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1 PACKAGE hri_apl_diagnostics AS
2 /* $Header: hriadiag.pkh 120.1 2005/10/06 09:23:57 jtitmas noship $ */
3 --
4 -- This procedure is used to create the subscritpion for objects
5 -- Every diagnostic should have a subscription
6 --
7 -- p_object_name - Name of the object for which you want to create the diagnostics
8 -- p_object_type - The type of object. Valid values are BUCKET,PROFILE,SEEDED_FAST_FORMULA,TABLE,TRIGGER,USER_DEFN_FAST_FORMULA.Object type of data diagnostic.
9 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the object is being subscribed. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
10 --
11 PROCEDURE create_subscription
12   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
13   p_object_type IN VARCHAR2,
14   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
15 --
16 -- This procedure is used to delete a subscription
17 --
18 -- p_object_name - Name of the object for which you want to create the diagnostics
19 -- p_object_type - The type of object. Valid values are BUCKET,PROFILE,SEEDED_FAST_FORMULA,TABLE,TRIGGER,USER_DEFN_FAST_FORMULA. Object type of data diagnostic.
20 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the object is being subscribed. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
21 --
22 PROCEDURE delete_subscription
23   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
24   p_object_type IN VARCHAR2,
25   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
26 --
27 --
28 -- This procedure is used to create diagnostics associated with profiles
29 --
30 --  p_object_name - The name of the profile. This is the column profile_option_name from table fnd_profile_options for the profile.
31 --  p_dynamic_sql - Stores the dynamic SQL to get the profile value
32 --  p_dynamic_sql_type - 'API' if the above column contains an api, otherwise null
33 --  p_exception_value - Stores the value of the profile for which impact message is to be displayed
34 --  p_impact_msg_name - Message code for the message, which is to be displayed when the exception value for the profile is encountered
35 --  p_add_info_URL - An URL can be specified here where the user can find more information about the profile
36 --  p_enabled_flag - Set this to Y, if the diagnostics is to be displayed. Else set to N.
37 --  p_foundation_HR_FLAG - Set this to Y, if this profile is to be checked in Foundation HR. Else set to N.
38 --  p_null_impact_msg_name - Message code for the message, which is displayed when the profile value is null
39 --  p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the profile belongs. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA
40 --
41 --
42 PROCEDURE create_profile_sys_setup
43   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
44   p_dynamic_sql IN VARCHAR2,
45   p_dynamic_sql_type IN VARCHAR2,
46   p_exception_value IN VARCHAR2,
47   p_impact_msg_name IN VARCHAR2,
48   p_add_info_URL IN VARCHAR2,
49   p_enabled_flag IN VARCHAR2,
50   p_foundation_HR_FLAG IN VARCHAR2,
51   p_null_impact_msg_name IN VARCHAR2,
52   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
54 --
55 -- This procedure is used to create diagnostics associated with dynamic triggers
56 --
57 -- p_object_name - The name of the dynamic trigger. This is the short_name column of table pay_trigger_events
58 -- p_exception_status_msg_cd - Message code for the message, which is displayed if the trigger is not generated and enabled
59 -- p_valid_status_msg_cd - Message code for the message, which is displayed if the trigger is generated and enabled
60 -- p_enabled_flag - Set this to Y, if the diagnostics for the trigger is to be displayed. Else set to N.
61 -- p_foundation_hr_flag - Set this to Y, if this trigger is to be checked in Foundation HR. Else set to N.
62 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the trigger belongs. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
63 --
64 PROCEDURE create_trigger_sys_setup
65   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
66   p_exception_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
67   p_valid_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
68   p_enabled_flag IN VARCHAR2,
69   p_foundation_hr_flag IN VARCHAR2,
70   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
72 --
73 -- This procedure is used to create diagnostics associated with tables
74 --
75 -- p_object_name - The name of the table
76 -- p_object_owner - Schema in which the table exists
77 -- p_exception_status_msg_cd - Message code for message, which is displayed when record count for the table is 0
78 -- p_valid_status_msg_cd - Message code for message, which is displayed when record count for the table is not 0
79 -- p_enabled_flag - Set this to Y, if the diagnostics for this table is to be displayed. Else set to N.
80 -- p_foundation_hr_flag - Set this to Y, if this table is to be checked in Foundation HR. Else set to N.
