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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

     25-SEP-2000 ahanda    115.2   1416995   Adding delete for PL/SQL
     10-OCT-2000 ahanda    115.3             Added check to pick only the
                                             selected employee if employee
                                             ID is passed and only not null
                                             run results.
     02-FEB-2001 ahanda    115.4   1625762   Added check for business group
     26-APR-2001 ahanda    115.5   1755126   Changed logic for Elment Sets.
     22-MAY-2001 ahanda    115.6             Changed parameter in cursor
                                             c_element_results to
                                             cp_element_set_id from
                                             cp_element_type_id when joining
                                             to element_Set_id
     26-JUN-2001 ahanda    115.7   1855697   Changed logic for populate PL/SQL
                                             table with result_value to take
                                             care of multiple element entries.
     17-AUG-2001 ahanda    115.8   1918074   Changed cursor c_element_results
                                             for performance.
     04-DEC-2002 dsaxby    115.13  2692195   Nocopy changes.
     18-DEC-2002 tclewis   115.12  2390994   Modifications to the element_extract
                                             procedure, c_assignments cursor.
                                             Broke out the cursor into 2 querries
                                             to Reduce High Buffer gets.

     05-AUG-2003 trugless  115.13            Replaced hardcoded text for
                                             report headings and
                                             gv_title with lookup to
                                             FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS table using

                                             Modified c_element_results,
                                             and c_elements cursors to use the
                                             PAY_ELELMENT_TYPES_F_TL table
                                             instead of
                                             PAY_ELELMENT_TYPES_F for reporting
                                             name so translated value will be

                                             modified the c_element_results
                                             to query the
                                             PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F_TL table for
     25-FEB-2003 ssmukher 115.14 2007614     Added a new cursor c_legislation_code
                                             for handling the
                                             changing of  SSN to SIN in case
                                             of CA legislation in the procedure
     16-JUN-2004 ahanda   115.15 3433727     Changed code to use ref cursor.
                                 2007614     Changed cursor c_legislation_code to
                                             use base table instead of view.
    16-JUL-2004  schauhan 115.16 3731178     Changed cursor c_class_elements,c_set_elements
                                             c_elements and query string
					     Now element name shall be shown if reporting
                                             name is null. Also made changes to
                                             lv_element_result_query so that new
					     garnishment elements are also processed.
    19-JUL-2004  schauhan  115.18 3731178    Reverted back to version 115.16
    20-JUL-2004  ahanda    115.19 3778025    Changes query lv_element_result_query
                                             to use bind parameters. Also, removed
                                             special login for Invol Calculator element.
    10-SEP-2004  schauhan  115.20 3650988    Changed the size of the variable lv_employment_category_code
                                             from Varchar2(10) to per_assignments_f.employment_category%type.
    10-MAR-2005  rajeesha  115.21 4214739    Used Status Column in ltr_elements in Extract_element
					     to avoid the entries which are Replace
    24-APR-2006  ppanda    115.23 5167072    Element Register Report was not picking up
                                             any data for Secondary classification.
    26-APR-2006  ppanda    115.23 5179163    Element Register Report was not having correct
    28-JUN-2006  asasthan  115.24 5231257    Performance tuning added hints
    08-AUG-2006  jdevasah  115.25 5229191    Added two parameters to cursors c_class_elements and
    		 	   	  	     c_set_elements and added conditions to filter elements that are not
                                               eligible for the given Element Report period.
    13-DEC-2006  saurgupt  115.27 5684493    Changed the union clause to union all in lv_element_result_query.
                                             With this the report will now sum up the values for multiple entries
                                             of same report.
    01-AUG-2007 vaprakas 115.29  6075462 Added a distinct clause and selected pay_run_results.run_result_id
                                                       in the cursor lv_element_result_query.
    28-AUG-2008  keyazawa  115.30 7264010    Fixed lv_element_result_query to work properly
                                             multiple entry, same reporting name, secondary class parameter
    29-AUG-2008  keyazawa  115.31            Fixed lv_element_result_query to work properly
                                             additional entry, retro pay entry
                                             Fixed lv_element_status condition to exclude R, O, U
                                             due to work properly override entry

