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1 PACKAGE BODY gme_batch_step_chg_pvt AS
2 /* $Header: GMEVCHGB.pls 120.1 2005/06/03 13:43:54 appldev  $*/
3    g_pkg_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'gme_batch_step_chg_pvt';
4    g_debug               VARCHAR2 (5)  := fnd_profile.VALUE ('AFLOG_LEVEL');
6 /*===========================================================================================
7    Procedure
8       Set_activity_sequence_num
9    Description
10      This procedure is used to assign the sequence numbers to all the activities of a batch.
11    Parameters
12      pbatch_id                    the batch whose activities are to be numbered.
13  =============================================================================================*/
14    PROCEDURE set_activity_sequence_num (pbatch_id IN NUMBER)
15    IS
16       l_api_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'set_activity_sequence_num';
18       CURSOR get_activities (v_batch_id NUMBER)
19       IS
20          SELECT   gsa.batchstep_id
21                  ,DECODE (gsa.sequence_dependent_ind, 1, 1, 2) seq_dep_order
22                  ,gsa.offset_interval, gsa.activity
23                  ,gsa.batchstep_activity_id
24                  ,NVL (gsa.sequence_dependent_ind, -1)
25                                                       sequence_dependent_ind
26              FROM gme_batch_step_activities gsa
27             WHERE gsa.batch_id = v_batch_id
28          ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
30       v_batch_id            NUMBER        := 0;
32       TYPE act_rec IS RECORD (
33          batchstep_id            gme_batch_step_activities.batchstep_id%TYPE
34         ,seq_dep_order           NUMBER
35         ,offset_interval         gme_batch_step_activities.offset_interval%TYPE
36         ,activity                gme_batch_step_activities.activity%TYPE
37         ,batchstep_activity_id   gme_batch_step_activities.batchstep_activity_id%TYPE
38         ,seq_dep_ind             gme_batch_step_activities.sequence_dependent_ind%TYPE
39       );
41       TYPE act_tbl IS TABLE OF act_rec
44       act_tab               act_tbl;
45       act_cnt               NUMBER        := 1;
46       seq_num               NUMBER        := 0;
47       err_num               NUMBER        := 0;
48       found_seq             NUMBER        := 0;
49       old_step              NUMBER        := -1;
50       lower_seq             NUMBER        := 0;
51       upper_seq             NUMBER        := 0;
52       x                     NUMBER        := 0;
53       y                     NUMBER        := 0;
54    BEGIN
55 /* the seq num will always start at 10 for the first activity after the
56    seq dep activity. */
57       seq_num := 10;
58       old_step := -1;
59       v_batch_id := pbatch_id;
61       OPEN get_activities (v_batch_id);
63       /* select all of the activities for the batch into the table check on the way
64          if there was any numbering done already. */
65       LOOP
66          FETCH get_activities
67           INTO act_tab (act_cnt);
69          EXIT WHEN get_activities%NOTFOUND;
71          IF act_tab (act_cnt).seq_dep_ind > 1 THEN
72             found_seq := 1;
73          END IF;
75          act_cnt := act_cnt + 1;
76       END LOOP;
78       act_cnt := act_cnt - 1;
80       /* loop through the activities to number them if needed */
81       FOR i IN 1 .. act_cnt LOOP
82          /* if the step changes we can reset the seq num to 100 */
83          IF old_step <> act_tab (i).batchstep_id THEN
84             seq_num := 100;
85          END IF;
87          /* this batch has not been numbered so we can just simply number each
88             activity incrementing by 100 after each write  */
89          IF found_seq = 0 THEN
90             /* if the row is the seq dep row it has to be first so we can skip it as the
91                number in seq dep ind is already correct */
92             IF act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind = 1 THEN
93                NULL;
94             ELSE
95                /* set the seq dep ind to the current seq num */
96                act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind := seq_num;
98                IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
99                   gme_debug.put_line
100                                  (   g_pkg_name
101                                   || '.'
102                                   || l_api_name
103                                   || 'found_seq = 0,batchstep_activity_id is'
104                                   || act_tab (i).batchstep_activity_id);
105                   gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
106                                       || '.'
