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2 /* $Header: pyentdis.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 04:36 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4  /*===========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                        |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                           |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
8  +============================================================================+
9   Name
10     hr_entry_display
11   Purpose
12     This package is used for maintaining entry level display utilities.
14   Notes
15     This was originally used for forms 2.3 usage and extended to more generic
16     usage.
18     Used by all 2.3 forms that display element entries. Element entries are
19     displayed horizontally to aid data entry and therefore 2.3 forms cannot
20     provide this without using special routines to fetch element entries which
21     are then displayed using a loop within the form NB. the 4.0 forms that
22     display element entries can use native 4.0 forms functionality to display
23     the entries horizontally.
24   History
25     04-Mar-94  J.S.Hobbs   40.0         Date created.
26     29-Jun-94  D.C.Harris  40.1         get_input_value_details element entry
27                                         values select tuned to use
28                                         PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F_N50 index.
29     25-Feb-99  J. Moyano  115.1         MLS changes. Procedure affected:
30                                         get_input_value_details.
31     16-Sep-04  T.Habara   115.2         Added original_entry_name().
32  ============================================================================*/
33 --
34  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35  -- Name                                                                    --
36  --   original_entry_name                                                   --
37  -- Purpose                                                                 --
38  --   This function is used for displaying the original entry name for      --
39  --   the specified element entry id.                                       --
40  --                                                                         --
41  -- Arguments                                                               --
42  --   See below.                                                            --
43  -- Notes                                                                   --
44  --   None.                                                                 --
45  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 --
47  FUNCTION original_entry_name
48  (p_original_entry_id       in number
49  ) return varchar2
50  is
51    l_element_name              pay_element_types_f_tl.element_name%type;
52    --
53    cursor csr_element_name
54    is
55      select
56        pettl.element_name
57      from
58        pay_element_entries_f    pee
59       ,pay_element_links_f      pel
60       ,pay_element_types_f_tl   pettl
61      where
62          pee.element_entry_id  = p_original_entry_id
63      and pel.element_link_id   = pee.element_link_id
64      and pee.effective_start_date between pel.effective_start_date
65                                       and pel.effective_end_date
66      and pettl.element_type_id = pel.element_type_id
67      and pettl.language        = userenv('lang')
68      ;
69  begin
70    --
71    if p_original_entry_id is null then
72      return null;
73    end if;
75    --
76    -- Identify the element name for the entry.
77    --
78    open csr_element_name;
79    fetch csr_element_name into l_element_name;
80    close csr_element_name;
82    --
83    -- Return the entry name as "<Element Name> (<Entry ID>)".
84    --
85    if l_element_name is not null then
86      return (l_element_name || ' (' || p_original_entry_id || ')');
87    else
88      return null;
89    end if;
90    --
91  end original_entry_name;
92 --
93  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
94  -- Name                                                                    --
95  --   count_input_values (obsolete)                                         --
96  -- Purpose                                                                 --
97  --   This procedure is used for entry form(s) population. It counts how    --
98  --   many input values are defined for the specified element type and      --
99  --   also set a loop counter value to 1.                                   --
100  -- Arguments                                                               --
101  --   See below.                                                            --
102  -- Notes                                                                   --
103  --   This is no longer used.                                               --
104  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 --
106 --
107  PROCEDURE count_input_values
108  (
109   p_element_type_id         in number,
110   p_session_date            in date,
111   p_number_of_input_values  out nocopy number,
112   p_population_loop_counter out nocopy number
113  ) is
114 --
115  begin
116 --
117    hr_utility.set_location('hr_entry_display.count_input_values', 1);
118 --
119    -- Need to determine how many input values have been defined for the element.
120    -- This value is used to control a loop which is used to select each input
121    -- value definition in the correct order a row at a time.
122    begin
123      SELECT  COUNT(*)
124      INTO    p_number_of_input_values
126      WHERE   IV.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID = p_element_type_id
127      AND     p_session_date
129    end;
130 --
131    -- Initialise the loop counter.
