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1 PACKAGE BODY ast_ofl_lead_assign_param
2  /* $Header: astrtlpb.pls 115.8 2002/02/05 17:27:38 pkm ship   $ */
3 AS
5 /*
6 	Date			Remarks
7 	----------	------------------------------------------------
8 	05/30/2001     Created
9 */
11   TYPE day_table IS
12     TABLE OF	VARCHAR2(2000)
15   TYPE year_table IS
16     TABLE OF	VARCHAR2(2000)
19   g_image_prefix		VARCHAR2(250) := '/OA_MEDIA/' || icx_sec.getid(icx_sec.pv_language_code) || '/';
20   l_user_id			NUMBER;
21   v_date_time			VARCHAR2(30);
22   l_agent				VARCHAR2(200);
23   ctr1				INTEGER := 0;
24   ctr2				INTEGER := 0;
25   l_test			 	owa_util.dateType;
26   day_data			day_table;
27   year_data			year_table;
29   -- variable for supporting multi-currency
30   v_usr_currency_code	VARCHAR2(15);
31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32   PROCEDURE header IS
33   BEGIN
35     INTO v_date_time
36     FROM DUAL;
38     htp.htmlOpen;
39     htp.headOpen;
40     htp.title('Lead Assignment');
41     htp.headClose;
42     htp.bodyOpen(cAttributes => 'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"');
43     htp.tableOpen('border="0"  ');
44     htp.tableRowOpen(cAlign => 'TOP');
47     htp.tableData('<FONT size=+1 face="times new roman">' || 'Lead Assignment Report', cNoWrap => 'TRUE');
48     htp.tableData(htf.bold(v_date_time), cAlign => 'right', cColSpan => '110');
49     htp.tableRowClose;
50     htp.tableClose;
51     htp.tableOpen(cAttributes => 'border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=561');
52     htp.tableRowOpen(cVAlign => 'top');
53     htp.tableData(' ', cColSpan => '2', cAttributes => ' height=9');
54     htp.tableData('<FONT face="Times New Roman">' || htf.bold('Please specify the criteria and select OK.  ') || '</FONT>', cAlign => 'center', cRowSpan => '2', cColSpan => '110', cAttributes => ' width=346');
55     htp.tableData(' ', cColSpan => '6');
56     htp.br;
57     htp.tableRowClose;
58     htp.tableClose;
59     htp.bodyClose;
60     htp.headClose;
61     htp.htmlClose;
62   END;
63 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64   PROCEDURE lead_assign_param_form IS
65     day_counter         NUMBER := 1;
66     year_counter        NUMBER := 1990;
67     probability_counter NUMBER := 1;
69     CURSOR Cur_Sales_Group(P_Userid NUMBER) IS
70     SELECT grpd.group_id sgi
71 	    , DECODE(grpd.group_id
72                 , grpd.parent_group_id
73                 , DECODE(topgrp.manager_flag
74                        , 'Y'
75                        , grptl.group_name, ' *'||grptl.group_name
76                         )
77                 , DECODE(topgrp.manager_flag
78                        , 'Y'
79                        , DECODE(grpd.immediate_parent_flag
80                               , 'Y'
81                               , '-'||grptl.group_name, '--'||grptl.group_name
82                                )
83                        , DECODE(grpd.immediate_parent_flag
84                               , 'Y'
85                               , '  -'||grptl.group_name, '  --'||grptl.group_name
86                                )
87                         )
88                  ) name
89     FROM Jtf_rs_groups_denorm grpd
90        , Jtf_rs_groups_tl grptl
91        , (SELECT DISTINCT grpb.group_id
92                         , rrb2.manager_flag
93           FROM Jtf_rs_groups_b grpb
94              , Jtf_rs_role_relations rrel2
95              , Jtf_rs_roles_b rrb2
96              , Jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc2
97              , Jtf_rs_group_members mem
98              , Fnd_user fnu
99           WHERE grpb.group_id = mem.group_id
100             AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN grpb.start_date_active
101                                    AND NVL(grpb.end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
102             AND rrb2.role_type_code IN ('SALES', 'TELESALES')
103             AND (rrb2.manager_flag = 'Y'
104               OR rrb2.admin_flag = 'Y')
105             AND rrel2.role_id = rrb2.role_id
106             AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN rrel2.start_date_active
107                                    AND NVL(rrel2.end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
108             AND rrel2.role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER'
109             AND rrel2.role_resource_id = mem.group_member_id
110 		  -- Begin Mod Raam on 02.27.2001
111             AND mem.delete_flag = 'N'
112 		  -- End Mod.
