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1 package PA_COST1 as
2 -- $Header: PAXCSR1S.pls 120.0 2005/06/03 14:18:07 appldev noship $
4 	/* Bug fix:4230258 cache the project type and project id variables */
5 	G_project_type      pa_projects_all.project_type%type;
6 	G_project_id        pa_projects_all.project_id%type;
7 	G_burden_costFlag   Varchar2(10);
8  	FUNCTION check_proj_burdened
9 	 (p_project_type 		IN 	VARCHAR2
10 	 ,p_project_id			IN      NUMBER ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
12 /* This API derives transaction raw cost, burden costs in transaction currency. ie. the currency associated
13  * with the rate schedule.
14  * This API will derive the costs based on ACTUALs or PLANNING rates
15  * The following are the rules to derive cost rates for the planning resource
16  * 1. By default the rate engine will derive the raw and burden costs based on the transaction currency.
17  *     I.e. The currency associated with the rate schedule. If the transaction override currency is passed then costs will be
18  *     converted from transaction currency to override currency.
19  * 2. If the override cost rate is passed then rate engine will derive the actual raw cost and raw cost rates
20  *   based on the override cost rate
21  * 3. If the override burden multiplier is passed, the rate engine will derive the burden costs
22  *   based on the override burden multiplier.
23  * 4. If the parameter rate based flag is 'N' then rate engine will not derive raw cost instead,
24  *  the burden costs will be derived based on the passed value transaction raw cost and transaction currency.
25  * 5. Rates will be derived based on the in parameter p_exp_item_date
26  * This API returns x_return_status as 'S' for successful rate 'E' if no rate found 'U' in case of unexpected errors
27  *
28  * NOTE: For BOM related transactions the following params needs to be passed
29  * p_mfc_cost_source      Required possible values be
30  *                        1 - Return item cost from valuation cost type.
31  *                        2 - Return item cost from user-provided cost type.
32  *                        3 - Return item cost as the list price per unit from item definition.
33  *                        4 - Return item cost as average of the last 5 PO receipts of this item.
34  *                            PO price includes non-recoverable tax.
35  * p_mfd_cost_type_id     Optional param default is 0
36  * p_exp_organization_id  Required
37  * p_BOM_resource_id      Required
38  * p_inventory_item_id    Required
39  *
40  * 6. The following parameters should be passed in order to get the planning rates
41  *    p_calling_mode = 'PLAN_RATES' for planning rate schedules
42  *                     'ACTUAL_RATES' for actuals
43  *    p_plan_cost_job_rate_sch_id
44  *    p_plan_cost_emp_rate_sch_id
45  *    p_plan_cost_non_labor_rate_sch_id
46  *    p_plan_burden_cost_sch_id
47  *
48  */
49 PROCEDURE Get_Plan_Actual_Cost_Rates
50         (p_calling_mode                 IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ACTUAL_RATES'
51         ,p_project_type                 IN              VARCHAR2
52         ,p_project_id                   IN              NUMBER
53         ,p_task_id                      IN              NUMBER
54         ,p_top_task_id                  IN              NUMBER
55         ,p_Exp_item_date                IN              DATE
56         ,p_expenditure_type             IN              VARCHAR2
57         ,p_expenditure_OU               IN              NUMBER
58         ,p_project_OU                   IN              NUMBER
59         ,p_Quantity                     IN              NUMBER
60         ,p_resource_class               IN              VARCHAR2
61         ,p_person_id                    IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
62         ,p_non_labor_resource           IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
63         ,p_NLR_organization_id          IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
64         ,p_override_organization_id     IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
65         ,p_incurred_by_organization_id  IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
66         ,p_inventory_item_id            IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
67         ,p_BOM_resource_id              IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
68         ,p_override_trxn_curr_code      IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
69         ,p_override_burden_cost_rate    IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
70         ,p_override_trxn_cost_rate      IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
71         ,p_override_trxn_raw_cost       IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
72         ,p_override_trxn_burden_cost    IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
73         ,p_mfc_cost_type_id             IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT 0
74         ,p_mfc_cost_source              IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT 2
75         ,p_item_category_id             IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
76         ,p_job_id                       IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
77 	,p_plan_cost_job_rate_sch_id    IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
78         ,p_plan_cost_emp_rate_sch_id    IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
79         ,p_plan_cost_nlr_rate_sch_id    IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
80         ,p_plan_cost_burden_sch_id      IN              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
81         ,x_trxn_curr_code               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
82         ,x_trxn_raw_cost                OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
83         ,x_trxn_raw_cost_rate           OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
84         ,x_trxn_burden_cost             OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
85         ,x_trxn_burden_cost_rate        OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
86         ,x_burden_multiplier            OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
87         ,x_cost_ind_compiled_set_id     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
88         ,x_raw_cost_rejection_code      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
89         ,x_burden_cost_rejection_code   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
90         ,x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
91         ,x_error_msg_code               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2 );
93 PROCEDURE  Get_Non_Labor_raw_cost
94         (p_project_id                   IN           NUMBER
95         ,p_task_id                      IN           NUMBER
96         ,p_non_labor_resource           IN           VARCHAR2
97         ,p_nlr_organization_id          IN           NUMBER
98         ,p_expenditure_type             IN           VARCHAR2
99         ,p_exp_item_date                IN           DATE
100         ,p_override_organization_id     IN           NUMBER
101         ,p_quantity                     IN           NUMBER
102         ,p_org_id                       IN           NUMBER
103         ,p_nlr_schedule_id              IN           NUMBER
104         ,p_nlr_trxn_cost_rate           IN           NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
