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1 PACKAGE BODY ghr_breakdown_rpt AS
2 /* $Header: ghbrkdwn.pkb 120.1 2005/07/01 02:12:45 asubrahm noship $ */
3 --
4   l_agcy_and_selm    VARCHAR2(4)  := '%';
5   l_by_clause        VARCHAR2(80) := 'GRADE/LEVEL';
6   l_within_clause    VARCHAR2(80) := 'PAY_PLAN';
7   l_for_clause       NUMBER(3)    := 0;
8   l_extra_clause     VARCHAR2(80);
9   l_org_strver_id    per_org_structure_versions.org_structure_version_id%TYPE;
11   PROCEDURE Set_Effective_Date(p_date IN DATE)
12   IS
13   BEGIN
14     l_effective_date    := p_date;
15   END;
17   FUNCTION Effective_Date RETURN DATE
18   IS
19   BEGIN
20     RETURN l_effective_date;
21   END;
23   PROCEDURE Set_Agency(p_agency IN VARCHAR2,
24                        p_subelm IN VARCHAR2)
25   IS
26   BEGIN
27     l_agcy_and_selm := p_agency || NVL(p_subelm, '%');
28   END;
30   FUNCTION Agency_Subelement RETURN VARCHAR2
31   IS
32   BEGIN
33     RETURN l_agcy_and_selm;
34   END;
36   PROCEDURE Set_By_Clause(p_name     IN VARCHAR2)
37   IS
38   BEGIN
39     l_by_clause    := UPPER(p_name);
40   END;
42   PROCEDURE Set_within_clause(p_name IN VARCHAR2)
43   IS
44   BEGIN
45     l_within_clause := UPPER(p_name);
46   END;
48   PROCEDURE set_for_clause(p_value IN NUMBER)
49   IS
50   BEGIN
51     l_for_clause    := p_value;
52   END;
54   FUNCTION get_for_clause RETURN NUMBER
55   IS
56   BEGIN
57     RETURN l_for_clause;
58   END;
60   PROCEDURE set_extra_clause(p_name IN VARCHAR2)
61   IS
62   BEGIN
63     l_extra_clause  := UPPER(p_name);
64   END;
66   PROCEDURE set_hierarchy(p_org_strver_id IN NUMBER)
67   IS
68   BEGIN
69     l_org_strver_id    := p_org_strver_id;
70   END;
72   FUNCTION get_hierarchy_level(p_position_id IN NUMBER, p_effective_date IN DATE)
74   IS
75     l_level  NUMBER(3);
76     l_orgid  hr_all_positions_f.organization_id%TYPE;
77     CURSOR c_level IS
78      SELECT DECODE(ORG.organization_id_child, l_orgid, LEVEL+1, LEVEL) ORG_LEVEL
79        FROM per_org_structure_elements ORG
80       WHERE (ORG.organization_id_child  = l_orgid OR
81              ORG.organization_id_parent = l_orgid)
82         AND ORG.org_structure_version_id = l_org_strver_id
83     CONNECT
84          BY
85       PRIOR organization_id_child = organization_id_parent
86       AND PRIOR org_structure_version_id = org_structure_version_id
87       START
88        WITH organization_id_parent
89               NOT IN (SELECT organization_id_child
90                         FROM per_org_structure_elements);
91   BEGIN
92     l_level := 0;
93     IF l_for_clause > 0 THEN
94       SELECT organization_id
95         INTO l_orgid
96         FROM hr_all_positions_f
97        WHERE position_id = p_position_id
98          AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
99       OPEN c_level;
100       FETCH c_level INTO l_level;
101       IF c_level%NOTFOUND THEN
102         l_level := -1;
103       END IF;
104       CLOSE c_level;
105     END IF;
106     RETURN (l_level);
107   END;
109   FUNCTION get_hierarchy_codes (p_ASG_rowid IN ROWID, p_effective_date IN DATE,
110                                 p_mode IN VARCHAR2 := 'PARENTS')
112   IS
113     l_prvorg VARCHAR2(15);
114     l_result VARCHAR2(80);
115     l_count  INTEGER;
116     CURSOR c_codes IS
117       SELECT LEVEL org_level,
118              organization_id_parent,
119              organization_id_child,
120              org_structure_version_id
121         FROM per_org_structure_elements
122        WHERE org_structure_version_id = l_org_strver_id
123      CONNECT
124           BY
125        PRIOR organization_id_parent = organization_id_child
126        START