107                                       || l_api_name
108                                       || 'seq. dep. id is'
109                                       || act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind);
110                END IF;
112                UPDATE gme_batch_step_activities
113                   SET sequence_dependent_ind = act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind
114                      ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
115                      ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
116                      ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
117                 WHERE batchstep_activity_id =
118                                              act_tab (i).batchstep_activity_id;
120                IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
121                   err_num := -1;
122                   EXIT;
123                END IF;
125                /* increment the seq num for each processed except the seq dep activity */
126                seq_num := seq_num + 100;
127             END IF;
128          ELSE
129        /* this batch has been numbered so we just need to number the rows that
130           have not been numbered yet */
131             /* if the row is the seq dep row it has to be first so we can skip it as the
132                number in seq dep ind is already correct */
133             IF act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind = 1 THEN
134                NULL;
135             ELSE
136                /* the activity needs to be numbered */
137                IF act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind = -1 THEN
138                   /* first we have to located the previous activity in the step if one
139                      exists to get its seq number. If not set the lower limit to 0 */
140                   x := i - 1;
142                   IF x < 1 THEN
143                      lower_seq := 0;
144                   ELSIF act_tab (x).batchstep_id <> act_tab (i).batchstep_id THEN
145                      lower_seq := 0;
146                   ELSE
147                      lower_seq := act_tab (x).seq_dep_ind;
148                   END IF;
150                   /* get the next activity in the step for the seq num if one exists.
151                      if one does not exist leave the value for upper as -1 */
152                   y := i + 1;
153                   upper_seq := -1;
155                   FOR j IN y .. act_cnt LOOP
156                      IF act_tab (j).batchstep_id <> act_tab (i).batchstep_id THEN
157                         EXIT;
158                      ELSE
159                         IF act_tab (j).seq_dep_ind > -1 THEN
160                            upper_seq := act_tab (j).seq_dep_ind;
161                            EXIT;
162                         END IF;
163                      END IF;
164                   END LOOP;
166                   /* if the upper has been set the it means we have to put the activity
167                      before an existing numbered activity. take the midpoint between for
168                      the new seq num */
169                   IF upper_seq > -1 THEN
170                      act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind :=
171                                       ROUND ( ( (lower_seq + upper_seq) / 2) );
172                   ELSE
173                      /* if the upper does not exist the we just need to added a new seq num
174                         at the normal increment method */
175                      act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind := lower_seq + 100;
176                   END IF;
178                   IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
179                      gme_debug.put_line
180                                  (   g_pkg_name
181                                   || '.'
182                                   || l_api_name
183                                   || 'found_seq = 1,batchstep_activity_id is'
184                                   || act_tab (i).batchstep_activity_id);
185                      gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
186                                          || '.'
187                                          || l_api_name
188                                          || 'seq. dep. id is'
189                                          || act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind);
190                   END IF;
192                   UPDATE gme_batch_step_activities
193                      SET sequence_dependent_ind = act_tab (i).seq_dep_ind
194                         ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
195                         ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
196                         ,last_update_login =
197                                     gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
198                                                              ----- Punit Kumar
199                    WHERE batchstep_activity_id =
200                                              act_tab (i).batchstep_activity_id;
202                   IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
203                      err_num := -1;
204                      EXIT;
205                   END IF;
206                END IF;
207             END IF;
208          END IF;
209       END LOOP;
211       CLOSE get_activities;
212    END set_activity_sequence_num;
214     /*===========================================================================================
215      Procedure
216         Set_all_batch_activities
217      Description
218        This procedure is used to assign the sequence numbers to the activities of pending,wip
219        batchses.