105         ,p_nlr_trxn_raw_cost            IN           NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
106         ,p_nlr_trxn_currency_code       IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
107         ,x_trxn_raw_cost_rate           OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
108         ,x_trxn_raw_cost                OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER
109         ,x_txn_currency_code            OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
110         ,x_return_status                OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
111         ,x_error_msg_code               OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
112         );
114 /* This is a wrapper api to derive compiled set id and burden multiplier
115  * Which in turn makes calls to pa_cost_plus package
116  */
117 PROCEDURE Get_burden_sch_details
118                 (p_calling_mode                 IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ACTUAL_RATES'
119 		,p_exp_item_id                  IN              NUMBER
120                 ,p_trxn_type                    IN              VARCHAR2
121                 ,p_project_type                 IN              VARCHAR2
122                 ,p_project_id                   IN              NUMBER
123                 ,p_task_id                      IN              NUMBER
124                 ,p_exp_organization_id          IN              NUMBER
125 		/* bug fix:4232181 Derive organization override for burden calculate */
126                 ,p_overide_organization_id      IN              NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
127                 ,p_person_id                    IN              NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
128 		/* end of bug fix:4232181 */
129                 ,p_expenditure_type             IN              VARCHAR2
130                 ,p_schedule_type                IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'C'
131                 ,p_exp_item_date                IN              DATE
132                 ,p_trxn_curr_code               IN              VARCHAR2
133 		,p_burden_schedule_id		IN              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
134                 ,x_schedule_id                  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
135                 ,x_sch_revision_id              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
136                 ,x_sch_fixed_date               OUT NOCOPY      DATE
137                 ,x_cost_base                    OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
138                 ,x_cost_plus_structure          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
139                 ,x_compiled_set_id              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
140                 ,x_burden_multiplier            OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
141                 ,x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
142                 ,x_error_msg_code               OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2 );
144 /* This API derives the cost rates based on the bill rate schedules
145 * The possible values for the params
146 * p_schedule_type 'EMPLOYEE' / 'JOB' / 'NON-LABOR'
147 * p_rate_sch_id  based on the schedule type the corresponding rate schedule id must be passed
148 */
149 PROCEDURE get_RateSchDetails
150                 (p_schedule_type      IN Varchar2
151                 ,p_rate_sch_id        IN Number
152                 ,p_person_id          IN Number
153                 ,p_job_id             IN Number
154                 ,p_non_labor_resource IN Varchar2
155                 ,p_expenditure_type   IN Varchar2
156 		,p_rate_organization_id IN Number
157                 ,p_exp_item_date      IN Date
158                 ,p_org_id             IN Number
159                 ,x_currency_code      OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
160                 ,x_cost_rate          OUT NOCOPY Number
161                 ,x_markup_percent     OUT NOCOPY Number
162                 ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY Varchar2
163                 ,x_error_msg_code     OUT NOCOPY Varchar2 );
165 /* This API converts the cost amount from transaction currency to
166  * project and project functional currency based on the
167  * planning transaction currency conversion attributes
168  * NOTE: Please donot use this API for actual cost conversion
169  */
171    (p_txn_raw_cost                      IN  NUMBER
172    ,p_txn_burden_cost                   IN  NUMBER
173    ,p_txn_quantity                      IN  NUMBER
174    ,p_txn_curr_code                     IN  VARCHAR2
175    ,p_txn_date                          IN  DATE
176    ,p_project_id                        IN  NUMBER
177    ,p_budget_Version_id                 IN  NUMBER
178    ,p_budget_line_id                    IN  NUMBER
179    ,x_project_curr_code                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
180    ,x_projfunc_curr_code                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
181    ,x_proj_raw_cost                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
182    ,x_proj_raw_cost_rate                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
183    ,x_proj_burdened_cost                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
184    ,x_proj_burdened_cost_rate           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
185    ,x_projfunc_raw_cost                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
186    ,x_projfunc_raw_cost_rate            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
187    ,x_projfunc_burdened_cost            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
188    ,x_projfunc_burdened_cost_rate       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
189    ,x_return_status                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
190    ,x_error_msg_code                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
191    );
193 /* This is an internal API which will be called from Convert_COSTto PC and PFC api
194  * this api does the calculation fo amount conversion based on the planning conversion
195  * attributes
196  */
197 PROCEDURE Convert_amounts
198    (p_calling_mode                      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PC'
199    ,p_txn_raw_cost                      IN  NUMBER
200    ,p_txn_burden_cost                   IN  NUMBER
201    ,p_txn_quantity                      IN  NUMBER
202    ,p_Conversion_Date                   IN  DATE
203    ,p_From_curr_code                    IN  VARCHAR2
204    ,p_To_curr_code                      IN  VARCHAR2
205    ,p_To_Curr_Rate_Type                 IN  VARCHAR2
206    ,p_To_Curr_Exchange_Rate             IN  NUMBER
207    ,x_To_Curr_raw_cost                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
208    ,x_To_Curr_raw_cost_rate             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
209    ,x_To_Curr_burden_cost               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
210    ,x_To_Curr_burden_cost_rate          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
211    ,x_To_Curr_Exchange_Rate             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
212    ,x_return_status                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
213    ,x_error_msg_code                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
214    );
217 end PA_COST1;