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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 80

  INTO   l_count
  FROM   fnd_concurrent_requests
  WHERE  request_id = p_request_id
  AND    phase_code = 'C';
Line: 586

  SELECT   inventory_item_id
         , purchasing_enabled_flag
         , customer_order_enabled_flag
         , internal_order_enabled_flag
         , mtl_transactions_enabled_flag
         , stock_enabled_flag
         , bom_enabled_flag
         , build_in_wip_flag
         , invoice_enabled_flag
	 , source_organization_id --myerrams, Bug: 5964347
	 , source_subinventory --myerrams, Bug: 5964347
  FROM  mtl_system_items_b
  WHERE organization_id = p_source_org_id
  AND ((base_item_id is null and p_copy_base_models = 'Y') or (base_item_id is not null and p_copy_base_models = 'N'))
  AND eng_item_flag = p_copy_eng_items;
Line: 603

Following Query is added to update mtl_item_revisions_interface table with Revision Id when ValidateItems is No.
Bug: 4892069
--myerrams, Bug: 5624219.
  CURSOR  c_item_rev_update_cursor(c_set_process_id_in NUMBER)
  SELECT   organization_id
	 , inventory_item_id
	 , revision
  FROM mtl_item_revisions_interface
  WHERE set_process_id = c_set_process_id_in;
Line: 635

  INTO   l_count
  FROM   mtl_system_items_b
  WHERE  organization_id = p_source_org_id
  AND ((base_item_id is null and p_copy_base_models = 'Y') or (base_item_id is not null and p_copy_base_models = 'N'))
  AND eng_item_flag = p_copy_eng_items;
Line: 691

    SELECT organization_id
         , cost_of_sales_account
         , encumbrance_account
         , sales_account
         , expense_account
    INTO   l_organization_id
         , l_cost_of_sales_account
	 , l_encumbrance_account
         , l_sales_account
         , l_expense_Account
    FROM   mtl_parameters
    WHERE organization_id = p_target_org_id;
Line: 729

      SELECT  mtl_system_items_intf_sets_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO  l_set_process_id
      FROM  dual;
Line: 749

        INSERT INTO mtl_system_items_interface
        ( process_flag
        , set_process_id
        , transaction_type
        , inventory_item_id
        , organization_id
        , cost_of_sales_account
        , encumbrance_account
        , sales_account
        , expense_account
        , last_update_date
        , last_updated_by
        , creation_date
        , created_by
        , last_update_login
        , request_id
        , program_application_id
        , program_id
        , program_update_date
        , purchasing_enabled_flag
        , invoice_enabled_flag
	, source_organization_id	--myerrams, Bug: 5964347
	, source_subinventory		--myerrams, Bug: 5964347
        ( l_process_flag		--myerrams, Bug: 4892069
        , l_set_process_id
        , 'CREATE'
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).inventory_item_id
        , p_target_org_id
        , l_cost_of_sales_account
        , l_encumbrance_account
        , l_sales_account
        , l_expense_account
        , SYSDATE
        , FND_GLOBAL.user_id
        , SYSDATE
        , FND_GLOBAL.user_id
        , FND_GLOBAL.login_id
        , FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id
        , FND_GLOBAL.prog_appl_id
        , FND_GLOBAL.conc_program_id
        , SYSDATE
	  , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).purchasing_enabled_flag
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).customer_order_enabled_flag
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).internal_order_enabled_flag
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).mtl_transactions_enabled_flag
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).stock_enabled_flag
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).bom_enabled_flag
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).build_in_wip_flag
        , l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).invoice_enabled_flag
	, l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).source_organization_id	--myerrams, Bug: 5964347
	, l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).source_subinventory		--myerrams, Bug: 5964347
Line: 812

        SELECT rowid
         INTO l_rowid
         FROM   mtl_system_items_interface
         WHERE  set_process_id     = l_set_process_id
         AND  inventory_item_id  = l_mtl_system_items_tbl(l_counter).inventory_item_id
         AND  organization_id    = p_target_org_id;
Line: 860

