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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

      CURSOR c IS SELECT rule_id FROM wms_restrictions
	WHERE rule_id = p_rule_id
	AND sequence_number = p_sequence_number;
Line: 68

      -- unknown exception
      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
Line: 75

      IF p_action = 'INSERT' THEN
	 fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_RESTRICTION_EXISTS');
Line: 81

      IF p_action IN ('DELETE','LOCK','UPDATE') THEN
	 fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_RESTRICTION_NOT_FOUND');
Line: 88

   /* more input validation update and insert */
   IF p_action IN ('UPDATE', 'INSERT') THEN
      /* check foreign keys */
 	  p_api_version      => 1.0
	 ,p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_false
	 ,x_return_status    => l_return_status
	 ,x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
	 ,x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
	 ,p_rule_id          => p_rule_id
	 ,x_found            => l_found
Line: 153

procedure insert_restriction
    p_api_version         	     IN  NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list       	     IN  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
   ,p_validation_level    	     IN  NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
   ,x_return_status       	     OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count           	     OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data            	     OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
   ,p_rowid                          IN  OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
   ,p_rule_id                        IN  NUMBER
   ,p_sequence_number                IN  NUMBER
   ,p_parameter_id                   IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operator_code                  IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_type_code              IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_constant_number        IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_constant_character     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_operand_constant_date          IN  DATE
   ,p_operand_parameter_id           IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_expression             IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_operand_flex_value_set_id      IN  NUMBER
   ,p_logical_operator_code          IN  NUMBER
   ,p_bracket_open                   IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_bracket_close                  IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute_category             IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute1                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute2                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute3                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute4                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute5                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute6                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute7                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute8                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute9                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute10                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute11                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute12                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute13                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute14                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute15                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ) IS
     -- API standard variables
     l_api_version         constant number       := 1.0;
Line: 195

     l_api_name            constant varchar2(30) := 'Insert_Restriction';
Line: 219

  SELECT Sysdate INTO l_date FROM dual;
Line: 226

     ,p_action                       => 'INSERT'
     ,p_rule_id                      => p_rule_id
     ,p_sequence_number              => p_sequence_number
     ,p_parameter_id                 => p_parameter_id
     ,p_operator_code                => p_operator_code
     ,p_operand_type_code            => p_operand_type_code
     ,p_operand_constant_number      => p_operand_constant_number
     ,p_operand_constant_character   => p_operand_constant_character
     ,p_operand_constant_date        => p_operand_constant_date
     ,p_operand_parameter_id         => p_operand_parameter_id
     ,p_operand_expression           => p_operand_expression
     ,p_operand_flex_value_set_id    => p_operand_flex_value_set_id
     ,p_logical_operator_code        => p_logical_operator_code
     ,p_bracket_open                 => p_bracket_open
     ,p_bracket_close                => p_bracket_close
     ,p_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
     ,p_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
     ,p_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
     ,p_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
     ,p_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
     ,p_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
     ,p_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
     ,p_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
     ,p_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
     ,p_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
     ,p_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
     ,p_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
     ,p_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
     ,p_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
     ,p_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
     ,p_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
Line: 265

   /* call the table handler to do the insert */
      x_rowid                        => p_rowid
     ,x_rule_id                      => p_rule_id
     ,x_sequence_number              => p_sequence_number
     ,x_last_updated_by              => l_user_id
     ,x_last_update_date             => l_date
     ,x_created_by                   => l_user_id
     ,x_creation_date                => l_date
     ,x_last_update_login            => l_login_id
     ,x_parameter_id                 => p_parameter_id
     ,x_operator_code                => p_operator_code
     ,x_operand_type_code            => p_operand_type_code
     ,x_operand_constant_number      => p_operand_constant_number
     ,x_operand_constant_character   => p_operand_constant_character
     ,x_operand_constant_date        => p_operand_constant_date
     ,x_operand_parameter_id         => p_operand_parameter_id
     ,x_operand_expression           => p_operand_expression
     ,x_operand_flex_value_set_id    => p_operand_flex_value_set_id
     ,x_logical_operator_code        => p_logical_operator_code
     ,x_bracket_open                 => p_bracket_open
     ,x_bracket_close                => p_bracket_close
     ,x_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
     ,x_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
     ,x_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
     ,x_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
     ,x_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
     ,x_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
     ,x_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
     ,x_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
     ,x_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
     ,x_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
     ,x_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
     ,x_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
     ,x_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
     ,x_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
     ,x_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
     ,x_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
Line: 327

