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APPS.IGS_AS_GEN_004 dependencies on IGS_PE_PERSON

Line 23: | hz_parties table instead of igs_pe_person view. |

19: | Build'; Bug# 2829291 |
20: | ijeddy 19-Jun-2003 Bug 2884615, addition of notified_date in |
21: | assp_ins_scap_lovall. |
22: | kdande 18-Aug-2003 Bug# 2895945. Changed the cursors to use |
23: | hz_parties table instead of igs_pe_person view. |
24: | smvk 09-Jul-2004 Bug # 3676145. Modified the cursors c_id_no_ind,|
25: | c_id_with_ind, c_surname_no_ind, c_sua_person_id,
26: | c_surname_with_ind, c_uop and c_sua_surname to |
27: | select active (not closed) unit classes. |

Line 208: v_initials igs_pe_person.given_names%TYPE;

204: v_cursor_handle INTEGER;
205: v_student_seq NUMBER DEFAULT 1;
206: v_parse_command VARCHAR2 (1000);
207: v_get_record igs_as_ins_grd_entry%ROWTYPE;
208: v_initials igs_pe_person.given_names%TYPE;
209: v_location_cd igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.location_cd%TYPE;
210: v_unit_class igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_class%TYPE;
211: v_unit_mode igs_as_unit_class.unit_mode%TYPE;
212: CURSOR c_chk_keying_time (cp_keying_time DATE, cp_keying_who igs_as_ins_grd_entry.keying_who%TYPE) IS