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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 70

/*l_update_wip_job_flag         NUMBER := 1;*/
Line: 177

        SELECT  -1 * cst_wip_cost_estimates_s.nextval
        INTO    l_estimation_group_id
        FROM    DUAL;
Line: 181

        /* Select Maintenance organization id for this org. The work order will be created
           in maintenance org only. That would mean that all wip table will store the
           WO details against the maintenance organization id */
        select maint_organization_id
        into l_maint_organization_id
        from mtl_parameters where organization_id = p_organization_id; /* Bug 5203079*/
Line: 192

                UPDATE  wip_discrete_jobs wdj -- job_option 1
                SET     wdj.estimation_status = l_estimation_group_id,
                    wdj.last_update_date      = SYSDATE,
                    wdj.last_updated_by      = l_user_id,
                    wdj.request_id            = l_request_id
                WHERE WDJ.organization_id = l_maint_organization_id
                AND NVL(WDJ.estimation_status,1) <> 7
                AND NVL(WDJ.estimation_status,1) > 0
                AND WDJ.status_type IN (1,3,4,6,17)
                AND p_job_option = 1
                AND p_entity_type IN (1,6)
                AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'X'
                         FROM  wip_entities we
                         WHERE  we.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id
                         AND    we.entity_type = p_entity_type
                       )RETURNING wdj.wip_entity_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_entity_id_tab;
Line: 211

                UPDATE  wip_discrete_jobs wdj -- job_option 2
                SET     wdj.estimation_status = l_estimation_group_id,
                    wdj.last_update_date      = SYSDATE,
                    wdj.last_updated_by      = l_user_id,
                    wdj.request_id            = l_request_id
                WHERE WDJ.organization_id = l_maint_organization_id
                AND NVL(WDJ.estimation_status,1) <> 7
                AND NVL(WDJ.estimation_status,1) > 0
                AND WDJ.status_type IN (1,3,4,6,17)
                AND p_job_option = 2
                AND WDJ.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                RETURNING wdj.wip_entity_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_entity_id_tab;
Line: 226

                UPDATE  wip_discrete_jobs wdj -- option 3 entity_type 1, primary_item_id
                SET     wdj.estimation_status = l_estimation_group_id,
                    wdj.last_update_date      = SYSDATE,
                    wdj.last_updated_by      = l_user_id,
                    wdj.request_id            = l_request_id
                WHERE WDJ.organization_id = l_maint_organization_id
                AND NVL(wdj.estimation_status,1) <> 7
                AND NVL(wdj.estimation_status,1) > 0
                AND WDJ.status_type IN (1,3,4,6,17)
                AND p_job_option = 3
                AND WDJ.primary_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                AND p_entity_type = 1
                AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'X'
                         FROM  wip_entities WE
                         WHERE WE.wip_entity_id = WDJ.wip_entity_id
                         AND   WE.entity_type = p_entity_type
                RETURNING wdj.wip_entity_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_entity_id_tab;
Line: 247

                UPDATE  wip_discrete_jobs wdj -- job_option 3 entity_type 6
                SET     wdj.estimation_status = l_estimation_group_id,
                    wdj.last_update_date      = SYSDATE,
                    wdj.last_updated_by      = l_user_id,
                    wdj.request_id            = l_request_id
                WHERE wdj.organization_id = l_maint_organization_id
                AND NVL(wdj.estimation_status,1) <> 7
                AND NVL(wdj.estimation_status,1) > 0
                AND wdj.status_type IN (1,3,4,6,17)
                AND p_job_option = 3
                AND wdj.maintenance_object_id in
                (select cii.instance_id
                 from csi_item_instances cii
                 where cii.instance_number = p_asset_number
                 AND cii.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                AND wdj.maintenance_object_type = 3
                AND p_entity_type = 6
                RETURNING wdj.wip_entity_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_entity_id_tab;
Line: 269

                UPDATE  wip_discrete_jobs wdj -- option 4
                SET     wdj.estimation_status = l_estimation_group_id,
                    wdj.last_update_date      = SYSDATE,
                    wdj.last_updated_by      = l_user_id,
                    wdj.request_id            = l_request_id
                WHERE wdj.organization_id = l_maint_organization_id
                AND NVL(wdj.estimation_status,1) <> 7
                AND NVL(wdj.estimation_status,1) > 0
                AND wdj.status_type IN (1,3,4,6,17)
                AND p_job_option = 4
                AND wdj.owning_department = p_owning_department_id
                AND p_entity_type = 6
                RETURNING wdj.wip_entity_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_entity_id_tab;
Line: 287

                            ||' Job Record(s) Updated with Group Id: '
Line: 296

       /* Delete from the global temp table just to make sure it is empty */
       DELETE FROM cst_eam_direct_items_temp;
Line: 302

       CST_eamCost_PUB.Insert_tempEstimateDetails (
                p_api_version     => 1.0,
                x_return_status   => l_return_status,
                x_msg_count       => l_msg_count,
                x_msg_data        => l_msg_data,
                p_entity_id_tab   => l_entity_id_tab
Line: 324

