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Line 481: -- if the standard full time and part time completion periods are not set then log error message

477: -- the ratio of full time completion time and part-time completion time
478: coo_type (p_person_id , p_unit_set_cd , p_us_version_number,
479: p_sequence_number , p_coo_id , l_coo_type, l_hesa_mode , p_message ) ;
480: IF l_coo_type = 'PT' THEN
481: -- if the standard full time and part time completion periods are not set then log error message
482: -- Cannot derive fte intensity so log error
483: -- smaddali removed code to derive intensity from std_ft_completion_time , for bug#3175107
484: p_fte_intensity := NULL ;
485: p_message := 'IGS_HE_NO_COMP_PRD' ;

Line 825: -- get the standard annual load for the program

821: OR susa.selection_dt BETWEEN cp_selection_dt_from AND cp_selection_dt_to)
822: ORDER BY ci.start_dt DESC;
823: c_year_cal_rec c_year_cal%ROWTYPE ;
825: -- get the standard annual load for the program
826: CURSOR c_ann_load (cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,
827: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE ) IS
828: SELECT std_annual_load
829: FROM igs_ps_ver_all

Line 1444: -- get the standard annual load for the program

1441: END IF ;
1442: CLOSE c_trn_to ;
1444: -- get the standard annual load for the program
1445: OPEN c_ann_load (c_sca_rec.course_cd , c_sca_rec.version_number) ;
1446: FETCH c_ann_load INTO l_std_annual_load ;
1447: IF l_std_annual_load IS NULL OR l_std_annual_load = 0 THEN