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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

            Preserve the deleted rule's ID in the preserved rule's source field, if space permits.
            In the very unlikely event otherwise, silently omit the extra source value(s).  (The
            alternative would be to raise an exception that would require for its solution either
            a code change or a change to the structure of the rules or transaction--none of which
            would please the end user.)
          if(lengthb(sources(i - 1)) + lengthb(sources(i)) + 1 <= ame_util.longStringTypeLength) then
            sources(i) := sources(i) || ame_util.fieldDelimiter || sources(i - 1);
Line: 34

          /* Delete the duplicate group. */
          approverCategories.delete(i - 1);
Line: 36

          groupIds.delete(i - 1);
Line: 37

          groupOrderNumbers.delete(i - 1);
Line: 38

          ruleIds.delete(i - 1);
Line: 39

          parameters.delete(i - 1);
Line: 40

          parameterTwos.delete(i - 1);
Line: 41

          sources.delete(i - 1);
Line: 42

          votingRegimes.delete(i - 1);
Line: 55

    COAInsertee ame_util.approverRecord2;
Line: 117

      tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.oamGenerated;
Line: 126

      /* Check for COA First Authority Insertion */
      ame_engine.getHandlerCOAFirstApprover(itemClassIn => tempApprover.item_class,
                                            itemIdIn => tempApprover.item_id,
                                            actionTypeIdIn => tempApprover.action_type_id,
                                            groupOrChainIdIn => tempApprover.group_or_chain_id,
                                            nameOut => COAInsertee.name,
                                            origSystemOut => COAInsertee.orig_system,
                                            origSystemIdOut => COAInsertee.orig_system_id,
                                            displayNameOut => COAInsertee.display_name,
                                            sourceOut => COAInsertee.source);
Line: 136

      /* If COA Insertee exists add as first approver and then continue normal processing */
      if COAInsertee.name is null then
        tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.oamGenerated;
Line: 144

        tempApprover.name := COAInsertee.name;
Line: 145

        tempApprover.orig_system := COAInsertee.orig_system;
Line: 146

        tempApprover.orig_system_id := COAInsertee.orig_system_id;
Line: 147

        tempApprover.display_name :=  COAInsertee.display_name;
Line: 148

        tempApprover.source := COAInsertee.source;
Line: 149

        tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.apiAuthorityInsertion;
Line: 173

Line: 174

Line: 175

Line: 176

Line: 177

Line: 199

          tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.oamGenerated;
Line: 224

          /* Check if there is any COA Insertion after this approver. If a COA Insertee is
             found keep checking till there are no more COA Insertee's */
            /* Initialize COAInsertee approver record 2 */
            COAInsertee := ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2;
Line: 229

            /* Check if there are any chain of authority insertions */
            ame_engine.getHandlerCOAInsertion(nameIn => tempApprover.name,
                                        itemClassIn => tempApprover.item_class,
                                        itemIdIn => tempApprover.item_id,
                                        actionTypeIdIn => tempApprover.action_type_id,
                                        groupOrChainIdIn => tempApprover.group_or_chain_id,
                                        occurrenceIn => tempApprover.occurrence,
                                        approvalStatusIn => tempApprover.approval_status,
                                        nameOut => COAInsertee.name,
                                        origSystemOut => COAInsertee.orig_system,
                                        origSystemIdOut => COAInsertee.orig_system_id,
                                        displayNameOut => COAInsertee.display_name,
                                        sourceOut => COAInsertee.source);
Line: 242

            if COAInsertee.name is  null then
Line: 245

              tempApprover.name := COAInsertee.name;
Line: 246

              tempApprover.orig_system := COAInsertee.orig_system;
Line: 247

              tempApprover.orig_system_id := COAInsertee.orig_system_id;
Line: 248

              tempApprover.display_name :=  COAInsertee.display_name;
Line: 249

              tempApprover.source := COAInsertee.source;
Line: 251

              tempApprover.api_insertion := ame_util.apiAuthorityInsertion;