  ** Local Package Variables
  gv_title               VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 217

  ** can insert data and the label in this PL/SQL table which will
  ** be printed at the end of the report.
  ** The PL/SQL table which needs to be populated is
  ** LTR_ELEMENT_EXTRACT_DATA. This PL/SQL table is defined in the
  ** Package pay_element_extract_data_pkg (pyelerpd.pkh/pkb).
  PROCEDURE formated_static_header(
              p_output_file_type  in varchar2
             ,p_static_label1    out nocopy varchar2
             ,p_static_label2    out nocopy varchar2
             ,p_business_group_id in varchar2 -- Bug No : 2007614
    -- Bug No : 2007614
    -- changed call to per_business_groups to the base table
    cursor c_legislation_code is
      select hoi_bg.org_information9
        from hr_organization_information hoi_bg
       where organization_id = p_business_group_id
         and org_information_context =  'Business Group Information';
Line: 449

  ** can insert data and the label in this PL/SQL table which will
  ** be printed at the end of the report.
  ** The PL/SQL table which needs to be populated is
  ** LTR_ELEMENT_EXTRACT_DATA. This PL/SQL table is defined in the
  ** Package pay_element_extract_data_pkg (pyelerpd.pkh/pkb).
  PROCEDURE formated_static_data (
                   p_action_type               in varchar2
                  ,p_action_effective_date     in date
                  ,p_payroll_name              in varchar2
                  ,p_gre_name                  in varchar2
                  ,p_org_name                  in varchar2
                  ,p_location_code             in varchar2
                  ,p_emp_last_name             in varchar2
                  ,p_emp_first_name            in varchar2
                  ,p_emp_middle_names          in varchar2
                  ,p_emp_employee_number       in varchar2
                  ,p_emp_national_identifier   in varchar2
                  ,p_emp_date_of_birth         in date
                  ,p_gender                    in varchar2
                  ,p_emp_original_date_of_hire in date
                  ,p_emp_projected_start_date  in date
                  ,p_emp_user_person_type      in varchar2
                  ,p_assignment_number         in varchar2
                  ,p_assignment_status         in varchar2
                  ,p_employment_category       in varchar2
                  ,p_output_file_type          in varchar2
                  ,p_static_data1             out nocopy varchar2
                  ,p_static_data2             out nocopy varchar2

    lv_format1 VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 576

        select petr.element_type_id
          from pay_element_type_rules petr
         where petr.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id
           and petr.include_or_exclude = 'I'
        union all
        select pet1.element_type_id
          from pay_element_types_f pet1
         where pet1.classification_id in
                     (select classification_id
                        from pay_ele_classification_rules
                       where element_set_id = cp_element_set_id)
           and pet1.element_name not like '%Special Features'
           and pet1.element_name not like '%Special Inputs'
           and pet1.element_name not like '%Withholding'
           and pet1.element_name not like '%Verifier'
           and pet1.element_name not like '%Fees'
           and pet1.element_name not like '%Priority'
        select petr.element_type_id
          from pay_element_type_rules petr
         where petr.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id
           and petr.include_or_exclude = 'E';
Line: 636

             ,p_selection_criteria        in  varchar2
             ,p_is_ele_set                in  varchar2
             ,p_element_set_id            in  number
             ,p_is_ele_class              in  varchar2
             ,p_element_classification_id in  number
             ,p_is_ele                    in  varchar2
             ,p_element_type_id           in  number
             ,p_payroll_id                in  number
             ,p_consolidation_set_id      in  number
             ,p_tax_unit_id               in  number
             ,p_organization_id           in  number
             ,p_location_id               in  number
             ,p_person_id                 in  number
             ,p_assignment_set_id         in  number
             ,p_output_file_type          in  varchar2

