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Line 119: FUNCTION chk_charge_adjusted(p_n_invoice_id IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,

115: g_inv_amt_due igs_fi_inv_int.invoice_amount_due%TYPE;
116: g_curr_cd igs_fi_control.currency_cd%TYPE;
117: g_v_manage_accounts igs_fi_control_all.manage_accounts%TYPE;
119: FUNCTION chk_charge_adjusted(p_n_invoice_id IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
120: p_n_inv_amt IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN;
122: FUNCTION validate_ftci(p_c_fee_cal_type IN igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
123: p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number IN igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,

Line 120: p_n_inv_amt IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN;

116: g_curr_cd igs_fi_control.currency_cd%TYPE;
117: g_v_manage_accounts igs_fi_control_all.manage_accounts%TYPE;
119: FUNCTION chk_charge_adjusted(p_n_invoice_id IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
120: p_n_inv_amt IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN;
122: FUNCTION validate_ftci(p_c_fee_cal_type IN igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
123: p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number IN igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
124: p_c_fee_type IN igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_type%TYPE,

Line 522: l_v_transaction_type igs_fi_inv_int_all.transaction_type%TYPE;

518: l_ret_status BOOLEAN;
519: l_err_type NUMBER;
520: l_version_number igs_en_stdnt_ps_att.version_number%TYPE;
521: l_st_date igs_or_unit.start_dt%TYPE;
522: l_v_transaction_type igs_fi_inv_int_all.transaction_type%TYPE;
524: -- As part of the bug #1962286 the local variables l_unit_cd and l_unit_version_number were added
526: l_unit_cd igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE;

Line 1199: skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns of the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL

1196: Change History
1198: Who When What
1199: skharida 26-Jun-2006 Bug 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns of the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
1200: akandreg 20-Jun-2006 Bug 5116519 - The Message 'IGS_FI_INVALID_FTCI' is modified .The old token FEE_CAL_TYPE
1201: is replaced by new token CI_DESC and passed fee CI description to that. Also the cursor
1202: cur_alt_cd_desc is modified to select another column 'description' from igs_ca_inst_all.
1203: pathipat 12-Jun-2006 Bug 5306868 - Modified cursor cur_chg: Added filter on invoice_amount_due

Line 1294: Balance_Flag has been removed from IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL, IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL tables,

1290: Changed the call to IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_PKG.Insert_row.
1291: vchappid 05-Oct-2001 As a part of Enh Bug#2030448, the call to the calculate balances process is
1292: replaced with a call to the new procedure Update_Balances created as a part
1293: of the SFCR010. Limitation of the Accounting Method to CASH is removed,
1294: Balance_Flag has been removed from IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL, IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL tables,
1295: New column optional_fee_flag column is added in IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL Table.
1296: smadathi 12-oct-2001 As part of enhancement bug#2042716 , the TBH calls to
1297: IGS_FI_PARTY_SUBACTS modified . Payment_plan_flag added.
1298: jbegum 19-Nov-2001 As part of Enhancement bug #2113459 the following changes were done:

Line 1295: New column optional_fee_flag column is added in IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL Table.

1291: vchappid 05-Oct-2001 As a part of Enh Bug#2030448, the call to the calculate balances process is
1292: replaced with a call to the new procedure Update_Balances created as a part
1293: of the SFCR010. Limitation of the Accounting Method to CASH is removed,
1294: Balance_Flag has been removed from IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL, IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL tables,
1295: New column optional_fee_flag column is added in IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL Table.
1296: smadathi 12-oct-2001 As part of enhancement bug#2042716 , the TBH calls to
1297: IGS_FI_PARTY_SUBACTS modified . Payment_plan_flag added.
1298: jbegum 19-Nov-2001 As part of Enhancement bug #2113459 the following changes were done:
1299: Added a new cursor cur_ret.

Line 1341: l_n_invoice_amount igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;

1337: l_dr_account_cd igs_fi_invln_int_all.rec_account_cd%TYPE;
1338: l_cr_account_cd igs_fi_invln_int_all.rev_account_cd%TYPE;
1340: l_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := NULL;
1341: l_n_invoice_amount igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
1342: l_n_amount igs_fi_invln_int_all.amount%TYPE;
1344: -- Cursor for getting the record from the Charges table based on the invoice id
1345: -- passed to the cursor

Line 1386: cp_transaction_type igs_fi_inv_int_all.transaction_type%TYPE,

1382: cp_fee_cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
1383: cp_fee_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE,
1384: cp_fee_cat igs_fi_fee_cat.fee_cat%TYPE,
1385: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1386: cp_transaction_type igs_fi_inv_int_all.transaction_type%TYPE,
1387: cp_uoo_id igs_fi_invln_int_all.uoo_id%TYPE,
1388: cp_location_cd igs_fi_invln_int_all.location_cd%TYPE,
1389: cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS
1390: SELECT inv.rowid row_id,

Line 1389: cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS

1385: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
1386: cp_transaction_type igs_fi_inv_int_all.transaction_type%TYPE,
1387: cp_uoo_id igs_fi_invln_int_all.uoo_id%TYPE,
1388: cp_location_cd igs_fi_invln_int_all.location_cd%TYPE,
1389: cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS
1390: SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
1391: inv.invoice_id invoice_id,
1392: inv.invoice_amount_due invoice_amount_due,
1393: inv.invoice_amount invoice_amount

Line 1394: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv,

1390: SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
1391: inv.invoice_id invoice_id,
1392: inv.invoice_amount_due invoice_amount_due,
1393: inv.invoice_amount invoice_amount
1394: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv,
1395: igs_fi_invln_int_all iln
1396: WHERE inv.invoice_id = iln.invoice_id
1397: AND inv.person_id = cp_person_id
1398: AND inv.fee_type = cp_fee_type

Line 1420: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv

1416: SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
1417: inv.invoice_id,
1418: inv.invoice_amount_due,
1419: inv.invoice_amount
1420: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv
1421: WHERE inv.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
1422: AND inv.invoice_amount_due > 0
1423: ORDER BY invoice_amount_due DESC;

Line 1465: SELECT igs_fi_inv_int_all_s1.NEXTVAL

1462: -- Bug #2998266 Added the following cursor
1463: CURSOR c_get_nextval
1464: IS
1465: SELECT igs_fi_inv_int_all_s1.NEXTVAL
1466: FROM DUAL;
1467: l_n_get_nextval NUMBER;
1469: l_v_igs_fi_auto_calc_waivers VARCHAR2(1);

Line 1525: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv

1521: SELECT inv.rowid row_id,
1522: inv.invoice_id,
1523: inv.invoice_amount_due,
1524: inv.invoice_amount
1525: FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all inv
1526: WHERE inv.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
1527: ORDER BY invoice_id ASC;
1529: -- Cursor to fetch sum of all negative adjustment credits for a given invoice_id

Line 1530: CURSOR cur_chgadj(cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS

1526: WHERE inv.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
1527: ORDER BY invoice_id ASC;
1529: -- Cursor to fetch sum of all negative adjustment credits for a given invoice_id
1530: CURSOR cur_chgadj(cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS
1531: SELECT SUM(amount_applied)
1532: FROM igs_fi_credits fc,
1533: igs_fi_cr_types crt,
1534: igs_fi_applications app

Line 1541: l_n_elg_amt igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;

1537: AND fc.status = g_cleared
1538: AND fc.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
1539: AND crt.credit_class = g_neg_cr_class;
1541: l_n_elg_amt igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE;
1542: l_n_chgadj_amt igs_fi_applications.amount_applied%TYPE;
1544: BEGIN

Line 2562: FUNCTION chk_charge_adjusted(p_n_invoice_id IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,

2559: END create_charge;
2562: FUNCTION chk_charge_adjusted(p_n_invoice_id IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
2563: p_n_inv_amt IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN AS
2564: /***********************************************************************************************
2565: Created By: Priya Athipatla
2566: Date Created By: 29-03-2006

Line 2563: p_n_inv_amt IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN AS

2559: END create_charge;
2562: FUNCTION chk_charge_adjusted(p_n_invoice_id IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
2563: p_n_inv_amt IN igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN AS
2564: /***********************************************************************************************
2565: Created By: Priya Athipatla
2566: Date Created By: 29-03-2006
2567: Purpose: This function validates if the charge has been completely adjusted or not.

Line 2574: CURSOR cur_chk_adj(cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,

2570: Who When What
2571: ********************************************************************************************** */
2573: -- Cursor to check if the invoice has been completely adjusted previously
2574: CURSOR cur_chk_adj(cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
2575: cp_inv_amt igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) IS
2576: SELECT 'x'
2577: FROM igs_fi_credits_all fc,
2578: igs_fi_cr_types_all crt,

Line 2575: cp_inv_amt igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) IS

2571: ********************************************************************************************** */
2573: -- Cursor to check if the invoice has been completely adjusted previously
2574: CURSOR cur_chk_adj(cp_invoice_id igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE,
2575: cp_inv_amt igs_fi_inv_int_all.invoice_amount%TYPE) IS
2576: SELECT 'x'
2577: FROM igs_fi_credits_all fc,
2578: igs_fi_cr_types_all crt,
2579: igs_fi_applications app