220    =============================================================================================*/
221    PROCEDURE set_all_batch_activities
222    IS
223       l_gme_batch_ids_tab   gme_batch_step_chg_pvt.gme_batch_ids_tab;
225       /* select only pending or wip batches */
226       CURSOR get_batches
227       IS
228          SELECT gbh.batch_id
229            FROM gme_batch_header gbh
230           WHERE gbh.batch_status IN (1, 2);
232       v_batch_id            NUMBER                                   := 0;
233    BEGIN
234       OPEN get_batches;
236       FETCH get_batches
237       BULK COLLECT INTO l_gme_batch_ids_tab;
239       CLOSE get_batches;
241       FOR i IN 1 .. l_gme_batch_ids_tab.COUNT LOOP
242          set_activity_sequence_num (l_gme_batch_ids_tab (i) );
243       END LOOP;
245       COMMIT;
246    END set_all_batch_activities;
248     /*===========================================================================================
249      Procedure
250         Set_sequence_dependent_id
251      Description
252        This procedure is used to assign the sequence numbers to the resouces by populating the
253        sequence_dependent_id field in the gme_batch_Step_resouces table.
254      Parameters
255        pbatch_id  - This identifies the batch whose resources are to be numbered.
256    =============================================================================================*/
257    PROCEDURE set_sequence_dependent_id (pbatch_id IN NUMBER)
258    IS
259 /* this query will select all the resources that need to have the setup applied
260    the step resource must be defined at the plant and be scheduled to an
261    instance There must be an activity defined in the step as sequence dependent.
262    All of the resources in the step will have the setup applied, hence there is
263    no join through activity. we just need to confirm that sequences dependencies
264    will be applied in the step. The sequence type will be found for operation
265    specific or global, hence there will be two outer joins */
266       l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'set_sequence_dependent_id';
268       CURSOR get_batch_details (v_batch_id NUMBER)
269       IS
270          SELECT   gsr.batchstep_resource_id, 1 sds_type, gst.seq_dep_id
271              FROM gme_batch_header gbh
272                  ,gmd_recipe_validity_rules gvr
273                  ,gme_batch_steps gbs
274                  ,gme_batch_step_activities gsa
275                  ,gme_batch_step_resources gsr
276                  ,cr_rsrc_dtl crd
277                  ,ic_item_mst iim
278                  ,gmp_sequence_types gst
279             WHERE gbh.batch_id = v_batch_id
280               AND gbh.recipe_validity_rule_id = gvr.recipe_validity_rule_id
281               AND gbh.batch_id = gbs.batch_id
282               AND gbs.batchstep_id = gsr.batchstep_id
283               AND gvr.item_id = iim.item_id
284               AND iim.seq_category_id IS NOT NULL
285               AND gbs.batchstep_id = gsa.batchstep_id
286               AND gsa.sequence_dependent_ind = 1
287               AND gbh.organization_id = crd.organization_id
288               AND gsr.resources = crd.resources
289               AND crd.schedule_ind = 2
290               AND iim.seq_category_id = gst.category_id
291               AND gbs.oprn_id = gst.oprn_id
292          UNION ALL
293          SELECT   gsr2.batchstep_resource_id, 2 sds_type, gst2.seq_dep_id
294              FROM gme_batch_header gbh2
295                  ,gmd_recipe_validity_rules gvr2
296                  ,gme_batch_steps gbs2
297                  ,gme_batch_step_activities gsa2
298                  ,gme_batch_step_resources gsr2
299                  ,cr_rsrc_dtl crd2
300                  ,gmp_sequence_types gst2
301                  ,ic_item_mst iim2
302             WHERE gbh2.batch_id = v_batch_id
303               AND gbh2.recipe_validity_rule_id = gvr2.recipe_validity_rule_id
304               AND gbh2.batch_id = gbs2.batch_id
305               AND gbs2.batchstep_id = gsr2.batchstep_id
306               AND gvr2.item_id = iim2.item_id
307               AND iim2.seq_category_id IS NOT NULL
308               AND gbs2.batchstep_id = gsa2.batchstep_id
309               AND gsa2.sequence_dependent_ind = 1
310               AND gbh2.organization_id = crd2.organization_id
311               AND gsr2.resources = crd2.resources
312               AND crd2.schedule_ind = 2
313               AND -1 = gst2.oprn_id
314               AND iim2.seq_category_id = gst2.category_id
315          ORDER BY 1, 2;
317       v_batch_id                NUMBER        := 0;
318       v_batchstep_resource_id   NUMBER        := 0;
319       v_sds_type                NUMBER        := 0;
320       v_seq_dep_id              NUMBER        := 0;
321       last_res                  NUMBER        := 0;
322    BEGIN
323       v_batch_id := pbatch_id;
324       last_res := -1;
326       OPEN get_batch_details (v_batch_id);
328       LOOP
329          FETCH get_batch_details
330           INTO v_batchstep_resource_id, v_sds_type, v_seq_dep_id;
332          EXIT WHEN get_batch_details%NOTFOUND;
334          /* if the operation specific type exists use that one */
335          /* if the operation specific does not exist use the global */
336          /* the operation or global existed apply it to the resource otherwise
337             do not update the row and go one to the next row */
338          IF    (v_sds_type = 1)
339             OR (v_sds_type = 2 AND last_res <> v_batchstep_resource_id) THEN
340             last_res := v_batchstep_resource_id;
342             IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
343                gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
344                                    || '.'
