1 package pay_yrend_reports_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pyusw2cu.pkh 120.0.12010000.2 2008/08/06 08:40:47 ubhat ship $ */
3 /*
4 ******************************************************************
5 * *
6 * Copyright (C) 1992 Oracle Corporation UK Ltd., *
7 * Chertsey, England. *
8 * *
9 * All rights reserved. *
10 * *
11 * This material has been provided pursuant to an agreement *
12 * containing restrictions on its use. The material is also *
13 * protected by copyright law. No part of this material may *
14 * be copied or distributed, transmitted or transcribed, in *
15 * any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, *
16 * manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without *
17 * the express written permission of Oracle Corporation UK Ltd, *
18 * Oracle Park, Bittams Lane, Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey, *
19 * England. *
20 * *
21 ******************************************************************
23 Change List
24 -----------
25 Date Name Vers Bug No Description
26 ----------- ---------- ----- ------- -----------------------------------
27 09-JAN-1999 meshah 40.0 Created.
28 24-DEC-2001 meshah 115.1 dbdrv command.
29 09-DEC-2003 asasthan 115.2 nocopy changes.
30 12-MAY-2008 keyazawa 115.3 5896290 added deinitialize_code
31 --
32 */
33 procedure range_cursor ( pactid in number,
34 sqlstr out nocopy varchar2
35 );
36 procedure action_creation ( pactid in number,
37 stperson in number,
38 endperson in number,
39 chunk in number
40 );
41 procedure sort_action ( payactid in varchar2,
42 sqlstr in out nocopy varchar2,
43 len out nocopy number
44 );
45 function get_parameter(name in varchar2,
46 parameter_list varchar2) return varchar2;
47 --
48 procedure deinitialize_code(
49 p_payroll_action_id in number);
50 --
51 end pay_yrend_reports_pkg;