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1 package body fnd_transaction_pipe as
2  /* $Header: AFCPTRPB.pls 120.1 2005/09/17 02:02:11 pferguso noship $ */
4  --
5  -- Constants
6  --
7  FNDCPRP   constant varchar2(10) := 'FNDCPTM:R:';       -- R pipe prefix
8  FNDCPTP   constant varchar2(10) := 'FNDCPTM:T:';       -- T pipe prefix
10  --
11  -- Private Variables
12  --
13  tm_pipe           varchar2(80);
14  debug_flag        boolean := FALSE;
17  --   get_manager
18  -- Purpose
19  --   Build the names of the request and token pipes
20  --   to which a request will be sent.
21  -- Arguments
22  --   IN:
23  --     application - program application short name
24  --     program     - program short name
25  -- Returns
26  --   0 on success.
27  --   2 if no manager is available
28  --   3 on failure.
29  -- Notes
30  --   Pipe names have the following format:
31  --     prefix:concurrent_queue_id
32  --
33  function get_manager(application   in  varchar2,
34                       program       in  varchar2,
35                       timeout       in number) return number is
37      queue_id     number;
38      status       number;
39      all_busy     exception;
40      error        exception;
41      token_pipe   varchar2(80);
42      resp_appl_id number;
43      resp_id      number;
45      cursor tm(appl_short_name varchar2, prog_short_name varchar2,
46                resp_appl_id number, resp_id number) is
47      select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL (fa fcp fr fcpp fcq)
48             INDEX (fcq,FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES_N1)
49             INDEX (fcpp,FND_CONC_PROCESSOR_PROGRAMS_U2) */
50           fcq.concurrent_queue_id
51      from fnd_application fa,
52           fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
53           fnd_conc_processor_programs fcpp,
54           fnd_responsibility fr,
55           fnd_concurrent_queues fcq,
56           fnd_concurrent_processes fcpr
57         where fcq.processor_application_id = fcpp.processor_application_id
58           and fcq.concurrent_processor_id =  fcpp.concurrent_processor_id
59           and fcpp.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
60           and fcpp.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
61           and fcp.application_id = fa.application_id
62           and fa.application_short_name = appl_short_name
63           and fcp.concurrent_program_name = prog_short_name
64           and fr.responsibility_id = resp_id
65           and fr.application_id = resp_appl_id
66           and fr.data_group_id = fcq.data_group_id
67           and fcq.manager_type = '3'
68           and fcpr.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id
69           and fcpr.queue_application_id = fcq.application_id
70           and fcpr.process_status_code = 'A'
71           and fcpr.instance_number = userenv('instance')
72          order by DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM;
75  begin
77      debug_flag := fnd_transaction.debug_flag;
79      resp_appl_id := fnd_global.resp_appl_id;
80      resp_id := fnd_global.resp_id;
82      if (debug_flag) then
83        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager',
84                                   'Searching for manager to run:',
85                                   application || ':' || program);
86        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager',
87                                   'RESP_APPL_ID:RESP_ID',
88                                   to_char(resp_appl_id) || ':' || to_char(resp_id));
89      end if;
91      open tm(application, program, resp_appl_id, resp_id);
93      -- Fetch ID of first manager
94      fetch tm into queue_id;
95      -- If cursor is empty, then no manager is defined for request.
96      if (tm%rowcount = 0 ) then
97        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager', 'No manager defined', NULL);
99        fnd_transaction.post_tm_event(1, application, program, -1);
101        fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-TM-No manager defined');
102        fnd_message.set_token('APPLICATION', application);
103        fnd_message.set_token('PROGRAM', program);
104        fnd_message.set_token('RESP_ID', resp_id);
105        fnd_message.set_token('RESP_APPL_ID', resp_appl_id);
106        raise error;
107      end if;
109      if (debug_flag) then
110        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager',
111                                   'Timeout for token pipe',
112                                   to_char(timeout));
113      end if;
115      loop
116        -- Attempt to get the token for the manager
117        token_pipe := FNDCPTP || to_char(queue_id);
118        if (debug_flag) then
119          fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager',
120                                     'Trying token pipe',
121                                     token_pipe);
122        end if;
123        status := dbms_pipe.receive_message(token_pipe, timeout);
125        -- Exit loop if we got the token
126        exit when (status = 0);
128        -- Raise exception on error other than timeout.