345                                    || l_api_name
346                                    || 'v_sds_type ='
347                                    || v_sds_type);
348                gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
349                                    || '.'
350                                    || l_api_name
351                                    || 'seq_dep_id ='
352                                    || v_seq_dep_id);
353                gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
354                                    || '.'
355                                    || l_api_name
356                                    || 'batchstep resource id = '
357                                    || v_batchstep_resource_id);
358             END IF;
360             UPDATE gme_batch_step_resources
361                SET sequence_dependent_id = v_seq_dep_id
362                   ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
363                   ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
364                   ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id     --- Punit
365              WHERE batchstep_resource_id = v_batchstep_resource_id;
366          END IF;
367       END LOOP;
369       CLOSE get_batch_details;
370    END set_sequence_dependent_id;
372 /*===========================================================================================
373    Procedure
374       set_all_batch_sequences
375    Description
376      This procedure is used to assign the sequence dependent ids to the resouces of pending,wip
377      batches
378 =============================================================================================*/
379    PROCEDURE set_all_batch_sequences
380    IS
381       l_gme_batch_ids_tab   gme_batch_ids_tab;
383         /* this cursor will get just the batches where a sequence dependent activity exists.
384       the batch also has to be pending or WIP for this to happen */
385       CURSOR get_batches
386       IS
387          SELECT gbh.batch_id
388            FROM gme_batch_header gbh
389           WHERE gbh.batch_status IN (1, 2)
390             AND gbh.batch_id IN (
391                    SELECT gbh1.batch_id
392                      FROM gme_batch_header gbh1
393                          ,gme_batch_step_activities gsa
394                     WHERE gbh.batch_status IN (1, 2)
395                       AND gbh.batch_id = gsa.batch_id
396                       AND gsa.sequence_dependent_ind = 1);
398       v_batch_id            NUMBER            := 0;
399    BEGIN
400       OPEN get_batches;
402       FETCH get_batches
403       BULK COLLECT INTO l_gme_batch_ids_tab;
405       CLOSE get_batches;
407       FOR i IN 1 .. l_gme_batch_ids_tab.COUNT LOOP
408          set_sequence_dependent_id (l_gme_batch_ids_tab (i) );
409       END LOOP;
411       COMMIT;
412    END set_all_batch_sequences;
414 /*===========================================================================================
415    Procedure
416       Clear_charge_dates
417    Description
418      This procedure clears the charge dates.If the batchstep_id argument is passed then only the
419      charge dates associated to that step will be cleared.If the batchstep_id argument is null,
420      then the dates of all charges associated with the p_batch_id parameter will be cleared.
422 =============================================================================================*/
423    PROCEDURE clear_charge_dates (
424       p_batch_id        IN              NUMBER
425      ,p_batchstep_id    IN              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
426      ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
427    IS
428       l_api_name          CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)      := 'CLEAR_CHARGE_DATES';
430       CURSOR cur_get_batchstep_ids (v_batch_id NUMBER)
431       IS
432          SELECT batchstep_id
433            FROM gme_batch_steps
434           WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id;
436       CURSOR cur_is_charge_associated (
437          v_batch_id       NUMBER
438         ,v_batchstep_id   NUMBER)
439       IS
440          SELECT 1
441            FROM gme_batch_step_charges
442           WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
443             AND batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id
444             AND ROWNUM = 1;
446       l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab      gme_batch_step_chg_pvt.gme_batchstep_ids_tab;
447       l_cur_is_charge_associated   cur_is_charge_associated%ROWTYPE;
448       l_return_status              VARCHAR2 (1);
449    BEGIN
450       /* Set the return status to success initially */
451       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
453       IF p_batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
454          --clear the dates of only charges associated with the step.