132    p_population_loop_counter := 1;
133 --
134  end count_input_values;
135 --
136  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
137  -- Name                                                                    --
138  --   get_input_value_details (obsolete)                                    --
139  -- Purpose                                                                 --
140  --   This procedure is used for selecting input value details and          --
141  --   assocated entry values for the entry forms(s).                        --
142  -- Arguments                                                               --
143  --   See below.                                                            --
144  -- Notes                                                                   --
145  --   This is no longer used.                                               --
146  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 --
148  PROCEDURE get_input_value_details
149  (
150   p_element_type_id         in number,
151   p_element_link_id         in number,
152   p_session_date            in date,
153   p_input_currency_code     in varchar2,
154   p_input_value_id1         in number,
155   p_input_value_id2         in number,
156   p_input_value_id3         in number,
157   p_input_value_id4         in number,
158   p_input_value_id5         in number,
159   p_input_value_id6         in number,
160   p_element_entry_id        in number,
161   p_input_value_id         out nocopy number,
162   p_input_name             out nocopy varchar2,
163   p_default_value          out nocopy varchar2,
164   p_mandatory_flag         out nocopy varchar2,
165   p_uom                    out nocopy varchar2,
166   p_warning_or_error       out nocopy varchar2,
167   p_hot_default_flag       out nocopy varchar2,
168   p_lookup_type            out nocopy varchar2,
169   p_formula_id             out nocopy number,
170   p_database_format_value  out nocopy varchar2,
171   p_screen_format_value    out nocopy varchar2
172  ) is
173 --
174    v_uom                     varchar2(30);
175    v_select_input_value_id   number;
176    v_screen_format_value     varchar2(60);
177    v_database_format_value   varchar2(60);
178    v_hot_default_flag        varchar2(30);
179    v_lookup_type	     varchar2(30);
180 --
181  begin
182 --
183    hr_utility.set_location('hr_entry_display.get_input_value_details', 1);
184 --
185    -- Select the input_value_id of the required input value as specified
186    -- by the ordering criteria.
187    -- The inner sub-query works by selecting the minimum order sequence of
188    -- any input values which have not already been selected. Because the
189    -- DISPLAY_SEQUENCE is optional, the parameter is defaulted to 0 to be used
190    -- to ensure that a row is always returned from the inner query.
191    -- The outer query will then select the minimum input value for the
192    -- order sequence which has not already been selected.
193    begin
195              HIV1_TL.NAME,
196              HIV1.MANDATORY_FLAG,
197              HIV1.UOM,
198              DECODE(HIV1.HOT_DEFAULT_FLAG,'Y',
200                     HIV1.WARNING_OR_ERROR),
201              HIV1.HOT_DEFAULT_FLAG,
202              HIV1.LOOKUP_TYPE,
203              HIV1.FORMULA_ID
204      INTO    v_select_input_value_id,
205              p_input_name,
206              p_mandatory_flag,
207              v_uom,
208              p_warning_or_error,
209              v_hot_default_flag,
210              v_lookup_type,
211              p_formula_id
213              PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F HIV1,
214              PAY_LINK_INPUT_VALUES_F HLIV1
216      and     userenv('LANG') = HIV1_TL.language
217      AND     p_session_date
221      AND     HLIV1.ELEMENT_LINK_ID = p_element_link_id
222      AND     HIV1.ROWID =
223              (SELECT  MIN(IV1.ROWID)
224               FROM    PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F IV1
225               WHERE   IV1.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID = p_element_type_id
226               AND     p_session_date
228               AND     IV1.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
229               AND     IV1.INPUT_VALUE_ID NOT IN
230                      (NVL(p_input_value_id1,0),
231                       NVL(p_input_value_id2,0),
232                       NVL(p_input_value_id3,0),
233                       NVL(p_input_value_id4,0),
234                       NVL(p_input_value_id5,0),
235                       NVL(p_input_value_id6,0))
236               AND     IV1.DISPLAY_SEQUENCE =
237                      (SELECT  MIN(IV2.DISPLAY_SEQUENCE)
238                       FROM    PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F IV2
239                       WHERE   IV2.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID = p_element_type_id