127         WITH organization_id_child = (SELECT POS.organization_id
128                                         FROM hr_all_positions_f POS,
129                                              per_assignments_f ASG
130                                        WHERE ASG.rowid       = p_ASG_rowid
131                                          AND ASG.position_id = POS.position_id
132                                          AND p_effective_date BETWEEN POS.effective_start_date
133                                                                   AND POS.effective_end_date)
135   BEGIN
136     l_result := NULL;
137     l_count  := 1;
138     FOR r_codes IN c_codes LOOP
139       IF p_mode = 'ALL' OR
140          (l_count < l_for_clause AND p_mode = 'PARENTS')
141       THEN
142         IF l_result IS NULL THEN
143           l_result := TO_CHAR(r_codes.organization_id_parent);
144           l_prvorg := TO_CHAR(r_codes.organization_id_child);
145         ELSE
146           l_result := l_result || '-' || TO_CHAR(r_codes.organization_id_parent);
147           l_prvorg := TO_CHAR(r_codes.organization_id_child);
148         END IF;
149         l_count := l_count + 1;
150       ELSE
151         IF l_for_clause = 1 THEN
152           l_result := r_codes.organization_id_parent;
153         END IF;
154         EXIT;
155       END IF;
156     END LOOP;
157     IF l_result IS NOT NULL AND l_prvorg IS NOT NULL THEN
158       l_result := l_result || '-' || l_prvorg;
159     ELSIF l_result IS NULL AND p_mode = 'PARENTS' THEN
160       SELECT POS.organization_id
161         INTO l_result
162         FROM hr_all_positions_f POS,
163              per_assignments_f ASG
164        WHERE ASG.rowid       = p_ASG_rowid
165          AND ASG.position_id = POS.position_id
166          AND p_effective_date BETWEEN POS.effective_start_date
167                                   AND POS.effective_end_date;
168     END IF;
169     RETURN l_result;
170   END;
172   FUNCTION decode_lookup(p_lookup_type  IN VARCHAR2,
173                          p_lookup_code  IN VARCHAR2)
175   IS
176     l_result     VARCHAR2(80);
177     CURSOR csr_lookup IS
178         SELECT meaning
179           FROM hr_lookups
180          WHERE lookup_type     = p_lookup_type
181            AND lookup_code     = p_lookup_code
182            AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
183            AND TRUNC(l_effective_date)
184                  BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active, TRUNC(l_effective_date))
185                      AND NVL(end_date_active,   TRUNC(l_effective_date));
186   BEGIN
187     open csr_lookup;
188     fetch csr_lookup into l_result;
189     close csr_lookup;
190     RETURN l_result;
191   END;
195 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 -- |--------------------------< return_special_information >----------------|
197 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
199   Procedure return_special_information
200   (p_person_id       in  number
201   ,p_structure_name  in  varchar2
202   ,p_effective_date  in  date
203   ,p_special_info    OUT NOCOPY ghr_api.special_information_type
204   )
205   is
206   l_proc           varchar2(72)  := 'return_special_information ';
207   l_id_flex_num    fnd_id_flex_structures.id_flex_num%type;
208   l_max_segment    per_analysis_criteria.segment1%type;
210   Cursor c_flex_num is
211     select    flx.id_flex_num
212     from      fnd_id_flex_structures_tl flx
213     where     flx.id_flex_code           = 'PEA'  --
214     and       flx.application_id         =  800   --
215     and       flx.id_flex_structure_name =  p_structure_name
216     and       flx.language               = 'US';
