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Line 19: g_pe_person igs_pe_person%ROWTYPE;

15: g_he_en_susa igs_he_en_susa%ROWTYPE;
16: g_he_st_prog igs_he_st_prog%ROWTYPE;
17: g_ps_ver igs_ps_ver%ROWTYPE;
18: g_he_poous igs_he_poous%ROWTYPE;
19: g_pe_person igs_pe_person%ROWTYPE;
20: g_he_ad_dtl igs_he_ad_dtl%ROWTYPE;
22: g_records_found BOOLEAN := FALSE;

Line 1033: --dsridhar modified the table form igs_pe_person to igs_pe_person_base_v for the bug 2911738

1030: PROCEDURE get_students (p_extract_run_id IN NUMBER, p_recalculate IN BOOLEAN) IS
1032: --smaddali modified where clause for comparing the enrolment dates for bug 2415632
1033: --dsridhar modified the table form igs_pe_person to igs_pe_person_base_v for the bug 2911738
1034: --Removed the cursor, c_get_stins for Bug, 3179585
1035: --smaddali modified where clause for comparing the enrolment dates for bug 2415632
1036: --smaddali added field hspa.fe_student_marker for bug 2452834
1037: --Removed the cursor to remove person_id and person_number parameters for Bug, 3179585

Line 1235: ( p_person_id IN igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE,

1231: -- like HUSID, UCASID,'GTTRID', 'NMASID' and 'SWASID' for bug,315
1232: -- smaddali modified cursor to select length for bug 3172980
1233: -- smaddali modified this cursor to get records which are effective in the HESA submission period, bug#3235753
1234: CURSOR c_alternate_id
1235: ( p_person_id IN igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE,
1236: cp_enrl_start_dt igs_he_submsn_header.enrolment_start_date%TYPE,
1237: cp_enrl_end_dt igs_he_submsn_header.enrolment_end_date%TYPE) IS
1238: SELECT api_person_id,person_id_type, LENGTH(api_person_id) api_length
1239: FROM igs_pe_alt_pers_id