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Line 174: G_created_by number := nvl(TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID')),-1);

170: for update of member_type;
171: --Cursor to get the Rule ID
172: CURSOR C1 is Select pa_alloc_rules_s.nextval from sys.dual;
173: --Initialise the Std Who columns
174: G_created_by number := nvl(TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID')),-1);
175: G_last_updated_by number := G_created_by;
176: G_last_update_login number := nvl(TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('LOGIN_ID')),-1);
177: G_creation_date Date := trunc(sysdate);
178: G_last_update_date Date := trunc(sysdate);

Line 176: G_last_update_login number := nvl(TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('LOGIN_ID')),-1);

172: CURSOR C1 is Select pa_alloc_rules_s.nextval from sys.dual;
173: --Initialise the Std Who columns
174: G_created_by number := nvl(TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID')),-1);
175: G_last_updated_by number := G_created_by;
176: G_last_update_login number := nvl(TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('LOGIN_ID')),-1);
177: G_creation_date Date := trunc(sysdate);
178: G_last_update_date Date := trunc(sysdate);
179: G_rule_id number;
180: G_rowid varchar2(60);