end insert_restriction;
Line: 485

procedure update_restriction (
    p_api_version         	     IN  NUMBER
   ,p_init_msg_list       	     IN  VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
   ,p_validation_level    	     IN  NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
   ,x_return_status       	     OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count           	     OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data            	     OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
   ,p_rowid                          IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_rule_id                        IN  NUMBER
   ,p_sequence_number                IN  NUMBER
   ,p_parameter_id                   IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operator_code                  IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_type_code              IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_constant_number        IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_constant_character     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_operand_constant_date          IN  DATE
   ,p_operand_parameter_id           IN  NUMBER
   ,p_operand_expression             IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_operand_flex_value_set_id      IN  NUMBER
   ,p_logical_operator_code          IN  NUMBER
   ,p_bracket_open                   IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_bracket_close                  IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute_category             IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute1                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute2                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute3                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute4                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute5                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute6                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute7                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute8                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute9                     IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute10                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute11                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute12                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute13                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute14                    IN  VARCHAR2
   ,p_attribute15                    IN  VARCHAR2
) is
     -- API standard variables
     l_api_version         constant number       := 1.0;
Line: 526

     l_api_name            constant varchar2(30) := 'Update_Restriction';
Line: 550

     ,p_action                       => 'UPDATE'
     ,p_rule_id                      => p_rule_id
     ,p_sequence_number              => p_sequence_number
     ,p_parameter_id                 => p_parameter_id
     ,p_operator_code                => p_operator_code
     ,p_operand_type_code            => p_operand_type_code
     ,p_operand_constant_number      => p_operand_constant_number
     ,p_operand_constant_character   => p_operand_constant_character
     ,p_operand_constant_date        => p_operand_constant_date
     ,p_operand_parameter_id         => p_operand_parameter_id
     ,p_operand_expression           => p_operand_expression
     ,p_operand_flex_value_set_id    => p_operand_flex_value_set_id
     ,p_logical_operator_code        => p_logical_operator_code
     ,p_bracket_open                 => p_bracket_open
     ,p_bracket_close                => p_bracket_close
     ,p_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
     ,p_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
     ,p_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
     ,p_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
     ,p_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
     ,p_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
     ,p_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
     ,p_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
     ,p_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
     ,p_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
     ,p_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
     ,p_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
     ,p_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
     ,p_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
     ,p_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
     ,p_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
Line: 590

   SELECT Sysdate INTO l_date FROM dual;
Line: 594

   /* call the table handler to do the update */
       x_rowid                        => p_rowid
      ,x_rule_id                      => p_rule_id
      ,x_sequence_number              => p_sequence_number
      ,x_last_updated_by              => l_user_id
      ,x_last_update_date             => l_date
      ,x_last_update_login            => l_login_id
      ,x_parameter_id                 => p_parameter_id
      ,x_operator_code                => p_operator_code
      ,x_operand_type_code            => p_operand_type_code
      ,x_operand_constant_number      => p_operand_constant_number
      ,x_operand_constant_character   => p_operand_constant_character
      ,x_operand_constant_date        => p_operand_constant_date
      ,x_operand_parameter_id         => p_operand_parameter_id
      ,x_operand_expression           => p_operand_expression
      ,x_operand_flex_value_set_id    => p_operand_flex_value_set_id
      ,x_logical_operator_code        => p_logical_operator_code
      ,x_bracket_open                 => p_bracket_open
      ,x_bracket_close                => p_bracket_close
      ,x_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
      ,x_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
      ,x_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
      ,x_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
      ,x_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
      ,x_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
      ,x_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
      ,x_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
      ,x_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
      ,x_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
      ,x_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
      ,x_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
      ,x_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
      ,x_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
      ,x_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
      ,x_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
Line: 654

end update_restriction ;
Line: 656

procedure delete_restriction (
  p_api_version               in  NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list             in  varchar2 := fnd_api.g_false,
  p_validation_level          in  number   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
  x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,
  x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2,
  p_rowid                     IN  VARCHAR2,
  p_rule_id                   IN  NUMBER,
  p_sequence_number           IN  NUMBER
) is
     -- API standard variables
     l_api_version         constant number       := 1.0;
Line: 669

     l_api_name            constant varchar2(30) := 'Delete_Restriction';
Line: 690

     ,p_action                       => 'DELETE'
     ,p_rule_id                      => p_rule_id
     ,p_sequence_number              => p_sequence_number
     ,p_parameter_id                 => fnd_api.g_miss_num -- dont care
     ,p_operator_code                => fnd_api.g_miss_num
     ,p_operand_type_code            => fnd_api.g_miss_num
     ,p_operand_constant_number      => fnd_api.g_miss_num
     ,p_operand_constant_character   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_operand_constant_date        => fnd_api.g_miss_date
     ,p_operand_parameter_id         => fnd_api.g_miss_num
     ,p_operand_expression           => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_operand_flex_value_set_id    => fnd_api.g_miss_num
     ,p_logical_operator_code        => fnd_api.g_miss_num
     ,p_bracket_open                 => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_bracket_close                => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute_category           => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute1                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute2                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute3                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute4                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute5                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute6                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute7                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute8                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute9                   => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute10                  => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute11                  => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute12                  => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute13                  => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute14                  => fnd_api.g_miss_char
     ,p_attribute15                  => fnd_api.g_miss_char
Line: 729

Line: 753

end delete_restriction ;
Line: 757

procedure delete_restrictions (
  p_rule_id                   IN  NUMBER
) is
   DELETE FROM wms_restrictions
     WHERE rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 763

END delete_restrictions;