129        if (status <> 1) then
130          fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager', 'Token read error:', to_char(status));
131          fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CONC-TM-Token read error');
132          raise error;
133        end if;
135        /* mark soft busy event (2) */
136        fnd_transaction.post_tm_event(2, application, program, queue_id);
138        -- Fetch next manager name
139        fetch tm into queue_id;
140        if tm%notfound then raise all_busy; end if;  -- Exhausted the list
141      end loop;
143      -- bug 3623063
144      -- save queue_id to be used for logging msgs to fnd_concurrent_debug_info
145      fnd_transaction.conc_queue_id := queue_id;
147      -- Construct the manager pipe name and return with success.
148      tm_pipe := FNDCPRP || to_char(queue_id);
149      close tm;
151      if (debug_flag) then
152       fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager',
153                  'Got available TM process',
154                  tm_pipe);
155      end if;
157      return fnd_transaction.E_SUCCESS;
159    exception
160      when all_busy then  -- All managers capable of running the request
161                          -- are busy or down.
163        /* mark all appropriate managers as hard busy events */
164        fnd_transaction.post_tm_event(3, application, program, -1 );
166        close tm;
167        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager', 'All managers busy or down', NULL);
168        return fnd_transaction.E_NOMGR;
169      when error then
170        if tm%isopen then
171          close tm;
172        end if;
173        return fnd_transaction.E_OTHER;
174      when others then
175        if tm%isopen then
176          close tm;
177        end if;
178        fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
179        fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
180        fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
181        fnd_message.set_token ('ROUTINE', 'FND_TRN_PIPE.GET_MANAGER', FALSE);
182        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.get_manager', 'Caught exception', sqlerrm);
184        return fnd_transaction.E_OTHER;
186 end get_manager;
191  --
192  --  send_message
193  -- Purpose
194  --   Puts the transaction message on the pipe and waits for the return message
195  -- Returns
196  --   E_SUCCESS on success
197  --   E_TIMEOUT if return message times out
198  --   E_OTHER on failure
199  --
200 function send_message( timeout in number,
201                         send_type in varchar2,
202                         expiration_time in date,
203                         request_id       in number,
204                         nls_lang           in varchar2,
205                         nls_num_chars      in varchar2,
206                         nls_date_lang      in varchar2,
207                         secgrpid           in number,
208                         enable_trace_flag  in varchar2,
209                         application        in varchar2,
210                         program            in varchar2,
211                         org_type           in varchar2,
212                         org_id             in number,
213                         outcome in out nocopy varchar2,
214                         message in out nocopy varchar2,
215                         arg_1             in varchar2,
216                         arg_2             in varchar2,
217                         arg_3             in varchar2,
218                         arg_4             in varchar2,
219                         arg_5             in varchar2,
220                         arg_6             in varchar2,
221                         arg_7             in varchar2,
222                         arg_8             in varchar2,
223                         arg_9             in varchar2,
224                         arg_10             in varchar2,
225                         arg_11             in varchar2,
226                         arg_12             in varchar2,
227                         arg_13             in varchar2,
228                         arg_14             in varchar2,
229                         arg_15             in varchar2,
230                         arg_16             in varchar2,
231                         arg_17             in varchar2,
232                         arg_18             in varchar2,
233                         arg_19             in varchar2,
234                         arg_20             in varchar2) return number is
236    return_pipe       varchar2(30) := dbms_pipe.unique_session_name;
237    argtotal          number;
238    argslen_err       exception;
239    tmpstr            varchar2(480);
240    submit_time       date;
241    remaining_time    number;
242    status            number;
243    return_val        varchar2(480);
244    error             exception;
245    return_request_id number;
246    counter1          number;
247    counter2          number;
249 begin
251      dbms_pipe.reset_buffer;
253      -- Pack message header
254      dbms_pipe.pack_message (send_type);
255      dbms_pipe.pack_message (expiration_time);
256      dbms_pipe.pack_message (request_id);
257      dbms_pipe.pack_message (return_pipe);
258      dbms_pipe.pack_message (nls_lang);
259      dbms_pipe.pack_message (nls_num_chars);
260      dbms_pipe.pack_message (nls_date_lang);
261      dbms_pipe.pack_message (secgrpid);
262      dbms_pipe.pack_message (FND_CONC_GLOBAL.OPS_INST_NUM);
263      dbms_pipe.pack_message (enable_trace_flag);
264      dbms_pipe.pack_message (fnd_global.user_id);
265      dbms_pipe.pack_message (fnd_global.resp_appl_id);
266      dbms_pipe.pack_message (fnd_global.resp_id);
267      dbms_pipe.pack_message (fnd_global.login_id);
268      dbms_pipe.pack_message (application);
269      dbms_pipe.pack_message (program);
270      dbms_pipe.pack_message (org_type);
271      dbms_pipe.pack_message (org_id);
273      -- Pack arguments
274      argtotal := 0;
276      if (arg_1 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
277      tmpstr := substr(arg_1, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
278      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
279      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
280         raise argslen_err;
281      end if;
282      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
283      if (arg_2 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
284      tmpstr := substr(arg_2, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
285      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
286      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
287         raise argslen_err;
288      end if;
289      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
290      if (arg_3 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
291      tmpstr := substr(arg_3, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
292      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
