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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 55

    SELECT cal_type , start_dt , end_dt
    FROM igs_ca_inst
    WHERE cal_type = cp_cal_type
    AND sequence_number = cp_seq_num;
Line: 161

    SELECT meaning
    FROM  igs_lookup_values
    WHERE lookup_code = cp_code
    AND   lookup_type = 'YES_NO';
Line: 253

     SELECT 'X'
     FROM   igs_pe_persid_group
     WHERE  group_id      =  cp_group_id
     AND    closed_ind    = 'N'
     AND    TRUNC(create_dt) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE);
Line: 262

     SELECT hz.party_number person_number,
            nvl(pp.person_name, hz.party_name) full_name
     FROM   hz_parties hz, hz_person_profiles pp
     WHERE  hz.party_id =  cp_n_person_id
     AND    pp.party_id = cp_n_person_id;
Line: 272

     SELECT 'X'
     FROM   igs_ca_type t , igs_ca_inst i , igs_ca_stat s
     WHERE t.closed_ind = 'N'
     AND t.s_cal_cat = 'FEE'
     AND t.cal_type = cp_cal_type
     AND t.cal_type = i.cal_type
     AND i.sequence_number = cp_ci_seq_num
     AND i.cal_status = s.cal_status
     AND s.s_cal_status = 'ACTIVE';
Line: 285

     SELECT person_id
     FROM igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem
     WHERE group_id = cp_person_grp
     AND (start_date <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) OR start_date IS NULL)
     AND (end_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) OR end_date IS NULL)
     ORDER BY 1;
Line: 293

     SELECT party_id person_id
     FROM hz_parties
     WHERE party_id = cp_person_id
     AND   party_type IN ('ORGANIZATION','PERSON');
Line: 305

     SELECT *
     FROM   igs_fi_inv_int
     WHERE  person_id                =  cp_person_id
     AND    fee_cal_type             =  cp_fee_cal_type
     AND    fee_ci_sequence_number   =  cp_fee_ci_seq_no
     AND    transaction_type         <>'REFUND'
     AND    NVL(waiver_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
     AND    ((cp_fee_type1 IS NULL AND cp_fee_type2 IS NULL  AND cp_fee_type3 IS NULL) OR
             (cp_fee_type1 IS NOT NULL  AND fee_type = cp_fee_type1) OR
             (cp_fee_type2 IS NOT NULL  AND fee_type = cp_fee_type2) OR
             (cp_fee_type3 IS NOT NULL  AND fee_type = cp_fee_type3)
Line: 321

     SELECT *
     FROM   igs_fi_inv_wav_det_v
     WHERE invoice_id             =  cp_inv_id
     AND balance_type             =  cp_bal_type
     AND ((end_dt IS NOT NULL  AND end_dt > cp_rel_dt) OR (end_dt IS NULL));
Line: 623

                  /** For every charge found for a person , inserting a waiver record in the table
                      igs_fi_inv_wav_det if Test Mode is NO.
                      This record is created for an identified charge and the balance type passed in
                      the parameter p_c_bal_type **/

                  IF p_c_test_flag = 'Y' THEN

                     (p_action                            => 'INSERT',
                      x_rowid                             => l_rowid,
                      x_invoice_id                        => l_rec_per_chg.invoice_id,
                      x_balance_type                      => p_c_bal_type,
                      x_start_dt                          => l_start_dt,
                      x_end_dt                            => l_end_dt
Line: 642

                     (x_rowid               => l_rowid,
                      x_invoice_id          => l_rec_per_chg.invoice_id,
                      x_balance_type        => p_c_bal_type,
                      x_start_dt            => l_start_dt,
                      x_end_dt              => l_end_dt,
                      x_mode                => 'R'
                     ) ;
Line: 665

                      If start date of the waiver record is greater than release date then delete the
                      waiver record.
                      If start date of waiver record is less than or equal to release date then
                      update the end date to release date.
                      Note : For releasing a waiver only those waiver records are considered whose
                             end date is either null or is greater than the release date.
                             This is so because waiver records with end date less than release date will
                             already be used for waiver before the release date **/
                  FOR l_chg_wav IN c_chg_wav(l_rec_per_chg.invoice_id,

                      /** Logging message that for this charge the release is being done **/
                      /* Removed the logging of subaccount related information, as a part of Bug # 2564643 */
                      l_msg_str   :=   RPAD(l_rec_per_chg.invoice_number,62)            ||
                                       RPAD(l_rec_per_chg.fee_type,12)                  ||
Line: 690

                               (x_rowid               => l_chg_wav.row_id
Line: 696

                               (x_rowid               => l_chg_wav.row_id,
                                x_invoice_id          => l_chg_wav.invoice_id,
                                x_balance_type        => l_chg_wav.balance_type,
                                x_start_dt            => l_chg_wav.start_dt,
                                x_end_dt              => l_release_dt,
                                x_mode                => 'R'
                               ) ;