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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_017 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 40

  ||  sgurusam        05-Jul-2005    Pass the new parameter p_calling_obj='JOB'  in the calls to igs_ss_en_wrappers.insert_into_enr_worksheet
  ||                                 Pass the new parameter p_calling_obj= 'JOB' in the calls to igs_ss_en_wrappers.drop_selected_units
  ||  sommukhe        27-JUL-2005    Bug#4344483,Modified the call to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row
  ||                                 to include new parameter abort_flag.
  ||  sarakshi        18-Sep-2003    Enh#3052452.Modified the call to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row
  ||                                 to include new parameter sup_uoo_id,relation_type,default_enroll_flag
  || rvivekan           3-Aug-2003	  Added new parameters to ofr_enrollment_or_waitlist    |
			 			  as a part of Bulk Unit Upload Bug#3049009
  || vvutukur         05-aug-2003    Enh#3045069.PSP Enh Build. Modified the call to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row to
  ||                                 include new parameter not_multiple_section_flag.
  || svanukur         16-jun-2003    implemented the check for unit section status of 'NOT_OFFERED'
  ||                                   as part of validation impact CR ENCR034.
  ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
    l_person_id          igs_pe_person_base_v.person_id%TYPE;
Line: 70

    SELECT ivrs_available_ind, unit_section_status, auditable_ind
    FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
    WHERE  uoo_id = l_uoo_id;
Line: 79

    SELECT uoo.*
    FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo
    WHERE  uoo_id = l_uoo_id;
Line: 129

         igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row (
                  x_rowid                        => l_unit_ofr_opt.row_id,
                  x_unit_cd                      => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd,
                  x_version_number               => l_unit_ofr_opt.version_number,
                  x_cal_type                     => l_unit_ofr_opt.cal_type,
                  x_ci_sequence_number           => l_unit_ofr_opt.ci_sequence_number,
                  x_location_cd                  => l_unit_ofr_opt.location_cd,
                  x_unit_class                   => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_class,
                  x_uoo_id                       => l_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id,
                  x_ivrs_available_ind           => l_unit_ofr_opt.ivrs_available_ind,
                  x_call_number                  => l_unit_ofr_opt.call_number,
                  x_unit_section_status          => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_section_status,
                  x_unit_section_start_date      => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_section_start_date,
                  x_unit_section_end_date        => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_section_end_date,
                  x_enrollment_actual            => l_unit_ofr_opt.enrollment_actual,
                  x_waitlist_actual              => l_unit_ofr_opt.waitlist_actual,
                  x_offered_ind                  => l_unit_ofr_opt.offered_ind,
                  x_state_financial_aid          => l_unit_ofr_opt.state_financial_aid,
                  x_grading_schema_prcdnce_ind   => l_unit_ofr_opt.grading_schema_prcdnce_ind,
                  x_federal_financial_aid        => l_unit_ofr_opt.federal_financial_aid,
                  x_unit_quota                   => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_quota,
                  x_unit_quota_reserved_places   => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_quota_reserved_places,
                  x_institutional_financial_aid  => l_unit_ofr_opt.institutional_financial_aid,
                  x_unit_contact                 => l_unit_ofr_opt.unit_contact,
                  x_grading_schema_cd            => l_unit_ofr_opt.grading_schema_cd,
                  x_gs_version_number            => l_unit_ofr_opt.gs_version_number,
                  x_owner_org_unit_cd            => l_unit_ofr_opt.owner_org_unit_cd,
                  x_attendance_required_ind      => l_unit_ofr_opt.attendance_required_ind,
                  x_reserved_seating_allowed     => l_unit_ofr_opt.reserved_seating_allowed,
                  x_special_permission_ind       => l_unit_ofr_opt.special_permission_ind,
                  x_ss_display_ind               => l_unit_ofr_opt.ss_display_ind,
                  x_mode                         => 'R',
                  x_ss_enrol_ind                 => l_unit_ofr_opt.ss_enrol_ind,
                  x_dir_enrollment               => l_unit_ofr_opt.dir_enrollment,
                  x_enr_from_wlst                => l_unit_ofr_opt.enr_from_wlst,
                  x_inq_not_wlst                 => NVL(l_unit_ofr_opt.inq_not_wlst,0) + 1, --increased by one
                  x_rev_account_cd               => l_unit_ofr_opt.rev_account_cd,
                  x_anon_unit_grading_ind        => l_unit_ofr_opt.anon_unit_grading_ind,
                  x_anon_assess_grading_ind      => l_unit_ofr_opt.anon_assess_grading_ind,
                  x_non_std_usec_ind             => l_unit_ofr_opt.non_std_usec_ind,
                  x_auditable_ind                => l_unit_ofr_opt.auditable_ind,
                  x_audit_permission_ind         => l_unit_ofr_opt.audit_permission_ind,
		  x_not_multiple_section_flag    => l_unit_ofr_opt.not_multiple_section_flag ,
                  x_sup_uoo_id                   => l_unit_ofr_opt.sup_uoo_id                 ,
                  x_relation_type                => l_unit_ofr_opt.relation_type              ,
                  x_default_enroll_flag          => l_unit_ofr_opt.default_enroll_flag,
                  x_abort_flag                   => l_unit_ofr_opt.abort_flag
Line: 302

         igs_ss_en_wrappers.insert_into_enr_worksheet (
              p_person_number       => p_person_number,
              p_course_cd           => l_primary_code,
              p_uoo_id              => l_uoo_id,
              p_waitlist_ind        => l_waitlist_ind,
              p_session_id          => NULL,
              p_return_status       => l_ret_status,
              p_message             => l_message_data,
              p_cal_type            => l_cal_type,
              p_ci_sequence_number  => l_ci_sequence_number,
              p_audit_requested     => p_audit_ind,
              p_enr_method          => NULL,
              p_override_cp         => NULL,
              p_subtitle            => NULL,
              p_gradsch_cd          => NULL,
              p_gs_version_num	    => NULL,
              p_calling_obj         => 'JOB');
Line: 376