113             AND mem.resource_id = rsc2.resource_id
114             AND rsc2.source_id = fnu.employee_id
115             AND fnu.user_id = P_Userid) topgrp
116     WHERE grptl.group_id = grpd.group_id
117       AND grpd.parent_group_id = topgrp.group_id
118       AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN grpd.start_date_active
119       AND NVL(grpd.end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
120     ORDER BY 2 DESC;
122     CURSOR cur_sales_rep(iUserID NUMBER) IS
123 	select distinct source_id pid, source_name flname
125 	where source_id in (
126 	    select distinct b.person_id
127 	    from jtf_rs_rep_managers b, JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS a
128 	    where b.manager_person_id = a.source_id
129 	    and a.user_id = iUserID
130 	);
132 /*
133      select distinct rsc.source_id pid,
134                      rsc.source_name flname
135       from jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc,
136            jtf_rs_group_members gmem,
137            jtf_rs_role_relations rrel,
138            jtf_rs_roles_b rrb,
139            (select distinct grpd.group_id
140               from jtf_rs_groups_denorm grpd,
141                    jtf_rs_role_relations rrel2,
142                    jtf_rs_roles_b rrb2,
143                    jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc2,
144                    jtf_rs_group_members mem,
145                    fnd_user fnu
146              where grpd.parent_group_id = mem.group_id
147                and nvl(grpd.end_date_active, trunc(sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate)
148                and rrb2.role_type_code in ('SALES','TELESALES')
149                and (rrb2.admin_flag = 'Y' or rrb2.manager_flag = 'Y')
150                and rrel2.role_id = rrb2.role_id
151                and trunc(sysdate) between rrel2.start_date_active
152                    and nvl(rrel2.end_date_active, trunc(sysdate))
153                and rrel2.role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER'
154                and rrel2.role_resource_id = mem.group_member_id
155                and mem.resource_id = rsc2.resource_id
156                and mem.delete_flag='N'
157                and rsc2.source_id = fnu.employee_id
158                and fnu.user_id = fnd_global.user_id) grps
159      where gmem.group_id = grps.group_id
160        and rsc.resource_id = gmem.resource_id
161        and rrel.role_resource_id = gmem.group_member_id
165        and rrb.admin_flag = 'N'
162        and trunc(sysdate) between rrel.start_date_active
163               and nvl(rrel.end_date_active, trunc(sysdate))
164        and rrb.role_type_code in ('SALES','TELESALES')
166        and rrel.role_id = rrb.role_id
167        and rrel.role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER'
168        and gmem.delete_flag='N'
169    UNION
170    select distinct rsc.source_id pid,
171            rsc.source_name flname
172       from jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc,
173            fnd_user fnu
174       where rsc.source_id = fnu.employee_id
175       and fnu.user_id = fnd_global.user_id
176       order by 2;
177 */
179   BEGIN
180     FOR i IN 1..31 LOOP
181       IF day_counter <= 9 THEN
182         day_data(i) := '0' || day_counter;
183         day_counter := day_counter + 1;
184       ELSE
185         day_data(i) := TO_CHAR(day_counter);
186         day_counter := day_counter + 1;
187       END IF;
188     END LOOP;
190     FOR i IN 1..21 LOOP
191       year_data(i) := TO_CHAR(year_counter);
192       year_counter := year_counter + 1;
193     END LOOP;
195     IF (icx_sec.validateSession) THEN
196       header;
197       l_user_id := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_USER_ID);
198       -- Returns login user Id
199       -- set user's currency code
200       v_usr_currency_code := FND_PROFILE.Value('JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY');
201       htp.formOpen(owa_util.Get_Owa_Service_Path || 'AST_OFL_LEADASSIGN_RPT_PKG.lead_assign_rpt_wrapper', cAttributes => ' NAME="param"');
202       htp.htmlOpen;
203       htp.headOpen;
204       htp.title('Lead Assignment Report');
205       htp.p('<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">');
206       htp.p('  function validateForm(objform) {');
207       htp.p('    var s_day = objform.p_sd_date.selectedIndex;');
208       htp.p('    var s_month = objform.p_sm_date.selectedIndex;');
209       htp.p('    var s_year = objform.p_sy_date.selectedIndex;');
210       htp.p('    var e_day = objform.p_ed_date.selectedIndex;');
211       htp.p('    var e_month = objform.p_em_date.selectedIndex;');
212       htp.p('    var e_year = objform.p_ey_date.selectedIndex;');
213       htp.p('    var p_valid = true;');
214       htp.p('       if ((s_month == "3"&&s_day== "30")||(s_month == "5"&&s_day== "30")');
215       htp.p('          ||(s_month == "8"&&s_day== "30")||(s_month == "10"&&s_day== "30")){');
216       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
217       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
218       htp.p('       if ((e_month == "3"&&e_day== "30")||(e_month == "5"&&e_day== "30")');
219       htp.p('          ||(e_month == "8"&&e_day== "30")||(e_month == "10"&&e_day== "30")){');
220       htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