    ** Cursor to get all the employee and assignment data.
    ** This cursor will return one row for each Assignment Action
    ** for the Selection parameter entered by the user in the SRS.
    ** the Assignment Action returned by this cursor is used to
    ** retreive the Elements processed and its Pay Value.
    cursor c_assignments (
                       cp_start_date           in date
                      ,cp_end_date             in date
                      ,cp_payroll_id           in number
                      ,cp_consolidation_set_id in number
                      ,cp_organization_id      in number
                      ,cp_tax_unit_id          in number
                      ,cp_location_id          in number
                      ,cp_person_id            in number
                      ,cp_business_group_id    in number
                      ) is
      select paa.assignment_action_id
        from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
             pay_assignment_actions paa,
             per_assignments_f paf,
             per_people_f ppf,
             pay_payrolls_f pf,
             fnd_common_lookups fcl
       where ppa.action_type in ('R', 'Q', 'B', 'I', 'V')
         and ppa.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
         and pf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
         and ppa.effective_date between pf.effective_start_date
                                    and pf.effective_end_date
         and pf.payroll_id like nvl(to_char(cp_payroll_id), '%')
         and (cp_consolidation_set_id is null
             or ppa.consolidation_set_id = cp_consolidation_set_id )
         and ppa.effective_date between cp_start_date
                                    and cp_end_date
         and fcl.lookup_code = ppa.action_type
         and fcl.lookup_type = 'ACTION_TYPE'
         and fcl.application_id = 800
         and fcl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
         and (cp_tax_unit_id is null
             or paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id)
         and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
         and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                    and paf.effective_end_date
         and (cp_organization_id is null
             or paf.organization_id = cp_organization_id)
         and (cp_location_id is null
             or paf.location_id = cp_location_id)
         and ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
         and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                    and ppf.effective_end_date
         and (cp_person_id is null
              or ppf.person_id = cp_person_id)
      order by ppf.last_name, ppf.first_name,
               ppf.middle_names, ppa.effective_date;
Line: 749

      select pet.reporting_name,
        from pay_element_types_f      pet,
             pay_element_types_f_tl   pettl,
             pay_input_values_f       piv,
             pay_run_result_values    prrv,
             pay_run_results          prr,
             pay_input_values_f_tl    pivtl
       where pivtl.name               = 'Pay Value'
         and pivtl.language           = 'US'
         and pivtl.input_value_id     = piv.input_value_id
         and prrv.input_value_id      = piv.input_value_id
         and piv.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
         and prrv.result_value        is not null
         and prr.run_result_id        = prrv.run_result_id
         and prr.assignment_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
         and pet.element_type_id      = prr.element_type_id
         and pettl.language           = userenv('LANG')
         and pettl.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
         and cp_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                   and pet.effective_end_date
         and pet.classification_id like nvl(to_char(cp_classification_id), '%')
         and pet.element_type_id like nvl(to_char(cp_element_type_id), '%')
         and (cp_element_set_id is null
             or (cp_element_set_id is not null
                 and prr.element_type_id in
                     (select petr.element_type_id
                        from pay_element_type_rules petr
                        where petr.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id
                          and petr.include_or_exclude = 'I'
                      union all
                       select pet1.element_type_id
                         from pay_element_types_f pet1
                        where pet1.classification_id in
                                     (select classification_id
                                        from pay_ele_classification_rules
                                       where element_set_id = cp_element_set_id)
                       select petr.element_type_id
                         from pay_element_type_rules petr
                        where petr.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id
                          and petr.include_or_exclude = 'E'
Line: 801

      select pet.reporting_name,
        from pay_element_types_f pet,
             pay_input_values_f piv,
             pay_run_result_values prrv,
             pay_run_results prr
       where piv.name = 'Pay Value'
         and prrv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
         and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
         and prrv.result_value is not null
         and prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
         and prr.assignment_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
         and pet.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id
         and cp_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                   and pet.effective_end_date
         and pet.classification_id like nvl(to_char(cp_classification_id), '%')
         and pet.element_type_id like nvl(to_char(cp_element_type_id), '%')
         and (cp_element_set_id is null
             or (cp_element_set_id is not null
                 and prr.element_type_id in
                     (select petr.element_type_id
                        from pay_element_type_rules petr
                        where petr.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id
                          and petr.include_or_exclude = 'I'
                      union all
                       select pet1.element_type_id
                         from pay_element_types_f pet1
                        where pet1.classification_id in
                                     (select classification_id
                                        from pay_ele_classification_rules
                                       where element_set_id = cp_element_set_id)
                       select petr.element_type_id
                         from pay_element_type_rules petr
                        where petr.element_set_id = cp_element_set_id
                          and petr.include_or_exclude = 'E'
Line: 864

