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2 /* $Header: GLXCLVALB.pls 120.0 2007/12/27 14:49:53 vijranga noship $ */
3 function first_period_numformula(periodset in varchar2, periodtype in varchar2, first_period_year in number) return number is
4   first_period_num NUMBER;
5   dummy NUMBER;
6 begin
7   SELECT period_year, min(period_num)
8   INTO   dummy, first_period_num
9   FROM   gl_periods
10   WHERE
11          period_set_name = periodset
12   AND    period_type = periodtype
13   AND    period_year = first_period_year
14   GROUP BY period_year;
15   -- raise appplication error created by atul
16   --R(first_period_num);
17   return(first_period_num);
18 end;
19 function max_num_periodformula(periodtype1 in varchar2) return number is
20 --function max_num_periodformula(periodtype in varchar2) return number is
21    max_period NUMBER;
22 --   user_period_type VARCHAR2(30);
23    user_period_type1 VARCHAR2(30);
24 begin
25   SELECT number_per_fiscal_year, user_period_type
26   --INTO   max_period, user_period_type
27   INTO   max_period, user_period_type1
28   FROM   gl_period_types
29   WHERE
30          period_type = periodtype1;
31 -- user_period_type := user_period_type;
32    user_period_type := user_period_type1;
33   return(max_period);
34 end;
35 function last_cal_yearformula(periodset in varchar2, periodtype in varchar2) return number is
36    max_year NUMBER;
37 begin
38   SELECT max(period_year)
39   INTO   max_year
40   FROM   gl_periods
41   WHERE
42          period_set_name = periodset
43   AND    period_type = periodtype;
44   return(max_year);
45 end;
46 function date_lowformula(periodset in varchar2, periodtype in varchar2) return varchar2 is
47    date_low date;
48 begin
49    IF (P_start_year is NULL)  THEN
50        date_low := to_date('1000/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD');
51    ELSE
52         SELECT
53           max(end_date)
54         INTO date_low
55         FROM gl_periods
56         WHERE  period_set_name = periodset
57         AND    period_type     = periodtype
58         AND    period_year < P_start_year
59         ;
60         IF (date_low is NULL) THEN
61            SELECT min(start_date)
62            INTO date_low
63            FROM  gl_periods
64            WHERE  period_set_name = periodset
65            AND    period_type     = periodtype
66            AND    period_year = P_start_year;
67          END IF;
68         IF (date_low is NULL) THEN
69            date_low := to_date('1000/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD');
70         END IF;
71   END IF;
72   return(to_char(date_low,'YYYY/MM/DD'));
73 end;
74 function date_highformula(periodset in varchar2, periodtype in varchar2) return varchar2 is
75    date_high date;
76 begin
77    IF (P_end_year is NULL)  THEN
78        date_high := to_date('2999/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD');
79    ELSE
80         SELECT
81              min(start_date)
82         INTO date_high
83         FROM gl_periods
84         WHERE  period_set_name = periodset
85         AND    period_type     = periodtype
86         AND    period_year > P_end_year
87         ;
88         IF (date_high is NULL) THEN
89            SELECT max(end_date)
90            INTO date_high
91            FROM  gl_periods
92            WHERE  period_set_name = periodset
93            AND    period_type     = periodtype
94            AND    period_year = P_end_year;
95          END IF;
96         IF (date_high is NULL) THEN
97             date_high := to_date('2999/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD');
98         END IF;
99   END IF;
100   return(to_char(date_high,'YYYY/MM/DD'));
101 end;
102 function first_period_yearformula(periodset in varchar2, periodtype in varchar2, first_period_date in varchar2) return number is
103   first_period_year NUMBER;
104 begin
105   SELECT min(period_year)
106   INTO   first_period_year
107   FROM   gl_periods
108   WHERE
109          period_set_name = periodset
110   AND    period_type = periodtype
111   AND    start_date = to_date(first_period_date,'YYYY/MM/DD');
112   return(first_period_year);
113 end;
114 function min_quarter2formula(first_period_year in number, periodset in varchar2, periodtype in varchar2, period_year_qg in number) return number is
115    min_quarter  NUMBER(15);
116 begin
117   SELECT min(decode(p.period_year,
118                     first_period_year, p.quarter_num, 1))
119   INTO   min_quarter
120   FROM   gl_periods p
121   WHERE  p.period_set_name = periodset
122   AND    p.period_type     = periodtype
123   AND    p.period_year     = period_year_qg;
124   return(min_quarter);
125 end;
126 function max_quarter2formula(periodset in varchar2, periodtype in varchar2, period_year_qg in number) return number is
127    max_quarter  NUMBER(15);
128 begin
129   SELECT max(p.quarter_num)
130   INTO   max_quarter
131   FROM   gl_periods p
132   WHERE  p.period_set_name = periodset
133   AND    p.period_type     = periodtype
134   AND    p.period_year     = period_year_qg;
135   return(max_quarter);
136 end;
137 function BeforeReport return boolean is
138 begin
139   /*SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWINIT');*/null;
140     TOTAL_VIOLATIONS := 0;
141   PREV_PS := '';
142   PREV_PT := '';
143   return (TRUE);
144 end;
145 function AfterReport return boolean is
146   ExecVal BOOLEAN;
147 begin
148   /*SRW.USER_EXIT('FND SRWEXIT');*/null;
149   if (TOTAL_VIOLATIONS > 0) then
150     ExecVal := FND_CONCURRENT.set_completion_status('WARNING', '');
151   end if;
152   return (TRUE);
153 end;
154 function count_violation_qgformula(Num_Miss_Quarter_qg in number, max_quarter_qg in number) return number is
155     violation NUMBER(10);
156 begin
157     IF (Num_Miss_Quarter_qg = 0
158       AND max_quarter_qg IS NOT NULL) THEN
159          violation := 0;
160     ELSE
161          violation := 1;
162     END IF;
163     return(violation);
164 end;
165 function user_period_typeFormula return VARCHAR2 is
166 begin
167      return(user_period_type);
168 end;
169 --procedure gl_increment_violation_count (num number) is
170 procedure gl_increment_violation_count (num number , periodset varchar2) is
173   PREV_PS := periodset;
174   PREV_PT := user_period_type;
175 END;
176 --Functions to refer Oracle report placeholders--
177  Function user_period_type_p return varchar2 is
178 	Begin
179 	 return user_period_type;
180 	 END;
181  Function PREV_PS_p return varchar2 is
182 	Begin
183 	 return PREV_PS;
184 	 END;
185  Function PREV_PT_p return varchar2 is
186 	Begin
187 	 return PREV_PT;
188 	 END;
189  Function TOTAL_VIOLATIONS_p return number is
190 	Begin
191 	 return TOTAL_VIOLATIONS;
192 	 END;