                            p_api_version          => 1.0,
                            p_init_msg_list        => FND_API.g_false,
                            p_entity_id_tab  => l_entity_id_tab,
                            p_org_id               => l_maint_organization_id,
                            p_type                 => 1,
                            x_return_status        => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count            => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data             => l_msg_data);
Line: 343

                 l_err_code := 'Error: CSTEAM_COST_PUB.delete_eamperbal()';
Line: 349

 /* the following lines delete the rows for this wip entity ID from the table

                l_stmt_num := 32;
Line: 355

               Delete from CST_EAM_WO_ESTIMATE_DETAILS
               where wip_entity_id = l_entity_id_tab(l_index);
Line: 358

           /* Added the call to Delete_eamBalAcct as part of eAM
              Requirements Project - R12. The procedure deletes the
              rows for this wip entity ID from the table

                l_stmt_num := 35;
Line: 364

                            p_api_version       => 1.0,
                            p_init_msg_list     => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                            p_commit            => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                            p_validation_level  => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => l_msg_data,
                            p_entity_id_tab     => l_entity_id_tab,
                            p_org_id            => l_maint_organization_id
                    ) ;
Line: 384

                 l_err_code := 'Error: CST_EAMCOST_PUB.Delete_eamBalAcct()';
Line: 398

                 l_err_code := 'Error: CST_eamCost_PUB.Insert_tempEstimateDetails()';
Line: 455

                UPDATE  wip_discrete_jobs wdj
                SET     estimation_status     = decode(estimation_status,9,8,7),
                    last_estimation_date  = SYSDATE,
                    last_estimation_req_id = l_request_id,
                    last_update_date      = SYSDATE
                WHERE   wdj.wip_entity_id = l_entity_id_tab(l_index);
Line: 467

                   UPDATE wip_discrete_jobs
                   SET    estimation_status = 3,
                         last_update_date  = SYSDATE,
                         last_estimation_date = SYSDATE,
                         last_estimation_req_id = l_request_id
                   WHERE  wip_entity_id     = l_entity_id_tab(l_index);
Line: 501

                UPDATE wip_discrete_jobs
                SET    estimation_status = 1,
                       last_update_date  = SYSDATE,
                         last_estimation_date = SYSDATE,
                         last_estimation_req_id = l_request_id
                WHERE  estimation_status = l_estimation_group_id
                AND    wip_entity_id = l_entity_id_tab(l_index);
Line: 620

                            p_api_version          => 1.0,
                            p_init_msg_list        => FND_API.g_false,
                            p_entity_id_tab        => l_entity_id_tab,
                            p_org_id               => p_organization_id,
                            p_type                 => 1,
                            x_return_status        => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count            => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data             => l_msg_data);
Line: 632

                l_api_message := 'Error: CST_EAMCOST_PUB.delete_eamperbal()';
Line: 641

        /* the following lines delete the rows for this wip entity ID from the table

        l_stmt_num := 30;
Line: 646

        where wip_entity_id = l_entity_id_tab(1);
Line: 649

           /* Added the call to Delete_eamBalAcct as part of eAM
              Requirements Project - R12. The procedure deletes the
              rows for this wip entity ID from the table

                l_stmt_num := 35;
Line: 655

                            p_api_version       => 1.0,
                            p_init_msg_list     => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                            p_commit            => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                            p_validation_level  => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => l_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => l_msg_data,
                            p_entity_id_tab     => l_entity_id_tab,
                            p_org_id            => p_organization_id
                    ) ;
Line: 669

                   l_api_message := 'Error: CST_EAMCOST_PUB.Delete_eamBalAcct()';
Line: 679

                DELETE FROM cst_eam_direct_items_temp;
Line: 684

                CST_eamCost_PUB.Insert_tempEstimateDetails (
                          p_api_version     => 1.0,
                          x_return_status   => l_return_status,
                          x_msg_count       => l_msg_count,
                          x_msg_data        => l_msg_data,
                          p_entity_id_tab   => l_entity_id_tab
Line: 694

                   l_api_message := 'Error: CST_eamCost_PUB.Insert_tempEstimateDetails()';
Line: 739

        UPDATE  wip_discrete_jobs wdj
        SET     estimation_status     = decode(estimation_status,9,8,7),
                last_estimation_date  = SYSDATE,
                last_estimation_req_id = l_request_id,
                last_update_date      = SYSDATE
        WHERE   wdj.wip_entity_id = l_entity_id_tab(1);
Line: 760

      UPDATE wip_discrete_jobs
      SET    estimation_status = 3,
             last_update_date  = SYSDATE,
             last_estimation_date = SYSDATE,
             last_estimation_req_id = l_request_id
      WHERE  wip_entity_id     = l_entity_id_tab(1);
Line: 783

      UPDATE wip_discrete_jobs
      SET    estimation_status = 3,
             last_update_date  = SYSDATE,
             last_estimation_date = SYSDATE,
             last_estimation_req_id = l_request_id
      WHERE  wip_entity_id     = l_entity_id_tab(1);
Line: 808

      UPDATE wip_discrete_jobs
      SET    estimation_status = 3,
             last_update_date  = SYSDATE,
             last_estimation_date = SYSDATE,
             last_estimation_req_id = l_request_id
      WHERE  wip_entity_id     = l_entity_id_tab(1);