221       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
222       htp.p('       if (s_month == "1"){');
223       htp.p('          if ((s_year == "2"||s_year == "6"||s_year == "10"||s_year == "14"||s_year == "18")');
224       htp.p('          && (s_day == "29"||s_day == "30")){');
225       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
226       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
227       htp.p('                           }');
228       htp.p('       if (s_month == "1"){');
229       htp.p('          if ((s_year != "2"&&s_year != "6"&&s_year != "10"&&s_year != "14"&&s_year != "18")');
230       htp.p('          && (s_day == "28"||s_day == "29"||s_day == "30")){');
231       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
232       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
233       htp.p('                           }');
234       htp.p('       if (e_month == "1"){');
235       htp.p('          if ((e_year == "2"||e_year == "6"||e_year == "10"||e_year == "14"||e_year == "18")');
236       htp.p('          && (e_day == "29"||e_day == "30")){');
237       htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
238       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
239       htp.p('                           }');
240       htp.p('       if (e_month == "1"){');
241       htp.p('          if ((e_year != "2"&&e_year != "6"&&e_year != "10"&&e_year != "14"&&e_year != "18")');
242       htp.p('          && (e_day == "28"||e_day == "29"||e_day == "30")){');
243       htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
244       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
245       htp.p('                           }');
246       htp.p('       if (s_year > e_year){');
247       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
248       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
249       htp.p('       if (s_year == e_year){');
250       htp.p('          if (s_month > e_month){');
251       htp.p('            alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
252       htp.p('            p_valid = false;}');
253       htp.p('          if (s_month == e_month){');
254       htp.p('            if (s_day > e_day){');
255       htp.p('              alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
256       htp.p('              p_valid = false;}');
257       htp.p('                                 }');
258       htp.p('                             }');
259       htp.p('       if (p_valid){');
260       htp.p('          objform.submit();}');
261       htp.p('}');
262       htp.p('</script>');
263       htp.headClose;
264       htp.bodyOpen(cAttributes => 'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"');
265       htp.tableOpen;
266       htp.tableRowOpen(cVAlign => 'top');
267       htp.tableData(' ', cAttributes => ' height=9');
268       htp.tableData('<FONT size=2 face="Times New Roman">' || '</FONT>', cAlign => 'right', cRowSpan => '2', cColSpan => '3', cAttributes => ' width=154');
269       htp.tableData( ' ');
270       htp.tableRowClose;
271       htp.tableClose;
272       htp.tableOpen(cAttributes => 'width="600" ');
273       htp.tableRowOpen();
274 -- htp.p(L_USER_ID);
275       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%"valign="top">Select Output Format</td>');
276       htp.p('<td>');
280       htp.formSelectClose;
277       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_response">');
278       htp.formSelectOption('Excel');
279       htp.formSelectOption('HTML', cSelected => 'TRUE');
281       htp.tableRowClose;
282       htp.tableRowClose;
283       htp.tableRowOpen();
284       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Please Enter Start Date</td>');
285       htp.p('<td>');
286       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sd_date">');
287       FOR i IN 1..day_data.count LOOP
288         htp.formSelectOption(day_data(i),
289 		cAttributes => ' value= ' || day_data(i),
290 		cSelected => 'TRUE' );
291       END LOOP;
292       htp.formSelectClose;
293       htp.p('-');
294       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sm_date">');
295       FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP
296         IF i = 1 THEN
297           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
298 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'),
299 		  cSelected => 'TRUE');
300         ELSE
301           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
302 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'));
303         END IF;
304       END LOOP;
305       htp.formSelectClose;
306       htp.p('-');
307       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sy_date">');
308       FOR i IN 1..year_data.count LOOP
309 	   IF year_data(i) = TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY') THEN
310           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
311 		  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i),
312 		  cSelected => 'TRUE');
313         ELSE
314           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
315 		  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i));
316 	   END IF;
317       END LOOP;
318       htp.formSelectClose;
319       htp.p('</td>');
320       htp.tableRowClose;
321       htp.tableRowOpen();
322       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Please Enter End Date</td>');
