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Line 366: okl_ecv_pvt.delete_row(p_api_version => p_api_version

362: IF lp_ecv_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
364: --delete line values
366: okl_ecv_pvt.delete_row(p_api_version => p_api_version
367: ,p_init_msg_list => okl_api.g_false
368: ,x_return_status => l_return_status
369: ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
370: ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data

Line 378: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.delete_row returned with status ' ||

375: IF (nvl(l_debug_enabled, 'N') = 'Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
376: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(fnd_log.level_statement
377: ,l_module
378: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.delete_row returned with status ' ||
379: l_return_status);
380: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y'
381: IF l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
382: RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;

Line 645: okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row(p_api_version

641: lp_ecv_tbl(j).data_type_code := l_data_type_code;
642: lp_ecv_tbl(j).value_type_code := l_value_type_code;
643: lp_ecv_tbl(j).source_yn := l_source_yn;
644: IF lp_ecv_tbl(j).criterion_value_id IS NULL THEN
645: okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row(p_api_version
646: ,okl_api.g_false
647: ,l_return_status
648: ,x_msg_count
649: ,x_msg_data

Line 658: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row returned with status ' ||

655: IF (nvl(l_debug_enabled, 'N') = 'Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
656: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(fnd_log.level_statement
657: ,l_module
658: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row returned with status ' ||
659: l_return_status);
660: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y'
661: IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
662: RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;

Line 667: okl_ecv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version

663: ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
664: RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
665: END IF;
666: ELSE
667: okl_ecv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version
668: ,okl_api.g_false
669: ,l_return_status
670: ,x_msg_count
671: ,x_msg_data

Line 680: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||

677: IF (nvl(l_debug_enabled, 'N') = 'Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
678: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(fnd_log.level_statement
679: ,l_module
680: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||
681: l_return_status);
682: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y'
683: IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
684: RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;

Line 734: okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row(p_api_version

730: lp_ecv_tbl(j).data_type_code := l_data_type_code;
731: lp_ecv_tbl(j).value_type_code := l_value_type_code;
732: lp_ecv_tbl(j).source_yn := l_source_yn;
733: IF lp_ecv_tbl(j).criterion_value_id IS NULL THEN
734: okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row(p_api_version
735: ,okl_api.g_false
736: ,l_return_status
737: ,x_msg_count
738: ,x_msg_data

Line 747: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row returned with status ' ||

744: IF (nvl(l_debug_enabled, 'N') = 'Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
745: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(fnd_log.level_statement
746: ,l_module
747: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.insert_row returned with status ' ||
748: l_return_status);
749: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y'
750: IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
751: RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;

Line 756: okl_ecv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version

752: ELSIF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
753: RAISE okl_api.g_exception_unexpected_error;
754: END IF;
755: ELSE
756: okl_ecv_pvt.update_row(p_api_version
757: ,okl_api.g_false
758: ,l_return_status
759: ,x_msg_count
760: ,x_msg_data

Line 769: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||

766: IF (nvl(l_debug_enabled, 'N') = 'Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
767: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(fnd_log.level_statement
768: ,l_module
769: ,'Procedure okl_ecv_pvt.update_row returned with status ' ||
770: l_return_status);
771: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y'
772: IF (l_return_status = okl_api.g_ret_sts_error) THEN
773: RAISE okl_api.g_exception_error;

Line 920: okl_ecv_pvt.delete_row(p_api_version

916: --delete line values
918: FOR l_ecv_csr_rec IN get_lines_values(lp_ecl_rec.criteria_id) LOOP
919: l_ecv_rec.criterion_value_id := l_ecv_csr_rec.criterion_value_id;
920: okl_ecv_pvt.delete_row(p_api_version
921: ,okl_api.g_false
922: ,l_return_status
923: ,x_msg_count
924: ,x_msg_data