218    Cursor    c_sit      is
219      select  pea.analysis_criteria_id,
220              pan.date_from, -- added for bug fix : 609285
221              pea.start_date_active,
222              pea.segment1,
223              pea.segment2,
224              pea.segment3,
225              pea.segment4,
226              pea.segment5,
227              pea.segment6,
228              pea.segment7,
229              pea.segment8,
230              pea.segment9,
231              pea.segment10,
232              pea.segment11,
233              pea.segment12,
234              pea.segment13,
235              pea.segment14,
236              pea.segment15,
237              pea.segment16,
238              pea.segment17,
239              pea.segment18,
240              pea.segment19,
241              pea.segment20
242      from    per_analysis_Criteria pea,
243              per_person_analyses   pan
244      where   pan.person_id            =  p_person_id
245      and     pan.id_flex_num          =  l_id_flex_num
246      and     pea.analysis_Criteria_id =  pan.analysis_criteria_id
247      and     p_effective_date
248      between nvl(pan.date_from,p_effective_date)
249      and     nvl(pan.date_to,p_effective_date)
250      and     p_effective_date
251      between nvl(pea.start_date_active,p_effective_date)
252      and     nvl(pea.end_date_active,p_effective_date)
253      order   by  2 desc ;
256   begin
258     for flex_num in c_flex_num loop
259       l_id_flex_num  :=  flex_num.id_flex_num;
260     End loop;
262     for special_info in c_sit loop
263       p_special_info.segment1   := special_info.segment1;
264       p_special_info.segment2   := special_info.segment2;
265       p_special_info.segment3   := special_info.segment3;
266       p_special_info.segment4   := special_info.segment4;
267       p_special_info.segment5   := special_info.segment5;
268       p_special_info.segment6   := special_info.segment6;
269       p_special_info.segment7   := special_info.segment7;
270       p_special_info.segment8   := special_info.segment8;
271       p_special_info.segment9   := special_info.segment9;
272       p_special_info.segment10  := special_info.segment10;
273       p_special_info.segment11  := special_info.segment11;
274       p_special_info.segment12  := special_info.segment12;
275       p_special_info.segment13  := special_info.segment13;
276       p_special_info.segment14  := special_info.segment14;
277       p_special_info.segment15  := special_info.segment15;
278       p_special_info.segment16  := special_info.segment16;
279       p_special_info.segment17  := special_info.segment17;
280       p_special_info.segment18  := special_info.segment18;
281       p_special_info.segment19  := special_info.segment19;
282       p_special_info.segment20  := special_info.segment20;
283       exit;
284     End loop;
286   when others then
287      -- NOCOPY changes
288      -- Reset IN OUT params and set OUT params
289     p_special_info  := null;
290     raise;
291    End return_special_information;
293   FUNCTION Any_Clause(p_clause      IN VARCHAR2,
294                       p_PER_rowid    IN ROWID,
295                       p_PEI_GRP1     IN per_people_extra_info%ROWTYPE,
296                       p_ASG          IN per_all_assignments_f%ROWTYPE)
298   IS
299     l_result    VARCHAR2(300);
300     l_rescpy    VARCHAR2(300);
301     l_int       INTEGER;
302     -- record structure for special Info 'US Fed Perf Appraisal'
303     l_special_info   ghr_api.special_information_type;
304     l_posei_data     per_position_extra_info%ROWTYPE;
305   BEGIN
306     IF    p_clause = 'GRADE/LEVEL'         -- Grade or Level
307     THEN
