: ',mp.default_cost_group_id "Default Cost Group Id" '||