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Line 680: FROM qa_plan_chars qpc, qa_chars qc

677: -- Bug 4958734. SQL Repository Fix SQL ID: 15007931
678: CURSOR child_seq_char_ids(c_child_plan_id NUMBER) IS
679: SELECT qc.char_id
680: FROM qa_plan_chars qpc, qa_chars qc
681: WHERE qpc.plan_id = c_child_plan_id
682: AND qpc.char_id = qc.char_id
683: AND qpc.enabled_flag = 1
684: AND qc.datatype = 5

Line 694: FROM qa_plan_chars qpc,

690: AND parent_enabled_flag = 1
691: AND child_enabled_flag = 1;
692: /*
693: SELECT qc.char_id
694: FROM qa_plan_chars qpc,
695: qa_chars qc
696: WHERE qpc.plan_id = c_child_plan_id
697: AND qpc.char_id = qc.char_id
698: AND qpc.enabled_flag = 1

Line 1231: qa_plan_chars qpc1,

1227: qpc2.result_column_name child_database_column
1228: from
1229: qa_pc_plan_relationship pr,
1230: qa_pc_element_relationship pe,
1231: qa_plan_chars qpc1,
1232: qa_plan_chars qpc2
1233: where
1234: pr.plan_relationship_id = pe.plan_relationship_id and
1235: pr.parent_plan_id = qpc1.plan_id and

Line 1232: qa_plan_chars qpc2

1228: from
1229: qa_pc_plan_relationship pr,
1230: qa_pc_element_relationship pe,
1231: qa_plan_chars qpc1,
1232: qa_plan_chars qpc2
1233: where
1234: pr.plan_relationship_id = pe.plan_relationship_id and
1235: pr.parent_plan_id = qpc1.plan_id and
1236: pe.parent_char_id = qpc1.char_id and

Line 1980: from qa_plan_chars qpc, qa_chars qc

1976: -- of the DateTime type and whether its a Hardcoded
1977: -- element
1978: Cursor cur (p_plan_id in NUMBER, p_res_col in VARCHAR2) is
1979: Select 1, qc.hardcoded_column
1980: from qa_plan_chars qpc, qa_chars qc
1981: where qpc.plan_id = p_plan_id
1982: and qpc.char_id = qc.char_id
1983: and qpc.result_column_name = p_res_col
1984: and qc.datatype = 6;

Line 2373: qa_plan_chars qpc

2369: CURSOR seq_cursor is
2370: SELECT qpc.char_id,
2371: qpc.result_column_name
2372: FROM qa_chars qc,
2373: qa_plan_chars qpc
2374: WHERE qpc.plan_id = p_child_plan_id
2375: AND qpc.char_id NOT IN
2376: (SELECT child_char_id
2377: FROM qa_pc_element_relationship qper,

Line 4291: -- qa_plan_chars table

4288: cntr NUMBER;
4289: BEGIN
4290: -- Getting the list of the result_column_names from the
4291: -- qa_plan_chars table
4292: SELECT char_id, result_column_name
4293: BULK COLLECT INTO res_col_tab
4294: FROM qa_plan_chars
4295: WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;

Line 4294: FROM qa_plan_chars

4290: -- Getting the list of the result_column_names from the
4291: -- qa_plan_chars table
4292: SELECT char_id, result_column_name
4293: BULK COLLECT INTO res_col_tab
4294: FROM qa_plan_chars
4295: WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
4297: -- building the select query
4298: FOR cntr in 1..res_col_tab.count

Line 4487: qa_plan_chars qapc,

4483: BULK COLLECT INTO result_column_name_tab
4484: FROM qa_pc_plan_relationship qppr,
4485: qa_pc_criteria qpc,
4486: qa_results qr,
4487: qa_plan_chars qapc,
4488: qa_chars qc
4489: WHERE qpc.plan_relationship_id = qppr.plan_relationship_id
4490: AND qapc.char_id = qpc.char_id
4491: AND qapc.char_id = qc.char_id