    SELECT uoo_id
    FROM igs_en_su_attempt
    WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
    AND unit_attempt_status IN ('INVALID','WAITLIST','ENROLLED')
    AND course_cd = cp_course_cd
    AND (cal_type , ci_sequence_number) IN (SELECT teach_cal_type,teach_ci_sequence_number
                                         FROM igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
                                         WHERE load_cal_type     = cp_cal_type AND
                                         load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 485

      p_uoo_ids              => l_uoo_ids           ,
      p_person_id            => l_person_id         ,
      p_person_type          => l_person_type       ,
      p_load_cal_type        => l_cal_type          ,
      p_load_sequence_number => l_ci_sequence_number,
      p_program_cd           => l_program_cd        ,
      p_program_version      => l_primary_version   ,
      p_dcnt_reason_cd       => p_drop_reason       ,
      p_admin_unit_status    => p_adm_status        ,
      p_effective_date       => SYSDATE             ,
      p_failed_uoo_ids       => l_failed_uoo_ids    ,
      p_failed_unit_cds      => l_failed_unit_cds   ,
      p_return_status        => l_return_status     ,
      p_message              => l_error_message     ,
      p_ovrrd_min_cp_chk     => NULL,
      p_ovrrd_crq_chk        => NULL,
      p_ovrrd_prq_chk        => NULL,
      p_ovrrd_att_typ_chk    => NULL
Line: 558

SELECT currterm.alternate_code
FROM   (SELECT ci.alternate_code
        FROM   igs_ca_inst ci,
               igs_ca_type ct,
               igs_ca_stat cs,
               igs_ca_da_inst dai
        WHERE  ci.cal_type = ct.cal_type
        AND    ct.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD'
        AND    ci.cal_status = cs.cal_status
        AND    cs.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE'
        AND    SYSDATE BETWEEN ci.start_dt AND ci.end_dt
        AND    dai.cal_type = ci.cal_type
        AND    dai.ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number
        AND    dai.dt_alias = (SELECT load_effect_dt_alias
                               FROM igs_en_cal_conf)
        AND    dai.absolute_val <= SYSDATE
        ORDER BY dai.absolute_val DESC) currterm
Line: 622

    SELECT enr_method_type
    FROM   igs_en_method_type
    WHERE self_service = 'Y'
      AND closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 629

    SELECT enr_method_type
    FROM   igs_en_method_type
    WHERE ivr_display_ind = 'Y'
    AND closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 636

    SELECT enr_method_type
    FROM   igs_en_method_type
    WHERE bulk_job_ind = 'Y'
    AND closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 715

  SELECT ci.alternate_code
  FROM   igs_ca_inst ci,
         igs_ca_type ca,
         igs_ca_stat cs
  WHERE  ci.cal_type =ca.cal_type
  AND    ci.cal_status = cs.cal_status
  AND    cs.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE'
  AND    ca.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD'
  AND    ci.ivr_display_ind = 'Y';
Line: 861

FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
WHERE  call_number = p_call_number;
Line: 868

SELECT uoo_id
FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
WHERE  call_number = p_call_number
AND    ( cal_type, ci_sequence_number ) IN
       ( SELECT teach_cal_type, teach_ci_sequence_number
         FROM   igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
         WHERE  load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
         AND    load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_seq_num );
Line: 1104

           SELECT person_id
	   FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
	   WHERE  person_number = cp_person_number;
Line: 1113

           SELECT user_id
	   FROM   fnd_user
	   WHERE  person_party_id = cp_person_id;
Line: 1122

           SELECT  person_type_code
           FROM igs_pe_typ_instances
           WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
           AND ( end_date IS NULL  OR end_date > SYSDATE )
	   AND person_type_code IN (
                                       SELECT person_type_code
                                       FROM igs_pe_person_types
                                       WHERE system_type = 'STUDENT'
				       AND closed_ind = 'N'
Line: 1138

           SELECT responsibility_id,
           FROM   fnd_user_resp_groups
	   WHERE  user_id = cp_user_id
	   AND    SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date AND NVL(end_date,SYSDATE);
Line: 1259

SELECT ci.cal_type,
FROM   igs_ca_inst ci,
       igs_ca_type ca,
       igs_ca_stat cs
WHERE  ci.alternate_code = p_term_alt_code
AND    ci.cal_type = ca.cal_type
AND    ci.cal_status = cs.cal_status
AND    cs.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE'
AND    ca.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD'
AND    ci.ivr_display_ind = 'Y';