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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

|     06/03/2005  V. Kumar        Updated get_transaction_id to include NULL |
|                                 columns for undefined user trx identifier  |
|     12/23/2005  V. Kumar        Added function get_transaction_id          |
|     06/23/2006  V. Kumar        Added function get_conc_segments           |

--           ****************  declaraions  ********************

    (f1               VARCHAR2(80)
    ,f2               VARCHAR2(80));
Line: 119

       ,p_select_str             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
       ,p_from_str               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
       ,p_where_str              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
CURSOR cols_csr IS
   (SELECT xid.transaction_id_col_name_1   trx_col_1
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_2   trx_col_2
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_3   trx_col_3
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_4   trx_col_4
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_1        src_col_1
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_2        src_col_2
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_3        src_col_3
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_4        src_col_4
          ,xem.column_name                 column_name
          ,xem.column_title                PROMPT
          ,utc.data_type                   data_type
      FROM xla_entity_id_mappings   xid
          ,xla_event_mappings_vl    xem
          ,user_tab_columns         utc
     WHERE xid.application_id       = p_application_id
       AND xid.entity_code          = p_entity_code
       AND xem.application_id       = p_application_id
       AND xem.entity_code          = p_entity_code
       AND xem.event_class_code     = p_event_class_code
       AND utc.table_name           = p_reporting_view_name
       AND utc.column_name          = xem.column_name)
     ORDER BY xem.user_sequence;
Line: 297

                   ' SELECT '                     ||
                   ' NULL            dummy '      ||
                     l_col_string                 ||
                   ' FROM '                       ||
                   ' DUAL  dual '                 ||
                     l_view_name                  ||
                   ' WHERE ROWNUM = 1 ' ;
Line: 344

   p_select_str := l_col_string;
Line: 350

         (p_msg      => 'p_select_str = '||p_select_str
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 410

      SELECT application_column_name
        INTO l_balance_segment
        FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values
       WHERE application_id         = 101
         AND id_flex_code           = 'GL#'
         AND id_flex_num            = p_coa_id
         AND attribute_value        = 'Y'
         AND segment_attribute_type = 'GL_BALANCING';
Line: 424

      SELECT application_column_name
        INTO l_account_segment
        FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values
       WHERE application_id         = 101
         AND id_flex_code           = 'GL#'
         AND id_flex_num            = p_coa_id
         AND attribute_value        = 'Y'
         AND segment_attribute_type = 'GL_ACCOUNT';
Line: 438

      SELECT application_column_name
        INTO l_cost_center_segment
        FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values
       WHERE application_id         = 101
         AND id_flex_code           = 'GL#'
         AND id_flex_num            = p_coa_id
         AND attribute_value        = 'Y'
         AND segment_attribute_type = 'FA_COST_CTR';
Line: 452

      SELECT application_column_name
        INTO l_management_segment
        FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values
       WHERE application_id         = 101
         AND id_flex_code           = 'GL#'
         AND id_flex_num            = p_coa_id
         AND attribute_value        = 'Y'
         AND segment_attribute_type = 'GL_MANAGEMENT';
Line: 466

      SELECT application_column_name
        INTO l_intercompany_segment
        FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values
       WHERE application_id         = 101
         AND id_flex_code           = 'GL#'
         AND id_flex_num            = p_coa_id
         AND attribute_value        = 'Y'
         AND segment_attribute_type = 'GL_INTERCOMPANY';
Line: 688

       CASE data_type_code
          WHEN 'C' THEN 'ADV.ANALYTICAL_DETAIL_CHAR_'||TO_CHAR(grouping_order)
          WHEN 'D' THEN 'ADV.ANALYTICAL_DETAIL_DATE_'||TO_CHAR(grouping_order)
          WHEN 'N' THEN 'ADV.ANALYTICAL_DETAIL_NUMBER_'||TO_CHAR(grouping_order)
          ELSE NULL
       END CASE
    INTO l_column_name
    FROM xla_analytical_dtls_b
   WHERE analytical_Detail_code = p_anc_detail_code;
Line: 701

