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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

    Function to pass on the value of the job segment selected in Tax Details
    References DFF or blank if no segment is selected. Function is moved here
    to a seperate package to facilitate call to the function in oracle 8.0
    as functions defined in the same package cannot be called in R8.0
REM Change List
REM -----------
REM Name          Date        Version Bug     Text
REM ------------- ----------- ------- ------- --------------------------
REM nsugavan      12/24/2002    115.0 2657976 Initial Version
REM nsugavan      12/24/2002    115.1 2657976 Increased l_proc length
REM nsugavan      01/03/2003    115.2 2657976 Modifed Logic to use WNDS
					      and WNDS pragma restrictions
-- Globals
g_package                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'PAY_GET_JOB_SEGMENT_PKG';
Line: 48

    substr(pact.legislative_parameters, instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=')+8, instr(pact.legislative_parameters||' ',' ',instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=')+8) - instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=')-8)
    from  pay_payroll_actions pact
    where pact.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 55

     select upper(job.APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME)
     from   hr_organization_information tax
        ,(select seg.APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME
         from   fnd_id_flex_segments        seg
               ,fnd_id_flex_structures      str
               ,hr_organization_information bus
         where  seg.id_flex_code   = 'JOB'
         and    seg.application_id = 800
         and    seg.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
         and    seg.display_flag   = 'Y'
         and    seg.id_flex_num    = bus.org_information6
         and    seg.id_flex_num    = str.id_flex_num
         and    seg.id_flex_code   = str.id_flex_code
         and    upper(bus.org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION'
         and    bus.organization_id = p_organization_id ) job
     where  tax.organization_id = job.organization_id
     and    tax.org_information12 = job.segment_name
     and    upper(tax.org_information_context) = 'TAX DETAILS REFERENCES'
     and    tax.org_information1 = l_tax_ref;
Line: 80

  select count(seg.segment_name)
  from   fnd_id_flex_segments        seg
        ,fnd_id_flex_structures      str
        ,hr_organization_information bus
  where  seg.id_flex_code   = 'JOB'
  and    seg.application_id = 800
  and    seg.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
  and    seg.display_flag   = 'Y'
  and    seg.id_flex_num    = bus.org_information6
  and    seg.id_flex_num    = str.id_flex_num
  and    seg.id_flex_code   = str.id_flex_code
  and    upper(bus.org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION'
  and    bus.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 95

         select decode(l_column_name ,
                        'SEGMENT1'  , pjd.SEGMENT1,
                        'SEGMENT2'  , pjd.SEGMENT2,
                        'SEGMENT3'  , pjd.SEGMENT3,
                        'SEGMENT4'  , pjd.SEGMENT4,
                        'SEGMENT5'  , pjd.SEGMENT5,
                        'SEGMENT6'  , pjd.SEGMENT6,
                        'SEGMENT7'  , pjd.SEGMENT7,
                        'SEGMENT8'  , pjd.SEGMENT8,
                        'SEGMENT9'  , pjd.SEGMENT9,
                        'SEGMENT10' , pjd.SEGMENT10,
                        'SEGMENT11' , pjd.SEGMENT11,
                        'SEGMENT12' , pjd.SEGMENT12,
                        'SEGMENT13' , pjd.SEGMENT13,
                        'SEGMENT14' , pjd.SEGMENT14,
                        'SEGMENT15' , pjd.SEGMENT15,
                        'SEGMENT16' , pjd.SEGMENT16,
                        'SEGMENT17' , pjd.SEGMENT17,
                        'SEGMENT18' , pjd.SEGMENT18,
                        'SEGMENT19' , pjd.SEGMENT19,
                        'SEGMENT20' , pjd.SEGMENT20,
                        'SEGMENT21' , pjd.SEGMENT21,
                        'SEGMENT22' , pjd.SEGMENT22,
                        'SEGMENT23' , pjd.SEGMENT23,
                        'SEGMENT24' , pjd.SEGMENT24,
                        'SEGMENT25' , pjd.SEGMENT25,
                        'SEGMENT26' , pjd.SEGMENT26,
                        'SEGMENT27' , pjd.SEGMENT27,
                        'SEGMENT28' , pjd.SEGMENT28,
                        'SEGMENT29' , pjd.SEGMENT29,
                        'SEGMENT30' , pjd.SEGMENT30)
                   per_job_definitions pjd
                   pjd.job_definition_id = p_job_definition_id;
Line: 132

     select upper(seg.APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME)
         from   fnd_id_flex_segments        seg
               ,fnd_id_flex_structures      str
               ,hr_organization_information bus
         where  seg.id_flex_code   = 'JOB'
         and    seg.application_id = 800
         and    seg.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
         and    seg.display_flag   = 'Y'
         and    seg.id_flex_num    = bus.org_information6
         and    seg.id_flex_num    = str.id_flex_num
         and    seg.id_flex_code   = str.id_flex_code
         and    upper(bus.org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION'
         and    bus.organization_id = p_organization_id;