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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 67

                    select t1.order_number
                    into   l_order_number
                    from   oe_order_lines_all t2,
                           oe_order_headers_all t1
                    where  t2.line_id = l_line_id
                    and    t1.header_id = t2.header_id;
Line: 81

          SELECT count(1) into l_count
          from   RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL
          where line_type = 'LINE'
          and   interface_line_context = 'ORDER ENTRY'
          and   interface_line_attribute6 = to_char(l_line_id)
          and   sales_order = to_char(l_order_number)  -- Added for bug 6704643, Bug 6862908
          and   sales_order_line IS NOT NULL; -- Added for bug 6704643
Line: 90

            SELECT   count(1) into l_count    from   RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL RCTL
              where  rctl.interface_line_context = 'ORDER ENTRY'
              and    rctl.line_type = 'LINE'
              and    RCTL.interface_line_attribute6 = to_char(l_line_id)
              and    rctl.sales_order = to_char(l_order_number) -- Added for bug 6704643, Bug 6862908
              and    rctl.sales_order_line is not null; -- Added for bug 6704643
Line: 115

                     select t1.order_number
                     into   l_order_number
                     from   oe_order_headers_all t1
                     where  t1.header_id = l_header_id;
Line: 127

         SELECT count(1) into l_count
          from   RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL
          where line_type = 'LINE'
          and   interface_line_context = 'ORDER ENTRY'
          and   interface_line_attribute6 IN (select line_id from oe_order_lines_all where header_id=l_header_id)
          and   sales_order = to_char(l_order_number)  -- Added for bug 6704643, Bug 6862908
          and   sales_order_line IS NOT NULL; -- Added for bug 6704643
Line: 136

            SELECT   count(1) into l_count    from   RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL
             where  interface_line_context = 'ORDER ENTRY'
             and   line_type = 'LINE'
             and  interface_line_attribute6 IN (select line_id from oe_order_lines_all
                           where header_id=l_header_id)
             and   sales_order = to_char(l_order_number)  -- Added for bug 6704643, Bug 6862908
             and   sales_order_line IS NOT NULL; -- Added for bug 6704643              ;