323       htp.p('<td>');
324       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_ed_date">');
325       FOR i IN 1..day_data.count LOOP
326         htp.formSelectOption(day_data(i),
327 		cAttributes => ' value= ' || day_data(i),
328 		cSelected => 'TRUE' );
329       END LOOP;
330       htp.formSelectClose;
331       htp.p('-');
332       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_em_date">');
333       FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP
334         IF i=1 THEN
335           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
336 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'),
337 		  cSelected => 'TRUE');
338         ELSE
339           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
340 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'));
341         END IF;
342       END LOOP;
343       htp.formSelectClose;
344       htp.p('-');
345       htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_ey_date">');
346       FOR i IN 1..year_data.count LOOP
347 	   IF year_data(i) = TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY') THEN
348           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
349 	  	  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i),
350 		  cSelected => 'TRUE' );
351         ELSE
352           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
353 	  	  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i));
354         END IF;
355       END LOOP;
356       htp.formSelectClose;
357       htp.p('</td>');
358       htp.tableRowClose;
359       htp.tableRowOpen();
360       --htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Are these Close Dates or Creation Dates</td>');
361       --htp.p('<td>');
362       --htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_close_or_entry">');
363       --htp.formSelectOption('Creation Dates',
364 	--   cAttributes => ' value= ' || 'ENTRY');
365       --htp.formSelectOption('Close Dates',
366 	--   cAttributes => ' value= ' || 'CLOSE',
367 	--   cSelected => 'TRUE' );
368       --htp.formSelectClose;
369       --htp.p('</td>');
370       htp.tableRowClose;
371       --htp.tableRowOpen();
372       --htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Sales Group</td>');
373       --htp.p('<td>');
374       --htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sgp">');
375       --FOR rec_sales_group IN cur_sales_group(l_user_id) LOOP
376       --  htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_group.name, cAttributes => ' value= ' || rec_sales_group.sgi);
377         --htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_group.name, cAttributes => ' value= ' || 7062);
378       --END LOOP;
379       --htp.formSelectClose;
380       --htp.p('</td>');
381       --htp.tableRowClose;
382 	htp.tableRowOpen();
383 	htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="32%" valign="top">Sales Rep</td>');
384 	htp.p('<td>');
385 	htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_srp">');
386 	FOR rec_sales_rep IN cur_sales_rep(l_user_id) LOOP
387 		IF rec_sales_rep.flname ='ALL' THEN
388 			htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_rep.flname, cAttributes => ' value= ' || rec_sales_rep.pid, cSelected => 'TRUE');
389 		ELSE
390 			htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_rep.flname, cAttributes => ' value= ' || rec_sales_rep.pid);
391 		END IF;
392 	END LOOP;
393 	htp.formSelectOption('ALL', cAttributes => ' value= -1');
394 	htp.formSelectOption('All My Team', cAttributes => ' value= -2');
395 	htp.formSelectClose;
396 	htp.p('</td>');
397 	htp.tableRowClose;
398       htp.tableClose;
399       htp.br;
400       htp.br;
401       htp.br;
402       footer;
403       htp.formClose;
404       htp.bodyClose;
405       htp.htmlClose;
406       rollback;
407     ELSE
408       htp.p('Invalid session');
409     END IF;
411     WHEN others THEN
412       htp.p(SQLERRM);
413   END lead_assign_param_form;
414 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
415   PROCEDURE footer IS
416   BEGIN
417     l_agent := owa_util.get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME');
418     htp.htmlOpen;
419     htp.tableRowOpen;
420     htp.tableData(htf.hr, cRowSpan => '1', cColSpan => '190', cNoWrap => 'TRUE');
421     htp.tableRowClose;
422     htp.tableOpen(cAlign => 'center', cAttributes => ' border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2');
423     htp.tableRowOpen;
424     htp.formOpen(cUrl => l_agent || 'ast_ofl_pipeline_buckets_rpt.report_wrapper', cMethod => 'post', cAttributes => ' NAME="MyForm" TARGET="_top"');
425 -- htp.tableData(htf.formSubmit(cValue => 'OK', cAttributes => ' onMouseOver="window.status=''OK'';return true"'));
426     htp.p('<td>');
427     htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="OK" onClick="validateForm(document.param)">');
428     htp.p('</td>');
429   --htp.tableData('<INPUT type=button value="Cancel" onClick="history.back()" onMouseOver="window.status="Cancel";return true">');
430     htp.tableData( '<INPUT type=button value="Reset" onClick="history.back()" onMouseOver="window.status="Cancel";return true">');
431     htp.tableData( '<INPUT type=button value="Cancel" onClick="window.close()" onMouseOver="window.status="Close";return true">');
432     htp.tableRowClose;
433     htp.tableClose;
434     htp.htmlClose;
435   END footer;
436 END;