293      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
294         raise argslen_err;
295      end if;
296      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
297      if (arg_4 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
298      tmpstr := substr(arg_4, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
299      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
300      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
301         raise argslen_err;
302      end if;
303      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
304      if (arg_5 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
305      tmpstr := substr(arg_5, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
306      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
307      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
308         raise argslen_err;
309      end if;
310      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
311      if (arg_6 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
312      tmpstr := substr(arg_6, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
313      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
314      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
315         raise argslen_err;
316      end if;
317      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
318      if (arg_7 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
319      tmpstr := substr(arg_7, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
320      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
321      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
322         raise argslen_err;
323      end if;
324      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
325      if (arg_8 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
326      tmpstr := substr(arg_8, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
327      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
328      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
329         raise argslen_err;
330      end if;
331      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
332      if (arg_9 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
333      tmpstr := substr(arg_9, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
334      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
335      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
336         raise argslen_err;
337      end if;
338      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
339      if (arg_10 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
340      tmpstr := substr(arg_10, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
341      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
342      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
343         raise argslen_err;
344      end if;
345      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
346      if (arg_11 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
347      tmpstr := substr(arg_11, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
348      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
349      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
350         raise argslen_err;
351      end if;
352      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
353      if (arg_12 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
354      tmpstr := substr(arg_12, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
355      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
356      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
357         raise argslen_err;
358      end if;
359      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
360      if (arg_13 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
361      tmpstr := substr(arg_13, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
362      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
363      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
364         raise argslen_err;
365      end if;
366      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
367      if (arg_14 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
368      tmpstr := substr(arg_14, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
369      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
370      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
371         raise argslen_err;
372      end if;
373      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
374      if (arg_15 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
375      tmpstr := substr(arg_15, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
376      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
377      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
378         raise argslen_err;
379      end if;
380      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
381      if (arg_16 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
382      tmpstr := substr(arg_16, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
383      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
384      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
385         raise argslen_err;
386      end if;
387      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
388      if (arg_17 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
389      tmpstr := substr(arg_17, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
390      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
391      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
392         raise argslen_err;
393      end if;
394      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
395      if (arg_18 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
396      tmpstr := substr(arg_18, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
397      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
398      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
399         raise argslen_err;
400      end if;
401      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
402      if (arg_19 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
403      tmpstr := substr(arg_19, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
404      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
405      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
406         raise argslen_err;
407      end if;
408      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
409      if (arg_20 = CHR(0)) then goto end_pack; end if;
410      tmpstr := substr(arg_20, 1, fnd_transaction.ARGMAX);
411      argtotal := argtotal + length(tmpstr);
412      if argtotal > fnd_transaction.ARGSTOTAL then
413         raise argslen_err;
414      end if;
415      dbms_pipe.pack_message (tmpstr);
417      <<end_pack>>
420      -- Set time stamps
421      submit_time := sysdate;
422      remaining_time := timeout;
424      -- Send the message.  Exit on timeout or error.
