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Line 1: package body BSC_AW_UTILITY AS

1: package body BSC_AW_UTILITY AS
2: /*$Header: BSCAWUTB.pls 120.34 2006/06/16 21:32:45 vsurendr ship $*/
4: function in_array(
5: p_array dbms_sql.varchar2_table,

Line 473: ORA-06512: at "APPS.BSC_AW_UTILITY", line 466

470: if the agg function is count(), we simply replace it with 1. since there is no group by, count() will anyway be returning 1.
471: this is not working. getting this error
472: ORA-34738: (NOUPDATE) A severe problem has been detected. Analytic workspace operations have been disabled.
473: ORA-06512: at "APPS.BSC_AW_UTILITY", line 466
474: ORA-06512: at "APPS.BSC_AW_LOAD", line 112
475: ORA-37666: ** SYSTEM ERROR xsSqlImport01 **
476: A severe problem has been detected. Please save your work via EXPORT or OUTFILE and exit as soon as possible.
477: As a safety measure, analytic workspace operations have been disabled. Call Oracle OLAP technical support.

Line 784: l_adv_sum_profile:=bsc_aw_utility.get_parameter_value(g_options,'SUMMARIZATION LEVEL');

780: function get_adv_sum_profile return number is
781: --
782: l_adv_sum_profile number;
783: Begin
784: l_adv_sum_profile:=bsc_aw_utility.get_parameter_value(g_options,'SUMMARIZATION LEVEL');
785: if l_adv_sum_profile is null or l_adv_sum_profile=0 then
786: l_adv_sum_profile:=1000000;
787: end if;
788: return l_adv_sum_profile;

Line 874: or bsc_aw_utility.g_log_level>=FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL then

870: */
871: procedure init_all_procedures is
872: Begin
873: if get_parameter_value(g_options,'DEBUG LOG')='Y'
874: or bsc_aw_utility.g_log_level>=FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL then
875: g_debug:=true;
876: else
877: g_debug:=false;
878: end if;

Line 966: log_fnd(p_message,bsc_aw_utility.g_log_level);

962: if last_reached then
963: exit;
964: end if;
965: end loop;
966: log_fnd(p_message,bsc_aw_utility.g_log_level);
967: Exception when others then
968: null;
969: End;

Line 1264: raise bsc_aw_utility.g_exception;

1260: l_parallel_job:=get_parallel_job(p_job_name);
1261: if l_parallel_job.job_name is not null then
1262: if l_parallel_job.status <> 'success' and l_parallel_job.status <> 'error' then
1263: log_n('The same job '||p_job_name||' is currently running');
1264: raise bsc_aw_utility.g_exception;
1265: end if;
1266: end if;
1267: --create a pipe for communication
1268: create_pipe(p_job_name);

Line 1270: log_n('dbms_job.submit('||p_process||')'||bsc_aw_utility.get_time);

1266: end if;
1267: --create a pipe for communication
1268: create_pipe(p_job_name);
1269: if g_debug then
1270: log_n('dbms_job.submit('||p_process||')'||bsc_aw_utility.get_time);
1271: end if;
1272: dbms_job.submit(l_job_id,p_process);
1273: --add to the global array list
1274: g_parallel_jobs(g_parallel_jobs.count+1).job_name:=p_job_name;

Line 1874: bsc_aw_utility.delete_table('bsc_aw_temp_pc',null);

1870: l_temp1 varchar2(200);
1871: l_temp2 varchar2(200);
1872: l_return_code number;
1873: Begin
1874: bsc_aw_utility.delete_table('bsc_aw_temp_pc',null);
1875: for i in 1..p_pc_1.count loop
1876: if p_pc_1(i).parent is not null and p_pc_1(i).child is not null then
1877: execute immediate 'insert into bsc_aw_temp_pc(parent,child,id) values (:1,:2,:3)' using nvl(p_pc_1(i).parent,'null'),
1878: nvl(p_pc_1(i).child,'null'),1;

Line 2015: l_flag:=dbms_lock.request(lockhandle=>l_lock_handle,timeout=>bsc_aw_utility.g_max_wait_time);

2011: l_lock_handle varchar2(200);
2012: l_flag integer;
2013: Begin
2014: l_lock_handle:=get_lock_handle(p_lock_name);
2015: l_flag:=dbms_lock.request(lockhandle=>l_lock_handle,timeout=>bsc_aw_utility.g_max_wait_time);
2016: if l_flag=1 then --timeout
2017: log('Timeout in dbms_lock.request('||p_lock_name||') ...');
2018: raise bsc_aw_utility.g_exception;
2019: end if;

Line 2018: raise bsc_aw_utility.g_exception;

2014: l_lock_handle:=get_lock_handle(p_lock_name);
2015: l_flag:=dbms_lock.request(lockhandle=>l_lock_handle,timeout=>bsc_aw_utility.g_max_wait_time);
2016: if l_flag=1 then --timeout
2017: log('Timeout in dbms_lock.request('||p_lock_name||') ...');
2018: raise bsc_aw_utility.g_exception;
2019: end if;
2020: Exception when others then
2021: log_n('Exception in get_db_lock '||sqlerrm);
2022: raise;

Line 2033: raise bsc_aw_utility.g_exception;

2029: l_lock_handle:=get_lock_handle(p_lock_name);
2030: l_flag:=dbms_lock.release(lockhandle=>l_lock_handle);
2031: if l_flag=3 or l_flag=5 then --error
2032: log('Exception in dbms_lock.release. Return flag='||l_flag);
2033: raise bsc_aw_utility.g_exception;
2034: end if;
2035: Exception when others then
2036: log_n('Exception in release_db_lock '||sqlerrm);
2037: raise;


2641: Exception when others then
2642: return false;
2643: End;