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Line 41: delete from hr_all_positions_f_tl

37: ** Clear out any existing data for this range of records
38: **
39: ** Don't delete just yet.
40: **
41: delete from hr_all_positions_f_tl
42: where position_id between p_start_pkid
43: and p_end_pkid;
44: */

Line 67: insert into hr_all_positions_f_tl (

64: /*
65: ** Insert the TL rows.
66: */
67: insert into hr_all_positions_f_tl (
68: position_id,
69: language,
70: source_lang,
71: name,

Line 89: from hr_all_positions_f j,

85: j.creation_date,
86: j.last_updated_by,
87: j.last_update_date,
88: j.last_update_login
89: from hr_all_positions_f j,
90: per_position_definitions jd
91: where j.position_definition_id = jd.position_definition_id
92: and j.position_id between p_start_pkid
93: and p_end_pkid

Line 97: from hr_all_positions_f pos

93: and p_end_pkid
94: -- Fix for bug 3359423 starts here. check for the max EED and not the EOT.
95: -- and j.effective_end_date = l_end_of_time
96: and j.effective_end_date = (select max(effective_end_date)
97: from hr_all_positions_f pos
98: where pos.position_id = j.position_id)
99: -- Fix for bug 3359423 ends here.
100: and not exists (select '1'
101: from hr_all_positions_f_tl jtl

Line 101: from hr_all_positions_f_tl jtl

97: from hr_all_positions_f pos
98: where pos.position_id = j.position_id)
99: -- Fix for bug 3359423 ends here.
100: and not exists (select '1'
101: from hr_all_positions_f_tl jtl
102: where jtl.position_id = j.position_id
103: and jtl.language = l_current_language);
105: l_rows_processed := l_rows_processed + SQL%ROWCOUNT;