      select distinct nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name)
        from pay_element_types_f    pet,
             pay_element_types_f_tl pettl
       where pet.classification_id = cp_element_classification_id
         and cp_business_group_id = nvl(pet.business_group_id, cp_business_group_id)
         and pet.element_name not like '%Special Features'
         and pet.element_name not like '%Special Inputs'
         and pet.element_name not like '%Withholding'
         and pet.element_name not like '%Verifier'
	 and pet.element_name not like '%Fees'
	 and pet.element_name not like '%Priority'
         and pettl.language           = userenv('LANG')
         and pettl.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
	 and pet.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date  --bug # 5229191
	 and pet.effective_end_date >= cp_start_date
      /* Added to fix Bug # 5167072
         START */
      select distinct nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name)
        from pay_element_types_f            pet,
             pay_element_types_f_tl         pettl,
             pay_element_classifications    pec
       where scr.element_type_id   = pet.element_type_id
	 and pec.classification_id = cp_element_classification_id
	 and pec.classification_id = scr.classification_id
         and cp_business_group_id  = nvl(pet.business_group_id,
         and pet.element_name not  like '%Special Features'
         and pet.element_name not  like '%Special Inputs'
         and pet.element_name not  like '%Withholding'
         and pet.element_name not  like '%Verifier'
	 and pet.element_name not  like '%Fees'
	 and pet.element_name not  like '%Priority'
         and pettl.language        = userenv('LANG')
         and pettl.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
	 and pet.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date  --bug # 5229191
	 and pet.effective_end_date >= cp_start_date
      /* END of fix Bug # 5167072 */
   order by 1;
Line: 922

      select distinct nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name)
        from pay_element_type_rules petr,
             pay_element_types_f    pet,
             pay_element_types_f_tl  pettl
       where pet.element_type_id = petr.element_type_id
         and petr.element_set_id = cp_ele_set_id
         and petr.include_or_exclude = 'I'
         and pettl.language           = userenv('LANG')
         and pettl.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
	 and pet.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date --bug # 5229191
	 and pet.effective_end_date >= cp_start_date
     union all
      select distinct nvl(pettl1.reporting_name,pettl1.element_name)
        from pay_element_types_f    pet1,
             pay_element_types_f_tl pettl1
       where cp_business_group_id = nvl(pet1.business_group_id, cp_business_group_id)
         and pet1.classification_id in
                       (select classification_id
                          from pay_ele_classification_rules
                         where element_set_id = cp_ele_set_id)
         and pet1.element_name not like '%Special Features'
         and pet1.element_name not like '%Special Inputs'
         and pet1.element_name not like '%Withholding'
         and pet1.element_name not like '%Verifier'
	 and pet1.element_name not like '%Fees'
	 and pet1.element_name not like '%Priority'
         and pettl1.language           = userenv('LANG')
         and pettl1.element_type_id    = pet1.element_type_id
	 and pet1.effective_start_date <= cp_end_date --bug # 5229191
	 and pet1.effective_end_date >= cp_start_date
      select distinct nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name)
        from pay_element_type_rules petr,
             pay_element_types_f_tl  pettl
       where pettl.element_type_id   = petr.element_type_id
         and petr.element_set_id     = cp_ele_set_id
         and petr.include_or_exclude = 'E'
         and pettl.language          = userenv('LANG')
   order by 1; -- reporting_name;
Line: 970

      select distinct nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name)
        from pay_element_types_f_tl pettl
       where pettl.element_type_id = cp_ele_type_id
         and pettl.language        = userenv('LANG');
Line: 979