81 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the table belongs. Valid values can be found by querying
82 --
83 PROCEDURE create_table_sys_setup
84   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
85   p_object_owner IN VARCHAR2,
86   p_exception_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
87   p_valid_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
88   p_enabled_flag IN VARCHAR2,
89   p_foundation_hr_flag IN VARCHAR2,
90   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
92 --
93 -- This procedure is used to create diagnostics associated with seeded fast formulas
94 --
95 -- p_object_name - The name of the fast formula. This is the value of column formula_name of table ff_formulas_f
96 -- p_exception_status_msg_cd - Message code for message, which is displayed when the fast formula is in invalid status
97 -- p_valid_status_msg_cd - Message code for message, which is displayed when the fast formula is in a valid state
98 -- p_add_info_url - URL for additional information on the fast formula
99 -- p_enabled_flag - Set this to Y, if the diagnostics for this fast formula is to be displayed. Else set to N.
100 -- p_foundation_hr_flag - Set this to Y, if this fast formula is to be checked in Foundation HR. Else set to N.
101 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the fast formula belongs. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
102 --
103 PROCEDURE create_seeded_ff_sys_setup
104   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
105   p_exception_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
106   p_valid_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
107   p_add_info_url IN VARCHAR2,
108   p_enabled_flag IN VARCHAR2,
109   p_foundation_hr_flag IN VARCHAR2,
110   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
112 --
113 -- This procedure is used to create diagnostics associated with used defined fast formulas
114 --
115 -- p_object_name - The name of the fast formula. This is the value of column formula name of table ff_formulas_f
116 -- p_dynamic_sql - SQL to fetch information for all business group for this user defined fast formula
117 -- p_dynamic_sql_type - 'API' if the above column contains an api, otherwise null
118 -- p_exception_status_msg_cd - Message code for the message, which is displayed when the fast formula is in invalid status
119 -- p_valid_status_msg_cd - Message code for the message, which is displayed when the fast formula is in a valid state
120 -- p_impact_msg_name - Message code for the message, which is displayed when the fast formula has not been defined for any business group
121 -- p_add_info_url - URL for additional information on the fast formula
122 -- p_enabled_flag - Set this to Y, if the diagnostics for this fast formula is to be checked. Else set to N.
123 -- p_foundation_hr_flag - Set this to Y, if this fast formula is to be checked in Foundation HR. Else set to N.
124 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the fast formula belongs. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
125 --
126 PROCEDURE create_usr_def_ff_sys_setup
127   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
128   p_dynamic_sql IN VARCHAR2,
129   p_dynamic_sql_type IN VARCHAR2,
130   p_exception_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
131   p_valid_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
132   p_impact_msg_name IN VARCHAR2,
133   p_add_info_url IN VARCHAR2,
134   p_enabled_flag IN VARCHAR2,
135   p_foundation_hr_flag IN VARCHAR2,
136   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
137 --
138 -- This procedure is used to create diagnostics associated with buckets
139 --
140 -- p_object_name - The name of the bucket. This is the short_name column from table bis_bucket
141 -- p_dynamic_sql - SQL that returns N when correct number of ranges are not defined for buckets, else Y.
142 -- p_dynamic_sql_type - 'API' if the above column contains an api, otherwise null
143 -- p_exception_status_msg_cd - Message code for the message, which display the status of bucket, when the dynamic SQL returns N.
144 -- p_valid_status_msg_cd - Message code for the message, which display the status of bucket, when the dynamic SQL returns Y.
145 -- p_impact_msg_name - Message Code for the message, which display the impact message when the dynamic SQL return N.
146 -- p_enabled_flag - Set this to Y, if the diagnostics for this bucket is to be checked. Else set to N.
147 -- p_foundation_hr_flag - Set this to Y, if this bucket is to be checked in Foundation HR. Else set to N.
148 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the bucket belongs. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
149 --
150 PROCEDURE create_bucket_sys_setup
151   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
152   p_dynamic_sql IN VARCHAR2,
153   p_dynamic_sql_type IN VARCHAR2,
154   p_exception_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
155   p_valid_status_msg_cd IN VARCHAR2,
156   p_impact_msg_name IN VARCHAR2,
157   p_enabled_flag IN VARCHAR2,
158   p_foundation_hr_flag IN VARCHAR2,
159   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
160 --
161 -- This procedure is used to create data diagnostics
162 --
163 -- p_object_name - The name of the object for the particular data diagnostic being created. This is a short code with underscores and no spaces. For ex. TOTAL_ASG_BY_ASGTYPE means total assignment by assignment type
164 -- p_object_type - The type of the object for the data diagnostics being created. It can be of same name as object name.
