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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

    smaddali                Modified cursor cur_del_rec to delete the unique record being inserted ,
                            identified by unique key fields for bug 2450449 , also modified call to htis cursor
    bayadav      08-JAN-03  Modified  Cur_person_id cursor to cehck for EBL_AMMENDED_RESULT first then EBL_RESULT
                            while fetching value for approved result
    ayedubat     07-MAR-03  For the Bug,2824978 the column x_imported_date in Igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.insert_row
                            call is populated with  SYSDATE.
                            For the Bug, 2825034 the existing qualifications are deleted first and importing all
                            the qualifications in the UCAS Interface table again.
                            For the Bug, 2825118 a validation is added to check the parent existence of the
                            Grading Schema+Grade Combination before calling the TBH for insertion/updation.
    (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

    /* This is to pickup records from UCAS interface table which have atleast
       one record in UCAS Interface Table,IGS_UC_APP_RESULTS */
    CURSOR Cur_UCAS_interface IS
    SELECT ROWID, Subject_id, year, sitting, Awarding_body,
           external_ref, UPPER(TRIM(Exam_level)) exam_level, Title,
           UPPER(TRIM(Subject_code)) subject_code, Imported
    WHERE subject_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT subject_id FROM IGS_UC_APP_RESULTS ) ;
Line: 45

    SELECT iua.app_no, pe.party_number person_number, iua.Oss_person_id person_id,
           NVL(UPPER(TRIM(iuar.EBL_AMENDED_RESULT)),UPPER(TRIM(iuar.EBL_result))) ebl_result,
           UPPER(TRIM(iuar.Claimed_result)) claimed_result
          IGS_UC_APPLICANTS iua,
          HZ_PARTIES pe
    WHERE iuar.Subject_id = l_subject_id
      AND iuar.App_id = iua.App_id
      AND iua.oss_person_id IS NOT NULL
      AND pe.party_id = iua.oss_person_id ;
Line: 58

      SELECT uqd.ROWID, uqd.qual_dets_id, uqd.person_id, uqd.exam_level, uqd.subject_code, uqd.year, uqd.sitting, uqd.awarding_body, uqd.approved_result
      WHERE imported_flag = 'Y' ;
Line: 73

    SELECT imported_flag
    FROM   igs_uc_qual_dets
    WHERE  person_id       = l_person_id
    AND    Exam_level      = l_exam_level
    AND    ((subject_code = l_subject_code) OR (subject_code IS NULL AND l_subject_code IS NULL))
    AND    ((year = l_year) OR (year IS NULL AND l_year IS NULL))
    AND    ((sitting = l_sitting) OR (sitting IS NULL AND l_sitting IS NULL))
    AND    ((awarding_body = l_awarding_body) OR (awarding_body IS NULL AND l_awarding_body IS NULL))
    AND    ( (approved_result = l_approved_result) OR (approved_result IS NULL AND l_approved_result IS NULL) ) ;
Line: 85

    SELECT Map2 FROM Igs_he_code_map_val
    WHERE  Association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_BDY_ASSOC'
    AND    Map1 = l_awarding_body;
Line: 91

    SELECT Map2 FROM Igs_he_code_map_val
    WHERE  Association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_SBJ_ASSOC'
    AND    Map1 = l_subject_code;
Line: 97

    SELECT Map2 FROM Igs_he_code_map_val
    WHERE  Association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_ASSOC'
    AND    Map1 = l_exam_level;
Line: 108

    SELECT ROWID, Qual_dets_id, Person_id, Exam_level, Subject_code, Year, Sitting, Awarding_body,
           Grading_schema_cd, Version_number, Predicted_result, Approved_result, Claimed_result,
           UCAS_tariff, Imported_flag, Imported_date
    FROM  igs_uc_qual_dets
    WHERE person_id      = l_person_id
    AND   Exam_level     = l_exam_level
    AND   Subject_code   = l_subject_code
    AND   Year           = l_year
    AND   Sitting        = l_sitting
    AND   Awarding_body  = l_awarding_body;
Line: 122

    SELECT grading_schema_cd , gs_version_number
    FROM igs_ps_awd
    WHERE award_cd = cp_award_cd ;
Line: 129

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM igs_av_stnd_unit_lvl_all
    WHERE qual_dets_id = cp_qual_dets_id;
Line: 135

      SELECT person_number
      FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
      WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id;
Line: 147

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM   igs_uc_app_results apr
    WHERE  apr.app_no IN ( SELECT app_no
                           FROM   igs_uc_applicants
                           WHERE  oss_person_id = cp_person_id
    AND    apr.subject_id IN ( SELECT subject_id
                               FROM   igs_uc_com_ebl_subj
                               WHERE  subject_code IN ( SELECT msbj.map1
                                                        FROM   igs_he_code_map_val msbj
                                                        WHERE  msbj.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_SBJ_ASSOC'
                                                        AND    msbj.map2 = cp_subject_code  )
    AND    apr.year    = cp_year
    AND    apr.sitting = cp_sitting
    AND    apr.award_body IN ( SELECT mawb.map1
                               FROM   igs_he_code_map_val mawb
                               WHERE  mawb.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_BDY_ASSOC'
                               AND    mawb.map2 = cp_awarding_body
    AND    apr.exam_level IN ( SELECT mawd.map1
                               FROM   igs_he_code_map_val mawd
                               WHERE  mawd.association_code = 'UCAS_OSS_AWD_ASSOC'
                               AND    mawd.map2 = cp_exam_level
    AND    ( (NVL(UPPER(TRIM(apr.ebl_amended_result)),UPPER(TRIM(apr.ebl_result))) = cp_approved_result)
             OR (cp_approved_result IS NULL AND apr.ebl_amended_result IS NULL AND apr.ebl_result IS NULL)
Line: 189

