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1 PACKAGE xla_transaction_id_pkg AS
2 -- $Header: xlacmtid.pkh 120.6 2005/08/29 22:02:04 weshen ship $
3 /*===========================================================================+
4 |             Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Oracle Corporation                     |
5 |                       Redwood Shores, CA, USA                              |
6 |                         All rights reserved.                               |
7 +============================================================================+
8 | PACKAGE NAME                                                               |
9 |     xla_transaction_id_pkg                                                 |
10 |                                                                            |
11 | DESCRIPTION                                                                |
12 |     This package provides routines to handle transaction identifiers.      |
13 |                                                                            |
14 | HISTORY                                                                    |
15 |     10/07/2002  S. Singhania    Created                                    |
16 |     11/30/2002  S. Singhania    Added p_request_id parameter to            |
17 |                                   get_query_string.                        |
18 |     07/22/2003  S. Singhania    Added dbdrv command to the file            |
19 |     08/27/2003  S. Singhania    Replaced the funtion with the procedure    |
20 |                                   GET_QUERY_STRINGS so that the report     |
21 |                                   XLAACCPB.rdf can use this procedure to   |
22 |                                   build its query. bug # 3113574           |
23 |     07/20/2005  W. Shen         Change the get_transcation_identifiers     |
24 |                                   from procedure to function to return     |
25 |                                   some error result so it can be processed |
26 |                                   0-- success                              |
27 |                                   1-- fail                                 |
28 |                                                                            |
29 +===========================================================================*/
31 PROCEDURE get_query_strings
32        (p_application_id         IN INTEGER
33        ,p_entity_code            IN VARCHAR2
34        ,p_event_class_code       IN VARCHAR2
35        ,p_reporting_view_name    IN VARCHAR2
36        ,p_request_id             IN NUMBER
37        ,p_select_str             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
38        ,p_from_str               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
39        ,p_where_str              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
41 --FUNCTION get_query_string
42 --       (p_application_id         IN INTEGER
43 --       ,p_entity_code            IN VARCHAR2
44 --       ,p_event_class_code       IN VARCHAR2
45 --       ,p_reporting_view_name    IN VARCHAR2
46 --       ,p_request_id             IN NUMBER)
48 -- return 0 means success
49 -- return 1 means the query return more than 1 row
50 FUNCTION get_transaction_identifiers(
51       p_application_id in INTEGER,
52       p_entity_code in VARCHAR2,
53       p_event_class_code in VARCHAR2,
54       p_event_id in INTEGER,
55       p_transactionid1_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
56       p_transactionid1_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
57       p_transactionid2_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
58       p_transactionid2_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
59       p_transactionid3_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
60       p_transactionid3_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
61       p_transactionid4_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
62       p_transactionid4_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
63       p_transactionid5_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
64       p_transactionid5_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
65       p_transactionid6_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
66       p_transactionid6_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
67       p_transactionid7_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
68       p_transactionid7_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
69       p_transactionid8_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
70       p_transactionid8_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
71       p_transactionid9_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
72       p_transactionid9_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
73       p_transactionid10_prompt out NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
74       p_transactionid10_value out NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return NUMBER;
77 END xla_transaction_id_pkg;