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2 /* $Header: jlzzfafs.pls 115.12 2003/09/03 16:38:17 svaze ship $ */
4 /*+=========================================================================+
5   |  PUBLIC FUNCTION                                                        |
6   |    middle_month                                                         |
7   |        p_add_month_number        Month in which the Addition took place.|
8   |        p_ret_month_number        Month in which the Retirement took     |
9   |                                  place.                                 |
10   |        p_include_dpis            Include DPIS month in the periods of   |
11   |                                  use calculation.                       |
12   |        p_include_ret             Include retirement month in the periods|
13   |                                  of use calculation.                    |
14   |                                                                         |
15   |  NOTES                                                                  |
16   |    Middle Month Function:  Assets added or sold in the current FY are   |
17   |  adjusted until the half of the period of use.  The half of the period  |
18   |  of use is obtained from the Middle Month Tables.                       |
19   |                                                                         |
20   |    08-Nov-00   S. Vaze      This procedure is now written due to changes|
21   |                             in the requirement # 1561112.               |
22   |                             The month number 0 in addition signifies    |
23   |                             Addition in the previous year.              |
24   |                             The month number 13 in retirement signifies |
25   |                             Asset is not retired yet.                   |
26   +=========================================================================+*/
27   FUNCTION middle_month (p_add_month_number IN NUMBER
28                        , p_ret_month_number IN NUMBER
29                        , p_include_dpis     IN VARCHAR2
30                        , p_include_ret      IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
33 /*+=========================================================================+
34   |  PUBLIC FUNCTION                                                        |
35   |    periods_of_use                                                       |
36   |        p_add_month_number        Month in which the Addition took place.|
37   |        p_ret_month_number        Month in which the Retirement took     |
38   |                                  place.                                 |
39   |        p_include_dpis            Include DPIS month in the periods of   |
40   |                                  use calculation.                       |
41   |        p_include_ret             Include retirement month in the periods|
42   |                                  of use calculation.                    |
43   |        Returns                   Periods of use                         |
44   |                                                                         |
45   |  NOTES                                                                  |
46   |    Period of use Function:  This function calculates periods of use     |
47   |    depending on the method chosen by the customer.                      |
48   |                                                                         |
49   |    30-Nov-00   S. Vaze      Created.                                    |
50   |    04-Dec-00   C.Leyva      Function Month of Use Completed.            |
51   +=========================================================================+*/
52   FUNCTION periods_of_use (p_add_month_number IN NUMBER
53                          , p_ret_month_number IN NUMBER
54                          , p_include_dpis     IN VARCHAR2
55                          , p_include_ret      IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
58 /*+=========================================================================+
59   |  PUBLIC FUNCTION                                                        |
60   |    asset_cost                                                           |
61   |        p_book_type_code IN  Depreciation Book                           |
62   |        p_asset_id       IN  Asset                                       |
63   |        p_period_counter IN  Period                                      |
64   |        p_asset_cost     OUT Asset cost for this particular period and   |
65   |                             depreciation book.                          |
66   |      Returns                                                            |
67   |        Number           0   Normal completion                           |
68   |                         1   Abnormal completion                         |
69   |                                                                         |
70   |  NOTES                                                                  |
71   |      Given an asset, a depreciation book and a depreciation period,     |
72   |      returns the asset's cost at the end of the period for that         |
73   |      depreciation book.                                                 |
74   |                                                                         |
75   |                                                                         |
76   +=========================================================================+*/
77   FUNCTION asset_cost (p_book_type_code IN VARCHAR2
78                      , p_asset_id       IN NUMBER
79                      , p_period_counter IN NUMBER
80                      , p_asset_cost     IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
81                      , p_mrcsobtype     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'P') RETURN NUMBER;
83 /*+=========================================================================+
84   |  PUBLIC FUNCTION                                                        |
85   |    asset_desc                                                           |
86   |        p_asset_number   IN  Asset                                       |
87   |                                                                         |
88   |      Returns                                                            |
89   |        p_asset_desc         Asset Description                           |
90   |                                                                         |
91   |  NOTES                                                                  |
92   |      Given an asset, returns the asset's description.                   |
93   |                                                                         |
94   |                                                                         |
95   +=========================================================================+*/
96   FUNCTION asset_desc (p_asset_number   IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
98 /*+=========================================================================+
99   |  PUBLIC PROCEDURE                                                       |
100   |    populate_FA_Exhibit_Data                                             |
101   |        p_tax_book             IN  VARCHAR2                              |
102   |        p_corp_book            IN  VARCHAR2                              |
103   |        p_conc_request_id      IN  NUMBER                                |
104   |        p_period_counter_from  IN  NUMBER                                |
105   |        p_period_counter_to    IN  NUMBER                                |
106   |                                                                         |
107   |      Returns                                                            |
108   |                                                                         |
109   |                                                                         |
110   |  NOTES                                                                  |
111   |      This procedure populates data in temporary table                   |
112   |      JL_AR_FA_EXHIBIT_REPORT                                            |
113   |      which is used to present the information in the Argentine Report.  |
114   |                                                                         |
115   +=========================================================================+*/
116   PROCEDURE populate_FA_Exhibit_Data (p_tax_book      IN VARCHAR2,
117                                       p_corp_book     IN VARCHAR2,
118                                       p_conc_request_id     IN  NUMBER,
119                                       p_period_counter_from IN  NUMBER,
120                                       p_period_counter_to   IN  NUMBER,
121                                       p_mrcsobtype          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'P');