240                       AND     p_session_date
241                       BETWEEN IV2.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
242                       AND     IV2.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
243                       AND     IV2.INPUT_VALUE_ID NOT IN
244                              (NVL(p_input_value_id1,0),
245                               NVL(p_input_value_id2,0),
246                               NVL(p_input_value_id3,0),
247                               NVL(p_input_value_id4,0),
248                               NVL(p_input_value_id5,0),
249                               NVL(p_input_value_id6,0))));
250    exception
251      when NO_DATA_FOUND then
252      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
253      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
254                                   'hr_entry_display.get_input_value_details');
255      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','2');
256      hr_utility.raise_error;
257    end;
258 --
259    p_input_value_id        := v_select_input_value_id;
260    p_hot_default_flag      := v_hot_default_flag;
261    p_uom                   := v_uom;
262    p_lookup_type	   := v_lookup_type;
263 --
264    -- Now that we have select the correct input_value_id and the input value
265    -- details the entry value can now be selected provided the element entry id
266    -- exists.
267    if p_element_entry_id is not null then
268 --
269      hr_utility.set_location('hr_entry_display.get_input_value_details', 3);
270      begin
272        INTO    v_database_format_value
274        WHERE   HEEV1.ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID    = p_element_entry_id
275        AND     HEEV1.INPUT_VALUE_ID + 0  = v_select_input_value_id
276        AND     p_session_date
278      exception
279        when NO_DATA_FOUND then
280        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
281        hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
282                                     'hr_entry_display.get_input_value_details');
283        hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','3');
284        hr_utility.raise_error;
285      end;
286    end if;
287 --
288    -- derive default value.
289    -- If the entry value is being selected then
290    --   If the entry value is null and hot defaulted then derived default
291    --   Else format selected entry value.
292    -- Else
293    --   derive defaults.
294    if p_element_entry_id is not null then
295 --
296      if (v_hot_default_flag = 'Y'         and
297          v_database_format_value is null) then
298 --
299        hr_entry.derive_default_value
300 	 (p_element_link_id,
301           v_select_input_value_id,
302           p_session_date,
303           p_input_currency_code,
304           'DEF',
305           v_screen_format_value,
306           v_database_format_value);
307 --
308      -- As the entry value is not using a default we must get the screen format
309      -- value.
310      elsif v_database_format_value is not null then
311 --
312        if v_lookup_type is not null then
313 --
314          hr_utility.set_location('hr_entry_display.get_input_value_details', 4);
315          begin
316            select h.meaning
317            into   v_screen_format_value
318            from   hr_lookups h
319            where  h.lookup_type = v_lookup_type
320            and    h.lookup_code = v_database_format_value;
321          exception
322            when NO_DATA_FOUND then
323              hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
324              hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
325                                    'hr_entry_display.get_input_value_details');
326              hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','4');
327              hr_utility.raise_error;
328          end;
329 --
330        else
331 --
332          hr_chkfmt.changeformat
333 	   (v_database_format_value,
334             v_screen_format_value,
335             v_uom,
336             p_input_currency_code);
337 --
338        end if;
339 --
340      end if;
341 --
342    else
343 --
344      -- As we are not selecting entry values then we must select the default
345      -- value.
346      hr_entry.derive_default_value
347        (p_element_link_id,
348         v_select_input_value_id,
349         p_session_date,
350         p_input_currency_code,
351         'DEF',
352         v_screen_format_value,
353         v_database_format_value);
354 --
355    end if;
356 --
357    -- Set the p_screen_format_value, p_database_format_value
358    p_screen_format_value   := v_screen_format_value;
359    p_database_format_value := v_database_format_value;
360 --
361  end get_input_value_details;
362 --