455          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
456             gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
457                                 || '.'
458                                 || l_api_name
459                                 || 'batch,step ids are'
460                                 || p_batch_id
461                                 || p_batchstep_id);
462          END IF;
464          OPEN cur_is_charge_associated (p_batch_id, p_batchstep_id);
466          FETCH cur_is_charge_associated
467           INTO l_cur_is_charge_associated;
469          IF cur_is_charge_associated%FOUND THEN
470             CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
472             UPDATE gme_batch_step_charges
473                SET plan_start_date = NULL
474                   ,plan_cmplt_date = NULL
475                   ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
476                   ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
477                   ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id     --- Punit
478              WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id AND batchstep_id = p_batchstep_id;
479          ELSE
480             CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
481          END IF;
482       ELSE
483          --p_batchstep_id not passed.clear the dates for all charges associated with the batch.
484          OPEN cur_get_batchstep_ids (p_batch_id);
486          FETCH cur_get_batchstep_ids
487          BULK COLLECT INTO l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab;
489          CLOSE cur_get_batchstep_ids;
491          FOR i IN 1 .. l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab.COUNT LOOP
492             IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
493                gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
494                                    || l_api_name
495                                    || 'batch,step ids are'
496                                    || p_batch_id
497                                    || l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab (i) );
498             END IF;
500             OPEN cur_is_charge_associated (p_batch_id
501                                           ,l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab (i) );
503             FETCH cur_is_charge_associated
504              INTO l_cur_is_charge_associated;
506             IF cur_is_charge_associated%FOUND THEN
507                CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
509                UPDATE gme_batch_step_charges
510                   SET plan_start_date = NULL
511                      ,plan_cmplt_date = NULL
512                      ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
513                      ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
514                      ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id  --- Punit
515                 WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id
516                   AND batchstep_id = l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab (i);
517             ELSE
518                CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
519             END IF;
520          END LOOP;
521       END IF;
524          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
525          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
526          gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
527                              || '.'
528                              || l_api_name
529                              || ':'
530                              || ' OTHERS:'
531                              || SQLERRM);
532    END clear_charge_dates;
534 /*===========================================================================================
535    Procedure
536       Clear_charges
537    Description
538      This procedure clears the charges.If the batchstep_id argument is passed then only the
539      charges associated to that step will be cleared.If the batchstep_id argument is null,
540      then all charges associated with the p_batch_id parameter will be cleared.
542 =============================================================================================*/
543    PROCEDURE clear_charges (
544       p_batch_id        IN              NUMBER
545      ,p_batchstep_id    IN              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
546      ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
547    IS
548       l_api_name          CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)           := 'CLEAR_CHARGES';
550       CURSOR cur_get_batchstep_ids (v_batch_id NUMBER)
551       IS
552          SELECT batchstep_id
553            FROM gme_batch_steps
554           WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id;
556       CURSOR cur_is_charge_associated (
557          v_batch_id       NUMBER
558         ,v_batchstep_id   NUMBER)
559       IS
560          SELECT 1
561            FROM gme_batch_step_charges
562           WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
563             AND batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id
564             AND ROWNUM = 1;
566       l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab      gme_batch_step_chg_pvt.gme_batchstep_ids_tab;
567       l_cur_is_charge_associated   cur_is_charge_associated%ROWTYPE;
568       l_return_status              VARCHAR2 (1);
569       l_batch_step_charges_in      gme_batch_step_charges%ROWTYPE;
570       clear_chg_error              EXCEPTION;
571    BEGIN
572       /* Set the return status to success initially */
573       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
575       IF p_batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
576          --clear only charges associated with the step.
577          IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
578             gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
579                                 || '.'
