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Line 1294: -- BEN_ENRT_RT (ECR) (cascade delete in epe api, but epe not deleted)

1290: -- BEN_PL_BNF_CTFN_PRVDD_F (PBC)(join to pil to check status)
1291: -- BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F (PCS)(join to pil to check status)
1292: -- BEN_ELIG_PER_ELCTBL_CHC (EPE) (not deleted, join to pil to check status)
1293: -- BEN_ENRT_BNFT (ENB) (cascade delete in epe api, but epe not deleted)
1294: -- BEN_ENRT_RT (ECR) (cascade delete in epe api, but epe not deleted)
1295: -- BEN_ENRT_CVG_N_RT_CTFN (ECC) (cascade delete in epe api, but epe not deleted)
1297: -- BEN_ELIG_PER_F (PEP)

Line 3038: from ben_enrt_rt ecr

3034: -- Get the ecr info to store the link between ecr and prv rows.
3035: --
3036: cursor c_ecr(v_prtt_rt_val_id in number) is
3037: select ecr.*
3038: from ben_enrt_rt ecr
3039: where ecr.prtt_rt_val_id = v_prtt_rt_val_id
3040: and ecr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
3041: --
3042: l_ecr c_ecr%rowtype;

Line 5205: -- Pbodla : Now insert the link between ben_enrt_rt and

5201: l_ref_obj_pk_id,
5202: l_ref_obj_table_name;
5203: exit when c_ben_prtt_rt_val%notfound;
5204: --
5205: -- Pbodla : Now insert the link between ben_enrt_rt and
5206: -- ben_prtt_rt_val into bacup table lcr
5207: -- as this info is lost when the prv rows are set to BCKDT status.
5208: --tilak: in case the cursor fails the previous data carried forward
5209: -- to avoid this the data is initialised

Line 5293: (p_base_table_name => 'ben_enrt_rt',

5289: -- Get the object version number for the update
5290: --
5291: l_ecr.object_version_number :=
5292: dt_api.get_object_version_number
5293: (p_base_table_name => 'ben_enrt_rt',
5294: p_base_key_column => 'enrt_rt_id',
5295: p_base_key_value => l_ecr.enrt_rt_id)-1;
5297: --

Line 5298: open c_bkp_row('BEN_ENRT_RT',

5294: p_base_key_column => 'enrt_rt_id',
5295: p_base_key_value => l_ecr.enrt_rt_id)-1;
5297: --
5298: open c_bkp_row('BEN_ENRT_RT',
5299: p_per_in_ler_id,
5300: l_ecr.enrt_rt_id,
5301: l_ecr.object_version_number);
5302: fetch c_bkp_row into l_row_id;

Line 5317: 'BEN_ENRT_RT',

5313: per_in_ler_id,
5314: business_group_id,
5315: object_version_number)
5316: values (
5317: 'BEN_ENRT_RT',
5318: l_ecr.enrt_rt_id,
5319: l_ecr.prtt_rt_val_id,
5320: p_per_in_ler_id,
5321: l_ecr.business_group_id,