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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 82

       Select hcas.party_site_id
       Into   x_party_site_id
       From   hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,
              hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu
       Where  hcas.cust_acct_site_id = hcsu.cust_acct_site_id
       And   hcsu.site_use_id       = p_cust_site_use_id ;
Line: 103

          Select hpsu.party_site_use_id,
	      Into x_party_site_use_id,
		  From  Hz_Party_Sites hps,
             Hz_Party_Site_uses hpsu,
             Hz_Locations hl
          Where hps.party_site_id = x_party_site_id
          And  hpsu.site_use_type = p_site_use_type
          And  hps.status = C_Site_Status_Active
          And  hps.location_id = hl.location_id
          And  hps.party_site_id = hpsu.party_site_id;
Line: 319

       Select  oeh.order_number order_number,
          oeh.header_id  order_header_id,
          oeh.cust_po_number purchase_order_num,
          NVL(oel.price_list_id,oeh.price_list_id) price_list_id,
          oel.line_id ,
          prh.segment1 requisition_number ,
          prh.requisition_header_Id req_Header_Id,
          prl.requisition_Line_Id req_Line_Id,
          prl.quantity requisition_quantity ,
          prl.destination_organization_id ,
          prl.destination_subinventory ,
          prl.source_organization_id ,
          prl.source_subinventory ,
          oeh.transactional_curr_code currency_code,
       From   Oe_Order_Headers_All oeh,
          Oe_Order_Lines_all oel,
          po_requisition_headers_all prh,
          po_requisition_lines_all prl,
          mtl_system_items_kfv msi
       Where  oeh.header_id = p_ISO_Header_Id_IN
       And NVL(oeh.cancelled_flag,'N') = 'N'
       And oeh.open_flag = 'Y'
       And oeh.booked_flag = 'Y'
       And oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
       And oel.split_from_line_id is Null
       And NVL(oel.cancelled_flag,'N') = 'N'
       And oel.open_flag = 'Y'
       And oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
       And oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
	  /*FP Fixed for bug#5368747
	    To get item attribute the join should be made with ship_from_org_id
	    from where the item will actually be shipped.
       /*And oel.sold_from_org_id  = msi.organization_id */
	    And oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id
       And prh.requisition_header_id = p_req_header_id_In
       And prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
       And NVL(prl.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
       And prh.requisition_header_id = oeh.source_document_id
       And prl.requisition_line_id = oel.source_document_line_id
       And Not Exists
          ( Select 'Found Record'
            From csd_product_transactions
            Where req_header_id = p_req_header_id_In
		  AND   req_line_id > 0 )
       And Not Exists
          ( Select 'Found Record'
            From csd_product_transactions
            Where order_header_id = p_ISO_header_id_In
		  AND   order_line_id > 0 ) ;
Line: 383

        Select  oeh.order_number order_number,
           oeh.header_id  order_header_id,
           NVL(oeh.invoice_to_org_id,oel.invoice_to_org_id) bill_to_site_use_id,
           NVL(oeh.ship_to_org_id,oel.ship_to_org_id) ship_to_site_use_id,
           oeh.sold_to_org_id cust_account_id,
           oel.line_id ,
           oel.line_number line_number,
           oel.ordered_quantity ,
           prh.segment1 requisition_number ,
           prl.destination_organization_id ,
           prl.destination_subinventory ,
           prl.source_organization_id ,
           prl.source_subinventory ,
           prl.Requisition_Header_Id Req_Header_ID,
           prl.Requisition_Line_ID Req_Line_Id,
        From   Oe_Order_Headers_All oeh,
           Oe_Order_Lines_all oel,
           hz_parties hp,
           hz_cust_accounts hca,
           po_requisition_headers_all prh,
           po_requisition_lines_all prl,
           mtl_system_items_kfv msi
        Where  oeh.header_id = p_ISO_Header_Id_Out
        And NVL(oeh.cancelled_flag,'N') = 'N'
        And oeh.open_flag = 'Y'
        And oeh.booked_flag = 'Y'
        And oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
        And Nvl(oel.cancelled_flag,'N') = 'N'
        And oel.open_flag = 'Y'
        And oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
        And oel.split_from_line_id is Null
        And oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
       /*FP Fixed for bug#5368747
          To get item attribute the join should be made with ship_from_org_id
          from where the item will actually be shipped.
        /*And oel.sold_from_org_id  = msi.organization_id*/
	     And oel.ship_from_org_id    = msi.organization_id
        And oeh.sold_to_org_id = hca.cust_account_id
        And hca.party_id       = hp.party_id
        And prh.requisition_header_id = p_req_header_id_Out
        And prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
        And Nvl(prl.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
        And prh.requisition_header_id = oeh.source_document_id
        And prl.requisition_line_id = oel.source_document_line_id
       And Not Exists
          ( Select 'Found Record'
            From csd_product_transactions
            Where req_header_id = p_req_header_id_Out
		  AND   req_line_id > 0 )
       And Not Exists
          ( Select 'Found Record'
            From csd_product_transactions
            Where order_header_id = p_ISO_header_id_Out
		  AND   order_line_id > 0 ) ;
Line: 455