      UPDATE mtl_system_items_interface set
        product_family_item_id = NULL
      WHERE set_process_id = l_set_process_id;
Line: 868

      INSERT INTO mtl_item_revisions_interface
      ( inventory_item_id
      , organization_id
      , revision
      , revision_label			--myerrams, Bug: 4892069
      , implementation_date
      , effectivity_date
      , process_flag			--myerrams, Bug: 4892069
      , transaction_type
      , set_process_id
      , last_update_date
      , last_updated_by
      , creation_date
      , created_by
      , last_update_login
      , request_id
      , program_application_id
      , program_id
      , program_update_date
      SELECT  msi.inventory_item_id
	     ,mir.revision_label	--myerrams, Bug: 4892069
	     ,l_process_flag		--myerrams, Bug: 4892069
      FROM  mtl_item_revisions_b mir
           ,mtl_system_items_interface msi
      WHERE mir.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
        and mir.organization_id = p_source_org_id
        and msi.organization_id = p_target_org_id
        and msi.set_process_id = l_set_process_id
     ORDER BY mir.REVISION,effectivity_date ;
Line: 915

Following code is to update mtl_item_revisions_interface table with Revision Id, which is generated using
the sequence 'MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S';
Line: 925

                     ,'The Set Process Id that is used to execute the c_item_rev_update_cursor is: '|| l_set_process_id
Line: 929

      OPEN c_item_rev_update_cursor(l_set_process_id);
Line: 931

      FETCH c_item_rev_update_cursor into l_org_id, l_inv_item_id, l_revision;
Line: 932

      EXIT WHEN c_item_rev_update_cursor%NOTFOUND;
Line: 935

      SELECT MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S.NEXTVAL into l_revision_id from dual;
Line: 938

      UPDATE mtl_item_revisions_interface
      SET revision_id = l_revision_id
      WHERE ORGANIZATION_ID = l_org_id
      AND   INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = l_inv_item_id
      AND   REVISION = l_revision;
Line: 944

      CLOSE c_item_rev_update_cursor;
Line: 952

      INSERT INTO mtl_item_categories_interface
      ( inventory_item_id
      , organization_id
      , process_flag
      , transaction_type
      , set_process_id
      , last_update_date
      , last_updated_by
      , creation_date
      , created_by
      , last_update_login
      , request_id
      , program_application_id
      , program_id
      , program_update_date
      SELECT msi.inventory_item_id
--	    ,l_process_flag			--myerrams, Bug: 4892069
	    ,1					--myerrams, Bug: 5624219; ProcessFlag for Item Categories has to be 1 irrespective of validate items option.
Line: 997

	    ( SELECT  mdc.category_set_id
              FROM    mtl_default_category_sets  mdc
              WHERE   mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.INVENTORY_ITEM_FLAG, 'Y', 1, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.PURCHASING_ITEM_FLAG, 'Y', 2, 0 )
         	   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG, 'Y', 2, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.MRP_PLANNING_CODE, 6, 0, 3 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.SERVICEABLE_PRODUCT_FLAG, 'Y', 4, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.COSTING_ENABLED_FLAG, 'Y', 5, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.ENG_ITEM_FLAG, 'Y', 6, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG, 'Y', 7, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( NVL(msi.EAM_ITEM_TYPE, 0), 0, 0, 9 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id =
                   DECODE( msi.CONTRACT_ITEM_TYPE_CODE,
                         'SERVICE'      , 10,
                         'WARRANTY'     , 10,
                         'SUBSCRIPTION' , 10,
                         'USAGE'        , 10, 0 )
           -- These Contract Item types also imply an item belonging to the Service functional area
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id =
                   DECODE( msi.CONTRACT_ITEM_TYPE_CODE,
                         'SERVICE'      , 4,
                         'WARRANTY'     , 4, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG, 'Y', 11, 0 )
                   OR mdc.functional_area_id = DECODE( msi.CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG, 'Y', 11, 0 )