      select fcl.meaning
        from fnd_common_lookups fcl
       where fcl.lookup_type = 'EMP_CAT'
         and fcl.lookup_code = cp_lookup_code;
Line: 1247

      select hou_org.name
        into lv_org_name
        from per_person_types ppt,
             per_people_f ppf,
             hr_locations_all hl,
             hr_organization_units hou_org,
             per_assignment_status_types past,
             per_assignments_f paf
       where paf.assignment_id = ln_assignment_id
         and ld_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                    and paf.effective_end_date
         and hou_org.organization_id = paf.organization_id
         and past.assignment_status_type_id = paf.assignment_status_type_id
         and hl.location_id = paf.location_id
         and ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
         and ld_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                    and ppf.effective_end_date
         and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id;
Line: 1283

       select hou_gre.name
         into lv_gre_name
         from hr_organization_units hou_gre
        where hou_gre.organization_id = lv_tax_unit_id;
Line: 1364

                   ' select /*+ leading(pet) */
                            decode(prr.entry_type,''E'',decode(pet.multiple_entries_allowed_flag,''Y'',prr.run_result_id,-1),prr.run_result_id) run_result_id
                       from pay_element_types_f      pet,
                            pay_element_types_f_tl   pettl,
                            pay_input_values_f       piv,
                            pay_run_result_values    prrv,
                            pay_run_results          prr,
                            pay_input_values_f_tl    pivtl,
			    pay_element_classifications pec
                      where pivtl.name               = ''Pay Value''
                        and pivtl.language           = ''US''
                        and pivtl.input_value_id     = piv.input_value_id
                        and prrv.input_value_id      = piv.input_value_id
                        and piv.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
                        and prrv.result_value        is not null
                        and prr.run_result_id        = prrv.run_result_id
                        and prr.assignment_action_id = :cp_assignment_action_id
                      	and pet.classification_id    = pec.classification_id
                        and pet.element_type_id      = prr.element_type_id
			and pettl.language           = userenv(''LANG'')
                        and pettl.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
                        and :cp_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                                  and pet.effective_end_date
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Special Features''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Special Inputs''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Withholding''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Fees''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Verifier''
	                and pet.element_name not like ''%Priority''
                        and '
			|| lv_element_cls_where_clause
                        || ' and ' || lv_element_id_where_clause
                        || ' and ' || lv_element_set_where_clause
                        || '
		     select /*+ leading(pet) */
                            decode(prr.entry_type,''E'',decode(pet.multiple_entries_allowed_flag,''Y'',prr.run_result_id,-1),prr.run_result_id) run_result_id
                       from pay_element_types_f            pet,
                            pay_element_types_f_tl         pettl,
                            pay_input_values_f             piv,
                            pay_run_result_values          prrv,
                            pay_run_results                prr,
                            pay_input_values_f_tl          pivtl,
       			    pay_element_classifications    pec,
       			    pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr
                      where pivtl.name               = ''Pay Value''
                        and pivtl.language           = ''US''
                        and pivtl.input_value_id     = piv.input_value_id
                        and prrv.input_value_id      = piv.input_value_id
                        and piv.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
                        and prrv.result_value        is not null
                        and prr.run_result_id        = prrv.run_result_id
                        and prr.assignment_action_id = :cp_assignment_action_id
                      	and scr.classification_id    = pec.classification_id
                      	and scr.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
                        and pet.element_type_id      = prr.element_type_id
			and pettl.language           = userenv(''LANG'')
                        and pettl.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
                        and :cp_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                                  and pet.effective_end_date
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Special Features''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Special Inputs''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Withholding''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Fees''
                        and pet.element_name not like ''%Verifier''
	                and pet.element_name not like ''%Priority''
                        and '
                        || lv_element_cls_where_clause2
                        || ' and ' || lv_element_id_where_clause
                        || ' and ' || lv_element_set_where_clause
Line: 1569

      update fnd_concurrent_requests
         set output_file_type = 'HTML'
       where request_id = FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID ;