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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

      SELECT mtp.organization_code
           , msi.inventory_item_id
           , msi.concatenated_segments
           , msi.description
           , msi.primary_uom_code
           , msi.secondary_uom_code
           , mln.lot_number
           , mln.gen_object_id
           , ohd.primary_transaction_quantity
           , ohd.secondary_transaction_quantity
           , expiration_date date_column
        FROM mtl_lot_numbers mln
           , mtl_parameters mtp
           , mtl_system_items_kfv msi
           , mtl_onhand_quantities_detail ohd;
Line: 41

      SELECT mtp.organization_code
           , msi.inventory_item_id
           , msi.concatenated_segments
           , msi.description
           , msi.primary_uom_code
           , msi.secondary_uom_code
           , msn.serial_number
           , msn.gen_object_id
           , msn.current_status
           , mfgl.meaning serial_status
           , msn.initialization_date date_column
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
           , mtl_parameters mtp
           , mtl_system_items_kfv msi
           , mfg_lookups mfgl;
Line: 62

      SELECT mdsv.category_set_id
           , mdsv.category_set_name
           , mdsv.structure_id
           , mcv.category_id
           , mcv.category_concat_segs
        FROM mtl_default_sets_view mdsv
           , mtl_categories_v mcv
           , mtl_item_categories mic
       WHERE mdsv.functional_area_id = 1
         AND mdsv.structure_id = mcv.structure_id
         AND mic.category_set_id = mdsv.category_set_id
         AND mcv.category_id = mic.category_id
         AND mic.organization_id = p_org_id
         AND mic.inventory_item_id = p_inv_item_id
         AND mic.category_id = p_catg_id;
Line: 82

      SELECT mdsv.category_set_id
           , mdsv.category_set_name
           , mdsv.structure_id
           , mcv.category_id
           , mcv.category_concat_segs
        FROM mtl_default_sets_view mdsv
           , mtl_categories_v mcv
           , mtl_item_categories mic
       WHERE mdsv.functional_area_id = 1
         AND mdsv.structure_id = mcv.structure_id
         AND mic.category_set_id = mdsv.category_set_id
         AND mcv.category_id = mic.category_id
         AND mic.organization_id = p_org_id
         AND mic.inventory_item_id = p_inv_item_id;
Line: 101

      SELECT mtp.process_enabled_flag
           , msi.process_quality_enabled_flag
        FROM mtl_parameters mtp, mtl_system_items msi
       WHERE mtp.organization_id = p_org_id
         AND mtp.organization_id = msi.organization_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id = p_inv_item_id;
Line: 161

      SELECT end_user_column_name
        INTO l_user_column_name
        FROM fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl
       WHERE application_id = 401
         AND descriptive_flexfield_name =
                DECODE (p_query_for
                      , 'LOT', 'Lot Attributes'
                      , 'Serial Attributes'
         AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
         AND application_column_name = p_date_type
         AND descriptive_flex_context_code = l_attr_ctxt;
Line: 264

       FOR    'select '
           || l_lot_column_list
           || ' from '
           || l_lot_table_list
           || ' where '
           || l_lot_where_clause
           || ' group by '
           || l_lot_group_by
       USING p_organization_id
           , p_from_lot
           , p_to_lot
           , p_from_item
           , p_to_item
           , l_attr_context;
Line: 310

            SELECT expiration_action_code
              INTO l_expiration_action_code
              FROM mtl_lot_numbers
             WHERE lot_number = l_lot_rec.lot_number
               AND organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND inventory_item_id = l_lot_rec.inventory_item_id;
Line: 439

Line: 451

	       -- Raise oracle.apps.gmi.lotexpirydate.update and oracle.apps.gmi.lotretestdate.update
	       -- instead of oracle.apps.gmd.lotexpiry and oracle.apps.gmd.lotretest
                         (p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.gmi.lotexpirydate.update'
                        , p_event_key => TO_CHAR (p_organization_id)
                           || '-'
                           || TO_CHAR (l_lot_rec.inventory_item_id)
                           || '-'
                           || l_lot_rec.lot_number);
Line: 464

                         (p_event_name => 'oracle.apps.gmi.lotretestdate.update'
                        , p_event_key => TO_CHAR (p_organization_id)
                           || '-'
                           || TO_CHAR (l_lot_rec.inventory_item_id)
                           || '-'
                           || l_lot_rec.lot_number);
Line: 554

       FOR    'select '
           || l_serial_column_list
           || ' from '
           || l_serial_table_list
           || ' where '
           || l_serial_where_clause
       USING p_organization_id
           , p_from_serial
           , p_to_serial
           , p_from_item
           , p_to_item
           , l_lookup_type
           , l_attr_context;
Line: 693