    l_records_updated     NUMBER;
Line: 190

    l_records_inserted    NUMBER;
Line: 191

    l_records_deleted     NUMBER;
Line: 210

    l_records_deleted := 0;
Line: 218

Line: 284

        igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.delete_row( x_rowid => cur_del_qual_dets_rec.ROWID );
Line: 285

        l_records_deleted := l_records_deleted + 1;
Line: 320

      /* getting the associated person id for inserting in to igs_uc_qual_dets table */
      FOR J IN cur_person_id (I.subject_id)  LOOP

          l_msg_count := igs_ge_msg_stack.count_msg;
Line: 351

            /* This means the record is manually entered so only the approved result should be updated */
            OPEN   cur_qual_dets (J.person_id,  l_oss_exam_level, l_oss_subject_code, I.year, I.sitting, l_oss_awarding_body);
Line: 409

                igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.Update_row ( x_mode              => 'R',
                                                  x_rowid             => Cur_qual_dets_val.ROWID,
                                                  x_Qual_dets_id      => Cur_qual_dets_val.Qual_dets_id,
                                                  x_Person_id         => Cur_qual_dets_val.person_id,
                                                  x_Exam_level        => Cur_qual_dets_val.Exam_level,
                                                  x_Subject_code      => Cur_qual_dets_val.subject_code,
                                                  x_Year              => Cur_qual_dets_val.year,
                                                  x_Sitting           => Cur_qual_dets_val.sitting,
                                                  x_Awarding_body     => Cur_qual_dets_val.awarding_body,
                                                  x_grading_schema_cd => Cur_qual_dets_val.grading_schema_cd,
                                                  x_version_number    => Cur_qual_dets_val.version_number,
                                                  x_Predicted_result  => Cur_qual_dets_val.predicted_result,
                                                  x_Approved_result   => J.EBL_result,
                                                  x_Claimed_result    => Cur_qual_dets_val.claimed_result,
                                                  x_UCAS_tariff       => Cur_qual_dets_val.ucas_tariff,
                                                  x_Imported_flag     => 'Y',
                                                  x_Imported_date     => Cur_qual_dets_val.Imported_date );
Line: 426

                l_records_updated := NVL(l_records_updated,0) + 1 ;
Line: 504

              /* Inserting record in to igs_uc_qual_dets table thru TBH */
              Igs_uc_qual_dets_pkg.Insert_row ( x_mode              => 'R',
                                                x_rowid             => l_rowid,
                                                x_Qual_dets_id      => l_Qual_dets_id,
                                                x_Person_id         => J.person_id,
                                                x_Exam_level        => l_oss_exam_level,
                                                x_Subject_code      => l_oss_subject_code,
                                                x_Year              => I.year,
                                                x_Sitting           => I.sitting,
                                                x_Awarding_body     => l_oss_awarding_body,
                                                x_grading_schema_cd => c_grad_sch_rec.grading_schema_cd ,
                                                x_version_number    => c_grad_sch_rec.gs_version_number,
                                                x_Predicted_result  => NULL,
                                                x_Approved_result   => J.EBL_result,
                                                x_Claimed_result    => J.claimed_result,
                                                x_UCAS_tariff       => NULL,
                                                x_Imported_flag     => 'Y',
                                                x_Imported_date     => TRUNC(SYSDATE) );
Line: 523

              l_records_inserted := NVL(l_records_inserted ,0) + 1 ;
Line: 555

      END LOOP;  -- Insert/Update Igs_uc_qual_dets looop
Line: 564

    fnd_message.set_token('REC_CNT', NVL(l_records_deleted,0));
Line: 567

    fnd_message.set_token('REC_CNT', NVL(l_records_inserted,0));
Line: 570

    fnd_message.set_token('REC_CNT', NVL(l_records_updated,0));
Line: 630

   SELECT grading_schema_cd,
   FROM   igs_ps_awd
   WHERE  award_cd = p_uc_qual_cur.exam_level
   AND    s_award_type IN ('ENTRYQUAL', 'COURSE');
Line: 640

   FROM   igs_ps_fld_of_study
   WHERE  field_of_study = p_uc_qual_cur.subject_code;
Line: 653

   FROM  hz_parties hp,
         igs_pe_hz_parties ihp,
         igs_or_org_inst_type oit,
         igs_or_inst_stat  ois
   WHERE hp.party_id = ihp.party_id
   AND   ihp.oss_org_unit_cd = p_uc_qual_cur.awarding_body
   AND   hp.status = 'A'
   AND   ihp.oi_institution_status = ois.institution_status (+)
   AND   ihp.oi_institution_type = oit.institution_type (+)
   AND   ihp.inst_org_ind = 'I'
   AND   oit.system_inst_type IN ('POST-SECONDARY','OTHER');
Line: 680

   FROM   igs_as_grd_sch_grade gsch,
          igs_as_grd_schema ags
   WHERE  gsch.grading_schema_cd = ags.grading_schema_cd
   AND    gsch.version_number    = ags.version_number
   AND    gsch.grading_schema_cd = cp_grd_sch
   AND    gsch.version_number    = cp_grd_ver
   AND    ags.grading_schema_type = 'AWARD'
   AND    gsch.grade  = NVL(cp_grade, gsch.grade);