165 -- p_dynamic_sql - SQL which returns the data for the diagnostics
166 -- p_dynamic_sql_type - 'API' if the above column contains an api, otherwise null
167 -- p_impact_msg_name - Message for the message, which displays the impact of the diagnostics being displayed
168 -- p_enabled_flag - Set this to Y, if this data diagnostic is to be displayed
169 -- p_foundation_hr_flag - Set this to Y, if the data diagnostic is to be displayed in foundation HR
170 -- p_section_heading - Message code for the message, which displays section heading
171 -- p_section_count_desc - Message code for the message, which displays the section description in COUNT mode
172 -- p_section_detail_desc - Message code for the message, which displays the section description in DETAIL mode
173 -- p_sub_section_heading - Message code for the message which displays sub section heading
174 -- p_sub_section_count_desc - Message code for the message, which displays the sub section description in COUNT mode
175 -- p_sub_section_detail_desc - Message code for the message, which displays the sub section description in DETAIL mode
176 -- p_heading_for_count - Message code for the message, which displays the heading for count column in COUNT mode
177 -- p_heading_for_column1 - Message code for the message, which displays the heading for column 1, in the SQL provided in parameter p_dynamic_sql
178 -- p_heading_for_column2 - Message code for the message, which displays the heading for column 2, in the SQL provided in parameter p_dynamic_sql
179 -- p_heading_for_column3 - Message code for the message, which displays the heading for column 3, in the SQL provided in parameter p_dynamic_sql
180 -- p_heading_for_column4 - Message code for the message, which displays the heading for column 4, in the SQL provided in parameter p_dynamic_sql
181 -- p_heading_for_column5 - Message code for the message, which displays the heading for column 5, in the SQL provided in parameter p_dynamic_sql
182 -- p_default_sql_mode - Stores the values COUNT, DETAIL, DETAIL_RESTRICT, DETAIL_RESTRICT_COUNT.
183 -- p_seq_num - Stores the sequence, in which data diagnostics appear. It is suggested to keep enough numbers between two diagnostics, so that another diagnostic can be incorporated between the two in future, if required.
184 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the data diagnostic belongs. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
185 --
186 PROCEDURE create_data_diagnostics
187   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
188   p_object_type IN VARCHAR2,
189   p_dynamic_sql IN VARCHAR2,
190   p_dynamic_sql_type IN VARCHAR2,
191   p_impact_msg_name IN VARCHAR2,
192   p_enabled_flag IN VARCHAR2,
193   p_foundation_hr_flag IN VARCHAR2,
194   --
195   -- object_type_msg_name
196   -- Section heading
197   --
198   p_section_heading IN VARCHAR2,
199   --
200   -- object_type_desc
201   -- Description for COUNT section
202   --
203   p_section_count_desc IN VARCHAR2,
204   --
205   -- object_type_dtl_desc_msg_name
206   -- Description for DETAIL section
207   --
208   p_section_detail_desc IN VARCHAR2,
209   --
210   -- object_name_msg_name
211   -- Subsection heading
212   --
213   p_sub_section_heading IN VARCHAR2,
214   --
215   -- object_name_desc
216   -- Description for COUNT sub-section
217   --
218   p_sub_section_count_desc  IN VARCHAR2,
219   --
220   -- object_name_dtl_desc_msg_name
221   -- Description for DETAIL sub section
222   --
223   p_sub_section_detail_desc IN VARCHAR2,
224   --
225   -- Heading of count column
226   --
227   p_heading_for_count IN VARCHAR2,
228   --
229   -- Heading of columns in detail mode as ordered in the dynamic SQL
230   --
231   p_heading_for_column1 IN VARCHAR2,
232   p_heading_for_column2 IN VARCHAR2,
233   p_heading_for_column3 IN VARCHAR2,
234   p_heading_for_column4 IN VARCHAR2,
235   p_heading_for_column5 IN VARCHAR2,
236   --
237   p_default_sql_mode IN VARCHAR2,
238   --
239   p_seq_num IN NUMBER,
240   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2
241   );
242 --
243 -- This procedure is used to delete an object from  the diagnostics metadata table
244 --
245 -- p_object_name - Name of the object for which you want to create the diagnostics
246 -- p_object_type - The type of object. Valid values are BUCKET,PROFILE,SEEDED_FAST_FORMULA,TABLE,TRIGGER,USER_DEFN_FAST_FORMULA. Object type of data diagnostic.
247 -- p_report_type - The report type of the object.Valid values are SYSTEM, DATA.
248 -- p_functional_area_cd - The functional area to which the object is being subscribed. Valid values can be found by querying HR_LOOKUPS for lookup type HRI_FUNCTIONAL_AREA.
249 --
250 PROCEDURE delete_object
251   (p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
252   p_object_type IN VARCHAR2,
253   p_report_type IN VARCHAR2,
254   p_functional_area_cd IN VARCHAR2);
255 --
256 END hri_apl_diagnostics;