     Select destination_organization_id
     from po_requisition_lines_all
     where requisition_header_id = p_requisition_header_id
     and requisition_line_id = p_requisition_line_id;
Line: 646

        Select incident_status_id  Into l_inc_status_Id
        From cs_incident_statuses_vl
        Where incident_subtype = C_SR_SubType_INC
        And seeded_flag = C_YES
        And trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(start_date_active,sysdate)) and trunc(nvl(end_date_active,sysdate))
        And status_code = C_Status_Open ;
Line: 690

        Select repair_mode,Name
        into  l_repair_mode,l_Repair_Type_Name
        from  csd_repair_types_vl
        where repair_type_id = l_Repair_Type_Id ;
Line: 928

           Select 'Y'
           into    l_serialized_flag
           from   mtl_system_items
           where  inventory_item_id  = l_IRandISO_In_Rec.inventory_item_id
           and    organization_id    = l_IRandISO_In_Rec.source_organization_id
           and    serial_number_control_code <> 1;
Line: 1022

                 px_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID     => l_Product_Trxn_Id, -- find out if this variable needs to be assigned a value
                 p_REPAIR_LINE_ID              => l_Repair_Line_Id ,
                 p_ESTIMATE_DETAIL_ID          => NULL,
                 p_ACTION_TYPE                 => C_ACTION_TYPE_MOVE_IN,
                 p_ACTION_CODE                 => C_ACTION_CODE_DEFECTIVES,
                 p_LOT_NUMBER                  => NULL,
                 p_SUB_INVENTORY               => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Source_SubInventory,
                 p_INTERFACE_TO_OM_FLAG        => C_Yes,
                 p_BOOK_SALES_ORDER_FLAG       => C_Yes,
                 p_RELEASE_SALES_ORDER_FLAG    => NULL,
                 p_SHIP_SALES_ORDER_FLAG       => NULL,
                 p_PROD_TXN_STATUS             => C_PROD_TXN_STATUS_BOOKED ,
                 p_PROD_TXN_CODE               => NULL, -- Need to identify what value to be passed
                 p_LAST_UPDATE_DATE            => Sysdate ,
                 p_CREATION_DATE               => Sysdate,
                 p_LAST_UPDATED_BY             => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
                 p_CREATED_BY                  => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
                 p_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN           => Fnd_Global.Login_Id,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE1                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE2                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE3                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE4                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE5                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE6                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE7                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE8                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE9                  => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE10                 => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE11                 => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE12                 => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE13                 => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE14                 => NULL ,
                 p_ATTRIBUTE15                 => NULL ,
                 p_CONTEXT                     => NULL ,
                 p_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       => 1,
                 p_Req_Header_Id               => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Req_Header_Id,
                 p_Req_Line_Id                 => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Req_Line_Id,
                 p_Order_Header_Id             => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Order_Header_Id,
                 p_Order_Line_Id               => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Line_Id ,
                 p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Received        => 0,
                 p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Shipped         => 0 ,
                 p_Source_Serial_Number        => NULL,
                 p_Source_Instance_Id          => Null,
                 p_Non_Source_Serial_Number    => NULL,
                 p_Non_Source_Instance_Id      => Null,
                 p_Sub_Inventory_Rcvd          => Null,
                 p_Lot_Number_Rcvd             => Null,
                 p_Locator_Id                  => Null,
                 p_picking_rule_id             => Null,
                 P_PROJECT_ID                  => Null,
                 P_TASK_ID                     => Null,
                 P_UNIT_NUMBER                 => Null);
Line: 1080

                Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || 'Create_InternalRO.Insert_Row',
                'Error : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row for Defectives');
Line: 1086

                Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module || 'Create_InternalRO.Insert_Row',
                'Success : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row for Defectives');
Line: 1093

             px_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID   => l_Product_Trxn_Id,
             p_REPAIR_LINE_ID            =>   l_Repair_Line_Id ,
             p_ESTIMATE_DETAIL_ID        => NULL,
             p_ACTION_TYPE               => C_ACTION_TYPE_MOVE_OUT,
             p_ACTION_CODE               => C_ACTION_CODE_USABLES,
             p_LOT_NUMBER                => NULL,
             p_SUB_INVENTORY             => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Destination_SubInventory,
             p_INTERFACE_TO_OM_FLAG      => C_YEs,
             p_BOOK_SALES_ORDER_FLAG     =>  C_YEs,
             p_SHIP_SALES_ORDER_FLAG     => NULL,
             p_PROD_TXN_STATUS           => C_PROD_TXN_STATUS_BOOKED,
             p_PROD_TXN_CODE             => NULL , -- Need to identify what value to be passed
             p_LAST_UPDATE_DATE          => Sysdate ,
             p_CREATION_DATE             => Sysdate,
             p_LAST_UPDATED_BY           => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
             p_CREATED_BY                => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
             p_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN         => Fnd_Global.Login_Id,
             p_ATTRIBUTE1                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE2                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE3                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE4                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE5                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE6                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE7                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE8                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE9                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE10               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE11               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE12               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE13               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE14               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE15               => NULL ,
             p_CONTEXT                   => NULL ,
             p_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER     => 1,
             p_Req_Header_Id               => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Req_Header_Id,
             p_Req_Line_Id                 => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Req_Line_Id,
             p_Order_Header_Id             => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Order_Header_Id,
             p_Order_Line_Id               => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Line_Id ,
             p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Received        => NULL, -- changing it from 0
             p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Shipped         => 0 ,
             p_Source_Serial_Number        => NULL,
             p_Source_Instance_Id          => Null,
             p_Non_Source_Serial_Number    => NULL,
             p_Non_Source_Instance_Id      => Null,
             p_Sub_Inventory_Rcvd          => Null,
             p_Lot_Number_Rcvd             => Null,
             p_Locator_Id                  => Null,
             p_picking_rule_id             => Null,
             P_PROJECT_ID                  => Null,
             P_TASK_ID                     => Null,
             P_UNIT_NUMBER                 => Null);
Line: 1150

                Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || 'csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row',
                'Error : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row for Defectives');
Line: 1156

                Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module || 'Create_InternalRO.Insert_Row',
                'Success : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row for Usables');
Line: 1199