425      status := dbms_pipe.send_message(tm_pipe, remaining_time);
426      if (status = 1) then
427        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.send_message', 'send_message timeout', NULL);
429        /* mark timeout event (4) */
430        fnd_transaction.post_tm_event(4, application, program, -1, timeout, tm_pipe );
432        return fnd_transaction.E_TIMEOUT;
433      elsif (status <> 0) then
434         fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.send_message', 'send_message returned:', to_char(status));
435         raise error;
436      end if;
438      -- Loop until timeout or we recieve a message on the return pipe
439      -- with a matching request ID.  Throw out all other received messages.
440      loop
441        -- calculate the remaining timeout
442        remaining_time := remaining_time - ((sysdate-submit_time)*fnd_transaction.SEC_PER_DAY);
444        -- 906219 - added call to reset_buffer here to clear the buffer
445        -- before receiving the message.
446        -- Leftover data in the buffer was causing messages to come out incorrect.
447        -- Also added calls in FNDCP_TMSRV
448        dbms_pipe.reset_buffer;
450        -- Wait on return pipe.  Exit on timoeout or error
451        status := dbms_pipe.receive_message(return_pipe, remaining_time);
452        if (status = 1) then
453          fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.send_message', 'receive_message timeout', NULL, 'U');
455          /* mark timeout event (4) */
456          fnd_transaction.post_tm_event(4, application, program, -1, timeout, tm_pipe);
458          return fnd_transaction.E_TIMEOUT;
459        elsif (status <> 0) then
460       fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.send_message', 'receive_message returned:', to_char(status), 'U');
461       raise error;
462        end if;
464        -- Exit loop only if we got the proper response
465        if (dbms_pipe.next_item_type = 9) then
466           dbms_pipe.unpack_message(tmpstr); -- Discard return type
467          if (dbms_pipe.next_item_type = 6) then
468            dbms_pipe.unpack_message(return_request_id);
469            exit when (request_id = return_request_id);
470          end if;
471        end if;
472      end loop;
474      -- Unpack return arguments
475      dbms_pipe.unpack_message(outcome);
476      dbms_pipe.unpack_message(message);
478      -- Populate return value table
479      for counter in 1..21 loop
480        counter1 := counter;
481        exit when dbms_pipe.next_item_type <> 9;
482        dbms_pipe.unpack_message(return_val);
483        fnd_transaction.return_values(counter) := return_val;
484      end loop;
486      -- Null out the unused table elements
487      if (counter1 < 21) then
488         for counter2 in counter1..20 loop
489           fnd_transaction.return_values(counter2) := null;
490         end loop;
491      end if;
492      if (debug_flag) then
493        for counter1 in 1..20 loop
494          fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.send_message',
495                     'Return table entry #'||to_char(counter1),
496                     fnd_transaction.return_values(counter1), 'U');
497        end loop;
498      end if;
500      return fnd_transaction.E_SUCCESS;
502    exception
503      when error then
504        return fnd_transaction.E_OTHER;
505      when argslen_err then
506         fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.send_message', 'Total size of args too long', to_char(argtotal));
507         return fnd_transaction.E_ARGSIZE;
508      when others then
509        fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SQL-Generic error');
510        fnd_message.set_token ('ERRNO', sqlcode, FALSE);
511        fnd_message.set_token ('REASON', sqlerrm, FALSE);
512        fnd_message.set_token (
514        fnd_transaction.debug_info('fnd_trn_pipe.send_message', 'Caught exception', sqlerrm);
515        return fnd_transaction.E_OTHER;
518 end send_message;
520 end fnd_transaction_pipe;