                  ' select 1 from xla_ae_header_details ahd, xla_analytical_dtl_vals adv '||
                  ' where ahd.ae_header_id = '||p_table_alias||'.ae_header_id '||
                  ' and adv.analytical_detail_value_id = ahd.analytical_detail_value_id '||
                  ' and adv.'||l_column_name||' = '''||p_anc_detail_value||''''||
                  ' )';
Line: 708

                  ' select 1 from xla_ae_line_details ald, xla_analytical_dtl_vals adv '||
                  ' where ald.ae_header_id = '||p_table_alias||'.ae_header_id '||
                  ' and ald.ae_line_num = '||p_table_alias||'.ae_line_num '||
                  ' and adv.analytical_detail_value_id = ald.analytical_detail_value_id '||
                  ' and adv.'||l_column_name||' = '''||p_anc_detail_value||''''||
                  ' )';
Line: 744

   select ledger_id
     into l_ledger_id
     from gl_ledgers
    where ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY'
      and ledger_id = p_ledger_id
      and rownum = 1;
Line: 781

    select distinct primary_ledger_id
      into l_ledger_id_out
      from xla_ledger_relationships_v
     where ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 790

    select ledger_id
      into l_ledger_id
      from gl_ledger_set_assignments glsa
     where glsa.ledger_id <> p_ledger_id
       and glsa.ledger_set_id = p_ledger_id
       and rownum = 1;
Line: 797

    select distinct primary_ledger_id
      into l_ledger_id_out
      from xla_ledger_relationships_v
     where ledger_id = l_ledger_id;
Line: 824

  SELECT object_type_code
    INTO l_object_type_code
    FROM gl_ledgers
   WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 847

            aeh.application_id        APPLICATION_ID
           ,xet.entity_code           ENTITY_CODE
           ,xet.event_class_code      EVENT_CLASS_CODE
           ,xeca.reporting_view_name  REPORTING_VIEW_NAME
    FROM    xla_ae_headers            aeh
           ,xla_event_types_b         xet
           ,xla_event_class_attrs     xeca
   WHERE   xet.application_id     =  aeh.application_id
     AND   xet.event_type_code    =  aeh.event_type_code
     AND   xeca.application_id    =  aeh.application_id
     AND   xeca.entity_code       =  xet.entity_code
     AND   xeca.event_class_code  =  xet.event_class_code
     AND   aeh.ledger_id          =  p_ledger_id
     AND   aeh.application_id     =  p_resp_application_id );
Line: 926

               (SELECT  xid.transaction_id_col_name_1   trx_col_1
                       ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_2   trx_col_2
                       ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_3   trx_col_3
                       ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_4   trx_col_4
                       ,xid.source_id_col_name_1        src_col_1
                       ,xid.source_id_col_name_2        src_col_2
                       ,xid.source_id_col_name_3        src_col_3
                       ,xid.source_id_col_name_4        src_col_4
                       ,xem.column_name                 column_name
                       ,xem.column_title                PROMPT
                       ,utc.data_type                   data_type
                  FROM  xla_entity_id_mappings   xid
                       ,xla_event_mappings_vl    xem
                       ,user_tab_columns         utc
                 WHERE xid.application_id       = cur_trx.application_id
                   AND xid.entity_code          = cur_trx.entity_code
                   AND xem.application_id       = cur_trx.application_id
                   AND xem.entity_code          = cur_trx.entity_code
                   AND xem.event_class_code     = cur_trx.event_class_code
                   AND utc.table_name           = cur_trx.reporting_view_name
                   AND utc.column_name          = xem.column_name
              ORDER BY xem.user_sequence)

               l_index := l_index + 1;
Line: 1035

                            ''' THEN  ( SELECT '||l_col_string||
                            ' FROM  '||l_view_name ||' WHERE '|| l_join_string ||')';
Line: 1069

   SELECT  p_table_alias||'.'||application_column_name seg
     FROM  fnd_id_flex_segments
    WHERE  application_id =101
      AND  id_flex_code ='GL#'
      AND  id_flex_num = p_coa_id
 ORDER BY  segment_num ;
Line: 1100

   SELECT  '||'''||concatenated_segment_delimiter||'''||'
     INTO  l_conc_seg_delimiter
     FROM  fnd_id_flex_structures
    WHERE application_id =101
      AND id_flex_code ='GL#'
      AND id_flex_num = p_coa_id;