            px_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID   => l_Product_Trxn_Id,
            p_REPAIR_LINE_ID            =>   l_Repair_Line_Id ,
            p_ESTIMATE_DETAIL_ID        => NULL,
            p_ACTION_TYPE               => C_ACTION_TYPE_MOVE_IN,
            p_ACTION_CODE               => C_ACTION_CODE_DEFECTIVES,
            p_LOT_NUMBER                => NULL,
            p_SUB_INVENTORY             => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Source_SubInventory,
            p_INTERFACE_TO_OM_FLAG      => C_Yes,
            p_BOOK_SALES_ORDER_FLAG     => C_Yes,
            p_SHIP_SALES_ORDER_FLAG     => NULL,
            p_PROD_TXN_STATUS           => C_PROD_TXN_STATUS_BOOKED,
            p_PROD_TXN_CODE             => NULL,-- Need to identify what value to be passed
            p_LAST_UPDATE_DATE          => Sysdate ,
            p_CREATION_DATE             => Sysdate,
            p_LAST_UPDATED_BY           => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
            p_CREATED_BY                => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
            p_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN         => Fnd_Global.Login_Id,
            p_ATTRIBUTE1                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE2                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE3                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE4                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE5                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE6                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE7                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE8                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE9                => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE10               => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE11               => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE12               => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE13               => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE14               => NULL ,
            p_ATTRIBUTE15               => NULL ,
            p_CONTEXT                   => NULL ,
            p_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER     => 1,
            p_Req_Header_Id             => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Req_Header_Id,
            p_Req_Line_Id               => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Req_Line_Id,
            p_Order_Header_Id           => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Order_Header_Id,
            p_Order_Line_Id             => l_IRandISO_In_Rec.Line_Id ,
            p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Received      => 0,
            p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Shipped       => 0 ,
            p_Source_Serial_Number      => NULL,
            p_Source_Instance_Id    => Null,
            p_Non_Source_Serial_Number  => NULL,
            p_Non_Source_Instance_Id => Null,
            p_Sub_Inventory_Rcvd        => Null,
            p_Lot_Number_Rcvd           => Null,
            p_Locator_Id                  => Null,
            p_picking_rule_id             => Null,
            P_PROJECT_ID                  => Null,
            P_TASK_ID                     => Null,
            P_UNIT_NUMBER                 => Null);
Line: 1256

              Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || 'csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row',
              'Error : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row 2 for Defectives');
Line: 1262

              Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || 'csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row',
              'Success : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row 2 for Defectives');
Line: 1269

             px_PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID   => l_Product_Trxn_Id,
             p_REPAIR_LINE_ID            =>   l_Repair_Line_Id ,
             p_ESTIMATE_DETAIL_ID        => NULL,
             p_ACTION_TYPE               => C_ACTION_TYPE_MOVE_OUT,
             p_ACTION_CODE               => C_ACTION_CODE_USABLES,
             p_LOT_NUMBER                => NULL,
             p_SUB_INVENTORY             => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Destination_SubInventory,
             p_INTERFACE_TO_OM_FLAG      => C_Yes,
             p_BOOK_SALES_ORDER_FLAG     => C_Yes,
             p_SHIP_SALES_ORDER_FLAG     => NULL,
             p_PROD_TXN_STATUS           => C_PROD_TXN_STATUS_BOOKED,
             p_PROD_TXN_CODE             => NULL , -- Need to identify what value to be passed
             p_LAST_UPDATE_DATE          => Sysdate ,
             p_CREATION_DATE             => Sysdate,
             p_LAST_UPDATED_BY           => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
             p_CREATED_BY                => Fnd_Global.User_Id,
             p_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN         => Fnd_Global.Login_Id,
             p_ATTRIBUTE1                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE2                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE3                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE4                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE5                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE6                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE7                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE8                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE9                => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE10               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE11               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE12               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE13               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE14               => NULL ,
             p_ATTRIBUTE15               => NULL ,
             p_CONTEXT                   => NULL ,
             p_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER     => 1,
             p_Req_Header_Id               => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Req_Header_Id,
             p_Req_Line_Id                 => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Req_Line_Id,
             p_Order_Header_Id             => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Order_Header_Id,
             p_Order_Line_Id               => l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Line_Id ,
             p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Received        => NULL, -- changing it from 0
             p_Prd_Txn_Qty_Shipped         => 0 ,
             p_Source_Serial_Number        => NULL,
             p_Source_Instance_Id          => Null,
             p_Non_Source_Serial_Number    => NULL,
             p_Non_Source_Instance_ID      => Null,
             p_Sub_Inventory_Rcvd          => Null,
             p_Lot_Number_Rcvd             => Null,
             p_Locator_Id                  => Null,
             p_picking_rule_id             => Null,
             P_PROJECT_ID                  => Null,
             P_TASK_ID                     => Null,
             P_UNIT_NUMBER                 => Null);
Line: 1326

              Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || 'csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row',
              'Error : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row 2 for Usables');
Line: 1332

              Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Error,C_Module || 'csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row',
              'Error : While calling procedure csd_product_transactions_pkg.Insert_Row 2 for Usables');