580                                 || l_api_name
581                                 || ' batch step ids are'
582                                 || p_batchstep_id
583                                 || p_batch_id);
584          END IF;
586          OPEN cur_is_charge_associated (p_batch_id, p_batchstep_id);
588          FETCH cur_is_charge_associated
589           INTO l_cur_is_charge_associated;
591          IF cur_is_charge_associated%FOUND THEN
592             CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
594             l_batch_step_charges_in.batch_id := p_batch_id;
595             l_batch_step_charges_in.batchstep_id := p_batchstep_id;
597             IF NOT (gme_batch_step_charge_dbl.delete_row
598                            (p_batch_step_charges_in      => l_batch_step_charges_in) ) THEN
599                RAISE clear_chg_error;
600             END IF;
601          ELSE
602             CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
603          END IF;
604       ELSE
605          --p_batchstep_id not passed.clear the dates for all charges associated with the batch.
606          OPEN cur_get_batchstep_ids (p_batch_id);
608          FETCH cur_get_batchstep_ids
609          BULK COLLECT INTO l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab;
611          CLOSE cur_get_batchstep_ids;
613          FOR i IN 1 .. l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab.COUNT LOOP
614             IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
615                gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
616                                    || '.'
617                                    || l_api_name
618                                    || 'batch,step ids are'
619                                    || p_batch_id
620                                    || l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab (i) );
621             END IF;
623             OPEN cur_is_charge_associated (p_batch_id
624                                           ,l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab (i) );
626             FETCH cur_is_charge_associated
627              INTO l_cur_is_charge_associated;
629             IF cur_is_charge_associated%FOUND THEN
630                CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
632                l_batch_step_charges_in.batch_id := p_batch_id;
633                l_batch_step_charges_in.batchstep_id :=
634                                                   l_gme_batchstep_ids_tab (i);
636                IF NOT (gme_batch_step_charge_dbl.delete_row
637                            (p_batch_step_charges_in      => l_batch_step_charges_in) ) THEN
638                   RAISE clear_chg_error;
639                END IF;
640             ELSE
641                CLOSE cur_is_charge_associated;
642             END IF;
643          END LOOP;
644       END IF;
646       WHEN clear_chg_error THEN
647          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
649          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
650          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
651          gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
652                              || '.'
653                              || l_api_name
654                              || ':'
655                              || ' OTHERS:'
656                              || SQLERRM);
657    END clear_charges;
659 /*===========================================================================================
660 Procedure
661  calc_activity_sequence_number
662 Description
663 This procedure calcualates the activity_sequence_number of gme_batch_step_charges table
664 Parameters
665   p_batchstep_id           Batchstep id of the step for whose charge details,the activity
666                                 sequence is to be calculated.
667   p_resoures                    Resource associated with the charges for the step represented by
668                                 p_batchstep_id
669   x_act_seq_num                 The resultant activity_sequence_number
670   x_return_status    outcome of the API call
671             S - Success
672             E - Error
675   Rishi Varma B3718176 14-07-2004
676        Created.
677 =============================================================================================*/
678    PROCEDURE calc_activity_sequence_number (
679       p_batchstep_id    IN              gme_batch_steps.batchstep_id%TYPE
680      ,p_resources       IN              gme_batch_step_resources.resources%TYPE
681      ,x_act_seq_num     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
682      ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
683    IS
684       CURSOR cur_get_seq_dep_ind (
685          v_resources      gme_batch_step_resources.resources%TYPE
686         ,v_batchstep_id   gme_batch_steps.batchstep_id%TYPE)
687       IS
688          SELECT MIN (a.sequence_dependent_ind)
689            FROM gme_batch_step_activities a, gme_batch_step_resources r
690           WHERE r.resources = v_resources
691             AND r.batchstep_activity_id = a.batchstep_activity_id
692             AND a.batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id
693             AND r.batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id
694             AND r.scale_type = 2;
697       l_activity            VARCHAR2 (20);
698    BEGIN
699       IF NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
700          gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name || ' Entering');
701       END IF;
703       /* Initialise the return status to success*/
704       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
706       OPEN cur_get_seq_dep_ind (p_resources, p_batchstep_id);
708       FETCH cur_get_seq_dep_ind
709        INTO x_act_seq_num;
711       IF cur_get_seq_dep_ind%NOTFOUND THEN
712          CLOSE cur_get_seq_dep_ind;
713       END IF;
715       CLOSE cur_get_seq_dep_ind;
717       IF NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
718          gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
719                              || '.'