308       SELECT GDF.segment2
309         INTO l_result
310         FROM per_grades GRD
311             ,per_grade_definitions GDF
312        WHERE GRD.grade_id = p_ASG.grade_id
313          AND GDF.grade_definition_id = GRD.grade_definition_id;
314     ELSIF p_clause = 'OCCODE_PATCOB'   -- Occupational Category (PATCOB) Code
315     THEN
316       ghr_history_fetch.fetch_positionei(p_ASG.position_id, 'GHR_US_POS_GRP1',
317                                          l_effective_date, l_posei_data);
318       l_result := l_posei_data.poei_information6 || ' - ' ||
319                   decode_lookup('GHR_US_OCC_CATEGORY_CODE', l_posei_data.poei_information6);
320     ELSIF p_clause = 'SERIES'            -- Occupational Series
321     THEN
322       SELECT job.name || ' - ' || decode_lookup('GHR_US_OCC_SERIES', job.name)
323         INTO l_result
324         FROM hr_all_positions_f POS,
325              per_jobs job
326        WHERE POS.position_id = p_ASG.position_id
327          AND TRUNC(effective_date) BETWEEN POS.effective_start_date
328                                        AND POS.effective_end_date
329          AND JOB.job_id      = POS.job_id;
330     ELSIF p_clause = 'GRADE'            -- Grade
331     THEN
332       SELECT GRD.name
333         INTO l_result
334         FROM per_grades GRD
335        WHERE GRD.grade_id = p_ASG.grade_id;
336     ELSIF p_clause = 'APPOINTMENT_TYPE' -- Appointment Type
337     THEN
338        l_result := p_PEI_GRP1.pei_information3 || ' - ' ||
339                    decode_lookup('GHR_US_APPOINTMENT_TYPE', p_PEI_GRP1.pei_information3);
340     ELSIF p_clause = 'HANDICAP_GROUP'  -- Handicap Group
341     THEN
342       l_result := p_PEI_GRP1.pei_information11;
343       l_rescpy := l_result;
344       IF    l_result = '13'
345       THEN
346         l_result := 'Speech Impairments';
347       ELSIF l_result in ('15', '16', '17')
348       THEN
349         l_result := 'Hearing Impairments';
350       ELSIF l_result in ('22', '23', '24', '25')
351       THEN
352         l_result := 'Vision Impairments';
353       ELSIF l_result in ('27', '28', '29', '32', '33', '34',
354                          '35', '36', '37', '38')
355       THEN
356         l_result := 'Absences of Extremities';
357       ELSIF l_result in ('44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '57', '61',
358                          '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68')
359       THEN
360         l_result := 'Nonparalytic Orthopedic Impairments, chronic pain, stiffnes or weakness';
361       ELSIF l_result IN ('70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78')
362       THEN
363         l_result := 'Complete Paralysis';
364       ELSIF l_result IN ('80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '86', '87', '88', '89',
365                          '90', '91', '92', '93', '94')
366       THEN
367         l_result := 'Other Impairments';
368       ELSE
369         l_result := 'No Handicap';
370       END IF;
371       SELECT NVL(LKP.description, l_result)
372         INTO l_result
373         FROM hr_lookups LKP
374        WHERE LKP.lookup_type = 'GHR_US_HANDICAP_CODE'
375          AND LKP.lookup_code = l_rescpy
376          AND LKP.enabled_flag = 'Y'
377          AND TRUNC(l_effective_date)
378                BETWEEN NVL(LKP.start_date_active, TRUNC(l_effective_date))
379                    AND NVL(LKP.end_date_active,   TRUNC(l_effective_date));
380     ELSIF p_clause = 'TARGET_HANDICAP_CODE'  -- Target Handicap Code
381     THEN
382       l_result := p_PEI_GRP1.pei_information11 || ' - ' ||
383                   decode_lookup('GHR_US_HANDICAP_CODE', p_PEI_GRP1.pei_information11);