720                              || l_api_name
721                              || ' In loop:seq dep ind,activity are'
722                              || x_act_seq_num);
723       END IF;
725       IF x_act_seq_num IS NULL THEN
726          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
727       END IF;
728    END calc_activity_sequence_number;
730 /*===========================================================================================
731 Procedure
732  populate_charges_table
733 Description
734 This procedure populates the charge details table gme_batch_step_charges.
735 Parameters
736   p_batchstep_charges_in         The gme_batch_step_charges%ROWTYPE variable used to populate the
737                                 table.
738   p_no_of_charges               The number of calculated charges.
739   p_remaining_quantity          The quantity for the last charge.
740   x_return_status    outcome of the API call
741             S - Success
742             E - Error
743             U - Unexpected error
744   The p_batchstep_charges parameter should have the following attributes populated;batch_id,
745   batchstep_id,charge_quantity,resources,
747   Rishi Varma B3718176 23-07-2004
748        Created.
749 =============================================================================================*/
750    PROCEDURE populate_charges_table (
751       p_batchstep_charges_in   IN              gme_batch_step_charges%ROWTYPE
752      ,p_no_of_charges          IN              NUMBER
753      ,p_remaining_quantity     IN              NUMBER
754      ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
755    IS
756       l_api_name          CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)  := 'POPULATE_CHARGES_TABLE';
757       l_batchstep_charges_in       gme_batch_step_charges%ROWTYPE;
758       l_activity_sequence_number   NUMBER;
759       l_return_status              VARCHAR2 (1);
760       error_act_seq_num_calc       EXCEPTION;
761       error_charge_insert          EXCEPTION;
762    BEGIN
763       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
764       l_batchstep_charges_in := p_batchstep_charges_in;
765       /*Calculating the activity sequence_number*/
766       gme_batch_step_chg_pvt.calc_activity_sequence_number
767                       (p_batchstep_id       => l_batchstep_charges_in.batchstep_id
768                       ,p_resources          => l_batchstep_charges_in.resources
769                       ,x_act_seq_num        => l_activity_sequence_number
770                       ,x_return_status      => l_return_status);
772       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
773          IF NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
774             gme_debug.put_line
775                              ('Error in calculating activity sequence number');
776          END IF;
778          RAISE error_act_seq_num_calc;
779       END IF;
781       l_batchstep_charges_in.activity_sequence_number :=
782                                                     l_activity_sequence_number;
784       FOR i IN 1 .. (p_no_of_charges - 1) LOOP
785          l_batchstep_charges_in.charge_number := i;
787          IF (gme_batch_step_charge_dbl.insert_row
788                            (p_batch_step_charges_in      => l_batchstep_charges_in
789                            ,x_batch_step_charges         => l_batchstep_charges_in) ) THEN
790             IF NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
791                gme_debug.put_line
792                                ('sucessfully inserted into batchstep charges');
793             END IF;
794          ELSE
795             RAISE error_charge_insert;
796          END IF;
797       END LOOP;
799       --Populating the details of the last charge.
800       IF p_remaining_quantity <> -1 THEN
801          l_batchstep_charges_in.charge_quantity := p_remaining_quantity;
802       END IF;
804       l_batchstep_charges_in.charge_number := p_no_of_charges;
806       IF (gme_batch_step_charge_dbl.insert_row
807                            (p_batch_step_charges_in      => l_batchstep_charges_in
808                            ,x_batch_step_charges         => l_batchstep_charges_in) ) THEN
809          IF NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
810             gme_debug.put_line ('sucessfully inserted into batchstep charges');
811          END IF;
812       ELSE
813          RAISE error_charge_insert;
814       END IF;
816       WHEN error_charge_insert OR error_act_seq_num_calc THEN
817          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
819          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
820          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
821          gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name
822                              || '.'
823                              || l_api_name
824                              || ':'
825                              || ' OTHERS:'
826                              || SQLERRM);
827    END;
828 END gme_batch_step_chg_pvt;