384     ELSIF p_clause = 'AA_CATEGORY'         -- AA Category
385     THEN
386       BEGIN
387         ghr_history_fetch.fetch_positionei(p_ASG.position_id, 'GHR_US_POS_GRP1',
388                                            l_effective_date, l_posei_data);
389         SELECT NVL(LKP.description, LKP.meaning)
390           INTO l_result
391           FROM hr_lookups LKP
392          WHERE LKP.lookup_type     = 'GHR_US_OCC_CATEGORY_CODE'
393            AND LKP.lookup_code     = l_posei_data.poei_information6
394            AND LKP.enabled_flag = 'Y'
395            AND TRUNC(l_effective_date)
396                  BETWEEN NVL(LKP.start_date_active, TRUNC(l_effective_date))
397                      AND NVL(LKP.end_date_active,   TRUNC(l_effective_date));
398       EXCEPTION
400           l_result := NULL;
401       END;
402       l_int    := TRUNC((TO_NUMBER(Any_Clause('GRADE/LEVEL', p_PER_rowid, p_PEI_GRP1, p_ASG))-1)/4, 0);
403       l_result := l_result ||
404                   ' ' ||
405                   Any_Clause('PAY_PLAN', p_PER_rowid, p_PEI_GRP1, p_ASG) ||
406                   ' ' ||
407                   'GRDS ' || RTRIM(TO_CHAR((l_int*4)+1, '09')) || ' - ' || RTRIM(TO_CHAR((l_int+1)*4, '09'));
408     ELSIF p_clause = 'PERFORMANCE_RATING'  -- Performance Rating level
409     THEN
410       SELECT person_id
411         INTO l_result
412         FROM per_people_f
413        WHERE rowid = p_PER_rowid;
414       return_special_information(p_person_id => l_result,
415                                  p_structure_name => 'US Fed Perf Appraisal',
416                                  p_effective_date => l_effective_date,
417                                  p_special_info => l_special_info);
418       IF l_special_info.segment5 IS NOT NULL
419       THEN
420         l_result := l_special_info.segment5 || ' - ' ||
421                     decode_lookup('GHR_US_RATING_LEVEL', l_special_info.segment5);
422       ELSE
423         l_result := '* - No Performance Rating Available';
424       END IF;
425     ELSIF p_clause = 'PAY_PLAN'       -- Pay Plan
426     THEN
427       SELECT GDF.segment1
428         INTO l_result
429         FROM per_grades GRD
430             ,per_grade_definitions GDF
431        WHERE GRD.grade_id = p_ASG.grade_id
432          AND GDF.grade_definition_id = GRD.grade_definition_id;
433     ELSIF p_clause = 'FULL_NAME' THEN
434       SELECT full_name
435         INTO l_result
436         FROM per_people_f
437        WHERE rowid = p_PER_rowid;
438     ELSIF p_clause = 'PERSON_ID' THEN
439       SELECT person_id
440         INTO l_result
441         FROM per_people_f
442        WHERE rowid = p_PER_rowid;
443     ELSIF p_clause = 'EMPLOYEE_NUMBER' THEN
444       SELECT employee_number
445         INTO l_result
446         FROM per_people_f
447        WHERE rowid = p_PER_rowid;
448     ELSIF p_clause = 'AGENCY_CODE' THEN
449       l_result := ghr_api.get_position_agency_code_pos(p_ASG.position_id,
450                                                        p_ASG.business_group_id);
451     ELSIF p_clause = 'ORGANIZATION_ID' THEN
452       SELECT POS.organization_id
453         INTO l_result
454         FROM hr_all_positions_f POS
455        WHERE POS.position_id = p_ASG.position_id
456          AND TRUNC(l_effective_date) BETWEEN POS.effective_start_date
457                                          AND POS.effective_end_date;
458     END IF;
459     RETURN l_result;
462       l_result := NULL;
463       RETURN l_result;
464   END;
466   PROCEDURE Delete_Temp_Data IS
467   BEGIN
469   END;
471   PROCEDURE process(p_breakdown_criteria_id IN NUMBER := NULL) IS
472     CURSOR c_emp IS
473       SELECT PER.rowid PER_rowid, ASG.rowid ASG_rowid,
474              PER.person_id, PER.sex
475         FROM per_people_f PER, per_assignments_f ASG
476        WHERE l_effective_date BETWEEN PER.effective_start_date
477                                   AND PER.effective_end_date
478          AND PER.person_id = ASG.person_id
479          AND l_effective_date BETWEEN ASG.effective_start_date
480                                   AND ASG.effective_end_date
481          AND get_hierarchy_level(ASG.position_id, l_effective_date) >= l_for_clause
482          AND ghr_api.get_position_agency_code_pos(ASG.position_id, ASG.business_group_id)
483              LIKE l_agcy_and_selm
484          AND ASG.primary_flag = 'Y'
485          AND ASG.assignment_type <> 'B';
486     r_GRP1   per_people_extra_info%rowtype;
487     r_ASG    per_all_assignments_f%rowtype;
488     l_result VARCHAR2(80);
490     -- Information to be inserted in GHR_BREAKDOWN_RESULTS
491     l_rslt_session_id     ghr_breakdown_results.session_id%TYPE := USERENV('SESSIONID');
492     l_rslt_id             ghr_breakdown_results.breakdown_result_id%TYPE;
493     l_rslt_for_clause     ghr_breakdown_results.for_clause%TYPE;
494     l_rslt_within_clause  ghr_breakdown_results.within_clause%TYPE;
495     l_rslt_by_clause      ghr_breakdown_results.by_clause%TYPE;
497   BEGIN
498     IF p_breakdown_criteria_id IS NOT NULL THEN
500       WHERE session_id = l_rslt_session_id
501         AND breakdown_criteria_id = p_breakdown_criteria_id;
502     ELSE
504       WHERE session_id = l_rslt_session_id;
505     END IF;
506     l_rslt_id := 0;
507     FOR r_emp IN c_emp LOOP
508       ghr_history_fetch.fetch_peopleei(r_emp.person_id, 'GHR_US_PER_GROUP1',
509                                        l_effective_date, r_GRP1);
510       ghr_history_fetch.fetch_assignment(p_rowid           => r_emp.ASG_rowid,
511                                          p_assignment_data => r_ASG,
512                                          p_result_code     => l_result);
513       IF r_GRP1.pei_information5 IS NOT NULL THEN
514         l_rslt_id := l_rslt_id + 1;
515         IF l_for_clause > 0 THEN
516           l_rslt_for_clause := get_hierarchy_codes(r_emp.ASG_rowid, l_effective_date, 'PARENTS');
517         END IF;
518         l_rslt_within_clause  := Any_Clause(l_within_clause, r_emp.PER_rowid, r_GRP1, r_ASG);
519         l_rslt_by_clause      := Any_Clause(l_by_clause, r_emp.PER_rowid, r_GRP1, r_ASG);
520         INSERT INTO ghr_breakdown_results
521           (session_id, breakdown_result_id, breakdown_criteria_id, for_clause, within_clause,
522            by_clause, sex, ethnic_origin)
523         VALUES
524           (l_rslt_session_id, l_rslt_id, p_breakdown_criteria_id, l_rslt_for_clause,
525            l_rslt_within_clause, l_rslt_by_clause, r_emp.sex, r_GRP1.pei_information5);
526         l_rslt_for_clause     := NULL;
527         l_rslt_within_clause  := NULL;
528         l_rslt_by_clause      := NULL;
529       END IF;
530     END LOOP;
531   END;
533 -- Given and org structure version iud return the org structure name (ie hierarchy)
534 FUNCTION get_org_struct_name(
535                    p_org_structure_version_id      per_org_structure_versions.org_structure_version_id%TYPE)
538 CURSOR cur_hier IS
539   SELECT s.name
540   FROM   per_organization_structures s
541         ,per_org_structure_versions  v
542   WHERE  v.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
543   AND    v.organization_structure_id = s.organization_structure_id;
546   FOR cur_hier_rec IN cur_hier LOOP
547     RETURN(cur_hier_rec.name);
548   END LOOP;
550   RETURN(null);
552 END get_org_struct_name;
554 END ghr_breakdown_rpt;